Famous Libertarians

That's Rabbid's description of anyone and everyone who isn't an Israel-firster neocon, who licks the boots of the Likud Party.

I won't support any candidate who supports international welfare or the neocon policy of bleeding troops and treasure.

That leaves you voting for losers.

That's right, don't be a loser. In fact, with a Congress of only about 9% approval rating, these winners keep getting elected anyway.

This is the state of the democracy in the US, the same democracy they wish to export to the rest of the world.
"America should "never get caught up in conflict with any foreign state unless attacked or otherwise provoked." - Grover Cleveland

What happened to that simple common sense approach??

If Grover were alive today, he would have to run on the GOP ticket, only to be ridiculed by the press and the rest of the GOP like Ron Paul was.
I'm trying to logically understand how Republicans can claim the high ground on National Security when they elect those who support /supported TARP and continue to support international welfare with a crippling debt? It's sheer insanity.. The number one National Security issue should be the debt.
Um, there's Ayn Rand. And Ron Paul. And whatshisname the washout former governor of Nevada who ran for president. And um.. Yeah. I'll get back to you.

Let's face it: Narco-libertarianism is a loser at the polls. About 70% of what they stand for is terrific. The other 30% is so obnoxious as to make it irrelevant.

Enjoy the ban douche bag! :D
We need a viable Libertarian candidate for 2016.. I was searching the web and found this site.. Interesting people on it.

List of Famous Libertarians (Page 2)

Those people are so famous I have not heard of 95 percent of them. It's also hilarious they listed them by their first names.

Did you notice they counted Penn Jillette twice? :lol:

And I think Letterman would be surprised to learn he is a Libertarian. Methinks someone took some liberties.

Pretty much everybody has libertarian urges. It's all in where you draw the line. If there's no line at all, you're an anarchist, which is basically what Rand thought hard-core libertarians are, despite their protestations to the contrary.

Are you saying Anarchists don't have a line in the sand? I mean I do...I don't want people just going around killing people...I believe in no government because government is inherently evil.
We need a viable Libertarian candidate for 2016.. I was searching the web and found this site.. Interesting people on it.

List of Famous Libertarians (Page 2)

There is no such thing.

And if by some weird happenstance a ‘libertarian’ should be elected president – unless he’s planning on becoming a dictator – little if anything will change, and it’s naïve to believe otherwise.
Um, there's Ayn Rand. And Ron Paul. And whatshisname the washout former governor of Nevada who ran for president. And um.. Yeah. I'll get back to you.

Let's face it: Narco-libertarianism is a loser at the polls. About 70% of what they stand for is terrific. The other 30% is so obnoxious as to make it irrelevant.

The demopublicans use US treasury funds to provide welfare type benefits.

The Libertarians promise freedom

A welfare state = government BUY the people.


If liberatarians ran this country we'd be soooooooooo much more fucked then we are already.
We need a viable Libertarian candidate for 2016.. I was searching the web and found this site.. Interesting people on it.

List of Famous Libertarians (Page 2)

There is no such thing.

And if by some weird happenstance a ‘libertarian’ should be elected president – unless he’s planning on becoming a dictator – little if anything will change, and it’s naïve to believe otherwise.

Can you prove that statement? We've had a couple of centuries for a two party system to rule absolute and they've TRASHED our nation.. yet here you are, a water carrier making an asinine statement with nothing to back it up? INSANITY.
If liberatarians ran this country we'd be soooooooooo much more fucked then we are already.

Rocko, how so? We've not even existed 300 years and are on the brink (Our Republic) of falling.. Is this your definition of success?
Those people are so famous I have not heard of 95 percent of them. It's also hilarious they listed them by their first names.

Did you notice they counted Penn Jillette twice? :lol:

And I think Letterman would be surprised to learn he is a Libertarian. Methinks someone took some liberties.

Pretty much everybody has libertarian urges. It's all in where you draw the line. If there's no line at all, you're an anarchist, which is basically what Rand thought hard-core libertarians are, despite their protestations to the contrary.

Are you saying Anarchists don't have a line in the sand? I mean I do...I don't want people just going around killing people...I believe in no government because government is inherently evil.

What "exactly" do you think keeps people from killing people.

You have 2 choices really. You have a government, or you are armed to the teeth and constantly watching your back.
Pretty much everybody has libertarian urges. It's all in where you draw the line. If there's no line at all, you're an anarchist, which is basically what Rand thought hard-core libertarians are, despite their protestations to the contrary.

Are you saying Anarchists don't have a line in the sand? I mean I do...I don't want people just going around killing people...I believe in no government because government is inherently evil.

What "exactly" do you think keeps people from killing people.

You have 2 choices really. You have a government, or you are armed to the teeth and constantly watching your back.

Sallow, with you being a die hard Marxist I honestly don't think anyone in this thread gives a rats butt about ANYTHING you have to say.. just being straight with you.
Are you saying Anarchists don't have a line in the sand? I mean I do...I don't want people just going around killing people...I believe in no government because government is inherently evil.

What "exactly" do you think keeps people from killing people.

You have 2 choices really. You have a government, or you are armed to the teeth and constantly watching your back.

Sallow, with you being a die hard Marxist I honestly don't think anyone in this thread gives a rats butt about ANYTHING you have to say.. just being straight with you.

And yet here you are capturing my post and answering.

What "exactly" do you think keeps people from killing people.

You have 2 choices really. You have a government, or you are armed to the teeth and constantly watching your back.

Sallow, with you being a die hard Marxist I honestly don't think anyone in this thread gives a rats butt about ANYTHING you have to say.. just being straight with you.

And yet here you are capturing my post and answering.


I didn't answer anything.. You need better reading comprehension skills. I stated a fact. No Libertarian cares what a far left kook thinks.. It's just the truth. We see you as nothing more than a useful idiot.
Sallow, with you being a die hard Marxist I honestly don't think anyone in this thread gives a rats butt about ANYTHING you have to say.. just being straight with you.

And yet here you are capturing my post and answering.


I didn't answer anything.. You need better reading comprehension skills. I stated a fact. No Libertarian cares what a far left kook thinks.. It's just the truth. We see you as nothing more than a useful idiot.

You stated shit.

First off, I am no "Marxist" (unless you are referring to Groucho Marx).

Second off, this is a new kick for you. Third? Libertarians in general are regarded as kooks and an adjunct to Republicans. No "Libertarian" has run on the Democratic ticket.

Fourth, your bullshit about "Freedom" ends when you, yourself, seek to impose all sorts of restrictions on women and their right to choose what they do with their bodies.

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