Emperor Trump Orders 'Mad Dog' Mattis To Come Up With Plan To Defeat ISIS In 30 Days

This is gloriouss isn't it. It's time to unleash the full might of our Military against these third world scum. As Emperor Trump said, they're rats. It's time to irradicate these bastards including their women and children off the face of the Earth.

Trump Orders Pentagon to Send Plan to Defeat Daesh Within 30 Days
Perhaps if we don't keep financing, supplying, arming, defending, and protecting them - which is what Barry and Hillary did - it will be easier to eradicate them.
Sounds like time for Trump to whip out that secret plan he's been promising for so long. After all he said he knows more than the generals, and his plan would stop ISIS really quick. You think he might have been lying about that part?

Trump's "secret plan" to defeat ISIS is being "audited" by the IRS.......LOL
Perhaps if we don't keep financing, supplying, arming, defending, and protecting them - which is what Barry and Hillary did - it will be easier to eradicate them.

".......and FOX news will be back after these commercials......"
I know it's a long shot for him ending these quagmires. I'm a realist. But i sure wish he would move towards disengaging from the Middle East. I'm tired of endless war.

Yep, moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem will make Palestinians join up with ISIS....But, that's OK just as long as Trump's ego gets its due inflation.

The Palestinians are already doing that. But personally, i don't feel it's a necessity to move the Embassy to Jerusalem. It's not a top priority for me. I know Trump stated he supported that during the Election, but i don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon. It may have been a Campaign thing.
Barry had the chance to decimate ISIS when their mile-long convoys traveled through barren desert towards Iraq...but he refused to allow our air power to turn them into smoking, burning debris.

He declared he had them isolated...right before they executed the largest attack on France since WWII...

He mocked Americans' concern for their safety & our national security...right before the terrorist he let into the country murdered 12 Americans in California...

The 'allies' he armed and helped in Libya killed 4 Americans - the rest of the Americans were rescued by the people Barry called our 'enemy'...

Open borders, arming terrorists and drug cartells, 2 un-Constititional, un-authorized wars helping terrorists - Barry was a f* up.
Trump's a fascinating dude. Maybe he'll surprise everyone and decide to end the quagmire wars in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. It would shock most folks, both Republicans and Democrats. I hope he does it.

I don't know about anyone else here, but i'm absolutely exhausted with endless war. Time to try something different. Will Trump be the one to try it? Maybe? Stay tuned.
Perhaps if we don't keep financing, supplying, arming, defending, and protecting them - which is what Barry and Hillary did - it will be easier to eradicate them.

".......and FOX news will be back after these commercials......"
F* Fox News, snowflake. This is documented FACT - part of Barry's legacy.

Perhaps if brainwashed, rabidly liberal party-1st snowflakes would pull their heads out of Barry, Hillary, Pelosi, and Reid's asses and rejoin the majority of citizens as AMERICANS 1st they could finally see the truth.

Damn, & I thought Scientology was a CULT - Liberals / Democrats have them beaten hands down.
It's not a top priority for me. I know Trump stated he supported that during the Election, but i don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon. It may have been a Campaign thing.

there's a LONG list of bullshit promises....Add this one to the "I can defeat ISIS in a matter of days..." AND, "I will bring back all the coal miners' jobs."
Perhaps if we don't keep financing, supplying, arming, defending, and protecting them - which is what Barry and Hillary did - it will be easier to eradicate them.

".......and FOX news will be back after these commercials......"
F* Fox News, snowflake. This is documented FACT - part of Barry's legacy.

Perhaps if brainwashed, rabidly liberal party-1st snowflakes would pull their heads out of Barry, Hillary, Pelosi, and Reid's asses and rejoin the majority of citizens as AMERICANS 1st they could finally see the truth.

Damn, & I thought Scientology was a CULT - Liberals / Democrats have them beaten hands down.

well, I especially liked the part that Obama was "defending and protecting ISIS"......A bit of an over-reach there Queasy??? (I know, I know, you learned that from the orange clown, so I understand...LOL)
Perhaps if we don't keep financing, supplying, arming, defending, and protecting them - which is what Barry and Hillary did - it will be easier to eradicate them.

".......and FOX news will be back after these commercials......"
F* Fox News, snowflake. This is documented FACT - part of Barry's legacy.

Perhaps if brainwashed, rabidly liberal party-1st snowflakes would pull their heads out of Barry, Hillary, Pelosi, and Reid's asses and rejoin the majority of citizens as AMERICANS 1st they could finally see the truth.

Damn, & I thought Scientology was a CULT - Liberals / Democrats have them beaten hands down.

BTW Queasy.....not to go too far into the past.....Who actually financed, supplied and armed the Afghani Taliban and the Nicaraguan Contras????
Sounds like time for Trump to whip out that secret plan he's been promising for so long. After all he said he knows more than the generals, and his plan would stop ISIS really quick. You think he might have been lying about that part?

You know, what you state is irrefutable fact (there's video tape) BUT, to moronic right wingers the LIES that this orange clown has stated don't seem to matter.....just as long as they "think" they won an election..
Oh goody goody - war crimes, murdering innocents and lying about it.

Asshole RWNJ traitors had fits when Obama killed actual terrorists but now they want innocent children murdered.

You are some sick twitches and even more treasonous than I thought. Hate the US this much? Then get out.

That you believe obama's drones didn't kill civilians and children is laughable.
well, I especially liked the part that Obama was "defending and protecting ISIS"......A bit of an over-reach there Queasy???

Obama protected and prevented the Coalition from striking ISIS' black market oul business wells, infrastructure, and vehicles. This business funded 50% of its terrorist operations, to include the Paris attack.

After the Paris attack France and Russia refused to gollow Obama's rule about not striking those sites any more and launched an attack sgainst them together.

Know what Barry did?

Instead of joining them he WARNED ISIS the attack was coming! Can you say 'Treason'? I know you CAN....but you WON'T!
BTW Queasy.....not to go too far into the past.....Who actually financed, supplied and armed the Afghani Taliban and the Nicaraguan Contras????
I agree that should not have happened ... but as I recall those groups did not murder 3,000 Americans before we armed them the way Al Qaeda did before Barry armed and aided them in Libya.

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