Even white Swedish Policemen/women are speaking out: What Dems want for the US

Is this what Dems want for America?

  • yes

    Votes: 18 94.7%
  • no

    Votes: 1 5.3%

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So people convicted of crimes will be trained as militia cops? You do know felons cannot own a gun, right?
The conviction could be vacated with good conduct. And, well regulated militia may not be Infringed, when keeping and bearing Arms for their State, or our federales, with the Union.

And you think good conduct in prison qualifies them as cops? Jeez, thank the gods you don't get to make the rules.

And continually misquoting the 2nd amendment does not, and never will make it "the well regulated militia may not be infringed". The well regulated militia is necessary. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. No matter how often you say it, "the people" and "militia" are not the same thing.
that is Your story, story teller. Better aqueducts, better roads, and more well regulated militia is what we need.

We only need a well regulated militia when we are attacked. The better aqueducts and roads are built by contractors or by gov't crews. Not a militia.

Militias have a specific purpose. They are not just general labor for whatever projects you decide need it.
The unorganized militia is the problem. Wellness of regulation is the solution. Lowering our tax burden should be a result.

Thanks for letting us know, the right wing doesn't really care.

How is hiring more people going to lower the tax burden?

How can you claim using convicts as amateur cops is a solution?

How is using a volunteer militia to build roads and aqueducts going to be good for our nation? They are amateurs at it.

You want to pretend you care, and that is fine. But all you really care about is continuing this insane argument about the 2nd amendment. You don't care about a citizen's ability to defend himself against a criminal. You don't care about the economy. YOu don't care about having an effective law enforcement. You care about your argument, and that is it.
There are no no go areas, super duper Dupe.

You have evidence to the contrary of the Swedish Police Commissioner's testimony? Why should we believe your claim over his testimony?
See the list of retractions above. As if that stops you hater dupes from going on and on with total BS.

You have a list of retractions made by the Swedish Police Comissioner?
I am not watching that crap all through. The Swedish Police Commissioner my ass LOL.

I'll even give you the timestamp in video: 3:28
His name is Lars Alvarsjo

Here is mention of him in another news article:

Man dies in Stockholm after picking up suspected grenade
"We're suspecting that it's a hand grenade of some sort," Lars Alvarsjo, chief of Stockholm's southern police district, told the Swedish national broadcaster SVT.

Alvarsjo said Swedish police have "unfortunately" noticed a rise in the use of hand grenades by criminal groups in the Nordic country. The three biggest cities in Sweden — Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo — have seen several violent gang-related incidents in the past few years.

Many of the illegal hand grenades found in Sweden are being imported from former Yugoslav nations, he said.

The video says he is a police inspector. I am not impressed. Of course Sweden has taken many times as many immigrants and refugees as the United States, a country 40 x the population, whose GOP caused the goddamn problem. Blew up the Middle East and then a corrupt World depression. Great job!
You have evidence to the contrary of the Swedish Police Commissioner's testimony? Why should we believe your claim over his testimony?
See the list of retractions above. As if that stops you hater dupes from going on and on with total BS.

You have a list of retractions made by the Swedish Police Comissioner?
I am not watching that crap all through. The Swedish Police Commissioner my ass LOL.

I'll even give you the timestamp in video: 3:28
His name is Lars Alvarsjo

Here is mention of him in another news article:

Man dies in Stockholm after picking up suspected grenade
"We're suspecting that it's a hand grenade of some sort," Lars Alvarsjo, chief of Stockholm's southern police district, told the Swedish national broadcaster SVT.

Alvarsjo said Swedish police have "unfortunately" noticed a rise in the use of hand grenades by criminal groups in the Nordic country. The three biggest cities in Sweden — Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo — have seen several violent gang-related incidents in the past few years.

Many of the illegal hand grenades found in Sweden are being imported from former Yugoslav nations, he said.

The video says he is a police inspector. I am not impressed. Of course Sweden has taken many times as many immigrants and refugees as the United States, a country 40 x the population, whose GOP caused the goddamn problem. Blew up the Middle East and then a corrupt World depression. Great job!

And then you Brave Republicans are terrified of refugees, who are as dangerous as kittens...
The conviction could be vacated with good conduct. And, well regulated militia may not be Infringed, when keeping and bearing Arms for their State, or our federales, with the Union.

And you think good conduct in prison qualifies them as cops? Jeez, thank the gods you don't get to make the rules.

