Dogs Are Not People

Hello!? They aren't! If I hear a prayer request for another dog at church I will lose it!
Dog is go backwards. Lose it! Were is this thread going, anyway? Animals show more love and devotion, than humans. Love is real, religion, an add on.
Hello!? They aren't! If I hear a prayer request for another dog at church I will lose it!
Lose it? What will you lose? Temper temper? Pray to an empty god that won't so anything? Dog is god backwards. You go ahead, have a fit. God is nothing.
Hello!? They aren't! If I hear a prayer request for another dog at church I will lose it!
dogs are better than people. I feel worse when I hear about an animal being abused then when I hear about a human. Animals are innocent people are not. And stop prey there's nobody listening no matter who you're praying for
Service Dog Stops Bus from Hitting Blind Owner, Proving Dogs Are Awesome
by Andrew Husband | 12:07 pm, June 9th, 2015 33

Between the woman who put a cigarette out in a reporter’s face and the Australian man who attempted murder with a bulldozer, people are terrible. Like really, really awful. Then again, you’re reading this on a political news site, so you already know this.

As bad as humans can be, however, dogs are simply the best. They might not hold a candle to the Internet’s fascination with cats, but they’re still pretty awesome. Like the service dog, Figo who threw herself in front of a mini-bus to save her blind owner:

When the service dog saw an oncoming mini school bus heading for Stone, the blind woman he was trained to guide, the golden retriever’s protective instincts kicked in: He threw himself at the closest part of the vehicle he could.

Dogs are not like any other animal on earth. They will gladly give their life for yours. It has happened millions of times. No human is capable of that degree of completely unselfish devotion.

In return, we abuse and mistreat them. We do the most horrendous experiments imaginable on them that result in NO good for humans. We tie them up and ignore them. We kick them and starve them and much much worse.

I saw a video of US service men setting fire to a small white dog in Iraq. This video shows even worse.


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Dogs deserve much better than mere humans.
Animals are not better than better than people, but exploiting them or hurting them for profit, not acceptable. Where was GOD when NAZIS gas people or ISIS chops of head? God doesn't protects us from evil, we all have to step up to the plate and fight against it in our way ourselves. GOD won't do it for you.
No soul??


I don't know about soles, but this puppy has serious paws.
Hello!? They aren't! If I hear a prayer request for another dog at church I will lose it!

Methinks you may have lost "it" already. Most dog owners believe the family dog is a member of the family and in fact it is. Why do you care what makes someone feel better? Are you a callous conservative?

Because, as someone said, they are "easier" to love. It's a DOG! An animal, and it will be just as happy with dry dog food and an occasional "bath" as with expensive grooming, people food etc. People just have too much money on their hands - and throw it away...

Am I wrong to infer from this ^^^ post that your church requires payment for prayer requests?

No I just went off on a tangent (referring to dog hotels etc.) the praying for pets is just stupid. pets don't have souls.

True, Ive seen some people go off the deep end with pets but so what. Id much rather know they are well cared for vs neglected.
People and animals are not "one"...but we are connected. Help an help yourself and other people, people connect with each other through animals. I could go on and nauseate the hell out of you but I'm sure you get the point. It all works together in a pretty amazing way.
...I have a sweatshirt that says "if horses aren't going to heaven Im not going."
They all WILL be there.:laugh:
Hello!? They aren't! If I hear a prayer request for another dog at church I will lose it!

Dogs are better than people

that's a sad statement on humanity.
Truth hurts.

Either way, let's see a dog take care of you when you need your meds or needs to cook you a meal when you are disabled.

yeah a dog will never abuse you when your are old and infirm like people do.

In all honesty when the day comes that I can't take care of my self I'll commit suicide
yeah a dog will never abuse you when your are old and infirm like people do.

In all honesty when the day comes that I can't take care of my self I'll commit suicide

If a dog is the only thing that loves you the way you want, I have no issue with that. I am not a dog hater, but, I think people need to realized that human beings are more important. As a Christian, this is especially true. If you are not a Christian, well, if you're not a Christian, I'm not sure why you would believe in much of anything, as, it would be "anything goes" at that point...

