Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Led Failed Treasonous Congressional Democrat Coup Attempt


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Special Counsel John Durham's report on the 'Russian Collusion' scandal proves it was initiated by 2016 Presidentian Candidate Hillary Clinton and that her plan to launch the scandal was briefed to President Obama, Vice President Biden, US AG Lynch, FBI Director Comey, and others in advance by Former CIA Director Brennan.

Durham makes clear 'Russian Collusion' was a criminal political scandal,there was never any evidence to support it, and the FBI should NEVER have opened an investigation.

An individual not receiving any attention for her part in her own ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW THE US GOVERNMENT BY ILLEGALLY REMOVING A SITTING PRESIDENT FROM OFFICE is former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

As President Obama, VP Joe Biden, Obama's Cabinet, and Obama's treasonous partisanly weaponized federal agencies (NSA, CIA, FBI, & DOJ) carried out theit attempted coup Speaker Pelosi led a second attempt in Congress.

Speaker Pelosi publicly told the American people that she would NOT allow the 1st Impeachment of President Trump to go forward unless she and Democrats had 2 things 1st:

1. Bipartisanship to move forwatd with Impeachment

2. Hard evidence of 'Russian Collusion' by President Trump

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democrats / Democrat Party in the House of Representatives, LIED to the American people.

The FACT that she did not have bipartisanship she promised to move forward with Impeachment was IMMEDIATE

The FACT that she and Democrats had NO EVIDENCE was demonstrated during the Impeachment, through her attempts to force the US Senate to cinduct their Impeachment hearings according to HER rules, and through her own attempted defense of proceeding with the Impeachment.

The FACT Speaker Pelosi had no evidrnce and thus no reason to attempt to Impeach President Trump was CONFIRMED by Special Counsel Durham's 'Russia Collusion' report.

With ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, ZERO witnesses, and ZERO bipartisanship Speaker Pelosi intentionally led Congressional Democrats in a failed attempted treasonous political coup against a President of the United States.

History will now forever show:

Former 1st Lady, former Sect of State, and 2016 Democrat Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton initiated / attempted the 2nd (SECOND) largest criminal political scandal in US history by implementing her 'Russian Collusion' scandal in an attempt to criminally interfere in the 2016 Presidential election IOT win.

President Barak Obama's and VP Joe Biden's administration was the most corrupt / criminal Presidential administration in US history. President Obama, VP Biden, and his administration now hold the tecord for perpetrating the largest criminal political scandal in US history.

Durham proved Presidrnt Obama, VP Biden, Obama's Cabinet, NSA, CIA, FBI, and DOJ did iNtentionaLly, knowingly engage in Conspiracy and a treasonous political scandal / failed coup attempt to undermine and overthrow the US government by illegally removing a sitting President of the United States.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi intentionally, knowingly led Congressional House Democrats in a seperate treasonous criminal political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sitting US President from office.

Not only during this 1st of 2 Impeachments led by Speaker Pelosi but during BOTH Democrats were caught - exposed - committing perjury, criminally altering evidence, and manufacturing false evidence against the President.

To date NONE of these proven traitors / criminals have been held accountable for their crimes and betrayal of their country.

Special Counsel Durham's report, however, stands as the official record of how criminal treasonous Democrats betrayed the US Constitution, the Rule of law, their nation, and the American people.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's legacy is going down in history as a traitor, the most criminal Speaker in US history.

Special Counsel John Durham's report on the 'Russian Collusion' scandal proves it was initiated by 2016 Presidentian Candidate Hillary Clinton and that her plan to launch the scandal was briefed to President Obama, Vice President Biden, US AG Lynch, FBI Director Comey, and others in advance by Former CIA Director Brennan.

Durham makes clear 'Russian Collusion' was a criminal political scandal,there was never any evidence to support it, and the FBI should NEVER have opened an investigation.

An individual not receiving any attention for her part in her own ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW THE US GOVERNMENT BY ILLEGALLY REMOVING A SITTING PRESIDENT FROM OFFICE is former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

As President Obama, VP Joe Biden, Obama's Cabinet, and Obama's treasonous partisanly weaponized federal agencies (NSA, CIA, FBI, & DOJ) carried out theit attempted coup Speaker Pelosi led a second attempt in Congress.

