Donald Trump Goes Full Fredo Corleone

So, Trump said he's smart, and Fredo said he's smart, so Trump's like Fredo.

Yes....that is indeed the type of "conclusion" that an idiot would make.....Good for you to prove to yourself who you really are.
So you admit that you liberals have no intention of letting us keep more of our hard earned pay? So tell me why I'd ever want to vote for one of you again?

What idiots like you "think" that you're keeping from your "hard earned pay" is a damn loan that Trump is borrowing under your name ($1.5 Trillion)......where 3/4 of that loan is going directly into the pockets of the super wealthy......AND, the real kick in the gonads, is that morons like you get to pay that ENTIRE loan back, while the wealthy are exempt, permanently.

Trump's not the one that created a spending situation wherein all this money needs to be borrowed. Maybe, in stead of acting like letting people keep their money is causing them to owe money, you should address the people spending more money than the people care to give them.

Furthermore, the wealthy are exempt? Holy shit citation needed.
So, Trump said he's smart, and Fredo said he's smart, so Trump's like Fredo.

Yes....that is indeed the type of "conclusion" that an idiot would make.....Good for you to prove to yourself who you really are.

That's literally the only similarity between the two quotes you used as your basis of comparison. If that's the conclusion of an idiot, maybe you should rethink it, you fucking simpleton.
you Liberals make it seem as though Illegals are 100% good for America. "libs" are constantly stating the above.....OR.......fuck heads like you hear voices echoing in that space where your half brain used to be.
So, Trump said he's smart, and Fredo said he's smart, so Trump's like Fredo.

Yes....that is indeed the type of "conclusion" that an idiot would make.....Good for you to prove to yourself who you really are.

That's literally the only similarity between the two quotes you used as your basis of comparison. If that's the conclusion of an idiot, maybe you should rethink it, you fucking simpleton.
Gnat is obviously deranged.
Letting me keep more of my pay each week and increasing the value of my 401K makes me a "whore"? That's ridiculous but I guess it's all you liberals have got at this point? Insulting average Americans?

Let me explain why you're actually a very cheap "whore"......

The "middle class is getting ONLY 23% of this tax scam

The tax scam is financed by $1.5 BORROWED Trillions

Since the rich are EXEMPT from paying that loan back, while "cheap whores" like you who got ONLY 23% will have to pay back 100% of that loan.

Hope the above helps your half brain come to terms with the scam.


Only a dumb ass liberal would try to teach his uneducated base that getting more money to spend is a bad thing
Trump says he's a genius and went to the best schools. So, has anyone seen any of his college transcripts? Where are they? One would think he would want to make them very public if they're so great.

A 1968 commencement program shared Friday by the Daily Pennsylvanian backs that up. It shows that Trump graduated from the undergraduate school of finance and commerce, but he did not graduate at the top of his class or with honors.


Was Trump really a top student at Wharton? His classmates say not so much
And that he really is. When was the last time you became a multi-billionaire, beat out 17 other Republicans candidates and the "Smartest Woman In The World", and became the President of the United States?

Sadly, my daddy didn't leave me a fortune, not could I ever be that much of a charlatan to FOOL idiots like you into "thinking" that I was ALL the answers to their tacit fears of darkies and foreigners......

Yes, I admit to my faults.

The measly $1 million he borrowed from his folks is hardly a "fortune". Multiplying that $1 million times 3500 and ending up with a net worth of $3.5 billion is quite fortunate. When's the last time you increased your net worth by 3500, besides "never"?

And having that Magnificent Orange SOB running the greatest country in the world, is also most fortunate. Too bad you have the limited mental facilities required to understand that.

Trump got more than 1 million from his family, he inherited a company, a company that was worth almost $1 billion in today’s money

And in 40 years he’s taken that company went from $10 billion to $3.5 billion, that is terrible business results

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If you were Trump you would be dead broke and in jail..
has THOSE .....Wall paid by Mexico and repeal and replace of the ACA on day one promises coming along, moron?????
Obama promised affordable healthcare, which he didn't do. It also took him a year to get the failure called Obama care passed. Really if Trump doesn't do anything else I'll be happy. Watching liberals transform to children everyday, is very entertaining.
To Liberals, affordable anything is when everyone else is paying for it.

Who is “everyone else”? Who pays when someone without insurance goes to the ER? Who pays when that person goes on disability and no longer pays taxes when they should not have gotten that sick if they had preventive care? Who pays when people are injured in industrial accidence or by air and water pollution due to lack of registration? YOU do!!

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My taxes go to pay for Illegals using EMs as primary physicians.
Please don't tell me you don't know that.
Yes well, perhaps so. So do mine. So what do you do? Let them die in the street? Never mind. I know how conservatives would answer. A better question is, what percentage of the tax expenditures go to the undocumented vs. everyone else?

But beyond that, how does your comment, in any way , address the point that I made. It is nothing more than a logical fallacy in the form of a red herring intended to divert attention away from the real issue.
Obama care would let them die in the street, with a $7500 deductible.

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