The Greatest President of Our Time


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
At a time America was on a down hill slide. We had been at war for 20 years in every rat hole in the world. The economy had been flat for 9 years. Jobs were few and far between. Industry was gone. No construction. Not a single building had been built in 8 years. For the only time in my life I was unemployed with no chance of finding a job. One man who through his life showed love of country stood up and said enough is enough and ran for president against an evil, treasonous woman whose whole family where there was nothing in this country that was not for sale.

For 8 years in the 90's we watched 11 million pages of our nuclear secrets sold to an enemy. To add insult to injury all our advancement in rockets also sold to this enemy that couldn't get a rocket off the ground. To allow even the stupid know these two cared for only one thing, profit as they left office they sold pardons to some of the worst offenders.

Next came George Bush. Even though we did have gains in job growth and advances in the economy there were rats hiding in plane sight setting up the collapse of everything 7 1/2 years latter. Three Congressmen ran interference for Fanny Mae to keep any investigation from targeting this group They were a flaming fag, Barney Franks, Frank Dobbs, and Bo Rock Obama. When they could no longer stop an investigation all the shit came at once. Back in the 90's the corrupt idiots passed laws to make banks give loans for houses to ones that couldn't keep their utilities turned on. A move that could only lead to disaster, and it did. The top three exe at Fanny Mae, Rains, Howard and Johnson, Franks boy toy had taken $250 million in bonuses from the failing company. The courts made them give back half and they say crime doesn't pay.

Another year and the ignorant population elected one as president that started the shit to begin with. After 4 years where nothing but more war showing the lack of any sense and even less morality this 'fuck the Constitution' was re-elected. I don't recall one time when this man talked to the American people without lying through his teeth. He used government agencies to investigate and harass the people, He ran guns to Mexico to the worst bunch of murderers in the West then go to Mexico blaming American gun owners for ALL Mexico's violent crime. Over 150 thousand people died in his illegal wars and genocides. The South Africa Lawyers Ass. put out a statement saying 0bama had murdered thousands of innocent people all across Africa including 500 children. Did any 'African' American speak up? Did a republican held Congress speak up? No. That is when I left the GOP because when you stand them on their heads they all are the same.

My favorite memory was Obama talking to his sheep about a new Federal Agency of law enforcement "just as well trained, just as well armed as our military" to the cheers of his idiots. That is when I realized two things. 1. There are people in this country that are beyond stupid and 2. Genocide has it's good points.

These 535 Congressmen voted them self out of Social Security giving them full pay for the rest of their life. They voted to allow them to say anything about anybody with no way to sue them for slander. They voted them self out of the "Affordable" Care Act that near tripled a mans health care. They even voted them self out of any sexual assault laws. This is not our founders envision of what Congress does. If the people held these few to their oath you could count the number on one hand the ones not dragged to the streets to answer for their violations and treason.

When Trump came along all I saw was someone of no party. He wasn't a politician. but the beyond stupid let an evil woman that had continued selling out the nation since leaving the White House cheat her way through the primary to run for president. She put secrets into our enemy's hand using a private server to hide her pay to play treasonous and criminal actions. She bleach bit 30,000 e-mails after being ordered to turn them over to the court, used hammers on her cell phones and lap tops but nothing to see here. The next couple years we seen a number of player in this cover up skate through this treason and to this day none have seen a minute behind bars.

When this witch lost the election I saw a little light at the end of the tunnel. Trump started putting this country back together even with democrats fighting every step of the way. The evil witch even paid for false evidence made against him about Russian collusion then lied to the court spending millions on an investigation that went no where. So then they impeached him with more lies that amounted to a line of Trump haters talking trash under oath that again showed just how evil these democrats can be. As this was going on Trump brought the country to record breaking job numbers and no matter how much hate the idiots talk none can say he didn't better their life. This is why I say beyond stupid.

Then biden's good buddies imported a virus killing Americans with 5 democrat governors helping China in their plan sticking the infected with people with the largest percentage of dying killed 40,000. Biden calling Trump a racist for closing our borders while pelosi saying 'come on down to China Town. Some how in a month this was not China and 5 democrat governors fault it was now Trump's fault. Through the stupid and fraud our media will not say a word about Biden steals the election. Yes it was the straw that broke the camels back. Yes there will be a response including these talking heads in media and the idiots that support this evil. As George Bush said in support of the lie government told of 9/11, "You're either with us or against us. and the quote by every uneducated no knowledge voter " He's not my president." along with the agenda driven media, you are warned the American people will wage war where there are no innocent. You have left no other option. My children will enjoy the same freedom I had when growing up no matter what sacrifice I need to make. Now blow me off as some right wing nut and watch the news you worthless branch bait pieces of shit. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya.


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... Now blow me off as some right wing nut and watch the news you worthless branch bait pieces of shit. ...

Okay. By the way: You are a shame for the expression "right wing". So I will call you only "nut" or perhaps "bonehead" if you feel better in this case. And let me give you a quote from the bible on your way, which is it not from G.W. Bush:

John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us.” But Jesus said, “Do not stop him, for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me. For the one who is not against us is for us. For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward.

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At a time America was on a down hill slide. We had been at war for 20 years in every rat hole in the world. The economy had been flat for 9 years. Jobs were few and far between. Industry was gone. No construction. Not a single building had been built in 8 years. For the only time in my life I was unemployed with no chance of finding a job. One man who through his life showed love of country stood up and said enough is enough and ran for president against an evil, treasonous woman whose whole family where there was nothing in this country that was not for sale.

