Don't forget the liberals created the USA


That's still true. Liberals favor change and conservatives favor status quo.

Liberals want everything changed, from blacks to serve in the military, to abolition of segregation, to women voting, to gays being able to serve and now to have everyone having healthcare...conservatives opposed each and every one and argued that things should stay the same every step of the way.

This is profoundly stupid... even for you, but hey here goes it.

You want change? Let's change from this ever-creeping nanny-state? How's that?

Another MFing RW liar.

Are you now saying that conservatives DIDN'T oppose and argue for status quo on each of the above?

You people never cease to amaze me.


You don't even know what the fuck liberal means and you have the fucking audacity to call others liars???
No sorry, the FRENCH REVOLUTION was a liberal/leftist/marxist Revolution.

The Founding Fathers were definitely conservatives.

My evidence? The Constitution and who sides with following it, vs. who wants to do away with the Constitution.

Oh no it was definantly liberal to allow the Slaves to be counted as 3/5ths of a person.

Liberal enough to allow future modifications to the Constitution as the country saw fit.

The Original Constitution was indeed flawed as evidence by the numerous changes we've made in the form of amendments.

Just learned last night that originally, the State were not bound to abide by the Bill of Rights. That flaw was corrected. Many other were too.

You just realized the Constitution applied to the federal government?
Since you were in grade school you read
Congress shall make no law...
in the first amendment and assumed that that applied to the states? It wasn't until the early 20th century that the "doctrine of incorporation" came about based on 4th amendment cases.

Do you realize that Article III of the Massachusetts constitution still provides, "... the legislature shall, from time to time, authorize and require, the several towns, parishes, precincts, and other bodies politic, or religious societies, to make suitable provision, at their own expense, for the institution of the public worship of God, and for the support and maintenance of public Protestant teachers of piety, religion and morality, in all cases where such provision shall not be made voluntarily."
Don't forget (especially you Mr. Nick :thup:) that the American revolutionists and Founding Fathers were all liberals.

There is a HUGE difference between classical liberal and progressive liberal.

I'm a classical liberal, progressives are authoritarian nuts..

Get a fucking education..

You sound like a stereotype, a if Stephen Colbert writes for you.

Are you joking? Or just a joke? Which one?

Nice insult but it still doesn't change the fact you're ignorant...

Only a fucking liberal would believe liberal means progressive liberal.

So what exactly are you progressing to anyways "liberal?" totalitarian moonbattery?

Whats your goal? 1984?

Your ignorance and philosophy is so fucking odd and ignorant there are no words in the English language to describe it...

That's still true. Liberals favor change and conservatives favor status quo.

Liberals want everything changed, from blacks to serve in the military, to abolition of segregation, to women voting, to gays being able to serve and now to have everyone having healthcare...conservatives opposed each and every one and argued that things should stay the same every step of the way.

This is profoundly stupid... even for you, but hey here goes it.

You want change? Let's change from this ever-creeping nanny-state? How's that?

Another MFing RW liar.

Are you now saying that conservatives DIDN'T oppose and argue for status quo on each of the above?

You people never cease to amaze me.


Marc... you're probably amazed by a ball of string.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think Mr. Nick might have anger issues? :eusa_think:
:lol: It's not just you.

Yes really.

What does the Tea Party have to do the definition of liberals and/or liberalism?

You simply cannot take the actions of a few disgruntled (anarchists ) and blame every liberal for their individual act of vandalism or crime.

The definition you posted is propaganda.

I am talking about conservative protesters being peaceful and cleaning up after the protest.
The left protesters are always getting arrested and leaving trash all over the place.
It is not propaganda it is the truth.
It is the left who put up propaganda and won't check out the actual sources.

It cost Wisconsin taxpayers like 8 million bucks to clean up after those nuts who squatted in the Madison capitol building... They wrote propaganda on the floor tiles, walls, the statues outside of the capitol building, the streets...

They're disgusting pigs that do nothing but consume and destroy...
it was southern democrats who founded the KKK.
And the Know Nothings were integrated into the GOP.

What's your point?

Liberal (noun) =/= liberal (adj)

They weren't totally liberal. After all, many of them owned slaves.
They were bourgeois liberals

This is profoundly stupid... even for you, but hey here goes it.

You want change? Let's change from this ever-creeping nanny-state? How's that?

Another MFing RW liar.

Are you now saying that conservatives DIDN'T oppose and argue for status quo on each of the above?

You people never cease to amaze me.


Marc... you're probably amazed by a ball of string.


Answer the question you cowardly liar.
Don't forget (especially you Mr. Nick :thup:) that the American revolutionists and Founding Fathers were all liberals.

How incredibly silly of you. There is almost no comparison between our Liberal Founding Fathers, and the ideals and policies pushed for by Modern Day Liberals. Anyone with any sense knows our Founders more closely resemble Modern day Libertarians or even conservatives, than they do Modern Day Liberals.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think Mr. Nick might have anger issues? :eusa_think:
:lol: It's not just you.

