Failing Our Children


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Failing Our Children
How "No Child Left Behind" Undermines Quality and Equity in EducationAn Accountability Model that Supports School Improvement
by Monty Neill, Ed.D., Lisa Guisbond and Bob Schaeffer
with James Madson and Life Legeros
May 2004

“It’s amazing to me how ridiculous this is. It’s almost as if everybody
has been set up to fail.”–
Brenda Montoya, Las Vegas parent

“The ESEA [No Child Left Behind Act] is like a Russian novel. That’s
because it’s long, it’s complicated, and in the end, everybody gets killed

— Scott Howard, former superintendent, Perry, Ohio, public schools

Failing Our Children Home | FairTest
Who was it again, who was the primary author of NCLB?

This is being replaced by BO's "race to the top". Both are BS - what's needed, as I have pointed out, is to dump the whole anachronistic rotted government school K12 system, and replace it by universal privatization. The initial teachers hired for the privatized systems shoukld be sharp recent graduates with no government school experience, who haven't been corrupted by the existing system.
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So where is the National Recommended Reading List so children who want to learn can do so regardless of the government, schools or parents. If a truly good one was ever created it would be useful for decades. Some things do not change very fast.

The Tyranny of Words (1938) by Stuart Chase
[ame=]"The Tyranny of Words" - YouTube[/ame]

Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics, by Stan Gibilisco
McGraw-Hill: : Book

The Art of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill
Download The Art of Electronics – Horowitz & Hill | books download

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Logisim: Digital logic circuit simulator
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Celestia: space simulation of the universe in 3D
Celestia: Home

GeoGebra: Interactive graphics, algebra and spreadsheet

Star Surgeon by Alan E. Nourse
Free Audio Book - Star Surgeon by Alan Edward Nourse

I got an idea...let's take boatloads of taxpayer money and give it to high school drop outs and kids who couldn't make the grades in high school...and send them to college!!!
Surly they will do well there!! No waaayyy will they take the money and spend a couple years partying, skipping classes etc....right?
Let's also remove grades and testing scores as a way to measure viability to do well in higher education...let's replace that with what their race is and whether their parent is single or not! That is a much better way to measure kids.
I got an idea...let's take boatloads of taxpayer money and give it to high school drop outs and kids who couldn't make the grades in high school...and send them to college!!!
Surly they will do well there!! No waaayyy will they take the money and spend a couple years partying, skipping classes etc....right?
Let's also remove grades and testing scores as a way to measure viability to do well in higher education...let's replace that with what their race is and whether their parent is single or not! That is a much better way to measure kids.

And yes I know that was sarcasm. :cool:

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