For 8 years in the 90's we watched 11 million pages of our nuclear secrets sold to an enemy. To add insult to injury all our advancement in rockets also sold to this enemy that couldn't get a rocket off the ground. To allow even the stupid know these two cared for only one thing, profit as they left office they sold pardons to some of the worst offenders.

Next came George Bush. Even though we did have gains in job growth and advances in the economy there were rats hiding in plane sight setting up the collapse of everything 7 1/2 years latter. Three Congressmen ran interference for Fanny Mae to keep any investigation from targeting this group They were a flaming fag, Barney Franks, Frank Dobbs, and Bo Rock Obama. When they could no longer stop an investigation all the shit came at once. Back in the 90's the corrupt idiots passed laws to make banks give loans for houses to ones that couldn't keep their utilities turned on. A move that could only lead to disaster, and it did. The top three exe at Fanny Mae, Rains, Howard and Johnson, Franks boy toy had taken $250 million in bonuses from the failing company. The courts made them give back half and they say crime doesn't pay.

Another year and the ignorant population elected one as president that started the shit to begin with. After 4 years where nothing but more war showing the lack of any sense and even less morality this 'fuck the Constitution' was re-elected. I don't recall one time when this man talked to the American people without lying through his teeth. He used government agencies to investigate and harass the people, He ran guns to Mexico to the worst bunch of murderers in the West then go to Mexico blaming American gun owners for ALL Mexico's violent crime. Over 150 thousand people died in his illegal wars and genocides. The South Africa Lawyers Ass. put out a statement saying 0bama had murdered thousands of innocent people all across Africa including 500 children. Did any 'African' American speak up? Did a republican held Congress speak up? No. That is when I left the GOP because when you stand them on their heads they all are the same.

My favorite memory was Obama talking to his sheep about a new Federal Agency of law enforcement "just as well trained, just as well armed as our military" to the cheers of his idiots. That is when I realized two things. 1. There are people in this country that are beyond stupid and 2. Genocide has it's good points.

These 535 Congressmen voted them self out of Social Security giving them full pay for the rest of their life. They voted to allow them to say anything about anybody with no way to sue them for slander. They voted them self out of the "Affordable" Care Act that near tripled a mans health care. They even voted them self out of any sexual assault laws. This is not our founders envision of what Congress does. If the people held these few to their oath you could count the number on one hand the ones not dragged to the streets to answer for their violations and treason.

When Trump came along all I saw was someone of no party. He wasn't a politician. but the beyond stupid let an evil woman that had continued selling out the nation since leaving the White House cheat her way through the primary to run for president. She put secrets into our enemy's hand using a private server to hide her pay to play treasonous and criminal actions. She bleach bit 30,000 e-mails after being ordered to turn them over to the court, used hammers on her cell phones and lap tops but nothing to see here. The next couple years we seen a number of player in this cover up skate through this treason and to this day none have seen a minute behind bars.

When this witch lost the election I saw a little light at the end of the tunnel. Trump started putting this country back together even with democrats fighting every step of the way. The evil witch even paid for false evidence made against him about Russian collusion then lied to the court spending millions on an investigation that went no where. So then they impeached him with more lies that amounted to a line of Trump haters talking trash under oath that again showed just how evil these democrats can be. As this was going on Trump brought the country to record breaking job numbers and no matter how much hate the idiots talk none can say he didn't better their life. This is why I say beyond stupid.

Then biden's good buddies imported a virus killing Americans with 5 democrat governors helping China in their plan sticking the infected with people with the largest percentage of dying killed 40,000. Biden calling Trump a racist for closing our borders while pelosi saying 'come on down to China Town. Some how in a month this was not China and 5 democrat governors fault it was now Trump's fault. Through the stupid and fraud our media will not say a word about Biden steals the election. Yes it was the straw that broke the camels back. Yes there will be a response including these talking heads in media and the idiots that support this evil. As George Bush said in support of the lie government told of 9/11, "You're either with us or against us. and the quote by every uneducated no knowledge voter " He's not my president." along with the agenda driven media, you are warned the American people will wage war where there are no innocent. You have left no other option. My children will enjoy the same freedom I had when growing up no matter what sacrifice I need to make. Now blow me off as some right wing nut and watch the news you worthless branch bait pieces of shit. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya.
Do you feel better now?

Your children won't be losing any freedom. We got rid of trump. Your dumb ass don't know just how close we came to a dictatorship.

trump is the worst president we have had in modern history and from your first word to the last this OP is a lie. trump inherited a growing economy that set records for job growth. So just be honest and say that you did not like the fact a black man was president and move on.
At a time America was on a down hill slide. We had been at war for 20 years in every rat hole in the world. The economy had been flat for 9 years. Jobs were few and far between. Industry was gone. No construction. Not a single building had been built in 8 years. For the only time in my life I was unemployed with no chance of finding a job. One man who through his life showed love of country stood up and said enough is enough and ran for president against an evil, treasonous woman whose whole family where there was nothing in this country that was not for sale.

For 8 years in the 90's we watched 11 million pages of our nuclear secrets sold to an enemy. To add insult to injury all our advancement in rockets also sold to this enemy that couldn't get a rocket off the ground. To allow even the stupid know these two cared for only one thing, profit as they left office they sold pardons to some of the worst offenders.

