Educators for DeVos??

Can educators provide a valid argument for DeVos appointment?

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She was put in the position to release the children fro public indoctrination and train to fail centers. I think she will do a good job at that. I just hope in Trumps second term he will keep her and by then she will have enough of the curriculum changed to have returned the schools to Succeed mode and freed the children from liberal rewritten history, and social justice control classes and returned them to real science with choice, real social studies with choice, and real history of the world and this country.

What makes you think that the federal government has ANYTHING to do with curriculum? They do not!

Most conservatives have been complaining about centralized control of education and want to return to local control. Is that what you really want or not?

No offense, but most non- educators have no clue as to what a curriculum is. Do you know?

That's foolish, I don't know if it is intentional or not. Of course, the Federal government controls the curriculum. If you don't teach to pass the Fed. Gov. tests, you don't get the bucks.
As an educator I have yet to hear any valid argument (based on facts or science) that DeVos is a good choice. Any teachers out there pro- DeVos? Please tell me why.
Public school teachers, with a few exceptions, are only interested in what best serves their interests and DeVos is interested in what best serves the interests of the children, so naturally, "educators" are opposed to her.
You believe teachers are being selfish? Who becomes a teacher for selfish reasons? It is one of the most time demanding and stressful professions there are. I can't believe people agree with you also. However, I digress...How does she know what will best serve All children? Please provide me with evidence of any kind.

Simple, anyone who wants a relatively easy career where they will be off and available to be with and raise their own children.

"Relatively easy "? Are you fucking high?
This is a very very rich woman who took it as her particular obligation in life to do what she could to get very poor children a better education than they were getting.

She is not in it for the money; she has all she and subsequent generations could ever need....except that she has given a huge amount of it to further that obligation she has felt called upon to assume.

The problem is that part of the solution she has the kids (and their parents) a CHOICE in where they send their kids to school....will hit the Bolsheviks Teachers Unions in the pocketbook....and funny thing is....when it comes to their pocketbook, Bolsheviks are very much like the greediest capitalist in New York and New England.

(By the way, where do you think the Robber Barons came from....whose Greed called forth Unions in the first place?)

Which Greed applies strictly to Private Employee Unions. Their existence is justified.

But the Public Employee Unions, especially the Teachers Unions...simply Suck Off the public tit...through a fraudulent co-conspiracy with the Democratic Party....a conspiracy which ought to have been busted up a long time ago...and maybe this lady will finally do it.

Naturally, the Democrats are raising Hell. They are paid a fortune to raise Hell by the Public Employee Unions, who are funded by us Taxpayers.

What's going to drive this country into some sort of disaster...its tough now to tell how bad...but its going to be a combination of an almost illiterate public, educated by lazy Bolsheviks, and the Liars in the Media who have abandoned all pretense of impartiality and openly joined the Bolshevik side.

Ugly times at hand.

Your anti-union barrage of bullshit is off topic.

Eliminating teacher unions would be of immense help to our education problems.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all, does it not?

Al Shanker, former president of the AFT (Federation of Teachers) once said that he would worry about the children when they start paying dues!
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This is a very very rich woman who took it as her particular obligation in life to do what she could to get very poor children a better education than they were getting.

She is not in it for the money; she has all she and subsequent generations could ever need....except that she has given a huge amount of it to further that obligation she has felt called upon to assume.

The problem is that part of the solution she has the kids (and their parents) a CHOICE in where they send their kids to school....will hit the Bolsheviks Teachers Unions in the pocketbook....and funny thing is....when it comes to their pocketbook, Bolsheviks are very much like the greediest capitalist in New York and New England.

(By the way, where do you think the Robber Barons came from....whose Greed called forth Unions in the first place?)

Which Greed applies strictly to Private Employee Unions. Their existence is justified.

But the Public Employee Unions, especially the Teachers Unions...simply Suck Off the public tit...through a fraudulent co-conspiracy with the Democratic Party....a conspiracy which ought to have been busted up a long time ago...and maybe this lady will finally do it.

Naturally, the Democrats are raising Hell. They are paid a fortune to raise Hell by the Public Employee Unions, who are funded by us Taxpayers.

What's going to drive this country into some sort of disaster...its tough now to tell how bad...but its going to be a combination of an almost illiterate public, educated by lazy Bolsheviks, and the Liars in the Media who have abandoned all pretense of impartiality and openly joined the Bolshevik side.

