Emperor Trump Orders 'Mad Dog' Mattis To Come Up With Plan To Defeat ISIS In 30 Days

The leftists are scared shitless:


One of their favorite orgaization is about to be done with.
Muslim Brotherhood
Al Qaeda
PLO / Palestinians
Mexican Drug Cartels

Barry was giving them billions in financing, supplies, weapons, aid, and training while Americans like those in Michigan were suffering and in need, unable to drink their own water thanks to Barry's administration.

Bringing in Muslim immigrants was more important to Barry than ensuring Americans' safety...wgich is why 12 Americans in California were killed....

...and afterwards Barry sent out his USAG to threaten Americans with judicial punishment for choosing to exercise their right of Free Speech by talking negatively about the incident or about Muslims / the terrorist.

This is all part of Barry's precious 'Legacy'.
Show your papers: Maryland police question U.S. citizen's immigration status
Maryland police question U.S. citizen's immigration status

BEL AIR, Md. -- A U.S. citizen was asked her immigration status while taking a walk in her neighborhood in Maryland. The Bel Air Police Department is owning up to its misstep and says it will learn from the incident, CBS Baltimore station WJZ-TV reports.

“I didn’t expect this to happen in Bel Air. Walking while brown? He said, ‘No, no, no, nothing like that,’” Bel Air resident Aravinda Pillalamarri said.

Pillalamarri told WJZ-TV Bel Air police officers demanded her ID after a resident called her in as suspicious.

“I had just come out for a walk, so I didn’t have my ID. And he said, ‘Why don’t you have ID? Are you here illegally?’” Pillalamarri said.
Oh goody goody - war crimes, murdering innocents and lying about it.

Asshole RWNJ traitors had fits when Obama killed actual terrorists but now they want innocent children murdered.

You are some sick twitches and even more treasonous than I thought. Hate the US this much? Then get out.

So it was OK for Saddam if he was still in power to have starved 3.6 million children?

In 1998 Bll Clinton signed the "Liberation of Iraq" ACT because of this:
November 14, 1997: President Clinton: [During a standoff on weapons inspectors]
“What he [Hussein] says his objective is, is to relieve the people of Iraq, and presumably the government, of the burden of the sanctions.
What he has just done is to ensure that the sanctions will be there until the end of time or as long as he lasts.
So I think that if his objective is to try to get back into the business of manufacturing vast stores of weapons of mass destruction and then try to either use them or sell them, then at some point the United States, and more than the United States, would be more than happy to try to stop that.”
Autopsy Of A Disaster: The U.S. Sanctions Policy On Iraq | Accuracy.Org

Bush saved nearly 3.6 million Iraqi children by Liberating Iraq that would have starved if Saddam were still in power.
So put yourself for one minute in Bush's shoes!
Saddam won't abide by the UN sanctions that clearly asked him to stop WMD development.
Saddam said he wouldn't abide by that!
Why because he was pretending he had WMDs.
So any civilized person would have signed the agreement to keep children from starving.
All Saddamneeded to do was sign an agreement that stated there were no WMDs!

Again if you can't understood Bush's dilemma ....
If Saddam would let children starve rather then sign an agreement, then THERE MUST BE WMDs!

In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization. Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports

So I ask YOU want to protect "innocent children"? Can't have it both ways!
I don’t believe it. A politician who keeps his promises. Oh wait, he’s not a politician. That explains it.

Great. We have been working on that for years, but they can just come up with the cure in thirty days. I'm sure everybody believes that's really going to happen.

No, we haven't. obummer was wasting time, money, and lives by doing nickel and dime airstrikes that were less than useless. Get a clue.

It is hard to lead when you are behind!
Oh goody goody - war crimes, murdering innocents and lying about it.

Asshole RWNJ traitors had fits when Obama killed actual terrorists but now they want innocent children murdered.

You are some sick twitches and even more treasonous than I thought. Hate the US this much? Then get out.

So it was OK for Saddam if he was still in power to have starved 3.6 million children?

