Fact vs Fiction

Has your opinion of her death changed?

  • Yes

  • No

  • The media isn't lying, everyone else is.

  • I didn't have an opinion but waited for the facts

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Now that we have the real version of Brianna Talors life and the FACTS surrounding her death, not the lies the Media spewed for months and continue to spew today, has your opinion on the situation changed?

1. They knocked

2. They announced themselves as police

3. She was fired from her EMT positions long before this occurred after a car she rented was involved in a murder

4. She was helping her boyfriend peddle drugs as evidenced by recorded jail house tapes and surveillance cameras set up across the street from her home

5. Her boyfriend fired the first shot then hid behind her as she absorbed all the bullets.

6. She wasn't in bed

7. The police were at the correct house.

8. Her name was on the warrant.

The media lied to you over and over and over and some of them continue to do it to this day DESPITE THE FACTS.
Now that we have the real version of Brianna Talors life and the FACTS surrounding her death, not the lies the Media spewed for months and continue to spew today, has your opinion on the situation changed?

1. They knocked

2. They announced themselves as police

3. She was fired from her EMT positions long before this occurred after a car she rented was involved in a murder

4. She was helping her boyfriend peddle drugs as evidenced by recorded jail house tapes and surveillance cameras set up across the street from her home

5. Her boyfriend fired the first shot then hid behind her as she absorbed all the bullets.

6. She wasn't in bed

7. The police were at the correct house.

8. Her name was on the warrant.

The media lied to you over and over and over and some of them continue to do it to this day DESPITE THE FACTS.
Jigaboos do no wrong.
The facts are police and prosecutors are using police training, procedures, and policies to supersede actual law. That is what the protests are about. Police are being exempted from following the same laws everyone else has to follow. Where are the laws exempting police from following laws?
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The facts are police and prosecutors are using police training, procedures, and policies to supersede actual law. That is what the protests are about. Police are being exempted from following the same laws everyone else has to follow. Where are the laws exempting police from following laws?
This is the worst spin I have ever seen lol

You are the weakest link, goodbye
The facts are police and prosecutors are using police training, procedures, and policies to supersede actual law. That is what the protests are about. Police are being exempted from following the same laws everyone else has to follow. Where are the laws exempting police from following laws?
This is the worst spin I have ever seen lol

You are the weakest link, goodbye
Stay uninformed. A few months ago folks like you could not believe cops would be held accountable. They are being imprisoned and fired all across America now. Courts will soon make judgments that police training, policies, and procedures do not hold legal merit for superseding actual laws.
Walker fired in self defense from what he saw as a home invasion. Then the cops used that as an excuse to spray the place with bullets.

The root of the problem is bad law and policies. The government thinks it is legal to break into people homes in the middle of the night and shoot the place up. When the do that they just say "Hey what we did was legal" :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Walker fired in self defense from what he saw as a home invasion. Then the cops used that as an excuse to spray the place with bullets.

The root of the problem is bad law and policies. The government thinks it is legal to break into people homes in the middle of the night and shoot the place up. When the do that they just say "Hey what we did was legal" :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yes, when police go to arrest drug dealers and they dont answer the door, they should just leave.
The facts are police and prosecutors are using police training, procedures, and policies to supersede actual law. That is what the protests are about. Police are being exempted from following the same laws everyone else has to follow. Where are the laws exempting police from following laws?
READ: I don't care what facts are, I am going to maintain the narrative by saying some rhetorical claptrap.
Walker fired in self defense from what he saw as a home invasion. Then the cops used that as an excuse to spray the place with bullets.

The root of the problem is bad law and policies. The government thinks it is legal to break into people homes in the middle of the night and shoot the place up. When the do that they just say "Hey what we did was legal" :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
READ: I am going to ignore the facts of the case, and maintain the narrative by picking and choosing what I want to believe is true and then show my outrage based on my chosen beliefs.
After reading the facts, I believe that the cops were NOT guilty of any crime.

I believe that the young gentleman in the house was responsible for the young lady's death.

She was not a victim of the police.

If the shooting had occurred in a blue state, I have no doubt that no grand jury would have had the guts to let two of the cops go free. The grand jury, however, was not 100% courageous: it charged one cop with a crime that had nothing to do directly with the young lady's death. It felt that it had to hand down at least one indictment.

The efforts to portray the young lady as a saint, however, did intimidate the city into paying out $12,000,000.
The facts are police and prosecutors are using police training, procedures, and policies to supersede actual law. That is what the protests are about. Police are being exempted from following the same laws everyone else has to follow. Where are the laws exempting police from following laws?,
Those laws are right where they have always been, in the fairy tale section. The real problem is police are too often NOT held accountable for excessive force, but even then compared to the number of police it's a small amount, as unacceptable as it still is. The riots and looting we are seeing today are uncalled for and the people doing it should be mowed down and left to rot, along with any politicians allowing it.
Walker fired in self defense from what he saw as a home invasion. Then the cops used that as an excuse to spray the place with bullets.

The root of the problem is bad law and policies. The government thinks it is legal to break into people homes in the middle of the night and shoot the place up. When the do that they just say "Hey what we did was legal" :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
You're a liar.
There are twe people guilty of what happened... and none of them are law enforcement.

1) Her boyfriend. I, in no way believe, he didn't hear the police when they announced themselves at the door, or even less likely didn't hear them again when they yelled police once inside - he fired multiple bullets at the police that resulted in the death of his girlfriend when the police lawfully returned fire.
2) Brianna Taylor herself. She chose this lifestyle. She chose to be with a drug dealer who was dealing out of their apartment. That choice lead to her death.
Now that we have the real version of Brianna Talors life and the FACTS surrounding her death, not the lies the Media spewed for months and continue to spew today, has your opinion on the situation changed?
If you’re going to disrespect a murder victim, the least you could do is spell her name right.

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