Enough! Let's work to take our Country Back!

It seem several Republican Senators have had enough, and are speaking out about Trump's aberrant (my word) behavior; especially his threat to fire Sessions; two of them remarked on the worst kept secret in DC, i.e. fire Sessions, appointed a lackey to fire Mr. Mueller and curtail his investigation.

If he does so Speaker Ryan will have to grow a pair, and move forward to produce articles of impeachment.
The Republican Leadership and the POTUS are putting themselves before the American People. They are playing a zero sum game and will lose. They have strolled into the quagmire of their own doing and totally disregard the needs and wants of the American People.

Trump, McConnell and Ryan have built a false narrative that the ACA is doomed to fail, which health care professionals deny, and that includes the insurance industry. Nothing Trump, McConnell or Ryan have said about the ACA is the absolute truth, their rhetoric is AT BEST a half-truth and an example of a BIG LIE.

Why? Because the Republicans ran on and promised to repeal the ACA (Obamacare) for years, and never planned on what and how it should be replaced. It has been said that health care in America represents 1/6 of our economy. Their behavior is reprehensible, and demonstrates how ineffective and incompetent they truly are.

We the People need to stand up to authority, and say to the Republican leaders, enough! Fix what needs fixing, stop featherbedding the wealthy, and stop lying. Not just health care is under attack by these scoundrels, democracy itself is in harms way.

We already took it back asshole despite the ongoing attemps of the deep state led soft coup. The ACA is not only doomed to fail it was designed to fail from the outset in order to pave the way for the single payer system which is what the Democrats really wanted all along. Provider choices are down, premiums and deductibles have gone up, and the Democrats voted unanimously to not even have a conversation on how to fix it.

Here's an example from my own experience, in my last job the new owners cancelled our medical and I made too much to qualify for medicaid and not enough to qualify for Obamacare so I had to lie about my income to get it because if I don't get it I get fined, but here's the rub, once the IRS found out I was under the qualifying income they fined the hell out of me anyways. So fucking tell me smart guy how the hell is it fair that I get a penalty for not getting something not offered to me and fined if I lie and get it anyways? I am literally screwed either way. Obamacare hurts not helps the working class poor, unless of course you're a minority or a single mother, but you don't give a damn about the poor if they're a white male which is why you fuckers will lose again in the midterms as will the turn coat cuckservative deepstate establishment republicans who voted against repeal, so fuck you and the horse you road in on you piece of shit get your fucking hands out of my pockets!

Too bad you're not smart enough to get by in a competitive society. I suppose you blame liberals for that, seeking equal opportunity and equal rights for women and minorities who are smarter and better educated than you must really piss you off.

God, am I taking fucking crazy pills or speaking Japanese or something? The ACA emodies the exact opposite of a competive society, you are literally mandating that I purchase a product by law and then penalizing me if I don't, and to add insult to injury you aren't even offering me the product that you mandate I purchase and then taking the money you penalize me and using it to subsidize the insurance of people who make more than me. If you agree with that then you are an enemy of the working poor who aspire through hard work to become middleclass.

The members of the exchange compete for customers

That isn't competition it's overt theft and you're not even robbing the rich and giving it to the poor you're robbing from the poor and giving it to the less poor/middleclass. I don't want your fucking handout but you sure as shit are not going to take my hard earned money and hand it to someone more well off than I am.

Furthermore; I do blame liberals for the fact that I pay taxes and now fines in order to finance government subsidies that I am not entitled to recieve even though minorities in the same income bracket are. I'm not asking for preferential treatment I'm asking for equal treatment you trust fund commie faggot and true enemy of the working class!

And for the record you little bitch my current employer does offer medical insurance, but thanks to the ACA my deductible has gone up to more than $6000 so basically I'm paying for something I won't use unless I get cancer or get hit by a bus, but hey maybe I'll get lucky right?

I'd offer some pity, but calling me an asshole because you disagree with my ideas

Your "ideas" take food out of my mouth you little cock sucking asshole. Get your fucking hands out of my pockets or I'll cut them the fuck off! You people who Hayek referred to as "the planners," still don't get it, your policies are hurting real white middleclass and working poor, that's why you lost in November to a reality tv star, and that's why you'll lose again in 2020. But by all means continue with your plan of identity politics and enjoy not having a national party for the foreseeable future.

First of all punk, I'm not little (6' 2" & 230 pounds; and I can still bench my weight), I'm not a cock sucker and I've been called worse by other punks when I've locked them in a cage. You may be white, but you have no class, middle or otherwise. And if you can read and comprehend what is written, read the rules and stop making threats like little punks do when safely deposited in a jail cell.

Ya you know the law really well you stupid faggot, terroristic threat statutes only apply to direct, specific, and imminent threats that violate the clear and probable danger test, now STFU before I murder you in your sleep you dumb fuck. In fact you're up for a free helicopter ride get the fuck in the chopper.


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