Speaker Pelosi publicly told the American people that she would NOT allow the 1st Impeachment of President Trump to go forward unless she and Democrats had 2 things 1st:

1. Bipartisanship to move forwatd with Impeachment

2. Hard evidence of 'Russian Collusion' by President Trump

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democrats / Democrat Party in the House of Representatives, LIED to the American people.

The FACT that she did not have bipartisanship she promised to move forward with Impeachment was IMMEDIATE

The FACT that she and Democrats had NO EVIDENCE was demonstrated during the Impeachment, through her attempts to force the US Senate to cinduct their Impeachment hearings according to HER rules, and through her own attempted defense of proceeding with the Impeachment.

The FACT Speaker Pelosi had no evidrnce and thus no reason to attempt to Impeach President Trump was CONFIRMED by Special Counsel Durham's 'Russia Collusion' report.

With ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, ZERO witnesses, and ZERO bipartisanship Speaker Pelosi intentionally led Congressional Democrats in a failed attempted treasonous political coup against a President of the United States.

History will now forever show:

Former 1st Lady, former Sect of State, and 2016 Democrat Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton initiated / attempted the 2nd (SECOND) largest criminal political scandal in US history by implementing her 'Russian Collusion' scandal in an attempt to criminally interfere in the 2016 Presidential election IOT win.

President Barak Obama's and VP Joe Biden's administration was the most corrupt / criminal Presidential administration in US history. President Obama, VP Biden, and his administration now hold the tecord for perpetrating the largest criminal political scandal in US history.

Durham proved Presidrnt Obama, VP Biden, Obama's Cabinet, NSA, CIA, FBI, and DOJ did iNtentionaLly, knowingly engage in Conspiracy and a treasonous political scandal / failed coup attempt to undermine and overthrow the US government by illegally removing a sitting President of the United States.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi intentionally, knowingly led Congressional House Democrats in a seperate treasonous criminal political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sitting US President from office.

Not only during this 1st of 2 Impeachments led by Speaker Pelosi but during BOTH Democrats were caught - exposed - committing perjury, criminally altering evidence, and manufacturing false evidence against the President.

To date NONE of these proven traitors / criminals have been held accountable for their crimes and betrayal of their country.

Special Counsel Durham's report, however, stands as the official record of how criminal treasonous Democrats betrayed the US Constitution, the Rule of law, their nation, and the American people.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's legacy is going down in history as a traitor, the most criminal Speaker in US history.

And yet, Nancy called her entire caucus off and Trump WASN'T impeached for his campaigns collusion with Russia. Trump really owed her a Thank You fruit basket for that. I wonder if he ponied up? :)

History will forever show that Donald Trump became the only sitting President (I think) to be impeached TWICE.
And if Mitch and the rest of the Republican party had any testicles or...let's say CREDIBILITY..he would have been convicted and we wouldn't even be discussing him now.
This is why shooting traitors - no hesitation - is critical.

Hillary, Obana, Biden, Rice, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell .... public bullet to the brain pan after Treason conviction....

It wouldn't happen again...ever.

Instead Treason has been made an acceptable risk due to a lack of consequences.
This is why shooting traitors - no hesitation - is critical.

Hillary, Obana, Biden, Rice, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Pelosi, Schiff, Swalwell .... public bullet to the brain pan after Treason conviction....

It wouldn't happen again...ever.

Instead Treason has been made an acceptable risk due to a lack of consequences.

Treason is war against the United States. Its the only crime defined in the constitution. And nothing you've described is treason. No prosecutor would charge anyone on your kill list with treason.

With Durham not even attempting to indict them for such.

You're literally calling for the MURDER of political opposition.
And yet, Nancy called her entire caucus off and Trump WASN'T impeached for his campaigns collusion with Russia. Trump really owed her a Thank You fruit basket for that. I wonder if he ponied up? :)

History will forever show that Donald Trump became the only sitting President (I think) to be impeached TWICE.
And if Mitch and the rest of the Republican party had any testicles or...let's say CREDIBILITY..he would have been convicted and we wouldn't even be discussing him now.
The low life scumbag leftard democraps are the BIGGEST HYPOCRITES ON THE PLANET.