Next came George Bush. Even though we did have gains in job growth and advances in the economy there were rats hiding in plane sight setting up the collapse of everything 7 1/2 years latter. Three Congressmen ran interference for Fanny Mae to keep any investigation from targeting this group They were a flaming fag, Barney Franks, Frank Dobbs, and Bo Rock Obama. When they could no longer stop an investigation all the shit came at once. Back in the 90's the corrupt idiots passed laws to make banks give loans for houses to ones that couldn't keep their utilities turned on. A move that could only lead to disaster, and it did. The top three exe at Fanny Mae, Rains, Howard and Johnson, Franks boy toy had taken $250 million in bonuses from the failing company. The courts made them give back half and they say crime doesn't pay.

Another year and the ignorant population elected one as president that started the shit to begin with. After 4 years where nothing but more war showing the lack of any sense and even less morality this 'fuck the Constitution' was re-elected. I don't recall one time when this man talked to the American people without lying through his teeth. He used government agencies to investigate and harass the people, He ran guns to Mexico to the worst bunch of murderers in the West then go to Mexico blaming American gun owners for ALL Mexico's violent crime. Over 150 thousand people died in his illegal wars and genocides. The South Africa Lawyers Ass. put out a statement saying 0bama had murdered thousands of innocent people all across Africa including 500 children. Did any 'African' American speak up? Did a republican held Congress speak up? No. That is when I left the GOP because when you stand them on their heads they all are the same.

My favorite memory was Obama talking to his sheep about a new Federal Agency of law enforcement "just as well trained, just as well armed as our military" to the cheers of his idiots. That is when I realized two things. 1. There are people in this country that are beyond stupid and 2. Genocide has it's good points.

These 535 Congressmen voted them self out of Social Security giving them full pay for the rest of their life. They voted to allow them to say anything about anybody with no way to sue them for slander. They voted them self out of the "Affordable" Care Act that near tripled a mans health care. They even voted them self out of any sexual assault laws. This is not our founders envision of what Congress does. If the people held these few to their oath you could count the number on one hand the ones not dragged to the streets to answer for their violations and treason.

When Trump came along all I saw was someone of no party. He wasn't a politician. but the beyond stupid let an evil woman that had continued selling out the nation since leaving the White House cheat her way through the primary to run for president. She put secrets into our enemy's hand using a private server to hide her pay to play treasonous and criminal actions. She bleach bit 30,000 e-mails after being ordered to turn them over to the court, used hammers on her cell phones and lap tops but nothing to see here. The next couple years we seen a number of player in this cover up skate through this treason and to this day none have seen a minute behind bars.

When this witch lost the election I saw a little light at the end of the tunnel. Trump started putting this country back together even with democrats fighting every step of the way. The evil witch even paid for false evidence made against him about Russian collusion then lied to the court spending millions on an investigation that went no where. So then they impeached him with more lies that amounted to a line of Trump haters talking trash under oath that again showed just how evil these democrats can be. As this was going on Trump brought the country to record breaking job numbers and no matter how much hate the idiots talk none can say he didn't better their life. This is why I say beyond stupid.

Then biden's good buddies imported a virus killing Americans with 5 democrat governors helping China in their plan sticking the infected with people with the largest percentage of dying killed 40,000. Biden calling Trump a racist for closing our borders while pelosi saying 'come on down to China Town. Some how in a month this was not China and 5 democrat governors fault it was now Trump's fault. Through the stupid and fraud our media will not say a word about Biden steals the election. Yes it was the straw that broke the camels back. Yes there will be a response including these talking heads in media and the idiots that support this evil. As George Bush said in support of the lie government told of 9/11, "You're either with us or against us. and the quote by every uneducated no knowledge voter " He's not my president." along with the agenda driven media, you are warned the American people will wage war where there are no innocent. You have left no other option. My children will enjoy the same freedom I had when growing up no matter what sacrifice I need to make. Now blow me off as some right wing nut and watch the news you worthless branch bait pieces of shit. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya.
Do you feel better now?

Your children won't be losing any freedom. We got rid of trump. Your dumb ass don't know just how close we came to a dictatorship.

trump is the worst president we have had in modern history and from your first word to the last this OP is a lie. trump inherited a growing economy that set records for job growth. So just be honest and say that you did not like the fact a black man was president and move on.
Let's ask a former Republican speaker of the House what he thinks.

Boehner called former President Donald Trump “a little crazy,” said former President Bill Clinton is “the best politician I’ve ever met” and praised President Joe Biden as “a really good guy.”
But his tone shifted when Colbert asked about Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.).

“Lucifer in the flesh,” Boehner called him, a phrase he’s used before for Cruz. “The most miserable son of a bitch I ever had to deal with.”

Boehner in his book called Cruz “a reckless asshole who thinks he is smarter than everyone else”
Bush already surpassed Carter. No question about it. Lied us into a war, got hit on 9-11. The Greatest Recession since the Great Depression.

The days of saying Carter was the worse are long over.
No you'd be blaming CIA, not Bush but they were right all along. The chems Syria was using more recently were Iraq's transported and hidden there just as Israeli intelligence warned . The term "mass destruction" is a loose term that's subjective, but Saddam did indeed have large stocks of chem weapons which is why he had large stocks of antidotes for them. You don't have antidotes for something that doesn't exist. Now that you realize media lies and notice how they demonized Bush through the media lie, you'll notice a pattern of misinformation aka propaganda was not that there were no wmd but that there was and media hid proof to pretend there wasn't.
Bush already surpassed Carter. No question about it. Lied us into a war, got hit on 9-11. The Greatest Recession since the Great Depression.

