Facing the Truth


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
So California released a study on reparations. And while we have seen the expected moaning and groaning from the usuals, how about we look at the study?

California’s unprecedented reparations report details 150 years of anti-Black harm

A new report from California’s first-in-the-country reparations task force details how slavery touched nearly every aspect of Black life in America, producing “innumerable harms” that are still felt today.

The report, which will be released Wednesday, offers a comprehensive look at the impacts of enslavement and generations of discrimination on Black Californians and Black Americans more broadly. It finds that the damage to Black communities is extensive and that a variety of intentionally crafted policy, judicial decisions and racism by private actors has created a widespread exclusion of Black people that has not been sufficiently addressed at any level of government.

“Almost 150 years of active, conscious federal, state, and local government action and neglect of duty have resulted in compounded harms that are unique to Black Americans,”

These things have been said here by blacks in this forum. Now you guys can squawk all you want, but it's time to face the truth. Slavery didn't end anything and reparations are being paid to people who have not suffered. Whether you owned slaves or not, you have benefitted from things blacks have been denied. The damage was caused by government policy and the government at every level has done nothing to fix the damage. There was no 40 trillion, there has not been government giving blacks ANYTHING for 60 years. NO OTHER GROUP has been made to endure what blacks have. That's not whining, it is FACT.

Despite this blacks have survived. There is no black victimhood and a subculture of people so weak that they storm the nation's capital over some stuff that was made up because one of them lost an election and could not be president anymore is the epitome of a victim mentality. So man up, because this is the start. The reckoning for America and its relationship with 40 plus million black citizens has come.
NO OTHER GROUP has been made to endure what blacks have. That's not whining, it is FACT

All we know for a certainty is that NO AMOUNT of money will ever be enough. The cause of the reparations crowd is not justice, it is revenge. It will end badly for them and the rest of America.
You don't know anything for a certainty.
Thank you fncceo...
For what? A picture from Germany in a thread about America? Hate to tell you but more than 6 million blacks have died in the 150 years after slavery. And some of the people practicing discrimination against blacks here were Jews. Some still are. Ask Donald Sterling if he is still here.
Over 13 chapters and about 600 pages, the interim report’s authors recount the “moral and legal wrongs the American and Californian governments have inflicted upon their own Black citizens and residents,” noting how slavery and subsequent discrimination have exposed Black communities to racial terror and political disenfranchisement, left them with inferior outcomes in health and wealth building, and relegated them to segregated neighborhoods and schools.

The harms were largely intentional, crafted through local and national policies that reinforced one another, ensuring that the formerly enslaved and their descendants would be denied even basic protections under the law. The denial was acutely felt in California, which prohibited slavery when it joined the U.S. in 1850 but also supported the rights of pro-slavery white Southerners and looked the other way as enslaved people were trafficked into the state.

The stated ban on slavery was far from the only time California seemed to contradict itself on its stance toward Black Americans, according to the report. Two years after California entered the U.S. as a free state, legislators passed a fugitive slave law that allowed for the capture and deportation of men and women fleeing enslavement. The state also declined to immediately ratify the 14th Amendment, which established the equal rights of people born in the U.S., and the 15th Amendment, which said race could not be used to deny voting rights — it waited to approve the measures until 1959 and 1962, respectively.

As the state built a progressive reputation, drawing a growing Black population over decades, it continued to act against the best interests of Black people and other communities of color, according to the report. Black people were often denied voting rights and were subjected to literacy tests and poll taxes. Housing covenants were used to keep Black Californians from living in white communities, only for Black neighborhoods to later be demolished to create parks and freeways.

The report adds that in some metrics, California not only matched discrimination across the country; at times it was a national leader. The authors write that in the 1900s, the state led the country in forced sterilizations, which disproportionately affected Black, Latina and Indigenous women. Twenty-two years before the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1896 ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson established that racial segregation did not violate the Constitution, California’s Supreme Court upheld racial segregation in schools. The state remains one of the most segregated in the country for Black and Latino students.

In a chapter dedicated to outlining how violence was used to terrorize Black Americans, the report focuses specifically on the expansion of the Ku Klux Klan in California, noting that in a 20-month period during the state’s “sizable and violent Klan resurgence” in the 1920s, California cities held more KKK meetings than Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina and Tennessee.