And continually misquoting the 2nd amendment does not, and never will make it "the well regulated militia may not be infringed". The well regulated militia is necessary. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. No matter how often you say it, "the people" and "militia" are not the same thing.
that is Your story, story teller. Better aqueducts, better roads, and more well regulated militia is what we need.

We only need a well regulated militia when we are attacked. The better aqueducts and roads are built by contractors or by gov't crews. Not a militia.

Militias have a specific purpose. They are not just general labor for whatever projects you decide need it.
The unorganized militia is the problem. Wellness of regulation is the solution. Lowering our tax burden should be a result.

Thanks for letting us know, the right wing doesn't really care.

How is hiring more people going to lower the tax burden?

How can you claim using convicts as amateur cops is a solution?

How is using a volunteer militia to build roads and aqueducts going to be good for our nation? They are amateurs at it.

You want to pretend you care, and that is fine. But all you really care about is continuing this insane argument about the 2nd amendment. You don't care about a citizen's ability to defend himself against a criminal. You don't care about the economy. YOu don't care about having an effective law enforcement. You care about your argument, and that is it.
Our Second Amendment declares, well regulated militia are the answer. That is why.
You have evidence to the contrary of the Swedish Police Commissioner's testimony? Why should we believe your claim over his testimony?
See the list of retractions above. As if that stops you hater dupes from going on and on with total BS.

You have a list of retractions made by the Swedish Police Comissioner?
I am not watching that crap all through. The Swedish Police Commissioner my ass LOL.

I'll even give you the timestamp in video: 3:28
His name is Lars Alvarsjo

Here is mention of him in another news article:

Man dies in Stockholm after picking up suspected grenade
"We're suspecting that it's a hand grenade of some sort," Lars Alvarsjo, chief of Stockholm's southern police district, told the Swedish national broadcaster SVT.

Alvarsjo said Swedish police have "unfortunately" noticed a rise in the use of hand grenades by criminal groups in the Nordic country. The three biggest cities in Sweden — Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo — have seen several violent gang-related incidents in the past few years.

Many of the illegal hand grenades found in Sweden are being imported from former Yugoslav nations, he said.

The video says he is a police inspector. I am not impressed.

You're obviously fucking blind. The actual newspaper article (that I linked) provides a full description of his position:
"We're suspecting that it's a hand grenade of some sort," Lars Alvarsjo, chief of Stockholm's southern police district, told the Swedish national broadcaster SVT.

That will allow you a moment to retract your statement. I'm going to assume you only watched the video and skipped the rest of what I read.
And you think good conduct in prison qualifies them as cops? Jeez, thank the gods you don't get to make the rules.

And continually misquoting the 2nd amendment does not, and never will make it "the well regulated militia may not be infringed". The well regulated militia is necessary. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. No matter how often you say it, "the people" and "militia" are not the same thing.
that is Your story, story teller. Better aqueducts, better roads, and more well regulated militia is what we need.

We only need a well regulated militia when we are attacked. The better aqueducts and roads are built by contractors or by gov't crews. Not a militia.

Militias have a specific purpose. They are not just general labor for whatever projects you decide need it.
The unorganized militia is the problem. Wellness of regulation is the solution. Lowering our tax burden should be a result.

Thanks for letting us know, the right wing doesn't really care.

How is hiring more people going to lower the tax burden?

How can you claim using convicts as amateur cops is a solution?

How is using a volunteer militia to build roads and aqueducts going to be good for our nation? They are amateurs at it.

You want to pretend you care, and that is fine. But all you really care about is continuing this insane argument about the 2nd amendment. You don't care about a citizen's ability to defend himself against a criminal. You don't care about the economy. YOu don't care about having an effective law enforcement. You care about your argument, and that is it.
Our Second Amendment declares, well regulated militia are the answer. That is why.

Bullshit. What the 2nd amendment says about the militia is this: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State...".

What is does not say is that militia is necessary for the infrastructure to be built. There is no way that the founding fathers wanted the militia made up of convicted felons and acting as amateur cops.

And you didn't answer the question about how hiring more people lowers the tax burden.
Hilariously ironic, brainwashed functional idiot and dupe of the greedy idiot Mega rich GOP. You live on an imaginary planet. The GOP has been dominant for 35 years and the middle class and the country and the world have gone to hell, all to save the giveaway 2 your mega rich greedy heroes.
How many wrong things can be all packed into one post ?