There isn't a single one of them that hasn't done all the same things Trump did. AND THEN SOME.

The moralists on the left are a bunch of bleating hypocrites. End of story.
The low life scumbag leftard democraps are the BIGGEST HYPOCRITES ON THE PLANET.

There isn't a single one of them that hasn't done all the same things Trump did. AND THEN SOME.

The moralists on the left are a bunch of bleating hypocrites. End of story.
The 34 indictments for fraud say otherwise.

And Durham's 4 year investigation and 6 million investment of tax payer money's criminal harvest?

1 plea deal for 400 hours of community service.
Special Counsel John Durham's report on the 'Russian Collusion' scandal proves it was initiated by 2016 Presidentian Candidate Hillary Clinton and that her plan to launch the scandal was briefed to President Obama, Vice President Biden, US AG Lynch, FBI Director Comey, and others in advance by Former CIA Director Brennan.

Durham makes clear 'Russian Collusion' was a criminal political scandal,there was never any evidence to support it, and the FBI should NEVER have opened an investigation.

A 'criminal political scandal'? You mean the 1 plea deal with 400 hours of community service?
The 34 indictments for fraud say otherwise.

Bullshit. The people bringing those cases are being forced to RESIGN, cause they're totally fucking corrupt. Two of them just yesterday.

And five times as many are being BOOTED OUT OF OFFICE for unprofessional conduct and failing to execute their job duties.

And Durham's 4 year investigation and 6 million investment of tax payer money's criminal harvest?

1 plea deal for 400 hours of community service.

So what? The cartels get ZERO hours. BLM gets ZERO hours.

You're bitching about a few million when your nutball president is spending 5 BILLION A MONTH on a foreign war that HE STARTED?

You fucktards are totally fucked up. GTFO of my house.
Bullshit. The people bringing those cases are being forced to RESIGN, cause they're totally fucking corrupt. Two of them just yesterday.

And five times as many are being BOOTED OUT OF OFFICE for unprofessional conduct and failing to execute their job duties.

So what? The cartels get ZERO hours. BLM gets ZERO hours.

You're bitching about a few million when your nutball president is spending 5 BILLION A MONTH on a foreign war that HE STARTED?

You fucktards are totally fucked up. GTFO of my house.

So...Durham didn't find much criminal activity during his investigation. He didn't have the evidence to prove any other charges. He managed one plea deal.

In 4 years.

Mueller in comparison found BUCKETS of criminal activity while investigating Trump. And got 8 convictions and over 30 indictments, with most of those indictments still open to this day.

In 2 years.
So...Durham didn't find much criminal activity during his investigation. He didn't have the evidence to prove any other charges. He managed one plea deal.

In 4 years.

Mueller in comparison found BUCKETS of criminal activity while investigating Trump. And got 8 convictions and over 30 indictments, with most of those indictments still open to this day.

In 2 years.

23 bank accounts with a million each.

Ten percent for the big guy.

Smoking crack with underage hookers. Who are now colonels in the Peoples' Army.

You fuckwits are CORRUPT. Get out of here with that shit. GTFO.

23 bank accounts with a million each.

Nope. Here's the actual claim that you're trying (and failing) to paraphrase.

"Biden has 23 bank accounts with two containing between $250,000 to $1million"

And when you actually look at the disclosures, most of the 'bank accounts' are mutual funds or whole life insurance policies.


What you just demonstrated for us, though.....is how easily your ilk twist, warp and make shit up.
Nope. Here's the actual claim that you're trying (and failing) to paraphrase.

"Biden has 23 bank accounts with two containing between $250,000 to $1million"

And when you actually look at the disclosures, most of the 'bank accounts' are mutual funds or whole life insurance policies.


What you just demonstrated for us, though.....is how easily your ilk twist, warp and make shit up.
50,000 a month in rent.

Where did the money go?

Oh wait...



This is what you're defending
50,000 a month in rent.

It was quarterly rent for office space as the House of Sweden building in Georgetown.

Not to Joe. Even Fox News trashed that conspiracy like 3 months ago.

Albeit to support yet another conspiracy. But it is Fox News.

But you're still repeating it....because you don't fact check. You don't research. You don't think.

You just regurgitate whatever conspiracy you're told to believe. And you can't even do that with any competency. As demonstrated by your humiliating blunder that Joe Biden had 23 bank accounts with a million each.

