Donald Trump Rally

One year after he "lost" elections Trump got packed rallies with 100k people watching online, while "your guy" who is "most popular president ever" sees only reporters in fake "white House" and behind green screen.
I see your aware of that also how Biden is in a fake White House.
Because Trump knows that it's good to keep your friends close,.. but your enemies closer.

I thought you were going to say sure if I didn't mind that you complain that I complain how you complain about how he complains. XD Coyote is going to come onto this thread now and say girl, "I'll give you something to complain about!!" :p
Exactly,That’s how trump was brilliant i appointing warmongers to his cabinet to keep close tabs on them what they were up to,kindred keep your friends close but your enemies closer.trump does things thst on the surface never make sense but he has a very clever reason for them.
Trump is a professional complainer. What’s the appeal of listening to a spoiled billionaire complain about how bad his country is?? Seems rather petty to me
This whole phenomenon is about grievance, and the frustration, victimhood and paranoia it has caused. Trump is the result of that.

The Right's grievances are not completely without merit. Not at all. The problem is, they have done what Americans just love to do -- they've taken it too far, making it binary, simplistic, ham-handed and tribal.

Enabled and supported, as always, by those who have a vested professional interest in inciting, nurturing and advancing that behavior.
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Holy crap. Putin has taught him well:
Thats just knee-jerk hate speech

you grudgingly concede that conservatives MIGHT have a few tiny little complaints

but as a biden voter you dont like it one little bit that they turned to donald trump to deal with those problems instead of some milchtoast moderate looser like jeb bush or mitt romney

How DARE we, as the young swedish retard would say
Powerful American man . Like Patton
Now that's a pairing I hadn't thought about: Lieutenant Geoge S. Patton, West Point graduate, worked his way up the military ranks with assignments of increasing responsibility culminating in his command of Third Army after D-Day.

Paired with......................... Cadet Bone Spurs.
(Cadet B.S. woulda been one of those getting slapped by George, IMHO)

I love this bar.

Because Trump knows that it's good to keep your friends close,.. but your enemies closer.
Good to know.
American diplomacy, force projection, and governance........ala' Francis Ford Coppola, and bumper-sticker epigrams.
God Bless Ameria.


Consequences from messing with an American man. Powerful smart
Like 900,000 Covid deaths in the most medically advance and health-care blessed nation on earth.
All from a "flu" that will disappear in April of 2020, with warm weather.
Yupper, consequences. Powerful. And smart.
God Bless America.

It would depend on what his intelligence agencies was telling him,,
However, he wouldn't, didn't, listen to them.
Notorious for not paying attention during the daily intelligence briefings at the White House (briefers changed the format to include lots of colored pictures); notorious for telling the world in front of cameras and with Vladimir Putin beside him that he believed Vlad over those intelligence agencies.

So color me skeptical on the good poster IamZ's solution.

One year after he "lost" elections Trump got packed rallies with 100k people watching online,
  • One wonders why NeverTrumpers have such Trump Derangement Syndrome?
  • One wonders why MAGA-Hats have such Trump Devoted Sycomphancy?

Sounds like an effective dynamic for enhanced media attention. IMHO
Carnival sideshows were once a very popular form of entertainment.
Cheap too. "Hear ye hear ye step right up and see the amazing Jojo the Dogfaced Girl she walks she talks she crawls on her belly like a snake, for one thin dime a tenth of a dollar step right up folks......."
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Like 900,000 Covid deaths in the most medically advance and health-care blessed nation on earth.
Ah, therein lies the rub. Why would a "healthy" nation require the "most medically advanced" healthcare system on earth?
Why would a "healthy" nation require the "most medically advanced" healthcare system on earth?
Ah, good question, Woody.

But think of it as a 'cause & effect' dynamic.

This 'healthy' nation is such......., has the most advanced healthcare system.

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