Fake GOP Adam Kizinger Attacks Real GOP Congressmember Over Trannys


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger called out his colleague Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Twitter for hanging a sign outside her office -- The sign, which faced the office of Rep. Marie Newman, said: "There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE." It also featured the phrase "Trust The Science!" in quote marks. The scientific consensus is that gender is a spectrum and many people exist between male and female identities. Newman, a Democrat from Illinois, has a transgender daughter. Kinzinger, an anti-Trump Republican, retweeted the video, saying he was sad and sorry and noting the gender of Newman's daughter. He said Greene's post "represents the hate and fame driven politics of self-promotion at all evil costs."

Adam's career in the GOP is over...he has totally miscalculated his so-called Anti-Trump position...you can be anti-Trump but you can't do it without still remembering that the GOP voting base is predicated on trolling....Therefore it is nothing wrong with trolling Libs and mocking their tranny kids while you are at it....Let the libs care about people's feelings and all of that commie crap; your job as a GOP congressman is to offer bullshit culture war grievances to make your voting base feel better about their own tortured souls and lack of empathy....

No, hanging up "Male/Female" signs will do ABSOLUTELY zero to improve healthcare, raise wages for working class people or anything of material substance; but that isn't why people run for office in the GOP....policies and governance are not important in the GOP; owning the libs is.....if you don't believe it; show me what was the GOP policy platform in 2020....
It is plain and simple, the Repubs want to continue the fashion in society of exclusion and dominance by acceptance and special clubs for special peoples, but they must all agree and debase and devoid themselves of individuality, toadying for the masses is the new form of worship along with their cancel culture. This is the American cult version of join or die used by the Ancient Romans.
It is plain and simple, the Repubs want to continue the fashion in society of exclusion and dominance by acceptance and special clubs for special peoples, but they must all agree and debase and devoid themselves of individuality, toadying for the masses is the new form of worship along with their cancel culture. This is the American cult version of join or die used by the Ancient Romans.
thats 100% projection,,
She should have used the word "sex"
"gender" is a social construct. "sex" is biological.
It is plain and simple, the Repubs want to continue the fashion in society of exclusion and dominance by acceptance and special clubs for special peoples, but they must all agree and debase and devoid themselves of individuality, toadying for the masses is the new form of worship along with their cancel culture. This is the American cult version of join or die used by the Ancient Romans.
thats 100% projection,,
I used an 8mm projector.
The OP is overcritical of Marje. I think its important to remember the real sacrifice she is making here. She has interrupted her "polyamorous tantric sex" lifestyle in order to cleverly comment about an issue that folk usually fail to consider.

And in doing so she has made the world laugh.

"Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger called out his colleague Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Twitter for hanging a sign outside her office -- The sign, which faced the office of Rep. Marie Newman, said: "There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE." It also featured the phrase "Trust The Science!" in quote marks. The scientific consensus is that gender is a spectrum and many people exist between male and female identities. Newman, a Democrat from Illinois, has a transgender daughter. Kinzinger, an anti-Trump Republican, retweeted the video, saying he was sad and sorry and noting the gender of Newman's daughter. He said Greene's post "represents the hate and fame driven politics of self-promotion at all evil costs."

Adam's career in the GOP is over...he has totally miscalculated his so-called Anti-Trump position...you can be anti-Trump but you can't do it without still remembering that the GOP voting base is predicated on trolling....Therefore it is nothing wrong with trolling Libs and mocking their tranny kids while you are at it....Let the libs care about people's feelings and all of that commie crap; your job as a GOP congressman is to offer bullshit culture war grievances to make your voting base feel better about their own tortured souls and lack of empathy....

No, hanging up "Male/Female" signs will do ABSOLUTELY zero to improve healthcare, raise wages for working class people or anything of material substance; but that isn't why people run for office in the GOP....policies and governance are not important in the GOP; owning the libs is.....if you don't believe it; show me what was the GOP policy platform in 2020....

Is Rep. Kinzinger planning a switcheroo himself? Is he a Transdemocrat, who is ready to come out as the liberal he always has been?
The OP is overcritical of Marje. I think its important to remember the real sacrifice she is making here. She has interrupted her "polyamorous tantric sex" lifestyle in order to cleverly comment about an issue that folk usually fail to consider.

And in doing so she has made the world laugh.
Just like your absurd posts.
Greene is an example of what’s wrong with Congress...
Why? Because she disagrees with the trans agenda?

Goes way beyond the one issue. Her reactionary politics are abhorrent.
She's been in politics, what, six months? Has she even cast any votes yet? Which of her "reactionary politics" do you find "abhorrent?"

Start here:


"Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger called out his colleague Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Twitter for hanging a sign outside her office -- The sign, which faced the office of Rep. Marie Newman, said: "There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE." It also featured the phrase "Trust The Science!" in quote marks. The scientific consensus is that gender is a spectrum and many people exist between male and female identities. Newman, a Democrat from Illinois, has a transgender daughter. Kinzinger, an anti-Trump Republican, retweeted the video, saying he was sad and sorry and noting the gender of Newman's daughter. He said Greene's post "represents the hate and fame driven politics of self-promotion at all evil costs."

Adam's career in the GOP is over...he has totally miscalculated his so-called Anti-Trump position...you can be anti-Trump but you can't do it without still remembering that the GOP voting base is predicated on trolling....Therefore it is nothing wrong with trolling Libs and mocking their tranny kids while you are at it....Let the libs care about people's feelings and all of that commie crap; your job as a GOP congressman is to offer bullshit culture war grievances to make your voting base feel better about their own tortured souls and lack of empathy....

No, hanging up "Male/Female" signs will do ABSOLUTELY zero to improve healthcare, raise wages for working class people or anything of material substance; but that isn't why people run for office in the GOP....policies and governance are not important in the GOP; owning the libs is.....if you don't believe it; show me what was the GOP policy platform in 2020....

Is Rep. Kinzinger planning a switcheroo himself? Is he a Transdemocrat, who is ready to come out as the liberal he always has been?

Is Rep. Kinzinger planning a switcheroo himself?

Greene is an example of what’s wrong with Congress...
Why? Because she disagrees with the trans agenda?

Goes way beyond the one issue. Her reactionary politics are abhorrent.
She's been in politics, what, six months? Has she even cast any votes yet? Which of her "reactionary politics" do you find "abhorrent?"
As much as conservatives obsess over AOC -- she at least got some bills passed out of the House......

No one expects Greene to pass any bills...she is there to troll.......

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