Epstein Pilot - Trump Flew on the Lolita Express

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He never said he grabbed pussy . He did say that when you are rich and powerful “they will just let you do it”. This enraged the cucks, queers, heterosexual men haters, weak and weepy and they crafted this falsehood. Libs take facts and squeeze them through their blender of feelings to come out with a mix of lies that support what they wish was so
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. It's funny that you retards have no problem accusing Biden of stuff with no proof and yet when the orange douche bag is caught on camera, you choose to downplay it. Trumptards are so predictable. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump never told Zelensky that he had to do this or else. It simply didn't happen. Trump never told people to riot. Those are the absolute facts. To infer that he was guilty of one or both of these acts is pure speculation.

When did Trump tell Zelensky to do this or else? Biden did, but Trump didn't. I think you are confusing yourself.

When did he tell people to riot? I do recall him saying they should "peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard" the day of the riot. You really have to spin that one to get bolster your claim.
It doesn't matter whether or not he said, "do this or else." He asked him to look for dirt on a political rival. That's illegal.
Epstein was not exclusively a pedophile

He thrived at cuddling up to the rich and famous and offering them favors

A flight on his private aircraft does not necessarily equate to sexual favors

According to the pilot, there was not any “mile high club” activity going on
The pilot, in the cockpit, would know that how? Sounds like this witness is questionable at best, a liar at worst.
Trump never told Zelensky that he had to do this or else. It simply didn't happen. Trump never told people to riot. Those are the absolute facts. To infer that he was guilty of one or both of these acts is pure speculation.
Yes. And there’s so many other plausible explanations why Trump would simultaneously personally place a hold on military aide to Ukraine.

We all know how into the weeds Trump was regarding minutia of US foreign policy. He was a real technocrat.
The pilot, in the cockpit, would know that how? Sounds like this witness is questionable at best, a liar at worst.

Planes fly themselves
Pilots get up and walk around or use the bathroom

And he also told the court he never saw any sexual activity on the flight, or any underage girls without their parents.

What exactly is Trump guilty of sans speculation?
Same thing Clinton is guilty of after years of the right wing harping on this exact same issue.
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