Evangelicals never gave a hoot about abortion or Roe v. Wade till they


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
needed it. it was a Catholic thing.

When evangelical Christians first began debating the issue of abortion, they were nowhere near as unified about the topic as they appear to be today. Shortly after the Supreme Court made their landmark decision on the issue in Roe v. Wade (1973), influential Baptist minister W.A. Criswell, pastor of First Baptist in Dallas, TX, and predecessor to FOX News darling Robert Jeffress, said:

I have always felt that it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person, and it has always, therefore, seemed to me that what is best for the mother and for the future should be allowed.

As late as five years after the legalization of abortion, Southern Baptists were still listed among the denominations officially affirming the decision. Richard Land, who formerly headed up the SBC’s political action division, points out that in those days there was a clear divide between what Baptists and Catholics believed about the matter:

They pretty much bought into the idea that life begins when breath begins, and they just thought of abortion as a Catholic issue.

An abortion article In November of 1968, Christianity Today devoted an entire issue to debating the subject, including an article written by conservative biblical scholar Bruce Waltke (Dallas Seminary) who argues that the Bible gives no clear answer on the matter.

In that article, Waltke explains that “in the absence of any biblical text forbidding abortion,” we are forced to look at the literature of nearby cultures at the time of the Old Testament to compare their laws with those of the people of Israel. He notes that while neighboring Assyria exacted punishment for performing abortions, no such prohibition existed among the ancient Hebrews.

What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.

There, on topic.
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You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.

I am calling out you Evangelicals and how fake you are, also no, you are not free to abort.

You guys need to make up your mind, either its murder and if so the women and man who impregnated her need to spend life in prison.
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.

I am calling out you Evangelicals and how fake you are, also no, you are not free to abort.

You guys need to make up your mind, either its murder and if so the women and man who impregnated her need to spend life in prison.
No need for me to make up my mind as it is murder of an unborn child as far as I am concerned. If you are pregnant though no one is stopping you from aborting. There are many methods you can use that do not involve anyone else or require anyone else to approve of your choice.
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.

I am calling out you Evangelicals and how fake you are, also no, you are not free to abort.

You guys need to make up your mind, either its murder and if so the women and man who impregnated her need to spend life in prison.
No need for me to make up my mind as it is murder of an unborn child as far as I am concerned. If you are pregnant though no one is stopping you from aborting. There are many methods you can use that do not involve anyone else or require anyone else to approve of your choice.

What about the poorer people, I'm past childbearing. They can fly to a state and see a private doctor, the elties do it all the time. I was raised RC, I am pro life and pro choice. I am more pro life after the baby is out of the uterus though.
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.

I am calling out you Evangelicals and how fake you are, also no, you are not free to abort.

You guys need to make up your mind, either its murder and if so the women and man who impregnated her need to spend life in prison.
No need for me to make up my mind as it is murder of an unborn child as far as I am concerned. If you are pregnant though no one is stopping you from aborting. There are many methods you can use that do not involve anyone else or require anyone else to approve of your choice.

What about the poorer people, I'm past childbearing. They can fly to a state and see a private doctor, the elties do it all the time. I was raised RC, I am pro life and pro choice. I am more pro life after the baby is out of the uterus though.
There are dozens of ways to naturally induce abortions (herbs that will do that also grow wild). Poor or poverty doesn't mean that they can't buy a dollar morning after pill and be somewhat responsible for their own actions. I would not oppose offering women who do not want children the option of the state providing a more permanent solution like having their tubes tied. When I divorced the children's biological father I knew it would be difficult for me to raise and take care of the two children on my own so that is exactly what I did to insure I would not have another child I could not financially support on my own. Generally given decent options most people choose the ones with the most common sense.
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.

I am calling out you Evangelicals and how fake you are, also no, you are not free to abort.

You guys need to make up your mind, either its murder and if so the women and man who impregnated her need to spend life in prison.
No need for me to make up my mind as it is murder of an unborn child as far as I am concerned. If you are pregnant though no one is stopping you from aborting. There are many methods you can use that do not involve anyone else or require anyone else to approve of your choice.

What about the poorer people, I'm past childbearing. They can fly to a state and see a private doctor, the elties do it all the time. I was raised RC, I am pro life and pro choice. I am more pro life after the baby is out of the uterus though.
Poor in America means you have an iPhone 4 and your dvd doesn’t play blu Ray
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.
" You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices."

Of course we are. We can do so through voting and legislation. Just as Medicare will pay for heart surgery for a person who ate a cheeseburger every day of his life.
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.

I am calling out you Evangelicals and how fake you are, also no, you are not free to abort.

You guys need to make up your mind, either its murder and if so the women and man who impregnated her need to spend life in prison.
The fake calling truth a lie. Goebbels.
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.
" You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices."

Of course we are. We can do so through voting and legislation. Just as Medicare will pay for heart surgery for a person who ate a cheeseburger every day of his life.
Or the butt f****r who gets aids? Only if you have a majority......
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.
" You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices."

