Elijah Cummings subpoena vote speach implicates Dem's Abuse of Power


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Elijah Cummings Representative for Maryland's 7th congressional district spoke at the house vote to subpoena McGhan and Barr and while lying in front of congress (what else is new?) he implicated himself and his Dem collegues for their overeach and abuse of power.
He claimed falsely that no papers were ever sent to the house by the Trump administration (that's because they already had those documents through the investigation) and ranted on in a narrative to make it seem like this transparent administration was not cooperating, so this sentiment bites back at him because in his OWN standard, WE HAVE NO DOCUMENTS EVER SENT TO THE Congress ON Elijah Cumming’s own Wife who Used Her Charity To Enrich Her For-Profit Company, which those Documents (if they were to be sent) Shows. They might say these documents were never requested by the congress and that is the big Gotcha moment of his speach where he set himself and his collegues up in a corner for a checkmate.
They are revealing to the public that the majority congress is only interested in oversight of opposition even with no crime & right to, but ignore their own members involvement in crimes that are still up for review. According to Cummings, why has he not handed over those documents? Where is his subpoena?
Where is Cummings impeachment vote or step down notice?
The wife of House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings used her charity to funnel hundreds of thousands of dollars into her private LLC, according to new documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Maya Rockeymoore Cummings’s charity receives funding from organizations with interests before her husband’s congressional committee.
Multiple charity watchdogs said the previously undisclosed financial arrangement between Rockeymoore Cummings’s charity and for-profit company raises red flags.
House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings’s wife has funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars from her charity to her private for-profit organization, according to a previously undisclosed cost-sharing arrangement that multiple experts said raises red flags.
Maya Rockeymoore Cummings’s charity, the Center for Global Policy Solutions (CGPS), paid her for-profit venture, Global Policy Solutions LLC, over $250,000 in “management fees” between 2013 and 2015, according to the charity’s audited financial statements covering those years. The management fees were paid in addition to a cost-sharing agreement where the charity pays for its share of equipment, personnel and other expenditures.
Rockeymoore Cummings’s charity is funded by companies with interests before her husband’s congressional committee, according to the Washington Examiner .

I hope the O.C.E. was paying attention, this speach and one sided standard proves the Dem majority congress is over reaching and weaponizing and abusing it's power to strictly go after opposition party.
This is where the O.C.E. is supposed to involve itself in oversight of those abusive oversight practices by congress, it's meant to protect from such fascist actions being displayed by the left that circumvent and tarnish our democracy.
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Since it's obvious these unecessary & fake subpoena stunts are to give them more cspan acting time to make off topic attacks at the administration for sake of scripting their narrative and for sake of optics, then should the American People ask for their wasted money and time back?
If Cummings doesn't want to work for Maryland or his country and has abandoned his A A. Community then he should step down and let someone who does want to work.
Cummings should get out of the sand box and let another one of his childish Dem friends take over, surely what can be worse then someone too busy in this propaganda game nonsense to do his job?

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