Enough! Let's work to take our Country Back!

The Republican Leadership and the POTUS are putting themselves before the American People. They are playing a zero sum game and will lose. They have strolled into the quagmire of their own doing and totally disregard the needs and wants of the American People.

Trump, McConnell and Ryan have built a false narrative that the ACA is doomed to fail, which health care professionals deny, and that includes the insurance industry. Nothing Trump, McConnell or Ryan have said about the ACA is the absolute truth, their rhetoric is AT BEST a half-truth and an example of a BIG LIE.

Why? Because the Republicans ran on and promised to repeal the ACA (Obamacare) for years, and never planned on what and how it should be replaced. It has been said that health care in America represents 1/6 of our economy. Their behavior is reprehensible, and demonstrates how ineffective and incompetent they truly are.

We the People need to stand up to authority, and say to the Republican leaders, enough! Fix what needs fixing, stop featherbedding the wealthy, and stop lying. Not just health care is under attack by these scoundrels, democracy itself is in harms way.

We are trying to take our country back but you democrats keep getting in the way....
The Republican Leadership and the POTUS are putting themselves before the American People. They are playing a zero sum game and will lose. They have strolled into the quagmire of their own doing and totally disregard the needs and wants of the American People.

Trump, McConnell and Ryan have built a false narrative that the ACA is doomed to fail, which health care professionals deny, and that includes the insurance industry. Nothing Trump, McConnell or Ryan have said about the ACA is the absolute truth, their rhetoric is AT BEST a half-truth and an example of a BIG LIE.

Why? Because the Republicans ran on and promised to repeal the ACA (Obamacare) for years, and never planned on what and how it should be replaced. It has been said that health care in America represents 1/6 of our economy. Their behavior is reprehensible, and demonstrates how ineffective and incompetent they truly are.

We the People need to stand up to authority, and say to the Republican leaders, enough! Fix what needs fixing, stop featherbedding the wealthy, and stop lying. Not just health care is under attack by these scoundrels, democracy itself is in harms way.

You're such an idiot.
Because of those blinders you keep wearing you still haven't figured out that it was the real scoundrels that made that POS law.

Fuck you. Calling someone an idiot and making a false claim (which is a lie, or an echo on a topic you know nothing about) makes anything you write worthless, thoughtless and vapid.
Look in the mirror, dirt bag.
We've had 7 years to look at this thing. If it was so great Congress wouldn't have asked for an exemption for their staff from it. It wouldn't have taken over 7years to go into law. Democrats told you that Unicorns really do exist and you bought it and refuse to listen to anyone who says otherwise.

Damn Liar ^^^

Q: Is it true that there are bills in Congress that would exempt members and their staffs and families from buying into “Obamacare”?

A: No. Congress members and staffers will be required to buy insurance through the exchanges on Jan. 1.

Congress and an Exemption from 'Obamacare'? - FactCheck.org

Any other fools still believe this BIG LIE?
The Republican Leadership and the POTUS are putting themselves before the American People.

Seriously, STFU!

Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 Presidential election because she was the most corrupt, criminal candidate to ever run for the Presidency - she should have been forced out of the campaign long before election day for being under multiple criminal FBI investigations for crimes, to including Espionage, that she DID commit. D-Chuck Schumer even just stated a few days ago that if Hillary is looking for someone to blame she should be looking in the mirror instead of pointing at the Russians and everyone else she can think of during her national 'This is who I blame Tour'!

During the whole process, so driven by hatred and lust for power, Democrats 'hijacked' the country and engaged in riots, vandalism, arson, terrorism, violence, silencing of freedom of speech, subversion, sedition, calls for military coups, calls for assassinations, and even attempted assassinations.

During this entire process of attempted false accusations, schemes, and scandals the Democrats have only succeeded in exposing their own crimes. Former President Obama did not even try to hide the fact that Democrats were violating the law and that he would not allow the law to be administered equally, fairly. He openly declared in a press conference Harry Reid and Julian Castro had violated the Hatch Act but that he would NOT allow them to be indicted / prosecuted because 'they are sorry'.

During the election Hillary / Democrats colluded with Ukraine...Obama's Director of the FBI and his FBI BOUGHT Russian-Generated Propaganda from a Foreign Agent through a company (Fusion GPS) that had ties to Putin and the Kremlin who were behind the false smear campaign. It was reported yesterday that the entire FAKE NEWS Russian Collusion Witch Hunt was started based off of THAT Dossier that can be traced all the way back to Putin's govt.

