Elizabeth Warren Can't Run For President


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Elizabeth Warren may not be the pathological liar that Hillary Clinton has been all her life, but Warren does have a lying handicap that goes way back, which is POTUS disqualifying. She lied about being an American Indian, to help herself get employment, listing herself as that minority, in professional directories commonly used by recruiters. So would Democrats nominate yet another unelectable person again, just because they like the idea of a woman becoming president ? They'll be pretty dumb if they do.

It seem hard to fathom that Americans would vote somebody into the presidency, who clearly used lying as a way to propel herself foward in education and employment. What would it feel like to Americans, to see this proven liar meeting with heads of state of countries from all over the world ? I cringe at the mere thought of it. It would be telling the world that we Americans ourselves are OK with lying, since we put a liar up front to represent us.

Warren claims that she did not gain any financial or professional benefit from formally classifying herself as a racial minority in the 1980's and 1990's, but powerful circumstantial evidence and common sense suggest that's not true. Documents chronicle how she flipped from categorizing herself as a white person to a Native American just months before she was hired into the Ivy League for the first time, during a period in which elite institutions were under heavy fire for non-diverse faculties.

She proceeded to continue to check the 'Native American' box in a key professional directory, widely known to be consulted by hiring deans, for roughly a decade -- abruptly ceasing this self-classification upon being granted a tenured position at Harvard, the peak of her trajectory. I suppose Warren could concoct any number of reasons why she began listing herself as a Native American when she did. It's a lot harder to explain the highly suspicious timing of her reversion back to being a white person.

So, will Pocahontas' fake Indian fiasco stop her from being selected to run for president ? If it doesn't, one word comes to mind to describe the Democrats' general election chances >> Doomed.

Two Simple Questions Elizabeth Warren Cannot, or Will Not, Answer About Her 'Native American' Fiasco
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Will Democrats go with this >>

Are you really claiming that lying disqualifies someone from being president?? Really?

When was the last time we had a president that told no lies? Certainly not the current president. Not sure about Obama (someone else help me out and save me a search), but Clinton and both George H. Bush and George W. Bush would all be disqualified. Reagan? Yeah, he is gone too. Carter may be the last honest president, but that is based more on what I know about him after leaving office.
Are you really claiming that lying disqualifies someone from being president?? Really?

When was the last time we had a president that told no lies? Certainly not the current president. Not sure about Obama (someone else help me out and save me a search), but Clinton and both George H. Bush and George W. Bush would all be disqualified. Reagan? Yeah, he is gone too. Carter may be the last honest president, but that is based more on what I know about him after leaving office.

Said Born in Kenya in his books and said same when running for Senate from Illinois. Those are huge massive Fraudulent lies to gain DEM favor. A lot of key records (rumored to contain similar lies) still hidden. Like all DEMs, anything goes to gain power...money.
Trump jokes or exagerrates but hardly consider that to be lying.
Are you really claiming that lying disqualifies someone from being president?? Really?

When was the last time we had a president that told no lies? Certainly not the current president. Not sure about Obama (someone else help me out and save me a search), but Clinton and both George H. Bush and George W. Bush would all be disqualified. Reagan? Yeah, he is gone too. Carter may be the last honest president, but that is based more on what I know about him after leaving office.

Said Born in Kenya in his books and said same when running for Senate from Illinois. Those are huge massive Fraudulent lies to gain DEM favor. A lot of key records (rumored to contain similar lies) still hidden. Like all DEMs, anything goes to gain power...money.
Trump jokes or exagerrates but hardly consider that to be lying.

You have GOT to be kidding.
Are you really claiming that lying disqualifies someone from being president?? Really?

Then you need to be working to remove the current occupant of the White House. Warren told one, that I know of, and has since apologized. The list of Trump's lies is long indeed.

The list of Trump's lies is long indeed.

Not a list Scarboro & Scarboro claim are lies but real policy that affects Americans influenced by a lie. "I'm going to fix the debt?" OK maybe that.
Elizabeth Warren may not be the pathological liar that Hillary Clinton has been all her life, but Warren does have a lying handicap that goes way back, which is POTUS disqualifying. She lied about being an American Indian, to help herself get employment, listing herself as that minority, in professional directories commonly used by recruiters. So would Democrats nominate yet another unelectable person again, just because they like the idea of a woman becoming president ? They'll be pretty dumb if they do.

It seem hard to fathom that Americans would vote somebody into the presidency, who clearly used lying as a way to propel herself foward in education and employment. What would it feel like to Americans, to see this proven liar meeting with heads of state of countries from all over the world ? I cringe at the mere thought of it. It would be telling the world that we Americans ourselves are OK with lying, since we put a liar up front to represent us.

Warren claims that she did not gain any financial or professional benefit from formally classifying herself as a racial minority in the 1980's and 1990's, but powerful circumstantial evidence and common sense suggest that's not true. Documents chronicle how she flipped from categorizing herself as a white person to a Native American just months before she was hired into the Ivy League for the first time, during a period in which elite institutions were under heavy fire for non-diverse faculties.

She proceeded to continue to check the 'Native American' box in a key professional directory, widely known to be consulted by hiring deans, for roughly a decade -- abruptly ceasing this self-classification upon being granted a tenured position at Harvard, the peak of her trajectory. I suppose Warren could concoct any number of reasons why she began listing herself as a Native American when she did. It's a lot harder to explain the highly suspicious timing of her reversion back to being a white person.

So, will Pocahontas' fake Indian fiasco stop her from being selected to run for president ? If it doesn't, one word comes to mind to describe the Democrats' general election chances >> Doomed.