In 1998 Bll Clinton signed the "Liberation of Iraq" ACT because of this:
November 14, 1997: President Clinton: [During a standoff on weapons inspectors]
“What he [Hussein] says his objective is, is to relieve the people of Iraq, and presumably the government, of the burden of the sanctions.
What he has just done is to ensure that the sanctions will be there until the end of time or as long as he lasts.
So I think that if his objective is to try to get back into the business of manufacturing vast stores of weapons of mass destruction and then try to either use them or sell them, then at some point the United States, and more than the United States, would be more than happy to try to stop that.”
Autopsy Of A Disaster: The U.S. Sanctions Policy On Iraq | Accuracy.Org

Bush saved nearly 3.6 million Iraqi children by Liberating Iraq that would have starved if Saddam were still in power.
So put yourself for one minute in Bush's shoes!
Saddam won't abide by the UN sanctions that clearly asked him to stop WMD development.
Saddam said he wouldn't abide by that!
Why because he was pretending he had WMDs.
So any civilized person would have signed the agreement to keep children from starving.
All Saddamneeded to do was sign an agreement that stated there were no WMDs!

Again if you can't understood Bush's dilemma ....
If Saddam would let children starve rather then sign an agreement, then THERE MUST BE WMDs!

In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization. Iraq Sanctions Kill Children, U.N. Reports

So I ask YOU want to protect "innocent children"? Can't have it both ways!

Health------>you are discussing politics on a level that breezes over most leftists heads. They do not want to discuss.....did not want to discuss......still will not discuss these factors, because then their whole theory of why/what/who comes into question in the Middle East. Good job by the way, but just those facts never coming up in a discussion on here, is why I personally stay away from the debate on that war. When most people stay away from or are not privy to facts that are easily attainable, it usually means that one side is stacking the deck, so no need to engage in an honest conversation, because you can never get one! Still and all, good job!
Perhaps if we don't keep financing, supplying, arming, defending, and protecting them - which is what Barry and Hillary did - it will be easier to eradicate them.

".......and FOX news will be back after these commercials......"
F* Fox News, snowflake. This is documented FACT - part of Barry's legacy.

Perhaps if brainwashed, rabidly liberal party-1st snowflakes would pull their heads out of Barry, Hillary, Pelosi, and Reid's asses and rejoin the majority of citizens as AMERICANS 1st they could finally see the truth.

Damn, & I thought Scientology was a CULT - Liberals / Democrats have them beaten hands down.

BTW Queasy.....not to go too far into the past.....Who actually financed, supplied and armed the Afghani Taliban and the Nicaraguan Contras????
. Different time, and different reasoning, but Obama's reasoning was all to clear, and it was based on his personal ideologies, and not what was good for this nation on whole.
Show your papers: Maryland police question U.S. citizen's immigration status
Maryland police question U.S. citizen's immigration status

BEL AIR, Md. -- A U.S. citizen was asked her immigration status while taking a walk in her neighborhood in Maryland. The Bel Air Police Department is owning up to its misstep and says it will learn from the incident, CBS Baltimore station WJZ-TV reports.

“I didn’t expect this to happen in Bel Air. Walking while brown? He said, ‘No, no, no, nothing like that,’” Bel Air resident Aravinda Pillalamarri said.

Pillalamarri told WJZ-TV Bel Air police officers demanded her ID after a resident called her in as suspicious.

“I had just come out for a walk, so I didn’t have my ID. And he said, ‘Why don’t you have ID? Are you here illegally?’” Pillalamarri said.
. Oh well you lefties caused it all..
It's not a top priority for me. I know Trump stated he supported that during the Election, but i don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon. It may have been a Campaign thing.

there's a LONG list of bullshit promises....Add this one to the "I can defeat ISIS in a matter of days..." AND, "I will bring back all the coal miners' jobs."

Pretty sure you're gonna say that no matter what he does. You're all-in on BHDS (Butt Hurt Derangement Syndrome). And ISIS is already just about done. And Trump will bring back and preserve some coal miners jobs.

Trump will deliver for his supporters. Remember, he's not about pleasing you haters. He's gonna get things done without y'all. Just like Obama, he has that pen & phone. You're irrelevant.
Trump will deliver for his supporters. Remember, he's not about pleasing you haters. He's gonna get things done without y'all. Just like Obama, he has that pen & phone. You're irrelevant.

Now that you got the above out of your system....wipe, flush and wash your hands....LOL
Putin has the most experience in fighting ISIS. That's who should be the main adviser on that plan.

Actually, he came very late to the fight and has done very little. That is, unless you count murdering innocent children.