I am talking about conservative protesters being peaceful and cleaning up after the protest.
The left protesters are always getting arrested and leaving trash all over the place.
It is not propaganda it is the truth.
It is the left who put up propaganda and won't check out the actual sources.

It cost Wisconsin taxpayers like 8 million bucks to clean up after those nuts who squatted in the Madison capitol building... They wrote propaganda on the floor tiles, walls, the statues outside of the capitol building, the streets...

They're disgusting pigs that do nothing but consume and destroy...

Yeah, that was 3-4 pages ago...

I'm not posting it again. Get productive and research if for yourself..

I'm not your fucking teacher..
No sorry, the FRENCH REVOLUTION was a liberal/leftist/marxist Revolution.

The Founding Fathers were definitely conservatives.

My evidence? The Constitution and who sides with following it, vs. who wants to do away with the Constitution.

Oh no it was definantly liberal to allow the Slaves to be counted as 3/5ths of a person.

Liberal enough to allow future modifications to the Constitution as the country saw fit.

The Original Constitution was indeed flawed as evidence by the numerous changes we've made in the form of amendments.

Just learned last night that originally, the State were not bound to abide by the Bill of Rights. That flaw was corrected. Many other were too.

You just realized the Constitution applied to the federal government?
Since you were in grade school you read
Congress shall make no law...
in the first amendment and assumed that that applied to the states? It wasn't until the early 20th century that the "doctrine of incorporation" came about based on 4th amendment cases.

Do you realize that Article III of the Massachusetts constitution still provides, "... the legislature shall, from time to time, authorize and require, the several towns, parishes, precincts, and other bodies politic, or religious societies, to make suitable provision, at their own expense, for the institution of the public worship of God, and for the support and maintenance of public Protestant teachers of piety, religion and morality, in all cases where such provision shall not be made voluntarily."

What I learned "Originally, the State were not bound to abide by the Bill of Rights."

Three States objected to the binding of the state to the Bill of Rights because they endorsed a religion. It was corrected after the Civil War. All three states adopted freedom of religion well before the Civil War however.

Mass. was the last in 1833.
There is a HUGE difference between classical liberal and progressive liberal.

I'm a classical liberal, progressives are authoritarian nuts..

Get a fucking education..

You sound like a stereotype, a if Stephen Colbert writes for you.

Are you joking? Or just a joke? Which one?

Nice insult but it still doesn't change the fact you're ignorant...

Only a fucking liberal would believe liberal means progressive liberal.

So what exactly are you progressing to anyways "liberal?" totalitarian moonbattery?

Whats your goal? 1984?

Your ignorance and philosophy is so fucking odd and ignorant there are no words in the English language to describe it...

When the US was founded, the terms liberal and conservative had a far different meaning than today. A conservative embraced the status quo while the liberal favored change. Applying today's definition to people that lived over two hundred years ago doesn't make much sense. Times are different and values are different.

Goldwater, Reagan and their followers really defined conservatism in American. While conservatism is defined by ideology, liberalism is defined by issues.


That's still true. Liberals favor change and conservatives favor status quo.

Liberals want everything changed, from blacks to serve in the military, to abolition of segregation, to women voting, to gays being able to serve and now to have everyone having healthcare...conservatives opposed each and every one and argued that things should stay the same every step of the way.

Liberal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Learn something.

Hey A$$Klown...

Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis, "of freedom")[1] is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but most liberals support such fundamental ideas as constitutions, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, free trade, and the freedom of religion.[3][4][5][6][7] These ideas are widely accepted, even by political groups that do not openly profess a liberal ideological orientation.

From your very link...what a raging BUFFOON you are!

Happy posting Kunty Da Klown.

I'm not your fucking teacher..

Nor anyone's.... clearly. :thup:

Its funny how I'm always adding substance with my posts and you're just insulting people.

I love the liberal knee-jerk reaction to those they feel threaten their ignorance - talk shit about them.

I mean this is only the twelveteenth time you've ad homn me..

Now, if you're so fucking intelligent then contradict my assertions - if not, then shut the fuck up.

No one likes a little coward that throws shit from the sidelines.
Another MFing RW liar.

Are you now saying that conservatives DIDN'T oppose and argue for status quo on each of the above?

You people never cease to amaze me.


Marc... you're probably amazed by a ball of string.


Answer the question you cowardly liar.

Actually, I asked you a question first, which true to form, you evaded by getting your panties in a ball and asking me a question instead of answering.

So hey, answer the question that is pending.
I'm not your fucking teacher..

Nor anyone's.... clearly. :thup:

Its funny how I'm always adding substance with my posts and you're just insulting people.

I love the liberal knee-jerk reaction to those they feel threaten their ignorance - talk shit about them.

I mean this is only the twelveteenth time you've ad homn me..

Now, if you're so fucking intelligent then contradict my assertions - if not, then shut the fuck up.

No one likes a little coward that throws shit from the sidelines.

You might want to look up the word 'substance'.

You're definitely not using it correctly. :thup:
I'm not your fucking teacher..

