Civil Rights Teams: LGBT Red Guard for Schools

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Civil Rights Teams: LGBT Red Guard for Schools

“What we learn from history is that people don’t learn from history,” quips crony capitalist Warren Buffett. However, his fellow Democrats have learned plenty from history. From communist China’s nightmarish Cultural Revolution, they learned how to impose their depraved ideology through gangs of young thugs. Under Mao, these were called the Red Guard. Maine uses the term “Civil Rights Teams.”
At a school board meeting earlier this month
…nearly 100 parents expressed their frustration and anger over how the Windham Raymond School System is handling parental concerns about sexually explicit books, intrusive student surveys, and gender identity programming.
Kids are impressionable; that’s why Democrats focus on schools to advance their degeneracy-based agenda.
Those whose parents are decent and engaged may resist indoctrination. That’s where the Red Guard I mean Civil Rights Teams come in.
Kristen Day said students affiliated with one of [school district] RSU 14’s Civil Rights Teams harassed her daughter. When her daughter refused to speak about her sexuality, two students affiliated with the club began to bully her and call her homophobic.
The girl was in the 7th grade at the time.
“She was then called homophobic because she wasn’t at least bi,” Day said.
Schools have always had bullies, but these bullies have the weight of the liberal establishment behind them. They are cat’s paws for the grownups.
Civil Rights Teams (CRTs) operate in Maine schools as a project of the Maine Attorney General’s Office, and the nominal goal of the student organizations is to reduce “bias-motivated” bullying and harassment in schools.
Progressives call what they are doing by its opposite, because few would be sick enough to go along with their agenda if it were expressed honestly. Killing babies is called “providing healthcare.” Reducing children to grotesque facsimiles of the opposite sex is called “gender confirmation.” Bullying and harassing children who do not submit to the LGBT agenda is called “reducing bullying and harassment.”
CRT members also created surveys for their peers to take with questions about sexuality and gender, and they pressured them to don “pronoun” pins, Day said.
Educrats are on board. Windham Superintendent Christopher Howell bleats that “the focus of [Civil Rights] teams is on helping to create a safe school environment for all.”
“Safe for all” means a rough ride for kids who do not conform.
Most of the parents took aim at pornographic library books like Gender Queer, a popular LGBT-themed book that includes cartoon images of children having sex.
At the same time parents have witnessed the Windham schools emphasize gender ideology, diversity, equity, and inclusion, students’ performance on standardized math and reading exams has declined.
According to student data available from the Maine Department of Education (MDE), less than half of all RSU 14 8th graders were proficient at math and reading in 2019.
No worries; educrats in New York have solved this problem. Just lower the standards.
Maine educrats already apply this approach:
Getting accurate data on how far test scores have dropped in Maine schools since 2019 is difficult thanks to changes MDE made to assessments.
The very concept of assessment undermines equity. It will be abolished. All that needs to be assessed is conformity to wokeism. This task can be entrusted to the Civil Rights Teams.
On a tip from R F. Hat tip: Granite Grok.

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If the country doesn't disintegrate The generation coming up will commit genocide for "democracy"..
Mindless Nazi sheep

The leading killer of kids is firearms yet the right wants to claim it is from being gay, these people don't give a damn about kids.
That's so disingenuous & a weak attempt to deflect culpability from those that always make things worse.

Suicide rates for kids have exploded expressly because of the DEMPANIC!!!! policies you progbots backed whole heartedly. Masking & isolating them means you don't give a damn about kids.
And the gun suicide rate for them increased 15%.

You want to blame guns for the problems you lefties magnified with idiotic policies that hurt kids badly because you are a bunch of cowards afraid of a flu.
You screw with their heads enough & they'll find another way to off themselves.

And you all progject even further when you make the laughable claim the right doesn't care about kids while advocating for infanticide, porno in schools, CRT divisive racist indoctrination & gender mutilations.

Kids on the right are generally happier, healthier, mentally stable & come from loving families.
Those are real world results that everybody can see.