We should love and care for our dogs and take care of them as we would any other pet, however, when I see celebrities and such giving to causes for animals vs. humans in the world that are in desperate need and in pain, it bothers me (again, as a Christian). I am not arguing the RIGHT for people to do this, there is no doubt they have a right, but, I thought when this society started catering right and left to children it was bad, and now that it's catering to animals... just to me, we need to take care of humans first. My opinion
No, you have a "grip" on what is important to you.

You also don't respect what your god created

Er... I said I liked dogs... but this country has gone way overboard! Shows for dogs, sporting events for dogs, what's next? Music for dogs (oh yeah, they have that too...) Cars for Dogs?
yeah a dog will never abuse you when your are old and infirm like people do.

In all honesty when the day comes that I can't take care of my self I'll commit suicide

If a dog is the only thing that loves you the way you want, I have no issue with that. I am not a dog hater, but, I think people need to realized that human beings are more important. As a Christian, this is especially true. If you are not a Christian, well, if you're not a Christian, I'm not sure why you would believe in much of anything, as, it would be "anything goes" at that point...

We should love and care for our dogs and take care of them as we would any other pet, however, when I see celebrities and such giving to causes for animals vs. humans in the world that are in desperate need and in pain, it bothers me (again, as a Christian). I am not arguing the RIGHT for people to do this, there is no doubt they have a right, but, I thought when this society started catering right and left to children it was bad, and now that it's catering to animals... just to me, we need to take care of humans first. My opinion

My dogs are more important to me than most people.
Dogs and cats feel happiness, fear, boredom, anger, and many other forms of sentience. And they are aware of doing so and aware of the differences between many kinds of feelings.

Plus being able to interpret human emotions, as well.

In the latter respect, pets are better than many husbands.

Regards from Rosie

That may be, but they don't have self-awareness.
Actually, many service dogs can do just that.
There are dogs that can warn of seizures coming on. Dogs that can detect illness such as cancer, or an impending heart attack.
Hello!? They aren't! If I hear a prayer request for another dog at church I will lose it!

Dogs are better than people

that's a sad statement on humanity.
Truth hurts.

Either way, let's see a dog take care of you when you need your meds or needs to cook you a meal when you are disabled.
Actually, many service dogs can do just that.
There are dogs that can warn of seizures coming on. Dogs that can detect illness such as cancer, or an impending heart attack.
Hello!? They aren't! If I hear a prayer request for another dog at church I will lose it!

Dogs are better than people

that's a sad statement on humanity.
Truth hurts.

Either way, let's see a dog take care of you when you need your meds or needs to cook you a meal when you are disabled.

most can't
Actually, many service dogs can do just that.
There are dogs that can warn of seizures coming on. Dogs that can detect illness such as cancer, or an impending heart attack.
Dogs are better than people

that's a sad statement on humanity.
Truth hurts.

Either way, let's see a dog take care of you when you need your meds or needs to cook you a meal when you are disabled.

most can't
You've tested most dogs then? Impressive. Two thumbs up! :thup: :thup:

(I'm pretty sure mine can detect cancer. I'm also pretty sure she's hiding something. She's still pissed off because I didn't let her chase the mailman down the street. She'll probably let me know I'm dying about 5 minutes before it happens.)
Actually, many service dogs can do just that.
There are dogs that can warn of seizures coming on. Dogs that can detect illness such as cancer, or an impending heart attack.
that's a sad statement on humanity.
Truth hurts.

Either way, let's see a dog take care of you when you need your meds or needs to cook you a meal when you are disabled.

most can't
You've tested most dogs then? Impressive. Two thumbs up! :thup: :thup:

(I'm pretty sure mine can detect cancer. I'm also pretty sure she's hiding something. She's still pissed off because I didn't let her chase the mailman down the street. She'll probably let me know I'm dying about 5 minutes before it happens.)

this is just silly.. if you are sick at home most dogs as pets won't be able to help you across the room, administer meds, change our bed pan etc. I can't believe people are arguing this with me... damn...
Actually, many service dogs can do just that.
There are dogs that can warn of seizures coming on. Dogs that can detect illness such as cancer, or an impending heart attack.
Hello!? They aren't! If I hear a prayer request for another dog at church I will lose it!

Dogs are better than people

that's a sad statement on humanity.
Truth hurts.

Either way, let's see a dog take care of you when you need your meds or needs to cook you a meal when you are disabled.

There are dogs that can get a beer out of the refrigerator and bring it to you...

Now that's something...

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