Rasmussen: Obama Approval at 50%

  • Gallup approval 46 disapproval 46 7/11 - 7/13 1500 polled
  • Economist/YouGov approval 43 disapproval 53 7/6 - 7/8 631 polled.

RCP Average 6/28 - 7/13 -- approval 45.6 disapproval 48.6

Congress has an approval rating hovering around cockroaches and gonorrhea. Comparatively, the president does practically walk on water. :lol:

Of course, if he went ice skating, that's what the right would accuse him of.
the OP is the perfect example of who elected this incompetent hateful man to be President...

they can't even figure out how to read a poll or are just that desperate to think Obama's approvals aren't in the shitter with the American people

0bama is a lame duck. Nobody cares. Just trying to keep the lid on until he is gone.

Both parties rank lower than a sinking dog turd. Is there any wonder why? And yet the same people keep voting the same morons back in to office. What's the definition of insanity again?
We've already proved the polls don't matter. The looters and moochers APPROVE, Baby! They gave this DBag a second term amidst scandal and economic wreckage. They vote for ObamaPhones and circuses.

America is well and truly screwed.
Both parties rank lower than a sinking dog turd. Is there any wonder why? And yet the same people keep voting the same morons back in to office. What's the definition of insanity again?

Tiny glimmers of hope in TX. Ted Cruz is a delight and just the type that COULD save the country. I was just as excited about Rubio and he sold out fast and cheap.

The system corrupts the promising folks while the really promising folks want no part of politics to begin with.

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