Even Mourning Joe Asked "WTF???"


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
"Everybody makes mistakes," Scarborough said Monday... "Has she claimed this happened? Why is there this glaring omission in the NYTimes story?" I can't believe the NYTimes would write this piece without that information contained in it."

Believe it Joe … the media's relentless hate campaign knows no bounds and continues apace.

And to answer your question, the woman has not claimed this happened and has no recollection of the event described by the former Clinton attorney who made the allegation. Look for a Lawrence O'Donnell/CNN type mea culpa in a day or so.

The left are inveterate LIARS and the MSM have destroyed their own credibility.
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"Everybody makes mistakes," Scarborough said Monday... "Has she claimed this happened? Why is there this glaring omission in the NYTimes story?" I can't believe the NYTimes would write this piece without that information contained in it."

Believe it Joe … the media's relentless hate campaign knows no bounds and continues apace.

And to answer your question, the woman has not claimed this happened and has no recollection of the event described by the former Clinton attorney who made the allegation. Look for a Lawrence O'Donnell/CNN mea culpa in a day or so.

The left are inveterate LIARS and the MSM have destroyed their own credibility.

Inveterate.....having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change.
Sounds like trump, who is already a world champion liar. He's even better than that since he can openly lie through his teeth and his idiotic followers just go 'trump trump trump and maga maga maga'.
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"Everybody makes mistakes," Scarborough said Monday... "Has she claimed this happened? Why is there this glaring omission in the NYTimes story?" I can't believe the NYTimes would write this piece without that information contained in it."

Believe it Joe … the media's relentless hate campaign knows no bounds and continues apace.

And to answer your question, the woman has not claimed this happened and has no recollection of the event described by the former Clinton attorney who made the allegation. Look for a Lawrence O'Donnell/CNN mea culpa in a day or so.

The left are inveterate LIARS and the MSM have destroyed their own credibility.

Inveterate.....having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change.
Sounds like trump also who seems to be a rising world champion liar.
And another lame, leftarded dodge. Nice try, Comrade J.

Have you nothing to say about the media LIES you are fed daily and so eagerly swallow, Princess?
"Everybody makes mistakes," Scarborough said Monday... "Has she claimed this happened? Why is there this glaring omission in the NYTimes story?" I can't believe the NYTimes would write this piece without that information contained in it."

Believe it Joe … the media's relentless hate campaign knows no bounds and continues apace.

And to answer your question, the woman has not claimed this happened and has no recollection of the event described by the former Clinton attorney who made the allegation. Look for a Lawrence O'Donnell/CNN mea culpa in a day or so.

The left are inveterate LIARS and the MSM have destroyed their own credibility.
Everyone is so excited to get dirt on anyone that can somehow point to Trump they do not fact check, most of the time they don't even bother with spell check. CNN and others don't even care if there is even an unfounded accusation.
The Left is terrified, they can see the writing on the wall for 2020, no viable candidate that can beat Trump, and the prospects of Trump electing yet another justice to replace Ginsburg, who will surely step aside after 2020.
"Everybody makes mistakes," Scarborough said Monday... "Has she claimed this happened? Why is there this glaring omission in the NYTimes story?" I can't believe the NYTimes would write this piece without that information contained in it."

Believe it Joe … the media's relentless hate campaign knows no bounds and continues apace.

And to answer your question, the woman has not claimed this happened and has no recollection of the event described by the former Clinton attorney who made the allegation. Look for a Lawrence O'Donnell/CNN mea culpa in a day or so.

The left are inveterate LIARS and the MSM have destroyed their own credibility.
Everyone is so excited to get dirt on anyone that can somehow point to Trump they do not fact check, most of the time they don't even bother with spell check. CNN and others don't even care if there is even an unfounded accusation.
ABC's "The View" panelists pondered why shortly after the Buzzfeed and Covington Kids media fiascos:

Whoopie G - why are we so quick to embrace fake news?

Joy B - because we are desperate to get rid of Trump.

That's it. No concern for the US or the truth. Just raw, unabashed hatred for this country and our Prez.

Bill Maher doesn't even try to hide his disdain & disloyalty and says what many of 'em are thinking.They don't care who gets hurt as long as their mindless hatred is served. Fucking traitors, every one of 'em:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
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"Everybody makes mistakes," Scarborough said Monday... "Has she claimed this happened? Why is there this glaring omission in the NYTimes story?" I can't believe the NYTimes would write this piece without that information contained in it."

Believe it Joe … the media's relentless hate campaign knows no bounds and continues apace.

And to answer your question, the woman has not claimed this happened and has no recollection of the event described by the former Clinton attorney who made the allegation. Look for a Lawrence O'Donnell/CNN mea culpa in a day or so.

The left are inveterate LIARS and the MSM have destroyed their own credibility.
Everyone is so excited to get dirt on anyone that can somehow point to Trump they do not fact check, most of the time they don't even bother with spell check. CNN and others don't even care if there is even an unfounded accusation.
ABC's "The View" panelists pondered why shortly after the Buzzfeed and Covington Kids media fiascos:

Whoopie G - why are we so quick to embrace fake news?