Of course we are. We can do so through voting and legislation. Just as Medicare will pay for heart surgery for a person who ate a cheeseburger every day of his life.
Oh good. We can have you pay for programs to have moms not murder their children and teach all school kids abortion is murder.

Just pass a law.
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.
" You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices."

Of course we are. We can do so through voting and legislation. Just as Medicare will pay for heart surgery for a person who ate a cheeseburger every day of his life.
Or the butt f****r who gets aids? Only if you have a majority......
As in, a majority of people who care, not a majority of AIDS patients. And you're a little late to the party.... Medicare and Medicaid already pay for AIDS treatments. And one suffering from AIDS can go on permanent Social Security disability. By the way, many more heterosexuals than homosexuals have AIDS in this world.
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.
" You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices."

Of course we are. We can do so through voting and legislation. Just as Medicare will pay for heart surgery for a person who ate a cheeseburger every day of his life.
Oh good. We can have you pay for programs to have moms not murder their children and teach all school kids abortion is murder.

Just pass a law.
Nah, we'll share the burden. Nobody likes paying taxes... not sure what you think makes you so special....
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.
" You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices."

Of course we are. We can do so through voting and legislation. Just as Medicare will pay for heart surgery for a person who ate a cheeseburger every day of his life.
Or the butt f****r who gets aids? Only if you have a majority......
As in, a majority of people who care, not a majority of AIDS patients. And you're a little late to the party.... Medicare and Medicaid already pay for AIDS treatments. And one suffering from AIDS can go on permanent Social Security disability. By the way, many more heterosexuals than homosexuals have AIDS in this world.
Well heck no wonder the programs are going broke. Perhaps we should run some more Clinton's bs out there to get more folks on the free for all sex program for the eugenics people will be happier and quit paying for risky behavioral illnesses all together?
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.
" You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices."

Of course we are. We can do so through voting and legislation. Just as Medicare will pay for heart surgery for a person who ate a cheeseburger every day of his life.
Or the butt f****r who gets aids? Only if you have a majority......
As in, a majority of people who care, not a majority of AIDS patients. And you're a little late to the party.... Medicare and Medicaid already pay for AIDS treatments. And one suffering from AIDS can go on permanent Social Security disability. By the way, many more heterosexuals than homosexuals have AIDS in this world.
Well heck no wonder the programs are going broke. Perhaps we should run some more Clinton's bs out there to get more folks on the free for all sex program for the eugenics people will be happier and quit paying for risky behavioral illnesses all together?
"Well heck no wonder the programs are going broke. "

The programs are going broke not just because of expenditures, but also because they are not adequately funded. And yes, we will always pay for treatments arising from "risky behaviors", because 1) we are not going to eliminate all risky behavior, and 2) these programs exist for the well-being of the individual members of our country, which bolsters the economy, national security, and overall strength of our society and nation. They do not exist to soothe your ideology, religion, neuroses, or fetishes.
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.

I am calling out you Evangelicals and how fake you are, also no, you are not free to abort.

You guys need to make up your mind, either its murder and if so the women and man who impregnated her need to spend life in prison.
No need for me to make up my mind as it is murder of an unborn child as far as I am concerned. If you are pregnant though no one is stopping you from aborting. There are many methods you can use that do not involve anyone else or require anyone else to approve of your choice.

What about the poorer people, I'm past childbearing. They can fly to a state and see a private doctor, the elties do it all the time. I was raised RC, I am pro life and pro choice. I am more pro life after the baby is out of the uterus though.

Show us you have a spine.

Does an abortion kill a child?

Yes or no.
You are free to abort. You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices.
" You merely are not free to force someone else to pay for your choices."

Of course we are. We can do so through voting and legislation. Just as Medicare will pay for heart surgery for a person who ate a cheeseburger every day of his life.
Or the butt f****r who gets aids? Only if you have a majority......
As in, a majority of people who care, not a majority of AIDS patients. And you're a little late to the party.... Medicare and Medicaid already pay for AIDS treatments. And one suffering from AIDS can go on permanent Social Security disability. By the way, many more heterosexuals than homosexuals have AIDS in this world.
Well heck no wonder the programs are going broke. Perhaps we should run some more Clinton's bs out there to get more folks on the free for all sex program for the eugenics people will be happier and quit paying for risky behavioral illnesses all together?
"Well heck no wonder the programs are going broke. "

The programs are going broke not just because of expenditures, but also because they are not adequately funded. And yes, we will always pay for treatments arising from "risky behaviors", because 1) we are not going to eliminate all risky behavior, and 2) these programs exist for the well-being of the individual members of our country, which bolsters the economy, national security, and overall strength of our society and nation. They do not exist to soothe your ideology, religion, neuroses, or fetishes.
Plenty of taxes already being laid on the people. The well being of a country isn't in promoting and paying for risky behavior so people can have a good time at other peoples expense and stay brain dead, dead beats. That degrades a country it doesn't bolster its economy or secure a future for the country either.

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