Ugly times at hand.

Your anti-union barrage of bullshit is off topic.

Eliminating teacher unions would be of immense help to our education problems.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all, does it not?

Al Shanker, former president of the AFT (Federation of Teachers) one said that he would worry about the children when they start paying dues!

Those who villify teachers should forfeit their salary and hop in the troubled schools full of disruptive spiteful students. Then they can show us the way.
We'll Never Solve Problems Until We Topple the Top

Who prevents the teachers from disciplining the students? The educational big shots and the weaklings in the legislature are immune to blame and must be deposed. Imagine a DI with a platoon full of uninterested, spiteful, and even disruptive draftees. Whatever methods prevented those problems in boot camp must be applied to the schools.
Uh, how with the parents know the principal is firing teachers on a whim?

I wish one of you keyboard commandos would tell me what constitutes a bad teacher in your eyes. I have been an educator for over 20 years and I have run across a number that I can count on one hand.

Without being in a school on a daily basis, what gives you the right to decide who is a good teacher and who is a bad teacher?

I have parents that think the sun rises and sets in my ass, and I have some that would throw me an anchor if they thought I was drowning.

The absolute bullshit about teachers not being fired is one of the most ridiculous old wive's takes that you education haters like to throw up. The problem is that good teachers get fired or do not get tenure because of people with attitudes like yours.

Choose schools?

I chose every school my children attended. I spent the extra money to buy a house or rent in a district with a good school. Why can't everyone else do what I have done successfully for my three children who are now adults?

The answer is laziness and the inability to hold themselves accountable for their actions.

Seriously? What is the graduation rate of Chicago public schools? Balitmore? D.C......?

You spent the extra money to buy or rent a house in a good school district...nice for about the kids who don't have your resources and are currently stuck in a hell hole school....and you talk about leaving the bad kids about helping the good kids escape....?

Good teachers are leaving the profession after 2-3 years......bad teachers stay because they are protected....and if you are a good teacher...vouchers will increase your will have value..since you can actually teach kids.....

If you have been in education for 20 is no wonder you don't understand competition........and how it will save the lives of children.

There are no good kids in those schools. We had vouchers in Florida until someone bothered to read the state Constitution.

Even if vouchers are available, where do they go?

In Jacksonville, we had several very good private schools. A $4000 voucher sounds great until you realize that the tuition was over three times that much at the cheaper schools. Every school has a waiting list so long, no one could have gotten in anyway. The Catholic Archdiocese decided to build another high school west of the city, but it took about 5 years to build and the waiting list wasn't even dented by the students who enrolled there.

How will vouchers increase my pay? That's hilarious! I already get paid crappy wages. Private schools pay less. They cannot charge more than they do now if they are taking a loss on tuition by accepting vouchers.

Pulling students from my school reduces the need for my services. I worked for a Department of Defense school for a year and my position was eliminated because they tore down so much base housing that there were not enough students. I found a job in the county nearby, but the next year budget cuts across the district forced me to teach in one of the inner city hell holes that you have never even visited much less worked in, plus I had a two hour commute each day.

You may find it easy to dismiss my expertise in this area, but I have lived it, worked it, and seen the bad and the good in every aspect.

People like Betsy Devos and most politicians, and unfortunately people like you do not even begin to understand the problem and how to fix it.

The cost per student per year in public schooling looks like around $11,500.00 according to the link.

In a class of 30 that's $345,000.00 per year, perhaps you should open your own charter school and demand equal treatment voucher/cost per student wise or be a super hero and save the taxpayers some bucks.

Fast Facts[/Q
How can we save money and improve education for all? My thoughts include ...Cutting the fat so selling old equipment, books etc. Maintaining or renovate current buildings that are habitable and move to already developed property instead of building new schools for those that are not. Every school should be somewhat self sustaining, meaning providing products and services for the community they are in which will create revenue and fill societal needs. Putting high school students that are interested in trade into apprenticeships early so they are providing, learning, earning their education in a way and gaining experience so they are immediately employable after graduation. Just some thoughts...
What are yours?