Former President Obama and the Democrats have waged a non-stop BS seditious campaign against the newly elected President because they can not come to grips with the fact that their worthless POS criminal candidate lost the election...and Obama can't bear to see his socialist legacy be dismantled.

The Democrats AMAZINGLY did not try to hide their hatred and their 'unholy' destructive Partisanship - they OPENLY, PUBLICLY declared their '100% commitment' to shutting down the government for the next 4 years, to prevent any legislation designed to benefit the American people to be passed, vowed to harm the United States Government and the American people FOR THE BENEFIT OF THEIR OWN PARTY!

The Democrats, who have lost more than 1000 elections, have lost 5 Special Elections, and have lost 2 historical, record-setting elections...the Democrats whose last corrupt, criminal, worst candidate EVER was rejected a SECOND TIME, the Democrats who are the minority in our govt right now, have managed to control the narrative, the course, and the issues in this new government / administration through control of the Fake News All-In Media who facilitate the pushing of the DNC Russian/Ukraine-supported propaganda, lies, scams and schemes.

The DEMOCRATS have OPENLY, PUBLICLY admitted to and have held this nation hostage because the worst criminal Presidential candidate in US history did not win the last election.

Oh, I agree with you that it is way past time to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK, but it is from the subversive, seditious, law-breaking, sour-grapes, butt-hurt, hate-spewing liberal far left we must do so.

Barak Obama declared, 'Elections have consequences'. Guess what, snowflake - that goes both ways.

Enough IS enough....time to take out country back. It is also time for the snowflakes to embrace Obama's words: 'Elections have consequences'...to accept they LOST the election, Americans rejected the Democrats and their mess age of hate and 'it's my turn' declared by a FELON, and STFU so we can get on with the people's / nation's business.
The Republican Leadership and the POTUS are putting themselves before the American People. They are playing a zero sum game and will lose. They have strolled into the quagmire of their own doing and totally disregard the needs and wants of the American People.

Trump, McConnell and Ryan have built a false narrative that the ACA is doomed to fail, which health care professionals deny, and that includes the insurance industry. Nothing Trump, McConnell or Ryan have said about the ACA is the absolute truth, their rhetoric is AT BEST a half-truth and an example of a BIG LIE.

Why? Because the Republicans ran on and promised to repeal the ACA (Obamacare) for years, and never planned on what and how it should be replaced. It has been said that health care in America represents 1/6 of our economy. Their behavior is reprehensible, and demonstrates how ineffective and incompetent they truly are.

We the People need to stand up to authority, and say to the Republican leaders, enough! Fix what needs fixing, stop featherbedding the wealthy, and stop lying. Not just health care is under attack by these scoundrels, democracy itself is in harms way.

You're such an idiot.
Because of those blinders you keep wearing you still haven't figured out that it was the real scoundrels that made that POS law.

Fuck you. Calling someone an idiot and making a false claim (which is a lie, or an echo on a topic you know nothing about) makes anything you write worthless, thoughtless and vapid.
Look in the mirror, dirt bag.
We've had 7 years to look at this thing. If it was so great Congress wouldn't have asked for an exemption for their staff from it. It wouldn't have taken over 7years to go into law. Democrats told you that Unicorns really do exist and you bought it and refuse to listen to anyone who says otherwise.

Damn Liar ^^^

Q: Is it true that there are bills in Congress that would exempt members and their staffs and families from buying into “Obamacare”?

A: No. Congress members and staffers will be required to buy insurance through the exchanges on Jan. 1.

Congress and an Exemption from 'Obamacare'? - FactCheck.org

Any other fools still believe this BIG LIE?
Why haven't they already been on the exchange?
Your argument is bogus because it doesn't matter what they claim will happen in the future. It still hasn't happened yet 7years after it was voted on and passed. They still are exempt from it as we speak. It takes no brains at all to realize that congress doesn't feel the need to fix their screw-ups as long as they aren't suffering from those screw-ups. If they ever have to buy that lousy insurance they will be more inclined to fix it. But they can always vote for another exemption in the future.
The Republican Leadership and the POTUS are putting themselves before the American People. They are playing a zero sum game and will lose. They have strolled into the quagmire of their own doing and totally disregard the needs and wants of the American People.

Trump, McConnell and Ryan have built a false narrative that the ACA is doomed to fail, which health care professionals deny, and that includes the insurance industry. Nothing Trump, McConnell or Ryan have said about the ACA is the absolute truth, their rhetoric is AT BEST a half-truth and an example of a BIG LIE.

