Federal Judge Blocks Florida From Enforcing Anti-Riot Law


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is very good news to all who love our constitution, the first amendment, freedom and liberty.

The judge ruled against the state of Florida but DeSantis is going to appeal so we will have to wait for the final ruling at either the appeals court or Supreme Court.

But for now, that law isn't in effect in Florida.

This is very good news to all who love our constitution, the first amendment, freedom and liberty.

The judge ruled against the state of Florida but DeSantis is going to appeal so we will have to wait for the final ruling at either the appeals court or Supreme Court.

But for now, that law isn't in effect in Florida.

Is it that just the wording of it is too vague and needs to be tightened up?
Or, is it something more partisan with you, Dana?
Clarifying the language is perfectly acceptable. Denying average citizens the right to defend themselves in mob situations is just not going to be allowed without a fight. I suspect the OP would cheerfully see some guy in his car surrounded by "righteous" protesters who are trying to get at him to harm or even kill him. This madness we've seen out west where mobs are protected and any person who harms them as a means of self-defense gets the full weight of the law.
THAT won't be accepted down south. Have a couple of situations like that where an innocent citizen is imprisoned for self-defense and all hell is going to break loose.
This is very good news to all who love our constitution, the first amendment, freedom and liberty.

The judge ruled against the state of Florida but DeSantis is going to appeal so we will have to wait for the final ruling at either the appeals court or Supreme Court.

But for now, that law isn't in effect in Florida.

The ruling was very narrow.
They way the law is written means people who are peacefully protesting when when a protest becomes violent or who people who just happen to be in the area, could be arrested and criminally charged. It is meant to send fear to those who might try and protest. Republicans seem to be passsing a lot of these laws lately.
This is very good news to all who love our constitution, the first amendment, freedom and liberty.

The judge ruled against the state of Florida but DeSantis is going to appeal so we will have to wait for the final ruling at either the appeals court or Supreme Court.

But for now, that law isn't in effect in Florida.

No problem, down here in Florida there are plenty of law abiding citizens that have CC permits. I wont hesitate to put a few ANTIFA/BLM in social distancing 6ft under, and let Lucifer sort them out.
They way the law is written means people who are peacefully protesting when when a protest becomes violent or who people who just happen to be in the area, could be arrested and criminally charged. It is meant to send fear to those who might try and protest. Republicans seem to be passsing a lot of these laws lately.

when this shit starts to happen, just aim at the hand holding the flaming bottle and you get the dance of joy.

Nothing and i mean nothing is more fun, than watching a Socialist catch on fire..
This is very good news to all who love our constitution, the first amendment, freedom and liberty.

The judge ruled against the state of Florida but DeSantis is going to appeal so we will have to wait for the final ruling at either the appeals court or Supreme Court.

But for now, that law isn't in effect in Florida.

U.S. District Judge Mark Walker
I think this Prog Judge needs a good riot party right outside his house, you know like they did in Portland..You know, somewhat peaceful protest..

They way the law is written means people who are peacefully protesting when when a protest becomes violent or who people who just happen to be in the area, could be arrested and criminally charged. It is meant to send fear to those who might try and protest. Republicans seem to be passsing a lot of these laws lately.
Well....as long as Democrats keep giving us reasons for these new laws....they'll keep trying to hold them accountable for it.
They way the law is written means people who are peacefully protesting when when a protest becomes violent or who people who just happen to be in the area, could be arrested and criminally charged. It is meant to send fear to those who might try and protest. Republicans seem to be passsing a lot of these laws lately.

When a protest becomes violent. the protest should be over. they can try it again tomorrow.
It should be stopped immediately every time it starts to become violent and then maybe the assholes will get the message. Problem it is ALLOWED to get to that point.
To many stupid people dont know what a peaceful protest is suppossed to be. You protest with your brain and your mouth. You keep your hands to yourself and you dont break other peoples stuff.
Well....as long as Democrats keep giving us reasons for these new laws....they'll keep trying to hold them accountable for it.
They aren’t. Like laws muzzling discussion of CRT, this is just another example of the right’s anti-constitutional authoritarianism.

Freedom of speech?
Freedom of assembly?
They aren’t. Like laws muzzling discussion of CRT, this is just another example of the right’s anti-constitutional authoritarianism.

Freedom of speech?
Freedom of assembly?
They don't want to DISCUSS CRT.....they want to use it to brainwash our kids....they want to twist their minds so that they can become wokish scumbags who hate WHITE PEOPLE.
Talking about SYSTEMIC RACISM.....that's pretty much what CRT is.
In Japan....kids are taught to respect authority figures and the elderly. If someone finds a 500 Yen laying on a seat in the subway someone will tape it to the window and a leave a note hoping the owner will claim it.
In America our kids are being taught how to become DRAG QUEENS and how to fuck each other over and blame the results of this formal education on WHITE MALES.
They aren’t. Like laws muzzling discussion of CRT, this is just another example of the right’s anti-constitutional authoritarianism.

Freedom of speech?
Freedom of assembly?
The right isn't muzzling any discussion of CRT. The left is
They way the law is written means people who are peacefully protesting when when a protest becomes violent or who people who just happen to be in the area, could be arrested and criminally charged. It is meant to send fear to those who might try and protest. Republicans seem to be passsing a lot of these laws lately.

If it prevents one person from being killed during a "violent" protest it was worth it. If it prevents one store owners shop from being burned or looted , it was worth it.
People from the NAACP and BLM will tell you these are necessary casualties or insurance will cover it. Fuck them... they are contributing to the breakdown of a civil society.

Freedom of speech IS allowed and always should be allowed. Freedom to say what you want to say is allowed.. you and anyone can get a permit.. raise money and rent out a venue... no one can stop that except maybe if you are a conservative speaker on a college campus... then you better wear a helmet and plastic rain gear.
Bottom line, something needs to change. Violence during protests should no longer be seen as acceptble from any side of the spectrum... it invites something to get out of hand , it makes people feel free to do whatever the hell they want, because they know... no one really gives a shit.

Jan 6 riots never would happened but for the fact this type of thing was allowed to go on all year with minimal pushback. You allow leftist radicals who want to take over part of Portland do whatever they want and then people on the extreme right are going to say fuck it... and how can you then blame them??

Please stop making excuses for people who need to respect society or just go home. If they want do damage things or throw things at people I dont want to hear what they have to say.

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