Family privilege?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
So I just heard this term for the first time this morning and thought WTF???
Google was happy to offer plenty of links and apparently this is the next enemy that must be slain based on the various links I saw. Not only that but apparently family privilege is somehow tied to white supremacy..... because, you know, being married or having children is now racist or some such shit.

So I just heard this term for the first time this morning and thought WTF???
Google was happy to offer plenty of links and apparently this is the next enemy that must be slain based on the various links I saw. Not only that but apparently family privilege is somehow tied to white supremacy..... because, you know, being married or having children is now racist or some such shit.

I've always used the golden rule. Don't trust 95% of the people. They don't know what they are talking about.

Look for the 5% who do and follow them like a pied piper

Not saying the 95% are bad people. They just don't know their asses from holes in the ground
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If true this is really sick:

"According to NCFR, the nuclear family is now a vehicle of “family privilege” – yet another new term – and white supremacy, a “structure” that no longer is viewed as one that nurtures young children, provides them with stability and security, and prepares them for successful and emotionally sound adulthood."

"Instead, NCFR now says the family of mom, dad, and kids has mistakenly been upheld as “superior to all others” and “creates systemic barriers to equal opportunity and justice for all families.”"

So I just heard this term for the first time this morning and thought WTF???
Google was happy to offer plenty of links and apparently this is the next enemy that must be slain based on the various links I saw. Not only that but apparently family privilege is somehow tied to white supremacy..... because, you know, being married or having children is now racist or some such shit.

My buddy has been married for over 30 years, and owns his own business. Does he use his white supremacy to over come his victimHOOD?

If true this is really sick:

"According to NCFR, the nuclear family is now a vehicle of “family privilege” – yet another new term – and white supremacy, a “structure” that no longer is viewed as one that nurtures young children, provides them with stability and security, and prepares them for successful and emotionally sound adulthood."

"Instead, NCFR now says the family of mom, dad, and kids has mistakenly been upheld as “superior to all others” and “creates systemic barriers to equal opportunity and justice for all families.”"

Pretty fucking white supremacist group in that picture....
Libs always get things half ass backwards.

People are supposed to be ashamed if their old man wasn't a loser and their mum wasn't a hoe?

Things have really flipped over the past 50 years, I'll give you that.

When I was a youngster, the surest way to get into a fight (if that's what you were looking for) was to infer that your friends' parents were involved in prostitution and/or homosexuality or were otherwise less than wholesome.
So here's the thing: What if someone did a study and found that in families where only the Father worked outside the home, and the mother focused on maintaining the home and nurturing children, the children's life outcomes were, statistically speaking, superior to all other family models. That is to say, children were more likely to go to college, prosper economically, avoid behavior problems, avoid the legal System, avoid various dependencies, etc. Other family models would include,
  • single parent of either gender,
  • both parents working outside the home (regardless of economic status),
  • "gay" couples raising kids,
  • foster care,
  • whatever.
If that were the case would it be appropriate to publish the recommendation of trying to live the statistically best paradigm family structure?

Well, that study has been done over and over and over, and the results never change. And yet the Left refuses to acknowledge the results. It DENIES the results. The Left CELEBRATES single-parenthood, two-income families, gay families, etc. Because to accept the results would be deemed judgmental against those living any other lifestyle, and Lefties abhor judgmentalism above all other evils.

There is no mystery here. The BEST family structure is the traditional one, with an intact traditional marriage, the father supporting the family, and the mother remaining at home. It never changes. Best outcomes for the kids (statistically speaking), every stinkin' time.

And if you were or are being raised in such a family, you are fortunate indeed. Conversely, as a parent this should be your goal for your kids. Raise them in an intact family, with the mother at home, at least while the kids are 0-18 years old.

Privilege? Fuck you.
If we can afford to pump trillions into the markets we can afford to pump billions into our kids.
So here's the thing: What if someone did a study and found that in families where only the Father worked outside the home, and the mother focused on maintaining the home and nurturing children, the children's life outcomes were, statistically speaking, superior to all other family models. That is to say, children were more likely to go to college, prosper economically, avoid behavior problems, avoid the legal System, avoid various dependencies, etc. Other family models would include,
  • single parent of either gender,
  • both parents working outside the home (regardless of economic status),
  • "gay" couples raising kids,
  • foster care,
  • whatever.
If that were the case would it be appropriate to publish the recommendation of trying to live the statistically best paradigm family structure?

Well, that study has been done over and over and over, and the results never change. And yet the Left refuses to acknowledge the results. It DENIES the results. The Left CELEBRATES single-parenthood, two-income families, gay families, etc. Because to accept the results would be deemed judgmental against those living any other lifestyle, and Lefties abhor judgmentalism above all other evils.

There is no mystery here. The BEST family structure is the traditional one, with an intact traditional marriage, the father supporting the family, and the mother remaining at home. It never changes. Best outcomes for the kids (statistically speaking), every stinkin' time.

And if you were or are being raised in such a family, you are fortunate indeed. Conversely, as a parent this should be your goal for your kids. Raise them in an intact family, with the mother at home, at least while the kids are 0-18 years old.

Privilege? Fuck you.

Wouldn't that best model include not screwing around on your wives (plural) and breaking up those families?

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