Even in liberal San Francisco white parents choose segregated schools


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Article should come out and say what everybody knows. Blacks are mentally inferior and also violent and it's child abuse to let your kid attend a black school if you can avoid it.

On Guard Why do parents choose segregation Joe Fitzgerald San Francisco San Francisco Examiner

feb 10 2015
A new report shows a shameful truth for our city: San Francisco's schools are segregated.

The San Francisco Public Press, a local nonprofit newspaper, reported that out of San Francisco Unified School District's 115 schools, six in 10 have simple majorities of one racial group. Alarmingly, a quarter of district schools have 60 percent or more students of one racial group.

The report notes how black students in The City attend mostly black schools, white children attend mostly white schools and so on.

With those demographics, white parents of conscience face a dilemma: Will they choose to racially (and economically) reintegrate schools with their own children, but perhaps sacrifice some education quality, or put their children into the best schools and further segregate the system?

"I think what we discovered is that choice is not effective as a desegregation mechanism," said Rachel Norton, an SFUSD Board of Education commissioner. And increased parent choice in schools is how the district got to this point in the first place, the Public Press found.
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Obama sends his kids to a segregated school. The Quaker run Sidwell Friends School. The media gives him a pass on this brazen hypocrisy. Of course the press won't let their kids attend black schools either.
No big deal. Even black parents send their kids to white schools if they can afford it. Instinct trumps ideology every time when it comes to concern for one's children.
Article should come out and say what everybody knows. Blacks are mentally inferior and also violent and it's child abuse to let your kid attend a black school if you can avoid it.

On Guard Why do parents choose segregation Joe Fitzgerald San Francisco San Francisco Examiner

feb 10 2015
A new report shows a shameful truth for our city: San Francisco's schools are segregated.

The San Francisco Public Press, a local nonprofit newspaper, reported that out of San Francisco Unified School District's 115 schools, six in 10 have simple majorities of one racial group. Alarmingly, a quarter of district schools have 60 percent or more students of one racial group.

The report notes how black students in The City attend mostly black schools, white children attend mostly white schools and so on.

With those demographics, white parents of conscience face a dilemma: Will they choose to racially (and economically) reintegrate schools with their own children, but perhaps sacrifice some education quality, or put their children into the best schools and further segregate the system?

"I think what we discovered is that choice is not effective as a desegregation mechanism," said Rachel Norton, an SFUSD Board of Education commissioner. And increased parent choice in schools is how the district got to this point in the first place, the Public Press found.

Demographic majorities are not segregation.
Article should come out and say what everybody knows. Blacks are mentally inferior and also violent and it's child abuse to let your kid attend a black school if you can avoid it.

On Guard Why do parents choose segregation Joe Fitzgerald San Francisco San Francisco Examiner

feb 10 2015
A new report shows a shameful truth for our city: San Francisco's schools are segregated.

The San Francisco Public Press, a local nonprofit newspaper, reported that out of San Francisco Unified School District's 115 schools, six in 10 have simple majorities of one racial group. Alarmingly, a quarter of district schools have 60 percent or more students of one racial group.

The report notes how black students in The City attend mostly black schools, white children attend mostly white schools and so on.

With those demographics, white parents of conscience face a dilemma: Will they choose to racially (and economically) reintegrate schools with their own children, but perhaps sacrifice some education quality, or put their children into the best schools and further segregate the system?

"I think what we discovered is that choice is not effective as a desegregation mechanism," said Rachel Norton, an SFUSD Board of Education commissioner. And increased parent choice in schools is how the district got to this point in the first place, the Public Press found.

Demographic majorities are not segregation.

Dammit Delta!!! Let them keep going lol
What do you mean 'even in liberal San Francisco'? White lefties are among the most notorious at segregating themselves. Hypocrites deluxe. They spout off about diversity when in reality their diversity is living and working and hanging with all different kinds of left wing white people. I know, I live amongst them in an otherwise mostly black county. The diversity loving left wing whities that dominate my local town send zero children to the local high school because it is 99% minority, mostly black.
No big deal. Even black parents send their kids to white schools if they can afford it. Instinct trumps ideology every time when it comes to concern for one's children.