Two Simple Questions Elizabeth Warren Cannot, or Will Not, Answer About Her 'Native American' Fiasco
^ idiot
Elizabeth Warren may not be the pathological liar that Hillary Clinton has been all her life, but Warren does have a lying handicap that goes way back, which is POTUS disqualifying. She lied about being an American Indian, to help herself get employment, listing herself as that minority, in professional directories commonly used by recruiters. So would Democrats nominate yet another unelectable person again, just because they like the idea of a woman becoming president ? They'll be pretty dumb if they do.

It seem hard to fathom that Americans would vote somebody into the presidency, who clearly used lying as a way to propel herself foward in education and employment. What would it feel like to Americans, to see this proven liar meeting with heads of state of countries from all over the world ? I cringe at the mere thought of it. It would be telling the world that we Americans ourselves are OK with lying, since we put a liar up front to represent us.

Warren claims that she did not gain any financial or professional benefit from formally classifying herself as a racial minority in the 1980's and 1990's, but powerful circumstantial evidence and common sense suggest that's not true. Documents chronicle how she flipped from categorizing herself as a white person to a Native American just months before she was hired into the Ivy League for the first time, during a period in which elite institutions were under heavy fire for non-diverse faculties.

She proceeded to continue to check the 'Native American' box in a key professional directory, widely known to be consulted by hiring deans, for roughly a decade -- abruptly ceasing this self-classification upon being granted a tenured position at Harvard, the peak of her trajectory. I suppose Warren could concoct any number of reasons why she began listing herself as a Native American when she did. It's a lot harder to explain the highly suspicious timing of her reversion back to being a white person.

So, will Pocahontas' fake Indian fiasco stop her from being selected to run for president ? If it doesn't, one word comes to mind to describe the Democrats' general election chances >> Doomed.

Two Simple Questions Elizabeth Warren Cannot, or Will Not, Answer About Her 'Native American' Fiasco

Do you not understand that none of that matters? She lied. So what? They all lied to get where they are, and they’ll will keep on lying.
Elizabeth Warren may not be the pathological liar that Hillary Clinton has been all her life, but Warren does have a lying handicap that goes way back, which is POTUS disqualifying. She lied about being an American Indian, to help herself get employment, listing herself as that minority, in professional directories commonly used by recruiters. So would Democrats nominate yet another unelectable person again, just because they like the idea of a woman becoming president ? They'll be pretty dumb if they do.

It seem hard to fathom that Americans would vote somebody into the presidency, who clearly used lying as a way to propel herself foward in education and employment. What would it feel like to Americans, to see this proven liar meeting with heads of state of countries from all over the world ? I cringe at the mere thought of it. It would be telling the world that we Americans ourselves are OK with lying, since we put a liar up front to represent us.

Warren claims that she did not gain any financial or professional benefit from formally classifying herself as a racial minority in the 1980's and 1990's, but powerful circumstantial evidence and common sense suggest that's not true. Documents chronicle how she flipped from categorizing herself as a white person to a Native American just months before she was hired into the Ivy League for the first time, during a period in which elite institutions were under heavy fire for non-diverse faculties.

She proceeded to continue to check the 'Native American' box in a key professional directory, widely known to be consulted by hiring deans, for roughly a decade -- abruptly ceasing this self-classification upon being granted a tenured position at Harvard, the peak of her trajectory. I suppose Warren could concoct any number of reasons why she began listing herself as a Native American when she did. It's a lot harder to explain the highly suspicious timing of her reversion back to being a white person.

So, will Pocahontas' fake Indian fiasco stop her from being selected to run for president ? If it doesn't, one word comes to mind to describe the Democrats' general election chances >> Doomed.

Two Simple Questions Elizabeth Warren Cannot, or Will Not, Answer About Her 'Native American' Fiasco
^ idiot

Do you not understand that none of that matters? She lied. So what? They all lied to get where they are, and they’ll will keep on lying.
"All" ? I think if one were to go back in time, through all the presidents and presidential candidates, winners and losers, they might find it not so easy to come with some real lies, from ALL of them, and on the scale of Elizabeth Warren's fiasco.

Her scenario just seems so rotten that it doesn't look possible for her to win the presidency. People just aren't going to be comfortable with her. Every time they see her, they'll be thinking about what she did to get ahead, and the honest people who didn't lie about their ancestry, and got left behind.
Are you really claiming that lying disqualifies someone from being president?? Really?

Then you need to be working to remove the current occupant of the White House. Warren told one, that I know of, and has since apologized. The list of Trump's lies is long indeed.

The list of Trump's lies is long indeed.

Not a list Scarboro & Scarboro claim are lies but real policy that affects Americans influenced by a lie. "I'm going to fix the debt?" OK maybe that.

Oh, so in order for Trumps lies to count, they have to have been real policy that effects Americans? I wasn't effected by Warren's Native American lie.

The Washington Post has claimed to have documented 10,000 lies told by Trump. I saw another source say that list inflated by about 25%. But 7.500 lies still seems excessive to me.

Just yesterday he said "Yesterday we had the strongest dollar in the history of this nation". It was not even close.

He said, "US Farmers are receiving $16 billion out of the tariffs we've gotten from China". China doesn't pay the tariffs and tariffs don't fund farm aid.

There are quite a few more. "The United Kingdom is our largest trading partner", ect ect.
Then you need to be working to remove the current occupant of the White House. Warren told one, that I know of, and has since apologized. The list of Trump's lies is long indeed.
Name one, that is something more than just Democrat spin job.
Then you need to be working to remove the current occupant of the White House. Warren told one, that I know of, and has since apologized. The list of Trump's lies is long indeed.
Name one, that is something more than just Democrat spin job.

In the post above yours I named 3. All of which were, if I'm not mistaken, said during this summer. None are spin.

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