1. The GOP isn't "Mega rich". Millions of working class folks all over America (not just the rust belt) voted for Trump. and it was Hillary who got the big buck$$ from Wall St., more than Trump and Bernie combined.

2. GOP has certainly NOT been dominant for 35 years. Since then Clinton was president for 8 years, Obama for another 8, an part of the time, the Dems has not only the White House , but both houses of Congress too. - and THAT's why the country has gone to hell with 30 million illegal aliens (9 million of them stealing jobs from Americans, while extracting 10s of Billions out of the economy in remittances and welfare)

3. While it's true that rich people have gotten tax breaks, and some of them probably shouldn't, the poor and middle class have been benefitting a great deal from the improved economy, as well as removal of illegal alien job-stealers, and it isn't just fruit pickers whom they've been taking jobs away from. And these Americans are now happily, getting their jobs back. :biggrin:

Last edited:
And then you Brave Republicans are terrified of refugees, who are as dangerous as kittens...
Talk like that is what gets candidates like Donald Trump elected. Even anti-Trump James Comey conceded what we all know - that there's no way to vet Syrian refugees. That country hasn't even had a telephone book. And whose records are you going to check (if they even had any) - Basahr Assad's ?

The ISIS Trojan horse is one of the phrases Trump created. Couldn't be more correct. This LACK of fear (when it's appropriate & necessary) makes Democrats a dangerous bunch, and the people know it.
See the list of retractions above. As if that stops you hater dupes from going on and on with total BS.

You have a list of retractions made by the Swedish Police Comissioner?
I am not watching that crap all through. The Swedish Police Commissioner my ass LOL.

I'll even give you the timestamp in video: 3:28
His name is Lars Alvarsjo

Here is mention of him in another news article:

Man dies in Stockholm after picking up suspected grenade
"We're suspecting that it's a hand grenade of some sort," Lars Alvarsjo, chief of Stockholm's southern police district, told the Swedish national broadcaster SVT.

Alvarsjo said Swedish police have "unfortunately" noticed a rise in the use of hand grenades by criminal groups in the Nordic country. The three biggest cities in Sweden — Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo — have seen several violent gang-related incidents in the past few years.

Many of the illegal hand grenades found in Sweden are being imported from former Yugoslav nations, he said.

The video says he is a police inspector. I am not impressed.

You're obviously fucking blind. The actual newspaper article (that I linked) provides a full description of his position:
"We're suspecting that it's a hand grenade of some sort," Lars Alvarsjo, chief of Stockholm's southern police district, told the Swedish national broadcaster SVT.

That will allow you a moment to retract your statement. I'm going to assume you only watched the video and skipped the rest of what I read.

No I did both... But added to the conversation the fact that your stupid website is stupid.
You have evidence to the contrary of the Swedish Police Commissioner's testimony? Why should we believe your claim over his testimony?
Democrats CREATE circumstances, repeat them 100 times, and then expect everybody to believe them. Worst case of mass insanity in American history.
Those aren't Democrats, those are journalists. And they don't repeat right-wing BS like this stupid website which has been discredited before. It is right wing Swedish propaganda not reported anywhere. End of story.
Hilariously ironic, brainwashed functional idiot and dupe of the greedy idiot Mega rich GOP. You live on an imaginary planet. The GOP has been dominant for 35 years and the middle class and the country and the world have gone to hell, all to save the giveaway 2 your mega rich greedy heroes.
How many wrong things can be all packed into one post ?

1. The GOP isn't "Mega rich". Millions of working class folks all over America (not just the rust belt) voted for Trump. and it was Hillary who got the big buck$$ from Wall St., more than Trump and Bernie combined.

2. GOP has certainly NOT been dominant for 35 years. Since then Clinton was president for 8 years, Obama for another 8, an part of the time, the Dems has not only the White House , but both houses of Congress too. - and THAT's why the country has gone to hell with 30 million illegal aliens (9 million of them stealing jobs from Americans, while extracting 10s of Billions out of the economy in remittances and welfare)

3. While it's true that rich people have gotten tax breaks, and some of them probably shouldn't, the poor and middle class have been benefitting a great deal from the improved economy, as well as removal of illegal alien job-stealers, and it isn't just fruit pickers whom they've been taking jobs away from. And these Americans are now happily, getting their jobs back. :biggrin:

Number one... You you are not the GOP, you are missing total Dupe.
Number two... the GOP blocked everything Clinton and Obama wanted. You can reconciliation only 2 cut taxes on the rich... All the GOP ever wants, you need 60 votes to do actual reform.
Number three... The GOP Loves cheap easily bullied labor. They will keep this scam going forever, super duper. The wall is a joke. We need a good SS ID card like Democrats want.
Number one... You you are not the GOP, you are missing total Dupe.
Number two... the GOP blocked everything Clinton and Obama wanted. You can reconciliation only 2 cut taxes on the rich... All the GOP ever wants, you need 60 votes to do actual reform.
You have a speech deficiency. In this forum, it helps if we can understand what the hell you're talking about. At this point, I have no idea what you just said.