The days of saying Carter was the worse are long over.
No you'd be blaming CIA, not Bush but they were right all along. The chems Syria was using more recently were Iraq's transported and hidden there just as Israeli intelligence warned . The term "mass destruction" is a loose term that's subjective, but Saddam did indeed have large stocks of chem weapons which is why he had large stocks of antidotes for them. You don't have antidotes for something that doesn't exist. Now that you realize media lies and notice how they demonized Bush through the media lie, you'll notice a pattern of misinformation aka propaganda was not that there were no wmd but that there was and media hid proof to pretend there wasn't.
For once I agree with Trump

At a time America was on a down hill slide. We had been at war for 20 years in every rat hole in the world. The economy had been flat for 9 years. Jobs were few and far between. Industry was gone. No construction. Not a single building had been built in 8 years. For the only time in my life I was unemployed with no chance of finding a job. One man who through his life showed love of country stood up and said enough is enough and ran for president against an evil, treasonous woman whose whole family where there was nothing in this country that was not for sale.

For 8 years in the 90's we watched 11 million pages of our nuclear secrets sold to an enemy. To add insult to injury all our advancement in rockets also sold to this enemy that couldn't get a rocket off the ground. To allow even the stupid know these two cared for only one thing, profit as they left office they sold pardons to some of the worst offenders.

Next came George Bush. Even though we did have gains in job growth and advances in the economy there were rats hiding in plane sight setting up the collapse of everything 7 1/2 years latter. Three Congressmen ran interference for Fanny Mae to keep any investigation from targeting this group They were a flaming fag, Barney Franks, Frank Dobbs, and Bo Rock Obama. When they could no longer stop an investigation all the shit came at once. Back in the 90's the corrupt idiots passed laws to make banks give loans for houses to ones that couldn't keep their utilities turned on. A move that could only lead to disaster, and it did. The top three exe at Fanny Mae, Rains, Howard and Johnson, Franks boy toy had taken $250 million in bonuses from the failing company. The courts made them give back half and they say crime doesn't pay.

Another year and the ignorant population elected one as president that started the shit to begin with. After 4 years where nothing but more war showing the lack of any sense and even less morality this 'fuck the Constitution' was re-elected. I don't recall one time when this man talked to the American people without lying through his teeth. He used government agencies to investigate and harass the people, He ran guns to Mexico to the worst bunch of murderers in the West then go to Mexico blaming American gun owners for ALL Mexico's violent crime. Over 150 thousand people died in his illegal wars and genocides. The South Africa Lawyers Ass. put out a statement saying 0bama had murdered thousands of innocent people all across Africa including 500 children. Did any 'African' American speak up? Did a republican held Congress speak up? No. That is when I left the GOP because when you stand them on their heads they all are the same.

My favorite memory was Obama talking to his sheep about a new Federal Agency of law enforcement "just as well trained, just as well armed as our military" to the cheers of his idiots. That is when I realized two things. 1. There are people in this country that are beyond stupid and 2. Genocide has it's good points.

These 535 Congressmen voted them self out of Social Security giving them full pay for the rest of their life. They voted to allow them to say anything about anybody with no way to sue them for slander. They voted them self out of the "Affordable" Care Act that near tripled a mans health care. They even voted them self out of any sexual assault laws. This is not our founders envision of what Congress does. If the people held these few to their oath you could count the number on one hand the ones not dragged to the streets to answer for their violations and treason.

When Trump came along all I saw was someone of no party. He wasn't a politician. but the beyond stupid let an evil woman that had continued selling out the nation since leaving the White House cheat her way through the primary to run for president. She put secrets into our enemy's hand using a private server to hide her pay to play treasonous and criminal actions. She bleach bit 30,000 e-mails after being ordered to turn them over to the court, used hammers on her cell phones and lap tops but nothing to see here. The next couple years we seen a number of player in this cover up skate through this treason and to this day none have seen a minute behind bars.

When this witch lost the election I saw a little light at the end of the tunnel. Trump started putting this country back together even with democrats fighting every step of the way. The evil witch even paid for false evidence made against him about Russian collusion then lied to the court spending millions on an investigation that went no where. So then they impeached him with more lies that amounted to a line of Trump haters talking trash under oath that again showed just how evil these democrats can be. As this was going on Trump brought the country to record breaking job numbers and no matter how much hate the idiots talk none can say he didn't better their life. This is why I say beyond stupid.

Then biden's good buddies imported a virus killing Americans with 5 democrat governors helping China in their plan sticking the infected with people with the largest percentage of dying killed 40,000. Biden calling Trump a racist for closing our borders while pelosi saying 'come on down to China Town. Some how in a month this was not China and 5 democrat governors fault it was now Trump's fault. Through the stupid and fraud our media will not say a word about Biden steals the election. Yes it was the straw that broke the camels back. Yes there will be a response including these talking heads in media and the idiots that support this evil. As George Bush said in support of the lie government told of 9/11, "You're either with us or against us. and the quote by every uneducated no knowledge voter " He's not my president." along with the agenda driven media, you are warned the American people will wage war where there are no innocent. You have left no other option. My children will enjoy the same freedom I had when growing up no matter what sacrifice I need to make. Now blow me off as some right wing nut and watch the news you worthless branch bait pieces of shit. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya.