Why? Because the Republicans ran on and promised to repeal the ACA (Obamacare) for years, and never planned on what and how it should be replaced. It has been said that health care in America represents 1/6 of our economy. Their behavior is reprehensible, and demonstrates how ineffective and incompetent they truly are.

We the People need to stand up to authority, and say to the Republican leaders, enough! Fix what needs fixing, stop featherbedding the wealthy, and stop lying. Not just health care is under attack by these scoundrels, democracy itself is in harms way.

What Trump, McConnell and Ryan should do is dust off Nixon\Kennedy plan and pass it and sign it into law. This will end the debate and you will have nothing to whine about!
The Republican Leadership and the POTUS are putting themselves before the American People. They are playing a zero sum game and will lose. They have strolled into the quagmire of their own doing and totally disregard the needs and wants of the American People.

Trump, McConnell and Ryan have built a false narrative that the ACA is doomed to fail, which health care professionals deny, and that includes the insurance industry. Nothing Trump, McConnell or Ryan have said about the ACA is the absolute truth, their rhetoric is AT BEST a half-truth and an example of a BIG LIE.

Why? Because the Republicans ran on and promised to repeal the ACA (Obamacare) for years, and never planned on what and how it should be replaced. It has been said that health care in America represents 1/6 of our economy. Their behavior is reprehensible, and demonstrates how ineffective and incompetent they truly are.

We the People need to stand up to authority, and say to the Republican leaders, enough! Fix what needs fixing, stop featherbedding the wealthy, and stop lying. Not just health care is under attack by these scoundrels, democracy itself is in harms way.

Considering Democrats designed ACA to fail and usher in Single payer within 20 years, your mewling is comical.
The MSM is complicit in that process by making everyone believe that the founders somehow forgot to include healthcare as one of the basic rights left out of the Bill of Rights.

Maybe we'll get a Supreme Court ruling soon that will solidify that. :eusa_think:

I've even seen folks with M.S. and Phd.'s write that healthcare is a basic human right. They believe this, they actually do.
The Republican Leadership and the POTUS are putting themselves before the American People. They are playing a zero sum game and will lose. They have strolled into the quagmire of their own doing and totally disregard the needs and wants of the American People.

Trump, McConnell and Ryan have built a false narrative that the ACA is doomed to fail, which health care professionals deny, and that includes the insurance industry. Nothing Trump, McConnell or Ryan have said about the ACA is the absolute truth, their rhetoric is AT BEST a half-truth and an example of a BIG LIE.

Why? Because the Republicans ran on and promised to repeal the ACA (Obamacare) for years, and never planned on what and how it should be replaced. It has been said that health care in America represents 1/6 of our economy. Their behavior is reprehensible, and demonstrates how ineffective and incompetent they truly are.

We the People need to stand up to authority, and say to the Republican leaders, enough! Fix what needs fixing, stop featherbedding the wealthy, and stop lying. Not just health care is under attack by these scoundrels, democracy itself is in harms way.

Considering Democrats designed ACA to fail and usher in Single payer within 20 years, your mewling is comical.
The MSM is complicit in that process by making everyone believe that the founders somehow forgot to include healthcare as one of the basic rights left out of the Bill of Rights.

Maybe we'll get a Supreme Court ruling soon that will solidify that. :eusa_think:

I've even seen folks with M.S. and Phd.'s write that healthcare is a basic human right. They believe this, they actually do.

When they start claiming something is a "basic human right" it usually means it is something expensive they want others to pay for.
feck anything that has anything to do with any 'dead kennedy' , just saying Bruce ,
The Republican Leadership and the POTUS are putting themselves before the American People.

Seriously, STFU!

Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 Presidential election because she was the most corrupt, criminal candidate to ever run for the Presidency - she should have been forced out of the campaign long before election day for being under multiple criminal FBI investigations for crimes, to including Espionage, that she DID commit. D-Chuck Schumer even just stated a few days ago that if Hillary is looking for someone to blame she should be looking in the mirror instead of pointing at the Russians and everyone else she can think of during her national 'This is who I blame Tour'!

During the whole process, so driven by hatred and lust for power, Democrats 'hijacked' the country and engaged in riots, vandalism, arson, terrorism, violence, silencing of freedom of speech, subversion, sedition, calls for military coups, calls for assassinations, and even attempted assassinations.