And of course, I stand behind everything I said, 100%.
Number one... You you are not the GOP, you are missing total Dupe.
Number two... the GOP blocked everything Clinton and Obama wanted. You can reconciliation only 2 cut taxes on the rich... All the GOP ever wants, you need 60 votes to do actual reform.
You have a speech deficiency. In this forum, it helps if we can understand what the hell you're talking about. At this point, I have no idea what you just said.

And of course, I stand behind everything I said, 100%.
God damn phone sorry.

You are not the Mega rich, GOP just their misinformed Dupe.

You can use reconciliation in the Senate only to cut taxes. You need 60 votes to do real reform like Democrats want. For 35 years now.
God damn phone sorry.

You are not the Mega rich, GOP just their misinformed Dupe.

You can use reconciliation in the Senate only to cut taxes. You need 60 votes to do real reform like Democrats want. For 35 years now.
I am informed quite well, you might know. And you ? Well, like all liberals, you are not misinformed, because you are not informed at all. Liberals are the most information-deprived people in America.

One hour of watching CNN, PBS, MSNBC, etc or any of the liberal OMISSION stations, will show the glaring absence of important information. I show liberals this, by allowing them to take my Islamization Quiz, to find out how much they don't know.
that is Your story, story teller. Better aqueducts, better roads, and more well regulated militia is what we need.

We only need a well regulated militia when we are attacked. The better aqueducts and roads are built by contractors or by gov't crews. Not a militia.

Militias have a specific purpose. They are not just general labor for whatever projects you decide need it.
The unorganized militia is the problem. Wellness of regulation is the solution. Lowering our tax burden should be a result.

Thanks for letting us know, the right wing doesn't really care.

How is hiring more people going to lower the tax burden?

How can you claim using convicts as amateur cops is a solution?

How is using a volunteer militia to build roads and aqueducts going to be good for our nation? They are amateurs at it.

You want to pretend you care, and that is fine. But all you really care about is continuing this insane argument about the 2nd amendment. You don't care about a citizen's ability to defend himself against a criminal. You don't care about the economy. YOu don't care about having an effective law enforcement. You care about your argument, and that is it.
Our Second Amendment declares, well regulated militia are the answer. That is why.

Bullshit. What the 2nd amendment says about the militia is this: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State...".

What is does not say is that militia is necessary for the infrastructure to be built. There is no way that the founding fathers wanted the militia made up of convicted felons and acting as amateur cops.

And you didn't answer the question about how hiring more people lowers the tax burden.
It worked for the Romans; why reinvent an inferior wheel.
We only need a well regulated militia when we are attacked. The better aqueducts and roads are built by contractors or by gov't crews. Not a militia.

Militias have a specific purpose. They are not just general labor for whatever projects you decide need it.
The unorganized militia is the problem. Wellness of regulation is the solution. Lowering our tax burden should be a result.

Thanks for letting us know, the right wing doesn't really care.

How is hiring more people going to lower the tax burden?

How can you claim using convicts as amateur cops is a solution?

How is using a volunteer militia to build roads and aqueducts going to be good for our nation? They are amateurs at it.

You want to pretend you care, and that is fine. But all you really care about is continuing this insane argument about the 2nd amendment. You don't care about a citizen's ability to defend himself against a criminal. You don't care about the economy. YOu don't care about having an effective law enforcement. You care about your argument, and that is it.
Our Second Amendment declares, well regulated militia are the answer. That is why.

Bullshit. What the 2nd amendment says about the militia is this: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State...".

What is does not say is that militia is necessary for the infrastructure to be built. There is no way that the founding fathers wanted the militia made up of convicted felons and acting as amateur cops.

And you didn't answer the question about how hiring more people lowers the tax burden.
It worked for the Romans; why reinvent an inferior wheel.

So did slavery. How about adding that in while we are mimicing the Romans?
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