We just tore down half of our school and are occupying the other half because we cannot afford the land and expense of all the football, baseball, softball, and tennis facilities. We are refurbishing the gym vice replacing it to save money. Out "teacher's lounge" has two chairs and no desks for us to work at. My planning period is spent at my rolling desk in a hallway. Most schools in this country are ancient. That price you quoted has a lot of that going into upkeep, repair, or replacement of schools. In our county, most of the schools were built in the 1940s and 50s. We have 5 K-8 schools because they are cheaper than building a middle school and the ensuing transportation problems.

The Bullies' Sacred Cow

Sports are non-educational and run at a loss. They have no place in the schools and it would save a lot of money if we eliminated that frill. It's hypocritical to ignore such an expensive indulgence. They are bad for the non-jock students, turning them into spectator couch potatoes. It's quite stupid, and an insult to the intelligent to care about the fact that the dumb jocks would lose their chance for college athletic "scholarships."
Seriously? What is the graduation rate of Chicago public schools? Balitmore? D.C......?

You spent the extra money to buy or rent a house in a good school district...nice for about the kids who don't have your resources and are currently stuck in a hell hole school....and you talk about leaving the bad kids about helping the good kids escape....?

Good teachers are leaving the profession after 2-3 years......bad teachers stay because they are protected....and if you are a good teacher...vouchers will increase your will have value..since you can actually teach kids.....

If you have been in education for 20 is no wonder you don't understand competition........and how it will save the lives of children.

There are no good kids in those schools. We had vouchers in Florida until someone bothered to read the state Constitution.

Even if vouchers are available, where do they go?

In Jacksonville, we had several very good private schools. A $4000 voucher sounds great until you realize that the tuition was over three times that much at the cheaper schools. Every school has a waiting list so long, no one could have gotten in anyway. The Catholic Archdiocese decided to build another high school west of the city, but it took about 5 years to build and the waiting list wasn't even dented by the students who enrolled there.

How will vouchers increase my pay? That's hilarious! I already get paid crappy wages. Private schools pay less. They cannot charge more than they do now if they are taking a loss on tuition by accepting vouchers.

Pulling students from my school reduces the need for my services. I worked for a Department of Defense school for a year and my position was eliminated because they tore down so much base housing that there were not enough students. I found a job in the county nearby, but the next year budget cuts across the district forced me to teach in one of the inner city hell holes that you have never even visited much less worked in, plus I had a two hour commute each day.

You may find it easy to dismiss my expertise in this area, but I have lived it, worked it, and seen the bad and the good in every aspect.

People like Betsy Devos and most politicians, and unfortunately people like you do not even begin to understand the problem and how to fix it.

The cost per student per year in public schooling looks like around $11,500.00 according to the link.

In a class of 30 that's $345,000.00 per year, perhaps you should open your own charter school and demand equal treatment voucher/cost per student wise or be a super hero and save the taxpayers some bucks.

Fast Facts[/Q
How can we save money and improve education for all? My thoughts include ...Cutting the fat so selling old equipment, books etc. Maintaining or renovate current buildings that are habitable and move to already developed property instead of building new schools for those that are not. Every school should be somewhat self sustaining, meaning providing products and services for the community they are in which will create revenue and fill societal needs. Putting high school students that are interested in trade into apprenticeships early so they are providing, learning, earning their education in a way and gaining experience so they are immediately employable after graduation. Just some thoughts...
What are yours?

We just tore down half of our school and are occupying the other half because we cannot afford the land and expense of all the football, baseball, softball, and tennis facilities. We are refurbishing the gym vice replacing it to save money. Out "teacher's lounge" has two chairs and no desks for us to work at. My planning period is spent at my rolling desk in a hallway. Most schools in this country are ancient. That price you quoted has a lot of that going into upkeep, repair, or replacement of schools. In our county, most of the schools were built in the 1940s and 50s. We have 5 K-8 schools because they are cheaper than building a middle school and the ensuing transportation problems.

The Bullies' Sacred Cow

Sports are non-educational and run at a loss. They have no place in the schools and it would save a lot of money if we eliminated that frill. It's hypocritical to ignore such an expensive indulgence. They are bad for the non-jock students, turning them into spectator couch potatoes. It's quite stupid, and an insult to the intelligent to care about the fact that the dumb jocks would lose their chance for college athletic "scholarships."