During the same period, Klan membership was widespread in some local governments, and it was also extensive in police departments in Los Angeles and Long Beach. As Klan activity receded nationwide during the Great Depression, it was sustained in California, and KKK activity increased in the 1940s in response to Black families’ trying to buy homes in better-resourced white communities.

Now since we have whites in here who want to play games

NO OTHER GROUP IN AMERICA has been made to endure what blacks have. That's not whining, it is FACT.

Native Americans have received reparation so don't try that one.
Really? Did that happen in America?

Because that's what this thread is about. And they got reparations.

America's overtly antisemitic State Department refused applications for asylum from hundreds of thousands of European Jews and even went so far as sending ships of Jewish refugees from Europe back to Germany where they knew the Jews on board faced certain death in concentration camps.

Jews received no reparations. In fact, only a small fraction of the millions was ever returned by Germany to the survivors and some of their direct descendants.
Really? Did that happen in America?

Because that's what this thread is about. And they got reparations.

It's amusing that you believe The Holocaust is the only time Jews suffered at the hands of others in the past 3,000 years.

I honestly believed you were better educated in History than that.
An American best-seller in the 1920's. Brought to you by the very man who brought us cheap automobiles...

Over 13 chapters and about 600 pages, the interim report’s authors recount the “moral and legal wrongs the American and Californian governments have inflicted upon their own Black citizens and residents,” noting how slavery and subsequent discrimination have exposed Black communities to racial terror and political disenfranchisement, left them with inferior outcomes in health and wealth building, and relegated them to segregated neighborhoods and schools.

The harms were largely intentional, crafted through local and national policies that reinforced one another, ensuring that the formerly enslaved and their descendants would be denied even basic protections under the law. The denial was acutely felt in California, which prohibited slavery when it joined the U.S. in 1850 but also supported the rights of pro-slavery white Southerners and looked the other way as enslaved people were trafficked into the state.

The stated ban on slavery was far from the only time California seemed to contradict itself on its stance toward Black Americans, according to the report. Two years after California entered the U.S. as a free state, legislators passed a fugitive slave law that allowed for the capture and deportation of men and women fleeing enslavement. The state also declined to immediately ratify the 14th Amendment, which established the equal rights of people born in the U.S., and the 15th Amendment, which said race could not be used to deny voting rights — it waited to approve the measures until 1959 and 1962, respectively.

As the state built a progressive reputation, drawing a growing Black population over decades, it continued to act against the best interests of Black people and other communities of color, according to the report. Black people were often denied voting rights and were subjected to literacy tests and poll taxes. Housing covenants were used to keep Black Californians from living in white communities, only for Black neighborhoods to later be demolished to create parks and freeways.

The report adds that in some metrics, California not only matched discrimination across the country; at times it was a national leader. The authors write that in the 1900s, the state led the country in forced sterilizations, which disproportionately affected Black, Latina and Indigenous women. Twenty-two years before the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1896 ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson established that racial segregation did not violate the Constitution, California’s Supreme Court upheld racial segregation in schools. The state remains one of the most segregated in the country for Black and Latino students.

In a chapter dedicated to outlining how violence was used to terrorize Black Americans, the report focuses specifically on the expansion of the Ku Klux Klan in California, noting that in a 20-month period during the state’s “sizable and violent Klan resurgence” in the 1920s, California cities held more KKK meetings than Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina and Tennessee.

During the same period, Klan membership was widespread in some local governments, and it was also extensive in police departments in Los Angeles and Long Beach. As Klan activity receded nationwide during the Great Depression, it was sustained in California, and KKK activity increased in the 1940s in response to Black families’ trying to buy homes in better-resourced white communities.

Now since we have whites in here who want to play games

NO OTHER GROUP IN AMERICA has been made to endure what blacks have. That's not whining, it is FACT.

Native Americans have received reparation so don't try that one.
The people that commissioned, wrote and edited that report are the same ones that pushed for the California High Speed Rail project that now has spent more than the entire original estimated cost and neither laid a single mile of track, or bought a single piece of rolling stock. If you trust them you are an idiot. They will promise you a hundred dollars in reparations and deliver ten cents with the rest going for studies, coordination and consultants. All done by companies owned by white liberal democratic campaign donators. But since they are telling you what you want to hear, you will swallow the bait like a gullible fool, then blame the rest of us when nothing changes.
NO OTHER GROUP has been made to endure what blacks have. That's not whining, it is FACT.