Reading this post makes me think of the Orcs of middle earth for some reason.
Three Congressmen ran interference for Fanny Mae to keep any investigation from targeting this group They were a flaming fag, Barney Franks, Frank Dobbs, and Bo Rock Obama.
Actually it was BUSH and the GOPQ congress who blocked all reform bills in committee, but you knew that already when you posted your LIE.
Bush already surpassed Carter. No question about it. Lied us into a war, got hit on 9-11. The Greatest Recession since the Great Depression.

The days of saying Carter was the worse are long over.
No you'd be blaming CIA, not Bush but they were right all along. The chems Syria was using more recently were Iraq's transported and hidden there just as Israeli intelligence warned . The term "mass destruction" is a loose term that's subjective, but Saddam did indeed have large stocks of chem weapons which is why he had large stocks of antidotes for them. You don't have antidotes for something that doesn't exist. Now that you realize media lies and notice how they demonized Bush through the media lie, you'll notice a pattern of misinformation aka propaganda was not that there were no wmd but that there was and media hid proof to pretend there wasn't.
For once I agree with Trump

Trump at the time of the intelligence info and events in question was a Democrat getting laymans info from fake news, so his views are based on propaganda and not foreign intelligence nor strategy and perspective to why we needed to remove Saddam and his even worse future power sons. Isis is proof we did the right thing since Isis was mainly Saddam's baath party Sunnis who were carrying out age old Baath party plans to infiltrate Europe. The war kept Al Queda, Saddam's henchmen (became Isis) and radical Iranian factions in their back yard not ours, a fact you are not willing to account in the equation.
Furthermore we already know the outcome of not stoping it, SADDAM ADMITTED he was emulating Nebuchadnezzar, and we learn from history or else repeat it. Study Nebuchadnezzar and his son/predecessor Belshazadar, that was Saddams goal to take Europe but Israel being in the way meant Israel was his target first to get to Europe after. Documents found showed Saddam's plan was also to poison our food and water, but hey you are fine with that.
Bush already surpassed Carter. No question about it. Lied us into a war, got hit on 9-11. The Greatest Recession since the Great Depression.

The days of saying Carter was the worse are long over.
No you'd be blaming CIA, not Bush but they were right all along. The chems Syria was using more recently were Iraq's transported and hidden there just as Israeli intelligence warned . The term "mass destruction" is a loose term that's subjective, but Saddam did indeed have large stocks of chem weapons which is why he had large stocks of antidotes for them. You don't have antidotes for something that doesn't exist. Now that you realize media lies and notice how they demonized Bush through the media lie, you'll notice a pattern of misinformation aka propaganda was not that there were no wmd but that there was and media hid proof to pretend there wasn't.
For once I agree with Trump

Trump at the time of the intelligence info and events in question was a Democrat getting laymans info from fake news, so his views are based on propaganda and not foreign intelligence nor strategy and perspective to why we needed to remove Saddam and his even worse future power sons. Isis is proof we did the right thing since Isis was mainly Saddam's baath party Sunnis who were carrying out age old Baath party plans to infiltrate Europe. The war kept Al Queda, Saddam's henchmen (became Isis) and radical Iranian factions in their back yard not ours, a fact you are not willing to account in the equation.
Furthermore we already know the outcome of not stoping it, SADDAM ADMITTED he was emulating Nebuchadnezzar, and we learn from history or else repeat it. Study Nebuchadnezzar and his son/predecessor Belshazadar, that was Saddams goal to take Europe but Israel being in the way meant Israel was his target first to get to Europe after. Documents found showed Saddam's plan was also to poison our food and water, but hey you are fine with that.
Oh brother. We all know the biggest mistake we ever made was getting rid of Saddam. He was the only ones to keep them in check. Reminds me of Khaddafi. The guy they knifed in the ass? I think Republicans today say Obama was stupid for helping throw him out. Who takes over for him will be worse.

Anyways, I'm not paying attention to what terrorists Trump backs in the middle east vs the terrorists Obama backed in order to have them help fight our current enemies. Neither side is our friend. I remember Trump walked away and turned his back on our allies and let the Turks have them. I'm so sick of knowing or caring about the differences between isis and al queda and who the shiites are and who the sunni's are. All I know is Bush opened up this can of worms in the middle east. He lied us into Iraq while he was already in over his head in Afganistan. Now you are saying his sons would have been even worse than he was and that's why we did it. That's a new one. First I've heard that one. Very clever of PNAC to plan this out in the 90's long before Bush stole the 2000 election.

Are you jewish? I find Jews agenda is different than America's agenda. I don't trust Ben Netinyahoo. Just as corrupt as Bush and Trump. Even his wife is shady. And remember how Lieberman was Bush's buddy because of the Iraq war? I know Jews and Israeli's are all in on the Iraq war. Complete support behind that blunder. But ask a Brit. They know Bush and Tony Blair lied us into war.
Bush already surpassed Carter. No question about it. Lied us into a war, got hit on 9-11. The Greatest Recession since the Great Depression.

