Ex-FBI director James Comey confirms there is a deep state


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Ex-FBI director James Comey confirms there is a 'deep state' | Daily Mail Online
There IS a deep state says Comey: Fired FBI director says Trump is RIGHT - but 'unchangeable' FBI, CIA and military love American values and are NOT trying to bring down 'elected leadership'
  • James Comey kicked off his nationwide book tour to promote his memoir, 'A Higher Loyalty', which sharply criticizes Donald Trump, in New York Wednesday
  • Comey was met with protests at the store from pro and anti-Trump protesters
  • He told the crowd that there is a deep state working toward what they see as the interests of the United States
  • He said it's a 'collection of people, CIA, NSA, FBI in the United State military services who care passionately about getting it right'
  • Comey continued his attacks on Trump, saying 'lying has become so normal'



Closed minds that being the LIBTARD LEFT will never succeed in learning how to connect the dots, they don't know what it means to piece information together. This is why they can't figure out what is actually meant by " DEEP STATE" . or SHADOW GOV" ..... Leftist are so in love with their Gov. they can't see past what they tell them thinking it's Gods truth...... stupidity will never end in those whose minds are weak enough to manipulate their thinking.

The left literally believe the Gov. would tell them how crooked things are behind the scenes that's how brain dead they are.
Even Comey is sugar coating the meaning of Deep state.


@ 3:22 he nefarious description of fascism is forwarded, in that the 'various organs' of governance do not serve 'the people' , note they don't zero in on who is being served.
So the claim is 'by the people for the people' is thrown under the bus here, but he falls short of connecting corporatism with fascism , guess that 800lb gorilla was over his shoulder..:)

But no sh*t sherlock ,and guess what..... .it ain't the right or left blundering it's way into the fbi,cia, hs, ect, it's the same old time honored element that's infiltrated rather quietly while these R&L fools point fingers at each other

Does anyone here really believe that, if our FEC laws allow for the elites to choose and further manipulate our elections, that these 'gub'mit organs' can't be on their dime as well?

Gee, why do you think they call it the 'oil wars' , or that science is all some big fraud , or that voting and citizenship is now the focus of squabbling fools on this soul sucking device?

Man , maybe i should change my tune, and get hired as a spook , betcha i'd be great stirrin' the pot here ....

I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the corporate states of America.
And to the stockholders, for which they stand,
one nation, under Mammon, socially divisible,
with liberty and justice for some.



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