This obsession of yours has been proven wrong many times now, weakling.
This is a very very rich woman who took it as her particular obligation in life to do what she could to get very poor children a better education than they were getting.

She is not in it for the money; she has all she and subsequent generations could ever need....except that she has given a huge amount of it to further that obligation she has felt called upon to assume.

The problem is that part of the solution she has the kids (and their parents) a CHOICE in where they send their kids to school....will hit the Bolsheviks Teachers Unions in the pocketbook....and funny thing is....when it comes to their pocketbook, Bolsheviks are very much like the greediest capitalist in New York and New England.

(By the way, where do you think the Robber Barons came from....whose Greed called forth Unions in the first place?)

Which Greed applies strictly to Private Employee Unions. Their existence is justified.

But the Public Employee Unions, especially the Teachers Unions...simply Suck Off the public tit...through a fraudulent co-conspiracy with the Democratic Party....a conspiracy which ought to have been busted up a long time ago...and maybe this lady will finally do it.

Naturally, the Democrats are raising Hell. They are paid a fortune to raise Hell by the Public Employee Unions, who are funded by us Taxpayers.

What's going to drive this country into some sort of disaster...its tough now to tell how bad...but its going to be a combination of an almost illiterate public, educated by lazy Bolsheviks, and the Liars in the Media who have abandoned all pretense of impartiality and openly joined the Bolshevik side.

Ugly times at hand.

Your anti-union barrage of bullshit is off topic.

Eliminating teacher unions would be of immense help to our education problems.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all, does it not?

Al Shanker, former president of the AFT (Federation of Teachers) one said that he would worry about the children when they start paying dues!


“When school children start paying union dues, that 's when I'll start representing the interests of school children.”

That notorious quote was from Albert Shanker, President of the Teachers Union (United Federation of Teachers) from 1964 to 1984 as well as President of the Teachers Union (American Federation of Teachers) from 1974 to 1997.

“When school children start paying union dues, that 's when I'll start representing the interests of school children.”

Now tell me how good are the Unions!
Seriously? What is the graduation rate of Chicago public schools? Balitmore? D.C......?

You spent the extra money to buy or rent a house in a good school district...nice for about the kids who don't have your resources and are currently stuck in a hell hole school....and you talk about leaving the bad kids about helping the good kids escape....?

Good teachers are leaving the profession after 2-3 years......bad teachers stay because they are protected....and if you are a good teacher...vouchers will increase your will have value..since you can actually teach kids.....

If you have been in education for 20 is no wonder you don't understand competition........and how it will save the lives of children.

There are no good kids in those schools. We had vouchers in Florida until someone bothered to read the state Constitution.

Even if vouchers are available, where do they go?

In Jacksonville, we had several very good private schools. A $4000 voucher sounds great until you realize that the tuition was over three times that much at the cheaper schools. Every school has a waiting list so long, no one could have gotten in anyway. The Catholic Archdiocese decided to build another high school west of the city, but it took about 5 years to build and the waiting list wasn't even dented by the students who enrolled there.

How will vouchers increase my pay? That's hilarious! I already get paid crappy wages. Private schools pay less. They cannot charge more than they do now if they are taking a loss on tuition by accepting vouchers.

Pulling students from my school reduces the need for my services. I worked for a Department of Defense school for a year and my position was eliminated because they tore down so much base housing that there were not enough students. I found a job in the county nearby, but the next year budget cuts across the district forced me to teach in one of the inner city hell holes that you have never even visited much less worked in, plus I had a two hour commute each day.

You may find it easy to dismiss my expertise in this area, but I have lived it, worked it, and seen the bad and the good in every aspect.

People like Betsy Devos and most politicians, and unfortunately people like you do not even begin to understand the problem and how to fix it.

The cost per student per year in public schooling looks like around $11,500.00 according to the link.

In a class of 30 that's $345,000.00 per year, perhaps you should open your own charter school and demand equal treatment voucher/cost per student wise or be a super hero and save the taxpayers some bucks.

Fast Facts[/Q
How can we save money and improve education for all? My thoughts include ...Cutting the fat so selling old equipment, books etc. Maintaining or renovate current buildings that are habitable and move to already developed property instead of building new schools for those that are not. Every school should be somewhat self sustaining, meaning providing products and services for the community they are in which will create revenue and fill societal needs. Putting high school students that are interested in trade into apprenticeships early so they are providing, learning, earning their education in a way and gaining experience so they are immediately employable after graduation. Just some thoughts...
What are yours?