The days of saying Carter was the worse are long over.
No you'd be blaming CIA, not Bush but they were right all along. The chems Syria was using more recently were Iraq's transported and hidden there just as Israeli intelligence warned . The term "mass destruction" is a loose term that's subjective, but Saddam did indeed have large stocks of chem weapons which is why he had large stocks of antidotes for them. You don't have antidotes for something that doesn't exist. Now that you realize media lies and notice how they demonized Bush through the media lie, you'll notice a pattern of misinformation aka propaganda was not that there were no wmd but that there was and media hid proof to pretend there wasn't.
For once I agree with Trump

Trump at the time of the intelligence info and events in question was a Democrat getting laymans info from fake news, so his views are based on propaganda and not foreign intelligence nor strategy and perspective to why we needed to remove Saddam and his even worse future power sons. Isis is proof we did the right thing since Isis was mainly Saddam's baath party Sunnis who were carrying out age old Baath party plans to infiltrate Europe. The war kept Al Queda, Saddam's henchmen (became Isis) and radical Iranian factions in their back yard not ours, a fact you are not willing to account in the equation.
Furthermore we already know the outcome of not stoping it, SADDAM ADMITTED he was emulating Nebuchadnezzar, and we learn from history or else repeat it. Study Nebuchadnezzar and his son/predecessor Belshazadar, that was Saddams goal to take Europe but Israel being in the way meant Israel was his target first to get to Europe after. Documents found showed Saddam's plan was also to poison our food and water, but hey you are fine with that.
Oh brother. We all know the biggest mistake we ever made was getting rid of Saddam. He was the only ones to keep them in check. Reminds me of Khaddafi. The guy they knifed in the ass? I think Republicans today say Obama was stupid for helping throw him out. Who takes over for him will be worse.

Anyways, I'm not paying attention to what terrorists Trump backs in the middle east vs the terrorists Obama backed in order to have them help fight our current enemies. Neither side is our friend. I remember Trump walked away and turned his back on our allies and let the Turks have them. I'm so sick of knowing or caring about the differences between isis and al queda and who the shiites are and who the sunni's are. All I know is Bush opened up this can of worms in the middle east. He lied us into Iraq while he was already in over his head in Afganistan. Now you are saying his sons would have been even worse than he was and that's why we did it. That's a new one. First I've heard that one. Very clever of PNAC to plan this out in the 90's long before Bush stole the 2000 election.

Are you jewish? I find Jews agenda is different than America's agenda. I don't trust Ben Netinyahoo. Just as corrupt as Bush and Trump. Even his wife is shady. And remember how Lieberman was Bush's buddy because of the Iraq war? I know Jews and Israeli's are all in on the Iraq war. Complete support behind that blunder. But ask a Brit. They know Bush and Tony Blair lied us into war.
No, the Baath party always had that plan whether Saddam or not and his son was even more sadistic and dangerous a future dictator. Isis proved that.
The Obama Biden administration should take your blame since they never made sure Sunnis participated in the developement of the new gov't with Shias without discrimination from the acts they did under Saddam. The sect prejudices and isolation caused a power struggle and frustration something you accuse happening in our country, so which is it, are you wrong about them or wrong about us now?-oops!

If it cries like a fucking democrat, thinks like a fucking democrat and is a feckless loser like a fucking democrat.....

it's a fucking democrat.
Bush already surpassed Carter. No question about it. Lied us into a war, got hit on 9-11. The Greatest Recession since the Great Depression.

The days of saying Carter was the worse are long over.
No you'd be blaming CIA, not Bush but they were right all along. The chems Syria was using more recently were Iraq's transported and hidden there just as Israeli intelligence warned . The term "mass destruction" is a loose term that's subjective, but Saddam did indeed have large stocks of chem weapons which is why he had large stocks of antidotes for them. You don't have antidotes for something that doesn't exist. Now that you realize media lies and notice how they demonized Bush through the media lie, you'll notice a pattern of misinformation aka propaganda was not that there were no wmd but that there was and media hid proof to pretend there wasn't.
For once I agree with Trump

Trump at the time of the intelligence info and events in question was a Democrat getting laymans info from fake news, so his views are based on propaganda and not foreign intelligence nor strategy and perspective to why we needed to remove Saddam and his even worse future power sons. Isis is proof we did the right thing since Isis was mainly Saddam's baath party Sunnis who were carrying out age old Baath party plans to infiltrate Europe. The war kept Al Queda, Saddam's henchmen (became Isis) and radical Iranian factions in their back yard not ours, a fact you are not willing to account in the equation.
Furthermore we already know the outcome of not stoping it, SADDAM ADMITTED he was emulating Nebuchadnezzar, and we learn from history or else repeat it. Study Nebuchadnezzar and his son/predecessor Belshazadar, that was Saddams goal to take Europe but Israel being in the way meant Israel was his target first to get to Europe after. Documents found showed Saddam's plan was also to poison our food and water, but hey you are fine with that.
Oh brother. We all know the biggest mistake we ever made was getting rid of Saddam. He was the only ones to keep them in check. Reminds me of Khaddafi. The guy they knifed in the ass? I think Republicans today say Obama was stupid for helping throw him out. Who takes over for him will be worse.