Are there any other debunked conspiracies or 'fire and forget' nonsense you want to make up.....only to abandon a moment later?
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Special Counsel John Durham's report on the 'Russian Collusion' scandal proves it was initiated by 2016 Presidentian Candidate Hillary Clinton and that her plan to launch the scandal was briefed to President Obama, Vice President Biden, US AG Lynch, FBI Director Comey, and others in advance by Former CIA Director Brennan.

Durham makes clear 'Russian Collusion' was a criminal political scandal,there was never any evidence to support it, and the FBI should NEVER have opened an investigation.

An individual not receiving any attention for her part in her own ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW THE US GOVERNMENT BY ILLEGALLY REMOVING A SITTING PRESIDENT FROM OFFICE is former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

As President Obama, VP Joe Biden, Obama's Cabinet, and Obama's treasonous partisanly weaponized federal agencies (NSA, CIA, FBI, & DOJ) carried out theit attempted coup Speaker Pelosi led a second attempt in Congress.

Speaker Pelosi publicly told the American people that she would NOT allow the 1st Impeachment of President Trump to go forward unless she and Democrats had 2 things 1st:

1. Bipartisanship to move forwatd with Impeachment

2. Hard evidence of 'Russian Collusion' by President Trump

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democrats / Democrat Party in the House of Representatives, LIED to the American people.

The FACT that she did not have bipartisanship she promised to move forward with Impeachment was IMMEDIATE

The FACT that she and Democrats had NO EVIDENCE was demonstrated during the Impeachment, through her attempts to force the US Senate to cinduct their Impeachment hearings according to HER rules, and through her own attempted defense of proceeding with the Impeachment.

The FACT Speaker Pelosi had no evidrnce and thus no reason to attempt to Impeach President Trump was CONFIRMED by Special Counsel Durham's 'Russia Collusion' report.

With ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, ZERO witnesses, and ZERO bipartisanship Speaker Pelosi intentionally led Congressional Democrats in a failed attempted treasonous political coup against a President of the United States.

History will now forever show:

Former 1st Lady, former Sect of State, and 2016 Democrat Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton initiated / attempted the 2nd (SECOND) largest criminal political scandal in US history by implementing her 'Russian Collusion' scandal in an attempt to criminally interfere in the 2016 Presidential election IOT win.

President Barak Obama's and VP Joe Biden's administration was the most corrupt / criminal Presidential administration in US history. President Obama, VP Biden, and his administration now hold the tecord for perpetrating the largest criminal political scandal in US history.

Durham proved Presidrnt Obama, VP Biden, Obama's Cabinet, NSA, CIA, FBI, and DOJ did iNtentionaLly, knowingly engage in Conspiracy and a treasonous political scandal / failed coup attempt to undermine and overthrow the US government by illegally removing a sitting President of the United States.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi intentionally, knowingly led Congressional House Democrats in a seperate treasonous criminal political coup attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sitting US President from office.

Not only during this 1st of 2 Impeachments led by Speaker Pelosi but during BOTH Democrats were caught - exposed - committing perjury, criminally altering evidence, and manufacturing false evidence against the President.

To date NONE of these proven traitors / criminals have been held accountable for their crimes and betrayal of their country.

Special Counsel Durham's report, however, stands as the official record of how criminal treasonous Democrats betrayed the US Constitution, the Rule of law, their nation, and the American people.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's legacy is going down in history as a traitor, the most criminal Speaker in US history.

Mueller Lite, no convictions, no guilty pleas, no recommendations, no clue!
. .

Are there any other debunked conspiracies or 'fire and forget' nonsense you want to make up.....only to abandon a moment later?

Oh, you mean like Russian collusion? :lmao:

It's funny watching you clowns trying to run away from all this.


Good luck
Oh, you mean like Russian collusion? :lmao:

It's funny watching you clowns trying to run away from all this.


Good luck

Laughing....'running away'? You literally edited out ANY mention of your OWN debunked claims in your reply. That's how badly you're running. Even you won't quote you.

If even you are going to treat your conspiracy nonsense like meaningless garbage to be tossed on the rhetorical midden heap, surely you'll understand why I treat it the same way.
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