We just tore down half of our school and are occupying the other half because we cannot afford the land and expense of all the football, baseball, softball, and tennis facilities. We are refurbishing the gym vice replacing it to save money. Out "teacher's lounge" has two chairs and no desks for us to work at. My planning period is spent at my rolling desk in a hallway. Most schools in this country are ancient. That price you quoted has a lot of that going into upkeep, repair, or replacement of schools. In our county, most of the schools were built in the 1940s and 50s. We have 5 K-8 schools because they are cheaper than building a middle school and the ensuing transportation problems.

The Bullies' Sacred Cow

Sports are non-educational and run at a loss. They have no place in the schools and it would save a lot of money if we eliminated that frill. It's hypocritical to ignore such an expensive indulgence. They are bad for the non-jock students, turning them into spectator couch potatoes. It's quite stupid, and an insult to the intelligent to care about the fact that the dumb jocks would lose their chance for college athletic "scholarships."

So sayeth the couch potato that never participated in sports to learn such valuable skills such as teamwork, resilience, and self-discipline.
This is a very very rich woman who took it as her particular obligation in life to do what she could to get very poor children a better education than they were getting.

She is not in it for the money; she has all she and subsequent generations could ever need....except that she has given a huge amount of it to further that obligation she has felt called upon to assume.

The problem is that part of the solution she has the kids (and their parents) a CHOICE in where they send their kids to school....will hit the Bolsheviks Teachers Unions in the pocketbook....and funny thing is....when it comes to their pocketbook, Bolsheviks are very much like the greediest capitalist in New York and New England.

(By the way, where do you think the Robber Barons came from....whose Greed called forth Unions in the first place?)

Which Greed applies strictly to Private Employee Unions. Their existence is justified.

But the Public Employee Unions, especially the Teachers Unions...simply Suck Off the public tit...through a fraudulent co-conspiracy with the Democratic Party....a conspiracy which ought to have been busted up a long time ago...and maybe this lady will finally do it.

Naturally, the Democrats are raising Hell. They are paid a fortune to raise Hell by the Public Employee Unions, who are funded by us Taxpayers.

What's going to drive this country into some sort of disaster...its tough now to tell how bad...but its going to be a combination of an almost illiterate public, educated by lazy Bolsheviks, and the Liars in the Media who have abandoned all pretense of impartiality and openly joined the Bolshevik side.

Ugly times at hand.

Your anti-union barrage of bullshit is off topic.

Eliminating teacher unions would be of immense help to our education problems.

National Education Association General Counsel Bob Chanin stated in July 2009.

Chanin: "It is not because we care about children. And it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues...."

Says it all, does it not?

Al Shanker, former president of the AFT (Federation of Teachers) one said that he would worry about the children when they start paying dues!


“When school children start paying union dues, that 's when I'll start representing the interests of school children.”

That notorious quote was from Albert Shanker, President of the Teachers Union (United Federation of Teachers) from 1964 to 1984 as well as President of the Teachers Union (American Federation of Teachers) from 1974 to 1997.

“When school children start paying union dues, that 's when I'll start representing the interests of school children.”

Now tell me how good are the Unions!

That is what a union does. Why does everyone bash teacher's unions for doing their jobs yet they don't say a word about the Teamsters, UAW, UMW, CWA, IBEW or any of the other thousands of unions when they represent the interests of their workers?

My Dad was a member of the IBEW for 26 years, a shop steward, and worked with management despite having a 5th grade education in the Great Depression.
She was put in the position to release the children fro public indoctrination and train to fail centers. I think she will do a good job at that. I just hope in Trumps second term he will keep her and by then she will have enough of the curriculum changed to have returned the schools to Succeed mode and freed the children from liberal rewritten history, and social justice control classes and returned them to real science with choice, real social studies with choice, and real history of the world and this country.

What makes you think that the federal government has ANYTHING to do with curriculum? They do not!

Most conservatives have been complaining about centralized control of education and want to return to local control. Is that what you really want or not?

No offense, but most non- educators have no clue as to what a curriculum is. Do you know?