Anyways, I'm not paying attention to what terrorists Trump backs in the middle east vs the terrorists Obama backed in order to have them help fight our current enemies. Neither side is our friend. I remember Trump walked away and turned his back on our allies and let the Turks have them. I'm so sick of knowing or caring about the differences between isis and al queda and who the shiites are and who the sunni's are. All I know is Bush opened up this can of worms in the middle east. He lied us into Iraq while he was already in over his head in Afganistan. Now you are saying his sons would have been even worse than he was and that's why we did it. That's a new one. First I've heard that one. Very clever of PNAC to plan this out in the 90's long before Bush stole the 2000 election.

Are you jewish? I find Jews agenda is different than America's agenda. I don't trust Ben Netinyahoo. Just as corrupt as Bush and Trump. Even his wife is shady. And remember how Lieberman was Bush's buddy because of the Iraq war? I know Jews and Israeli's are all in on the Iraq war. Complete support behind that blunder. But ask a Brit. They know Bush and Tony Blair lied us into war.
No, the Baath party always had that plan whether Saddam or not and his son was even more sadistic and dangerous a future dictator. Isis proved that.
The Obama Biden administration should take your blame since they never made sure Sunnis participated in the developement of the new gov't with Shias without discrimination from the acts they did under Saddam. The sect prejudices and isolation caused a power struggle and frustration something you accuse happening in our country, so which is it, are you wrong about them or wrong about us now?-oops!
View attachment 479592
This is all stuff we warned you would happen long before Obama was president. The fact was, Saddam was a Sunni right? Sunni's are a small population in Iraq. Much more Shiites. But are the Shiites any better? Saddam did a good job controlling them. And then Bush breaking Iraq made Iran an ally right?

We all know the terrible mistakes Bush made. I actually think it was all done on purpose. The bigger the mess the more Dick Chaney's Haloburton made.
Bush already surpassed Carter. No question about it. Lied us into a war, got hit on 9-11. The Greatest Recession since the Great Depression.

The days of saying Carter was the worse are long over.
No you'd be blaming CIA, not Bush but they were right all along. The chems Syria was using more recently were Iraq's transported and hidden there just as Israeli intelligence warned . The term "mass destruction" is a loose term that's subjective, but Saddam did indeed have large stocks of chem weapons which is why he had large stocks of antidotes for them. You don't have antidotes for something that doesn't exist. Now that you realize media lies and notice how they demonized Bush through the media lie, you'll notice a pattern of misinformation aka propaganda was not that there were no wmd but that there was and media hid proof to pretend there wasn't.
For once I agree with Trump

Trump at the time of the intelligence info and events in question was a Democrat getting laymans info from fake news, so his views are based on propaganda and not foreign intelligence nor strategy and perspective to why we needed to remove Saddam and his even worse future power sons. Isis is proof we did the right thing since Isis was mainly Saddam's baath party Sunnis who were carrying out age old Baath party plans to infiltrate Europe. The war kept Al Queda, Saddam's henchmen (became Isis) and radical Iranian factions in their back yard not ours, a fact you are not willing to account in the equation.
Furthermore we already know the outcome of not stoping it, SADDAM ADMITTED he was emulating Nebuchadnezzar, and we learn from history or else repeat it. Study Nebuchadnezzar and his son/predecessor Belshazadar, that was Saddams goal to take Europe but Israel being in the way meant Israel was his target first to get to Europe after. Documents found showed Saddam's plan was also to poison our food and water, but hey you are fine with that.
Oh brother. We all know the biggest mistake we ever made was getting rid of Saddam. He was the only ones to keep them in check. Reminds me of Khaddafi. The guy they knifed in the ass? I think Republicans today say Obama was stupid for helping throw him out. Who takes over for him will be worse.

Anyways, I'm not paying attention to what terrorists Trump backs in the middle east vs the terrorists Obama backed in order to have them help fight our current enemies. Neither side is our friend. I remember Trump walked away and turned his back on our allies and let the Turks have them. I'm so sick of knowing or caring about the differences between isis and al queda and who the shiites are and who the sunni's are. All I know is Bush opened up this can of worms in the middle east. He lied us into Iraq while he was already in over his head in Afganistan. Now you are saying his sons would have been even worse than he was and that's why we did it. That's a new one. First I've heard that one. Very clever of PNAC to plan this out in the 90's long before Bush stole the 2000 election.

Are you jewish? I find Jews agenda is different than America's agenda. I don't trust Ben Netinyahoo. Just as corrupt as Bush and Trump. Even his wife is shady. And remember how Lieberman was Bush's buddy because of the Iraq war? I know Jews and Israeli's are all in on the Iraq war. Complete support behind that blunder. But ask a Brit. They know Bush and Tony Blair lied us into war.
No, the Baath party always had that plan whether Saddam or not and his son was even more sadistic and dangerous a future dictator. Isis proved that.
The Obama Biden administration should take your blame since they never made sure Sunnis participated in the developement of the new gov't with Shias without discrimination from the acts they did under Saddam. The sect prejudices and isolation caused a power struggle and frustration something you accuse happening in our country, so which is it, are you wrong about them or wrong about us now?-oops!
View attachment 479592
This is all stuff we warned you would happen long before Obama was president. The fact was, Saddam was a Sunni right? Sunni's are a small population in Iraq. Much more Shiites. But are the Shiites any better? Saddam did a good job controlling them. And then Bush breaking Iraq made Iran an ally right?