Women, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, LGBTQI and several hundred other groups who consider themselves oppressed might take exception to your statement.

If you ever want to have a shot of fulfilling your dream of Trillion dollar reparations for American Blacks, you're going to need the help of other oppressed people's.

Claiming you've had it rougher than them isn't going to get you that support.
The people that commissioned, wrote and edited that report are the same ones that pushed for the California High Speed Rail project that now has spent more than the entire original estimated cost and neither laid a single mile of track, or bought a single piece of rolling stock. If you trust them you are an idiot. They will promise you a hundred dollars in reparations and deliver ten cents with the rest going for studies, coordination and consultants. All done by companies owned by white liberal democratic campaign donators. But since they are telling you what you want to hear, you will swallow the bait like a gullible fool, then blame the rest of us when nothing changes.
Spate me. I don't live in California and it gets real tiring reading all of these rejections, denials, dismissals and disagreements with documented history. Now it's time to discredit the evidence of this study. Nobody is telling me what I want to hear fool, I knew this shit 35 years ago. Grow the hell up! U.S. history is documented. Every policy is documented. Every legislative action is documented. Every court decision is documented. The people doing this study will not be paying anything. In the end it's going to be the State of California. And since I live in Kansas, I'm an onlooker and won't be getting a mf-ing dime. So spare me the lecture idiot and drop the white paternalism. What that group determined we told your ass years ago.
Women, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, LGBTQI and several hundred other groups who consider themselves oppressed might take exception to your statement.

If you ever want to have a shot of fulfilling your dream of Trillion dollar reparations for American Blacks, you're going to need the help of other oppressed people's.

Claiming you've had it rougher than them isn't going to get you that support.
No they won't because none of them have endured what blacks have. So you can drop the paternalism too because people in those groups know that what I just said to you is true. We have that support so just stop thinking you can tell someone something. History shows the story and we don't have to soft soap our experience based on your opinion.

Everything is not the same as what blacks have faced. Learn that.
So California released a study on reparations. And while we have seen the expected moaning and groaning from the usuals, how about we look at the study?

California’s unprecedented reparations report details 150 years of anti-Black harm

A new report from California’s first-in-the-country reparations task force details how slavery touched nearly every aspect of Black life in America, producing “innumerable harms” that are still felt today.

The report, which will be released Wednesday, offers a comprehensive look at the impacts of enslavement and generations of discrimination on Black Californians and Black Americans more broadly. It finds that the damage to Black communities is extensive and that a variety of intentionally crafted policy, judicial decisions and racism by private actors has created a widespread exclusion of Black people that has not been sufficiently addressed at any level of government.

“Almost 150 years of active, conscious federal, state, and local government action and neglect of duty have resulted in compounded harms that are unique to Black Americans,”

These things have been said here by blacks in this forum. Now you guys can squawk all you want, but it's time to face the truth. Slavery didn't end anything and reparations are being paid to people who have not suffered. Whether you owned slaves or not, you have benefitted from things blacks have been denied. The damage was caused by government policy and the government at every level has done nothing to fix the damage. There was no 40 trillion, there has not been government giving blacks ANYTHING for 60 years. NO OTHER GROUP has been made to endure what blacks have. That's not whining, it is FACT.

Despite this blacks have survived. There is no black victimhood and a subculture of people so weak that they storm the nation's capital over some stuff that was made up because one of them lost an election and could not be president anymore is the epitome of a victim mentality. So man up, because this is the start. The reckoning for America and its relationship with 40 plus million black citizens has come.
I fully support awarding 1,000,000.00 to every living former slave in the US.

Fair eneough?
Women, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, LGBTQI and several hundred other groups who consider themselves oppressed might take exception to your statement.

If you ever want to have a shot of fulfilling your dream of Trillion dollar reparations for American Blacks, you're going to need the help of other oppressed people's.

Claiming you've had it rougher than them isn't going to get you that support.

I don't think you have seen us rush to diss the Jewish holocaust that did not happen in America. But you and a couple of other Jews here have decided to diss us almost every time a black person speaks on our experience. There is not a couple hundred anything in this country who have faced what blacks have. Not even close.
I don't think you have seen us rush to diss the Jewish holocaust that did not happen in America. But you and a couple of other Jews here have decided to diss us almost every time a black person speaks on our experience. There is not a couple hundred anything in this country who have faced what blacks have. Not even close.

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