That's foolish, I don't know if it is intentional or not. Of course, the Federal government controls the curriculum. If you don't teach to pass the Fed. Gov. tests, you don't get the bucks.

OK. Listen up and learn. There are no federal government tests. Educate yourself and stop making a total fool of yourself. The tests my state uses to grade high schools are the ACT and subject end-of course exams in English II, Algebra II, American history and Biology taken during the 10th and 11 grade years.

Now, it is your chance to educate me. Which of those tests are created by the US government?
She was put in the position to release the children fro public indoctrination and train to fail centers. I think she will do a good job at that. I just hope in Trumps second term he will keep her and by then she will have enough of the curriculum changed to have returned the schools to Succeed mode and freed the children from liberal rewritten history, and social justice control classes and returned them to real science with choice, real social studies with choice, and real history of the world and this country.

What makes you think that the federal government has ANYTHING to do with curriculum? They do not!

Most conservatives have been complaining about centralized control of education and want to return to local control. Is that what you really want or not?

No offense, but most non- educators have no clue as to what a curriculum is. Do you know?

That's foolish, I don't know if it is intentional or not. Of course, the Federal government controls the curriculum. If you don't teach to pass the Fed. Gov. tests, you don't get the bucks.

OK. Listen up and learn. There are no federal government tests. Educate yourself and stop making a total fool of yourself. The tests my state uses to grade high schools are the ACT and subject end-of course exams in English II, Algebra II, American history and Biology taken during the 10th and 11 grade years.

Now, it is your chance to educate me. Which of those tests are created by the US government?
Perhaps he was talking about elementary.
There are no good kids in those schools. We had vouchers in Florida until someone bothered to read the state Constitution.

Even if vouchers are available, where do they go?

In Jacksonville, we had several very good private schools. A $4000 voucher sounds great until you realize that the tuition was over three times that much at the cheaper schools. Every school has a waiting list so long, no one could have gotten in anyway. The Catholic Archdiocese decided to build another high school west of the city, but it took about 5 years to build and the waiting list wasn't even dented by the students who enrolled there.

How will vouchers increase my pay? That's hilarious! I already get paid crappy wages. Private schools pay less. They cannot charge more than they do now if they are taking a loss on tuition by accepting vouchers.

Pulling students from my school reduces the need for my services. I worked for a Department of Defense school for a year and my position was eliminated because they tore down so much base housing that there were not enough students. I found a job in the county nearby, but the next year budget cuts across the district forced me to teach in one of the inner city hell holes that you have never even visited much less worked in, plus I had a two hour commute each day.

You may find it easy to dismiss my expertise in this area, but I have lived it, worked it, and seen the bad and the good in every aspect.

People like Betsy Devos and most politicians, and unfortunately people like you do not even begin to understand the problem and how to fix it.

The cost per student per year in public schooling looks like around $11,500.00 according to the link.

In a class of 30 that's $345,000.00 per year, perhaps you should open your own charter school and demand equal treatment voucher/cost per student wise or be a super hero and save the taxpayers some bucks.

Fast Facts[/Q
How can we save money and improve education for all? My thoughts include ...Cutting the fat so selling old equipment, books etc. Maintaining or renovate current buildings that are habitable and move to already developed property instead of building new schools for those that are not. Every school should be somewhat self sustaining, meaning providing products and services for the community they are in which will create revenue and fill societal needs. Putting high school students that are interested in trade into apprenticeships early so they are providing, learning, earning their education in a way and gaining experience so they are immediately employable after graduation. Just some thoughts...
What are yours?

We just tore down half of our school and are occupying the other half because we cannot afford the land and expense of all the football, baseball, softball, and tennis facilities. We are refurbishing the gym vice replacing it to save money. Out "teacher's lounge" has two chairs and no desks for us to work at. My planning period is spent at my rolling desk in a hallway. Most schools in this country are ancient. That price you quoted has a lot of that going into upkeep, repair, or replacement of schools. In our county, most of the schools were built in the 1940s and 50s. We have 5 K-8 schools because they are cheaper than building a middle school and the ensuing transportation problems.

The Bullies' Sacred Cow

Sports are non-educational and run at a loss. They have no place in the schools and it would save a lot of money if we eliminated that frill. It's hypocritical to ignore such an expensive indulgence. They are bad for the non-jock students, turning them into spectator couch potatoes. It's quite stupid, and an insult to the intelligent to care about the fact that the dumb jocks would lose their chance for college athletic "scholarships."