During this entire process of attempted false accusations, schemes, and scandals the Democrats have only succeeded in exposing their own crimes. Former President Obama did not even try to hide the fact that Democrats were violating the law and that he would not allow the law to be administered equally, fairly. He openly declared in a press conference Harry Reid and Julian Castro had violated the Hatch Act but that he would NOT allow them to be indicted / prosecuted because 'they are sorry'.

During the election Hillary / Democrats colluded with Ukraine...Obama's Director of the FBI and his FBI BOUGHT Russian-Generated Propaganda from a Foreign Agent through a company (Fusion GPS) that had ties to Putin and the Kremlin who were behind the false smear campaign. It was reported yesterday that the entire FAKE NEWS Russian Collusion Witch Hunt was started based off of THAT Dossier that can be traced all the way back to Putin's govt.

Former President Obama and the Democrats have waged a non-stop BS seditious campaign against the newly elected President because they can not come to grips with the fact that their worthless POS criminal candidate lost the election...and Obama can't bear to see his socialist legacy be dismantled.

The Democrats AMAZINGLY did not try to hide their hatred and their 'unholy' destructive Partisanship - they OPENLY, PUBLICLY declared their '100% commitment' to shutting down the government for the next 4 years, to prevent any legislation designed to benefit the American people to be passed, vowed to harm the United States Government and the American people FOR THE BENEFIT OF THEIR OWN PARTY!

The Democrats, who have lost more than 1000 elections, have lost 5 Special Elections, and have lost 2 historical, record-setting elections...the Democrats whose last corrupt, criminal, worst candidate EVER was rejected a SECOND TIME, the Democrats who are the minority in our govt right now, have managed to control the narrative, the course, and the issues in this new government / administration through control of the Fake News All-In Media who facilitate the pushing of the DNC Russian/Ukraine-supported propaganda, lies, scams and schemes.

The DEMOCRATS have OPENLY, PUBLICLY admitted to and have held this nation hostage because the worst criminal Presidential candidate in US history did not win the last election.

Oh, I agree with you that it is way past time to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK, but it is from the subversive, seditious, law-breaking, sour-grapes, butt-hurt, hate-spewing liberal far left we must do so.

Barak Obama declared, 'Elections have consequences'. Guess what, snowflake - that goes both ways.

Enough IS enough....time to take out country back. It is also time for the snowflakes to embrace Obama's words: 'Elections have consequences'...to accept they LOST the election, Americans rejected the Democrats and their mess age of hate and 'it's my turn' declared by a FELON, and STFU so we can get on with the people's / nation's business.

Of topic rant. I should STFU because my opinions interfere with "the people's / nation's business"?

Wow, I didn't know my words were so powerful. Fortunately I'm not beholden to you and I will not STFU. One might infer from your desire to censor me, that the government you desire is one where the United States become a dystopian society,
The Republican Leadership and the POTUS are putting themselves before the American People. They are playing a zero sum game and will lose. They have strolled into the quagmire of their own doing and totally disregard the needs and wants of the American People.

Trump, McConnell and Ryan have built a false narrative that the ACA is doomed to fail, which health care professionals deny, and that includes the insurance industry. Nothing Trump, McConnell or Ryan have said about the ACA is the absolute truth, their rhetoric is AT BEST a half-truth and an example of a BIG LIE.

Why? Because the Republicans ran on and promised to repeal the ACA (Obamacare) for years, and never planned on what and how it should be replaced. It has been said that health care in America represents 1/6 of our economy. Their behavior is reprehensible, and demonstrates how ineffective and incompetent they truly are.

We the People need to stand up to authority, and say to the Republican leaders, enough! Fix what needs fixing, stop featherbedding the wealthy, and stop lying. Not just health care is under attack by these scoundrels, democracy itself is in harms way.

You'll have a chance to "take our country back" in 2020, when you run a rich white one-percenter candidate. But I doubt that it will work because you'll alienate your voter base of trannies and illegals.
Last edited:
Of topic rant.

1. It's 'OFF topic rant. 'Off' has 2 'T's.

2. It's not 'off topic' at all. You wanted to talk about 'Taking Our county Back' - I DID. Your pant-waist, easily-offended, snowflake a$$ just didn't like what you read. Too d@mn bad.
My intent was not to troll for the fools, sadly that's a problem on this message board. Too many ignorant fools.
Oh the irony!!!! :lmao:

Posting a personal attack does not offer any proof that my OP is ignorant or foolish, nor that I am ignorant or foolish. Go forth and correct my thinking with a comprehensive expository essay. In that way you can provide evidence that you are not one of the many.
Of topic rant.

