FBI FOIA release Clinton email investigation

Can you tell us what this about? Or are you too as useless as our current congress? The FBI had to know Hillary was using a private server or they are more stupid than I would have thought. Her address gave that away. It didn't matter until the useless republicans realized they had nothing in Benghazi so being the birdbrains they are they decided oh gee, we can make up all kinda shat now.
Can you tell us what this about? Or are you too as useless as our current congress? The FBI had to know Hillary was using a private server or they are more stupid than I would have thought. Her address gave that away. It didn't matter until the useless republicans realized they had nothing in Benghazi so being the birdbrains they are they decided oh gee, we can make up all kinda shat now.

fuck you tool

are you so fucking stupid that you cant figure out

which report asshat

FBI FOIA release Clinton email investigation
it looks like the investigation in to hillarys email scandal

wasnt the only FIOA released

marc rich pardon as well


“It appears that the required pardon standards and procedures were not followed,”

This initial release consists of material from the FBI's files related to the William J. Clinton Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. The bulk of these records come from a 2001 FBI investigation into the pardon of Marc Rich (1934-2013), aka Marcell David Reich, by President Clinton in 2001; it was closed in 2005. The material is heavily redacted due to personal privacy protections and grand jury secrecy rules.

William J. Clinton Foundation
#2 is mistaken. Lax security at Benghazi links to the Fort Mims Massacre as does crude forms of abortion. It also links the dates for Anna Politkovskaya and Alexander Litvinenko. Al-Shabab recruiting for the Kenya Mall attack links the geography near Fort Mims to Daphne, Alabama. The Kremlin would also be interested in knowing about the Clinton mafia link to Paducah, Kentucky, which is a link to the Boris Nemtsov murder in Moscow, the day before the forced penetration exercise "Warlord Rock" in Hungary...
FBI's FOIA is synching with Yahoo's report today for Marc Rich. The Kremlin knows the Berne connection. It is "Paul Ruegg" mentioned in Chapman Pincher's book, Too Secret Too Late. MI5 & MI6 may now review Pincher's passages to prove to themselves that the "Paul Ruegg" connection is also a Clinton mafia connection to AS Hubaker for second trimester abortion (Advances in Planned Parenthood) linked to Joshua Reynolds DNA (Clionton employee DNA) at Temperance, Michigan, which is also the Swiss connection for "Paul Ruegg.".

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