Nor anyone's.... clearly. :thup:

Its funny how I'm always adding substance with my posts and you're just insulting people.

I love the liberal knee-jerk reaction to those they feel threaten their ignorance - talk shit about them.

I mean this is only the twelveteenth time you've ad homn me..

Now, if you're so fucking intelligent then contradict my assertions - if not, then shut the fuck up.

No one likes a little coward that throws shit from the sidelines.

Manifold isn't as bad as the mental midget MarcATL, actually Manifold is ok I think.. Marc can't even answer the most basic questions... he just responds with &^%#%$%!@*#@(@)@*(&#@(


And then he goes on to tell you how smart he is.

I love it, I absolutely love it.
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Actually, I asked you a question first, which true to form, you evaded by getting your panties in a ball and asking me a question instead of answering.

So hey, answer the question that is pending.

OK, I'll be your Huckleberry....

What was the question you posed?
You sound like a stereotype, a if Stephen Colbert writes for you.

Are you joking? Or just a joke? Which one?

Nice insult but it still doesn't change the fact you're ignorant...

Only a fucking liberal would believe liberal means progressive liberal.

So what exactly are you progressing to anyways "liberal?" totalitarian moonbattery?

Whats your goal? 1984?

Your ignorance and philosophy is so fucking odd and ignorant there are no words in the English language to describe it...

Hey A$$Klown...

Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis, "of freedom")[1] is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but most liberals support such fundamental ideas as constitutions, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, free trade, and the freedom of religion.[3][4][5][6][7] These ideas are widely accepted, even by political groups that do not openly profess a liberal ideological orientation.

From your very link...what a raging BUFFOON you are!

Happy posting Kunty Da Klown.


Ahh, you still don't understand do you?

Liberal is a word - not a political affiliation.

There are all kinds of liberals - the key to "liberal" as far as a political philosophy is what you are liberal from..

Considering I'm the real liberal here - you must be liberal from classical liberalism.

This is why you and progressives are generally authoritarian ignorant nuts.

Yes we are "liberal" and our constitution and Bill of Rights is liberal compared to circa 1750 Europe... Yes we are liberal compared to theocracy and monarchy..

Now its 2011 and you progressives are just as bad as the theocracies and monarchies.

Yeah, thats where your progress led you - you're all a bunch of authoritarian nuts just like those theocracies and monarchies were.

Do you get it now??? probably not...
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Nor anyone's.... clearly. :thup:

Its funny how I'm always adding substance with my posts and you're just insulting people.

I love the liberal knee-jerk reaction to those they feel threaten their ignorance - talk shit about them.

I mean this is only the twelveteenth time you've ad homn me..

Now, if you're so fucking intelligent then contradict my assertions - if not, then shut the fuck up.

No one likes a little coward that throws shit from the sidelines.

Manifold isn't as bad as the mental midget MarcATL, actually Manifold is ok I think.. Marc can't even answer the most basic questions... he just responds with &^%#%$%!@*#@(@)@*(&#@(


And then he goes on to tell you how smart he is.

I love it, I absolutely love it.

You are a MFing liar!

I never use swear words. I don't curse.

Not even in my images.

I dare you to present an instance of me using a swear word.

I double-dare you to present any evidence of me calling myself smart.

I leave that to self-proclaimed "Conservatives" like you.

I understand that my type leaves you mentally abused, so you feel belittled, dumb and inadequate. So I'll let you feeblings call me smart...I won't.

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Nice insult but it still doesn't change the fact you're ignorant...

Only a fucking liberal would believe liberal means progressive liberal.

So what exactly are you progressing to anyways "liberal?" totalitarian moonbattery?

Whats your goal? 1984?

Your ignorance and philosophy is so fucking odd and ignorant there are no words in the English language to describe it...

Hey A$$Klown...

Liberalism (from the Latin liberalis, "of freedom")[1] is the belief in the importance of liberty and equal rights.[2] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but most liberals support such fundamental ideas as constitutions, liberal democracy, free and fair elections, human rights, capitalism, free trade, and the freedom of religion.[3][4][5][6][7] These ideas are widely accepted, even by political groups that do not openly profess a liberal ideological orientation.

From your very link...what a raging BUFFOON you are!

Happy posting Kunty Da Klown.


Ahh, you still don't understand do you?

Liberal is a word - not a political affiliation.

There are all kinds of liberals - the key to "liberal" as far as a political philosophy is what you are liberal from..

Considering I'm the real liberal here - you must be liberal from classical liberalism.

This is why you and progressives are generally authoritarian ignorant nuts.

Yes we are "liberal" and our constitution and Bill of Rights is liberal compared to circa 1750 Europe... Yes we are liberal compared to theocracy and monarchy..

Now its 2011 and you progressives are just as bad as the theocracies and monarchies.

Yeah, thats where your progress led you - you're all a bunch of authoritarian nuts just like those theocracies and monarchies were.

Do you get it now??? probably not...

Here's a word for you...FOOL.

As in...YOU. ARE. A. FOOL!

How's that Kunty?


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