Elon Musk Starves his workers

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
A Georgia-based activist was ripped on social media for accusing Elon Musk of starving Twitter employees, after it was revealed that free lunches will no longer be provided at the company.

On Friday, The New York Times released a report detailing Musk’s tumultuous takeover of Twitter, with workers telling the paper that their new boss plans to make employees pay for lunch at the company cafeteria. Lunches were free under previous management.

That same day, "super followable" Democrat activist Andrew Wortman shared a link to the article, writing, "He fired ¾ of the employees. Now he’s planning to starve the rest of them. He’s failure incarnate."

That seems to be a common delusion among Democrats. That if a corporation or owner does not bow to the wishes of the workers or some woke activist, they are a failure.

Has someone started a fund yet to feed the starving workers? How about a food drive? I have some almost expired cans of green chilli sauce, but I know all they really want is Ramen.

Twitter "workers," here's your sign . . .

Will Fact Check for Food
(not kidding I literally used to do it)
Yanno, I don't really see what the big deal is if Twitter stops giving their employees free lunches. I used to work at a place that made limestone decorations and not only was I paid just a touch over minimum wage for fairly physical labor, but I had to bring in my own lunch and snacks.

Most places that I've worked at (outside of the military) didn't provide meals, and the military only provided free meals if you were stationed onboard a ship, or a person was single, living in the barracks, and had an issued meal card. Everyone else had to pay for their meals.

But then again, I've never worked at place like Twitter or Google. Most of the places I've worked at (outside of the military) were basic small businesses and none of them provided meals.
oh yes....it was ridiculous. They came in for free breakfast. wine bars, lunch, free snacks and health foods. Nobody else gets this stuff...how do they rate. These kids. They have it so easy. LET"S SEE how they do now that they gotta pay for their own stuff. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

Yugly wake up call in the moanin'.
Sounds like a spiffy way to recoup some of the bajillions he's going to lose in advertising revenue by pissing off the leftist vermin companies.


Yanno, I don't really see what the big deal is if Twitter stops giving their employees free lunches. I used to work at a place that made limestone decorations and not only was I paid just a touch over minimum wage for fairly physical labor, but I had to bring in my own lunch and snacks.

Most places that I've worked at (outside of the military) didn't provide meals, and the military only provided free meals if you were stationed onboard a ship, or a person was single, living in the barracks, and had an issued meal card. Everyone else had to pay for their meals.

But then again, I've never worked at place like Twitter or Google. Most of the places I've worked at (outside of the military) were basic small businesses and none of them provided meals.

The only time I ever got my meals paid for was when I worked in a restaurant, and then it was only certain menu items.

Yanno, I don't really see what the big deal is if Twitter stops giving their employees free lunches. I used to work at a place that made limestone decorations and not only was I paid just a touch over minimum wage for fairly physical labor, but I had to bring in my own lunch and snacks.

Most places that I've worked at (outside of the military) didn't provide meals, and the military only provided free meals if you were stationed onboard a ship, or a person was single, living in the barracks, and had an issued meal card. Everyone else had to pay for their meals.

But then again, I've never worked at place like Twitter or Google. Most of the places I've worked at (outside of the military) were basic small businesses and none of them provided meals.
They didn't have game rooms, coloring books, and massage chairs? Oppression!!!!
The closest I ever got to a "free" lunch was when I worked at a large aerospace facility.

There was about 7K employees at the facility.

They had employee cafeterias and dining facilities.

They ran the facilities for no profit and even subsidized it by not including the cost of the infrastructure. Typically the cost of the food was about 50% of what it would have cost elsewhere.

When I got promoted to Director I was allowed to dine in the "Executive Dinning Hall". If the cost center for what you were responsible for was ahead of the budget we were not charged for the meals. If the cost center was behind then you were charged. Just a little incentive for making sure you were managing your budget effectively.
No such thing as a free lunch. So they say.

But gosh. Seems like at this point they're just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. Darned hippies. Heh heh...

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