Obviously, the one who has done the most and knows the most is President Obama but, of course, you Pootarian traitors hate him because he killed bin Laden.

Like you, Pooting sides with ISIL and against the US and the people ISIL victimizes and kills.
It's not a top priority for me. I know Trump stated he supported that during the Election, but i don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon. It may have been a Campaign thing.

there's a LONG list of bullshit promises....Add this one to the "I can defeat ISIS in a matter of days..." AND, "I will bring back all the coal miners' jobs."

Pretty sure you're gonna say that no matter what he does. You're all-in on BHDS (Butt Hurt Derangement Syndrome). And ISIS is already just about done. And Trump will bring back and preserve some coal miners jobs.

Trump will deliver for his supporters. Remember, he's not about pleasing you haters. He's gonna get things done without y'all. Just like Obama, he has that pen & phone. You're irrelevant.

".. And Trump will bring back and preserve some coal miners jobs..."

No he won't.

Even if he wanted to, he can't. He's owned by the very people who make their money off the closing of coal mines. As he's already shown, cheez wiz trumpery will "deliver" for them and only them.
Last edited:
Trump will deliver for his supporters. Remember, he's not about pleasing you haters. He's gonna get things done without y'all. Just like Obama, he has that pen & phone. You're irrelevant.

Now that you got the above out of your system....wipe, flush and wash your hands....LOL

Trump's gonna deliver for his supporters. And that'll be enough for him to get re-elected pretty easily. Y'all loony haters are irrelevant at this point. It's not about you.
It's not a top priority for me. I know Trump stated he supported that during the Election, but i don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon. It may have been a Campaign thing.

there's a LONG list of bullshit promises....Add this one to the "I can defeat ISIS in a matter of days..." AND, "I will bring back all the coal miners' jobs."

Pretty sure you're gonna say that no matter what he does. You're all-in on BHDS (Butt Hurt Derangement Syndrome). And ISIS is already just about done. And Trump will bring back and preserve some coal miners jobs.

Trump will deliver for his supporters. Remember, he's not about pleasing you haters. He's gonna get things done without y'all. Just like Obama, he has that pen & phone. You're irrelevant.

".. And Trump will bring back and preserve some coal miners jobs..."

No he won't.

Even if he wanted to, he can't. But he's owned by the very people who make their money off the closing of coal mines. As he's already shown, cheez wiz trumpery will "deliver" for them and only them.

He will bring some back, and he'll preserve some. He'll deliver for his supporters. I know helping Americans, upsets you deranged Democrat haters, but it's gonna happen regardless. Sorry bout that.
Putin has the most experience in fighting ISIS. That's who should be the main adviser on that plan.

Actually, he came very late to the fight and has done very little. That is, unless you count murdering innocent children.

Obviously, the one who has done the most and knows the most is President Obama but, of course, you Pootarian traitors hate him because he killed bin Laden.

Like you, Pooting sides with ISIL and against the US and the people ISIL victimizes and kills.
. THE RED LINE, and Obamy blinking continuously is what caused Putin to come in to the fight, so deal with it. Your feckless leader caused this to happen, so deal with it. Women and children are always killed in war zones, so spare us your propaganda prog. Human shields has become a strategy used by savage warriors who try to use it to stop the civilized nations from stopping them. The blood is on their hands, and not on the hands of the ones trying to stop the dam fighting. War is hell, and the enemy will stoop to barbaric actions to counter the big dog coming in to stop their uncivilized idiocy.
Oh goody goody - war crimes, murdering innocents and lying about it.

Asshole RWNJ traitors had fits when Obama killed actual terrorists but now they want innocent children murdered.

You are some sick twitches and even more treasonous than I thought. Hate the US this much? Then get out.
actually it would appear that you are the one that hates the U.S. You seem to want to bring terrorists in, you want to allow the invasion from south America to continue, you want to break the country with your asshole social programs designed to keep the lazy living comfortable.
How about you pack up and carry your anti American ass out of the country, I really dont care where you go, just pack up and leave. Take your family with you if they also share your hatred for the country.
Just go, nobody here will miss your traitorous ass.
I think we need to look at history and how we did it in Japan after wwII or Nazi germany...

1. Burn and destroy the culture impulses and the idea.
2. Military governor for a few decades to enforce it.
3. Harsh punishments

No matter how many of these cock suckers we kill we will never defeat them as they will grow out of ideas.

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