Shove your BS in Barts butt

While firearm suicide overall increased about 2% during the pandemic, the rate among young people increased 15% and nearly half of all suicide attempts by young people involve a gun, researchers with Everytown For Gun Safety found.
The leading killer of kids is firearms yet the right wants to claim it is from being gay, these people don't give a damn about kids.

The majority of gun criminals are also drug users. They don't give a damn about federal laws.

Civil Rights Teams: LGBT Red Guard for Schools

“What we learn from history is that people don’t learn from history,” quips crony capitalist Warren Buffett. However, his fellow Democrats have learned plenty from history. From communist China’s nightmarish Cultural Revolution, they learned how to impose their depraved ideology through gangs of young thugs. Under Mao, these were called the Red Guard. Maine uses the term “Civil Rights Teams.”
At a school board meeting earlier this month

Kids are impressionable; that’s why Democrats focus on schools to advance their degeneracy-based agenda.
Those whose parents are decent and engaged may resist indoctrination. That’s where the Red Guard I mean Civil Rights Teams come in.

The girl was in the 7th grade at the time.

Schools have always had bullies, but these bullies have the weight of the liberal establishment behind them. They are cat’s paws for the grownups.

Progressives call what they are doing by its opposite, because few would be sick enough to go along with their agenda if it were expressed honestly. Killing babies is called “providing healthcare.” Reducing children to grotesque facsimiles of the opposite sex is called “gender confirmation.” Bullying and harassing children who do not submit to the LGBT agenda is called “reducing bullying and harassment.”

Educrats are on board. Windham Superintendent Christopher Howell bleats that “the focus of [Civil Rights] teams is on helping to create a safe school environment for all.”
“Safe for all” means a rough ride for kids who do not conform.


No worries; educrats in New York have solved this problem. Just lower the standards.
Maine educrats already apply this approach:

The very concept of assessment undermines equity. It will be abolished. All that needs to be assessed is conformity to wokeism. This task can be entrusted to the Civil Rights Teams.
On a tip from R F. Hat tip: Granite Grok.

All links are highlighted...

If the country doesn't disintegrate The generation coming up will commit genocide for "democracy"..
Mindless Nazi sheep

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Disgusting little freaks.
Leftist dems don't care about children....They use them as tools.

The leading killer of kids is firearms yet the right wants to claim it is from being gay, these people don't give a damn about kids.

Moonbat won't point out it's black kids being killed by other black kids, all of whom are of course using firearms illegally.


Black children and teens had the highest gun death rate in 2019 (11.9 per 100,000) followed by American Indian/Alaska Native children and teens (6.4 per 100,000).9
  • Although Black children and teens made up only 14 percent of all children and teens in 2019, they accounted for 43 percent of child and teen gun deaths.10
  • Black children and teens were four times more likely to be killed with guns than their white peers.11
  • Eighty-six percent of children and teens who died from gunfire in 2019 were boys. Boys were six times more likely than girls to die in gun homicides. Black boys were 18 times more likely to be killed in gun homicides than white boys.12
  • Eighty-five percent of child and teen gun deaths occurred among 15- to 19-year-olds, but infants and toddlers were far from immune. Guns killed more preschoolers than law enforcement officers in the line of duty. In 2019, 86 children under 5 were killed with guns compared with 51 law enforcement officers in the line of duty.13
Of course, Moonbat would never endorse what would be necessary to stop most of that, since his Party needs a lot more of them dead to promote its agenda.
The Republicans have a great issue to run on in 2024.
The Democrat Politicians who are supporting giving Pedos access to public school children should be voted out ASAP.
The Democrat Politicians who are supporting the CRT left wing hate and racism curriculum should be vote out ASAP.
fentanyl kills more young people than guns .... way more .

Will you be as adamant about firearms as you are about fentanyl

Will you be as adamant about firearms as you are about fentanyl
i believe people who commit crimes with a fire arm should be prosecuted ... the same with knives bats automobiles [hit and run] ect .. but there is absolutely no reason for fentanyl to be on the streets ? can you hunt with fentanyl ? can you defend your home with fentanyl ?
Don't be intentionally stupid. The leading cause of death for black children is firearms.

The leading cause of death for white children is motor vehicle accidents.

Why should we give up our guns because blacks won't stop killing one another?

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