Joy B - because we are desperate to get rid of Trump.

That's it. No concern for the US or the truth. Just raw, unabashed hatred for this country and our Prez.

Bill Maher doesn't even try to hide his disdain & disloyalty and says what many of 'em are thinking.They don't care who gets hurt as long as their mindless hatred is served. Fucking traitors, every one of 'em:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
Too bad so many do not understand there are leftists that don't care about anything but their feelings, their party being in control, right or wrong.
"Everybody makes mistakes," Scarborough said Monday... "Has she claimed this happened? Why is there this glaring omission in the NYTimes story?" I can't believe the NYTimes would write this piece without that information contained in it."

Believe it Joe … the media's relentless hate campaign knows no bounds and continues apace.

And to answer your question, the woman has not claimed this happened and has no recollection of the event described by the former Clinton attorney who made the allegation. Look for a Lawrence O'Donnell/CNN type mea culpa in a day or so.

The left are inveterate LIARS and the MSM have destroyed their own credibility.
Ironically, the CRC (con-servative republican christians) wouldn't care if Kavanaugh raped his way thru college. Boys will be boys.
"Everybody makes mistakes," Scarborough said Monday... "Has she claimed this happened? Why is there this glaring omission in the NYTimes story?" I can't believe the NYTimes would write this piece without that information contained in it."

Believe it Joe … the media's relentless hate campaign knows no bounds and continues apace.

And to answer your question, the woman has not claimed this happened and has no recollection of the event described by the former Clinton attorney who made the allegation. Look for a Lawrence O'Donnell/CNN type mea culpa in a day or so.

The left are inveterate LIARS and the MSM have destroyed their own credibility.
Ironically, the CRC (con-servative republican christians) wouldn't care if Kavanaugh raped his way thru college. Boys will be boys.

No, they would seek his imprisonment. However you need more than the vague claims of a trump hating progressive loon to proceed.

Of course, a progressive loon, like you, doesn't care about ethics, or facts, you just don't like someone so any lie that removes them is fine with you.

Typical fascist behavior from you and your ilk.
The Left is terrified, they can see the writing on the wall for 2020, no viable candidate that can beat Trump, and the prospects of Trump electing yet another justice to replace Ginsburg, who will surely step aside after 2020.
Oh, I'm sure that Hillary can come out of retirement, you know, just in case....
The Left is terrified, they can see the writing on the wall for 2020, no viable candidate that can beat Trump, and the prospects of Trump electing yet another justice to replace Ginsburg, who will surely step aside after 2020.
Oh, I'm sure that Hillary can come out of retirement, you know, just in case....
They could still put Chelsea in the bullpen and continue the Clinton criminal dynasty.
"Everybody makes mistakes," Scarborough said Monday... "Has she claimed this happened? Why is there this glaring omission in the NYTimes story?" I can't believe the NYTimes would write this piece without that information contained in it."

Believe it Joe … the media's relentless hate campaign knows no bounds and continues apace.

And to answer your question, the woman has not claimed this happened and has no recollection of the event described by the former Clinton attorney who made the allegation. Look for a Lawrence O'Donnell/CNN type mea culpa in a day or so.

The left are inveterate LIARS and the MSM have destroyed their own credibility.
Ironically, the CRC (con-servative republican christians) wouldn't care if Kavanaugh raped his way thru college. Boys will be boys.
Says a slick Willy supporter
"Everybody makes mistakes," Scarborough said Monday... "Has she claimed this happened? Why is there this glaring omission in the NYTimes story?" I can't believe the NYTimes would write this piece without that information contained in it."

Believe it Joe … the media's relentless hate campaign knows no bounds and continues apace.

And to answer your question, the woman has not claimed this happened and has no recollection of the event described by the former Clinton attorney who made the allegation. Look for a Lawrence O'Donnell/CNN type mea culpa in a day or so.

The left are inveterate LIARS and the MSM have destroyed their own credibility.
Ironically, the CRC (con-servative republican christians) wouldn't care if Kavanaugh raped his way thru college. Boys will be boys.
Angry, bitter, soulless leftards don't care that there is no evidence that "Kavanaugh raped his way thru college." You believe what you must to satisfy the raging hatred that rules your pathetic lives.

Meanwhile the media's relentless hate campaign continues apace.
Knowing what everyone knows, it's hard to even take a sports article seriously in the NYT or WaPo. These papers have become a joke along with those modern day phonies, Woodward and Bernstein. It's funny how they allegedly broke the biggest scandal of all time and now they're both covering up a scandal ten times bigger. Old fools.
The President wrote on Twitter... that “the New York Times should close its doors and throw away the keys” after the flawed story.

And he is absolutely right!
Knowing what everyone knows, it's hard to even take a sports article seriously in the NYT or WaPo. These papers have become a joke along with those modern day phonies, Woodward and Bernstein. It's funny how they allegedly broke the biggest scandal of all time and now they're both covering up a scandal ten times bigger. Old fools.
The President wrote on Twitter... that “the New York Times should close its doors and throw away the keys” after the flawed story. And he is absolutely right!
Don't be too harsh ... we still need birdcage liner but I no longer bother to read either.

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