So sayeth the couch potato that never participated in sports to learn such valuable skills such as teamwork, resilience, and self-discipline.
Tell it to O.J. Simpson and Colin Qaepernick.
The cost per student per year in public schooling looks like around $11,500.00 according to the link.

In a class of 30 that's $345,000.00 per year, perhaps you should open your own charter school and demand equal treatment voucher/cost per student wise or be a super hero and save the taxpayers some bucks.

Fast Facts[/Q
How can we save money and improve education for all? My thoughts include ...Cutting the fat so selling old equipment, books etc. Maintaining or renovate current buildings that are habitable and move to already developed property instead of building new schools for those that are not. Every school should be somewhat self sustaining, meaning providing products and services for the community they are in which will create revenue and fill societal needs. Putting high school students that are interested in trade into apprenticeships early so they are providing, learning, earning their education in a way and gaining experience so they are immediately employable after graduation. Just some thoughts...
What are yours?

We just tore down half of our school and are occupying the other half because we cannot afford the land and expense of all the football, baseball, softball, and tennis facilities. We are refurbishing the gym vice replacing it to save money. Out "teacher's lounge" has two chairs and no desks for us to work at. My planning period is spent at my rolling desk in a hallway. Most schools in this country are ancient. That price you quoted has a lot of that going into upkeep, repair, or replacement of schools. In our county, most of the schools were built in the 1940s and 50s. We have 5 K-8 schools because they are cheaper than building a middle school and the ensuing transportation problems.

The Bullies' Sacred Cow

Sports are non-educational and run at a loss. They have no place in the schools and it would save a lot of money if we eliminated that frill. It's hypocritical to ignore such an expensive indulgence. They are bad for the non-jock students, turning them into spectator couch potatoes. It's quite stupid, and an insult to the intelligent to care about the fact that the dumb jocks would lose their chance for college athletic "scholarships."

So sayeth the couch potato that never participated in sports to learn such valuable skills such as teamwork, resilience, and self-discipline.
Tell it to O.J. Simpson and Colin Qaepernick.

She was put in the position to release the children fro public indoctrination and train to fail centers. I think she will do a good job at that. I just hope in Trumps second term he will keep her and by then she will have enough of the curriculum changed to have returned the schools to Succeed mode and freed the children from liberal rewritten history, and social justice control classes and returned them to real science with choice, real social studies with choice, and real history of the world and this country.

What makes you think that the federal government has ANYTHING to do with curriculum? They do not!

Most conservatives have been complaining about centralized control of education and want to return to local control. Is that what you really want or not?

No offense, but most non- educators have no clue as to what a curriculum is. Do you know?

That's foolish, I don't know if it is intentional or not. Of course, the Federal government controls the curriculum. If you don't teach to pass the Fed. Gov. tests, you don't get the bucks.

Who told you this?
She was put in the position to release the children fro public indoctrination and train to fail centers. I think she will do a good job at that. I just hope in Trumps second term he will keep her and by then she will have enough of the curriculum changed to have returned the schools to Succeed mode and freed the children from liberal rewritten history, and social justice control classes and returned them to real science with choice, real social studies with choice, and real history of the world and this country.

1. There is no such thing as a federal curriculum
2. There is no mass indoctrination (ok at least what you used is a hyperbole)
3. What do you think is being taught to students that isn't true? What proof do you have in terms of curriculum?
4. While students do have some choice over what to learn (in terms of electives), all students should be forced to take core classes as well such as English, math, science, social studies, etc.
5. My (public) school does NOT offer "social justice control classes". They do offer multi-cultural classes (as electives).

With all due respect based on your post I don't think you know what a curriculum is, which means you don't know what a set of standards is, which means you don't know what Common Core is, which means you really don't know enough about education to be discussing as a part of an engaging and serious conversation.
The cost per student per year in public schooling looks like around $11,500.00 according to the link.

In a class of 30 that's $345,000.00 per year, perhaps you should open your own charter school and demand equal treatment voucher/cost per student wise or be a super hero and save the taxpayers some bucks.