Whadda you mean "if they can afford it"? WE taxpayers are the ones "affording it".
What I mean is that richer black parents who give a damn about their kids will either move to a better school district or send their kids to private schools if they can instead if having them attend majority-black schools.
No big deal. Even black parents send their kids to white schools if they can afford it. Instinct trumps ideology every time when it comes to concern for one's children.

Whadda you mean "if they can afford it"? WE taxpayers are the ones "affording it".
What I mean is that richer black parents who give a damn about their kids will either move to a better school district or send their kids to private schools if they can instead if having them attend majority-black schools.
I knew what you meant about private schools...I was just making a point. All those big yellow buses are paid for by we taxpayer though.
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No big deal. Even black parents send their kids to white schools if they can afford it. Instinct trumps ideology every time when it comes to concern for one's children.

Whadda you mean "if they can afford it"? WE taxpayers are the ones "affording it".
What I mean is that richer black parents who give a damn about their kids will either move to a better school district or send their kids to private schools if they can instead if having them attend majority-black schools.
I'd like to see the numbers of blacks here in middle class PG County who avoid sending their kids to Barack Obama Elementary School.
]What I mean is that richer black parents who give a damn about their kids will either move to a better school district or send their kids to private schools if they can instead if having them attend majority-black schools.

That's just what obama did. Even blacks avoid black schools if they can. And the press gives the hypocrites a pass.
My uber-liberal aunt and uncle moved from (diverse) Arlington to (white) McClean when their three sons became old enough to start school. No one blamed though nor pointed out the hypocrisy relative to their political philosophy. Instinct of to protect your children wins out every time.
Fact is half the black kids in our schools have IQs under 75. They simply can't learn no matter how much money we spend on teaching them.
What do you mean 'even in liberal San Francisco'? White lefties are among the most notorious at segregating themselves. Hypocrites deluxe. They spout off about diversity when in reality their diversity is living and working and hanging with all different kinds of left wing white people. I know, I live amongst them in an otherwise mostly black county. The diversity loving left wing whities that dominate my local town send zero children to the local high school because it is 99% minority, mostly black.

BUT....as Lyndon Johnson said to the two democrat senators in private:

Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963... "These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for the next two hundred years".
We taxpayers are paying for their busing so when they are sent to the suburban white schools Lyndon had us paying for his votes. And we still are.
Article should come out and say what everybody knows. Blacks are mentally inferior and also violent and it's child abuse to let your kid attend a black school if you can avoid it.

On Guard Why do parents choose segregation Joe Fitzgerald San Francisco San Francisco Examiner

feb 10 2015
A new report shows a shameful truth for our city: San Francisco's schools are segregated.

The San Francisco Public Press, a local nonprofit newspaper, reported that out of San Francisco Unified School District's 115 schools, six in 10 have simple majorities of one racial group. Alarmingly, a quarter of district schools have 60 percent or more students of one racial group.

The report notes how black students in The City attend mostly black schools, white children attend mostly white schools and so on.

With those demographics, white parents of conscience face a dilemma: Will they choose to racially (and economically) reintegrate schools with their own children, but perhaps sacrifice some education quality, or put their children into the best schools and further segregate the system?

"I think what we discovered is that choice is not effective as a desegregation mechanism," said Rachel Norton, an SFUSD Board of Education commissioner. And increased parent choice in schools is how the district got to this point in the first place, the Public Press found.

Demographic majorities are not segregation.

How do you think demographic majorities happen Einstein?
The Bleaching of San Francisco Extreme Gentrification and Suburbanized Poverty in the Bay Area
My uber-liberal aunt and uncle moved from (diverse) Arlington to (white) McClean when their three sons became old enough to start school. No one blamed though nor pointed out the hypocrisy relative to their political philosophy. Instinct of to protect your children wins out every time.

Even liberals know that black means inferior.
My uber-liberal aunt and uncle moved from (diverse) Arlington to (white) McClean when their three sons became old enough to start school. No one blamed though nor pointed out the hypocrisy relative to their political philosophy. Instinct of to protect your children wins out every time.

Even liberals know that black means inferior.
Except on the basketball court.

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