We all know the terrible mistakes Bush made. I actually think it was all done on purpose. The bigger the mess the more Dick Chaney's Haloburton made.
Saddam used chemical weapons on Shia and Kurds from his own country, that is not controlling them. That would be like saying Pelosi fended off & controlled the Conservatives and independents by giving them covid....wait never mind....oops!
Now we know why you take the dictators side.
At a time America was on a down hill slide. We had been at war for 20 years in every rat hole in the world. The economy had been flat for 9 years. Jobs were few and far between. Industry was gone. No construction. Not a single building had been built in 8 years. For the only time in my life I was unemployed with no chance of finding a job. One man who through his life showed love of country stood up and said enough is enough and ran for president against an evil, treasonous woman whose whole family where there was nothing in this country that was not for sale.

For 8 years in the 90's we watched 11 million pages of our nuclear secrets sold to an enemy. To add insult to injury all our advancement in rockets also sold to this enemy that couldn't get a rocket off the ground. To allow even the stupid know these two cared for only one thing, profit as they left office they sold pardons to some of the worst offenders.

Next came George Bush. Even though we did have gains in job growth and advances in the economy there were rats hiding in plane sight setting up the collapse of everything 7 1/2 years latter. Three Congressmen ran interference for Fanny Mae to keep any investigation from targeting this group They were a flaming fag, Barney Franks, Frank Dobbs, and Bo Rock Obama. When they could no longer stop an investigation all the shit came at once. Back in the 90's the corrupt idiots passed laws to make banks give loans for houses to ones that couldn't keep their utilities turned on. A move that could only lead to disaster, and it did. The top three exe at Fanny Mae, Rains, Howard and Johnson, Franks boy toy had taken $250 million in bonuses from the failing company. The courts made them give back half and they say crime doesn't pay.

Another year and the ignorant population elected one as president that started the shit to begin with. After 4 years where nothing but more war showing the lack of any sense and even less morality this 'fuck the Constitution' was re-elected. I don't recall one time when this man talked to the American people without lying through his teeth. He used government agencies to investigate and harass the people, He ran guns to Mexico to the worst bunch of murderers in the West then go to Mexico blaming American gun owners for ALL Mexico's violent crime. Over 150 thousand people died in his illegal wars and genocides. The South Africa Lawyers Ass. put out a statement saying 0bama had murdered thousands of innocent people all across Africa including 500 children. Did any 'African' American speak up? Did a republican held Congress speak up? No. That is when I left the GOP because when you stand them on their heads they all are the same.

My favorite memory was Obama talking to his sheep about a new Federal Agency of law enforcement "just as well trained, just as well armed as our military" to the cheers of his idiots. That is when I realized two things. 1. There are people in this country that are beyond stupid and 2. Genocide has it's good points.

These 535 Congressmen voted them self out of Social Security giving them full pay for the rest of their life. They voted to allow them to say anything about anybody with no way to sue them for slander. They voted them self out of the "Affordable" Care Act that near tripled a mans health care. They even voted them self out of any sexual assault laws. This is not our founders envision of what Congress does. If the people held these few to their oath you could count the number on one hand the ones not dragged to the streets to answer for their violations and treason.

When Trump came along all I saw was someone of no party. He wasn't a politician. but the beyond stupid let an evil woman that had continued selling out the nation since leaving the White House cheat her way through the primary to run for president. She put secrets into our enemy's hand using a private server to hide her pay to play treasonous and criminal actions. She bleach bit 30,000 e-mails after being ordered to turn them over to the court, used hammers on her cell phones and lap tops but nothing to see here. The next couple years we seen a number of player in this cover up skate through this treason and to this day none have seen a minute behind bars.

When this witch lost the election I saw a little light at the end of the tunnel. Trump started putting this country back together even with democrats fighting every step of the way. The evil witch even paid for false evidence made against him about Russian collusion then lied to the court spending millions on an investigation that went no where. So then they impeached him with more lies that amounted to a line of Trump haters talking trash under oath that again showed just how evil these democrats can be. As this was going on Trump brought the country to record breaking job numbers and no matter how much hate the idiots talk none can say he didn't better their life. This is why I say beyond stupid.

Then biden's good buddies imported a virus killing Americans with 5 democrat governors helping China in their plan sticking the infected with people with the largest percentage of dying killed 40,000. Biden calling Trump a racist for closing our borders while pelosi saying 'come on down to China Town. Some how in a month this was not China and 5 democrat governors fault it was now Trump's fault. Through the stupid and fraud our media will not say a word about Biden steals the election. Yes it was the straw that broke the camels back. Yes there will be a response including these talking heads in media and the idiots that support this evil. As George Bush said in support of the lie government told of 9/11, "You're either with us or against us. and the quote by every uneducated no knowledge voter " He's not my president." along with the agenda driven media, you are warned the American people will wage war where there are no innocent. You have left no other option. My children will enjoy the same freedom I had when growing up no matter what sacrifice I need to make. Now blow me off as some right wing nut and watch the news you worthless branch bait pieces of shit. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya.

Clearly the best 2 presidents were Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the 1990s was the longest economic expansion in the history of the United States until the 2009-2020 expansion, lasting exactly ten years from March 1991 to March 2001. It was the best performance on all accounts since the 1961-1969 period.
Saddam used chemical weapons on Shia and Kurds from his own country, that is not controlling them. That would be like saying Pelosi fended off & controlled the Conservatives and independents by giving them covid....wait never mind....oops!
Now we know why you take the dictators side.
Or it'd be like how white cops control black Americans. By murdering them.

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