Fast Facts[/Q
How can we save money and improve education for all? My thoughts include ...Cutting the fat so selling old equipment, books etc. Maintaining or renovate current buildings that are habitable and move to already developed property instead of building new schools for those that are not. Every school should be somewhat self sustaining, meaning providing products and services for the community they are in which will create revenue and fill societal needs. Putting high school students that are interested in trade into apprenticeships early so they are providing, learning, earning their education in a way and gaining experience so they are immediately employable after graduation. Just some thoughts...
What are yours?

We just tore down half of our school and are occupying the other half because we cannot afford the land and expense of all the football, baseball, softball, and tennis facilities. We are refurbishing the gym vice replacing it to save money. Out "teacher's lounge" has two chairs and no desks for us to work at. My planning period is spent at my rolling desk in a hallway. Most schools in this country are ancient. That price you quoted has a lot of that going into upkeep, repair, or replacement of schools. In our county, most of the schools were built in the 1940s and 50s. We have 5 K-8 schools because they are cheaper than building a middle school and the ensuing transportation problems.

The Bullies' Sacred Cow

Sports are non-educational and run at a loss. They have no place in the schools and it would save a lot of money if we eliminated that frill. It's hypocritical to ignore such an expensive indulgence. They are bad for the non-jock students, turning them into spectator couch potatoes. It's quite stupid, and an insult to the intelligent to care about the fact that the dumb jocks would lose their chance for college athletic "scholarships."

So sayeth the couch potato that never participated in sports to learn such valuable skills such as teamwork, resilience, and self-discipline.
Tell it to O.J. Simpson and Colin Qaepernick.

So you are saying they never participated in sports?

I don't think you know what you are trying to say.
She was put in the position to release the children fro public indoctrination and train to fail centers. I think she will do a good job at that. I just hope in Trumps second term he will keep her and by then she will have enough of the curriculum changed to have returned the schools to Succeed mode and freed the children from liberal rewritten history, and social justice control classes and returned them to real science with choice, real social studies with choice, and real history of the world and this country.

What makes you think that the federal government has ANYTHING to do with curriculum? They do not!

Most conservatives have been complaining about centralized control of education and want to return to local control. Is that what you really want or not?

No offense, but most non- educators have no clue as to what a curriculum is. Do you know?

That's foolish, I don't know if it is intentional or not. Of course, the Federal government controls the curriculum. If you don't teach to pass the Fed. Gov. tests, you don't get the bucks.

OK. Listen up and learn. There are no federal government tests. Educate yourself and stop making a total fool of yourself. The tests my state uses to grade high schools are the ACT and subject end-of course exams in English II, Algebra II, American history and Biology taken during the 10th and 11 grade years.

Now, it is your chance to educate me. Which of those tests are created by the US government?
Perhaps he was talking about elementary.

Nope. There is no such thing.

I work with this every day. Why do you assume I am blowing smoke up your backside? Wouldn't I be easy to prove wrong?
She was put in the position to release the children fro public indoctrination and train to fail centers. I think she will do a good job at that. I just hope in Trumps second term he will keep her and by then she will have enough of the curriculum changed to have returned the schools to Succeed mode and freed the children from liberal rewritten history, and social justice control classes and returned them to real science with choice, real social studies with choice, and real history of the world and this country.

What makes you think that the federal government has ANYTHING to do with curriculum? They do not!

Most conservatives have been complaining about centralized control of education and want to return to local control. Is that what you really want or not?

No offense, but most non- educators have no clue as to what a curriculum is. Do you know?

That's foolish, I don't know if it is intentional or not. Of course, the Federal government controls the curriculum. If you don't teach to pass the Fed. Gov. tests, you don't get the bucks.

OK. Listen up and learn. There are no federal government tests. Educate yourself and stop making a total fool of yourself. The tests my state uses to grade high schools are the ACT and subject end-of course exams in English II, Algebra II, American history and Biology taken during the 10th and 11 grade years.

Now, it is your chance to educate me. Which of those tests are created by the US government?
Perhaps he was talking about elementary.

Nope. There is no such thing.

I work with this every day. Why do you assume I am blowing smoke up your backside? Wouldn't I be easy to prove wrong?
Although I have been away from teaching for a decade, my grandchildren still took the standardized test created in the state. In Ohio, there were standardized test normed nationally that the students took each spring.

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