1. It's 'OFF topic rant. 'Off' has 2 'T's.

2. It's not 'off topic' at all. You wanted to talk about 'Taking Our county Back' - I DID. Your pant-waist, easily-offended, snowflake a$$ just didn't like what you read. Too d@mn bad.

1. Captious, "(of a person) tending to find fault or raise petty objections"

2. Fuck off. You too are incapable of posting a sound argument in rebuttal to the OP.
The Republican Leadership and the POTUS are putting themselves before the American People. They are playing a zero sum game and will lose. They have strolled into the quagmire of their own doing and totally disregard the needs and wants of the American People.

Trump, McConnell and Ryan have built a false narrative that the ACA is doomed to fail, which health care professionals deny, and that includes the insurance industry. Nothing Trump, McConnell or Ryan have said about the ACA is the absolute truth, their rhetoric is AT BEST a half-truth and an example of a BIG LIE.

Why? Because the Republicans ran on and promised to repeal the ACA (Obamacare) for years, and never planned on what and how it should be replaced. It has been said that health care in America represents 1/6 of our economy. Their behavior is reprehensible, and demonstrates how ineffective and incompetent they truly are.

We the People need to stand up to authority, and say to the Republican leaders, enough! Fix what needs fixing, stop featherbedding the wealthy, and stop lying. Not just health care is under attack by these scoundrels, democracy itself is in harms way.

Considering Democrats designed ACA to fail and usher in Single payer within 20 years, your mewling is comical.
The MSM is complicit in that process by making everyone believe that the founders somehow forgot to include healthcare as one of the basic rights left out of the Bill of Rights.

Maybe we'll get a Supreme Court ruling soon that will solidify that. :eusa_think:

I've even seen folks with M.S. and Phd.'s write that healthcare is a basic human right. They believe this, they actually do.

When they start claiming something is a "basic human right" it usually means it is something expensive they want others to pay for.

I'd pity you if you weren't so toxic. Being a skinflint and so worried about every penny is not a healthy obsession.
1. Captious, "(of a person) tending to find fault or raise petty objections"

2. Fuck off. You too are incapable of posting a sound argument in rebuttal to the OP.

1. Just like a damn, snowflake, try to blame someone else for their mistake.

2. The rebuttal and the facts pointed out and stressed therein kicked your ass, which is why your only pathetic response now is to say 'F* off'. You have demonstrated you are incapable of being objective, non-partisan, and / or intellectually honest. You put party above country, CRIMINAL DEMOCRATS above country...and have demonstrated you can not rationally, factually, and / or honestly defend their actions / crimes.

Elections have consequences...sack up, snowflake. Take your ass-whuppin' like a man, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try having some integrity, unbiased patriotism and loyalty to your country for a change.
The Republican Leadership and the POTUS are putting themselves before the American People. They are playing a zero sum game and will lose. They have strolled into the quagmire of their own doing and totally disregard the needs and wants of the American People.

Trump, McConnell and Ryan have built a false narrative that the ACA is doomed to fail, which health care professionals deny, and that includes the insurance industry. Nothing Trump, McConnell or Ryan have said about the ACA is the absolute truth, their rhetoric is AT BEST a half-truth and an example of a BIG LIE.

Why? Because the Republicans ran on and promised to repeal the ACA (Obamacare) for years, and never planned on what and how it should be replaced. It has been said that health care in America represents 1/6 of our economy. Their behavior is reprehensible, and demonstrates how ineffective and incompetent they truly are.

We the People need to stand up to authority, and say to the Republican leaders, enough! Fix what needs fixing, stop featherbedding the wealthy, and stop lying. Not just health care is under attack by these scoundrels, democracy itself is in harms way.

Considering Democrats designed ACA to fail and usher in Single payer within 20 years, your mewling is comical.
The MSM is complicit in that process by making everyone believe that the founders somehow forgot to include healthcare as one of the basic rights left out of the Bill of Rights.

Maybe we'll get a Supreme Court ruling soon that will solidify that. :eusa_think:

I've even seen folks with M.S. and Phd.'s write that healthcare is a basic human right. They believe this, they actually do.

When they start claiming something is a "basic human right" it usually means it is something expensive they want others to pay for.

I'd pity you if you weren't so toxic. Being a skinflint and so worried about every penny is not a healthy obsession.

Lol "toxic".

This coming from some desk jockey who wants "guns for me and not for thee" and doesn't care about the economy going to shit as long as he dies before his pension runs out.

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