Face Book is getting Frosty in the baning of Post

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
I don't post on Facebook but I do see a lot of post from people who do. These people are getting mad and even tho it is a private site they are or seem to be coming across as not nice people. Here are some I got off of Whistle blower.

WND reported earlier this month Facebook banned a pro-life video ad by a judicial candidate, giving the same explanation.

On Aug. 6, WND reported, Facebook, YouTube and Apple banned commentator Alex Jones and his Infowars website within hours of each other.

Last month, WND reported moderate Muslims and counter-terrorist activists were increasingly being restricted by Silicon Valley, while terrorist content remains on social-media platforms, according to researchers.

Trump campaign chief Parscale said last week the banning of Jones “will inevitably lead to the silencing of those with far less controversial opinions.”

“What we are seeing in Big Tech is the inherent totalitarian impulse of the Left come into full focus,” Parscale said.

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