Dogs Are Not People

Well all these posts just prove my point....

It's not a battle I'm willing to fight and certainly not one I'm going to win.
Dogs are precious and loving. People are more important. That's my final comment (maybe) LOL
How would you feel if someone put a dog before you? Do you honestly think a dog (any dog) is more valuable than YOU are as a person/human being? What about your child?
Methinks you may have lost "it" already. Most dog owners believe the family dog is a member of the family and in fact it is. Why do you care what makes someone feel better? Are you a callous conservative?

Because, as someone said, they are "easier" to love. It's a DOG! An animal, and it will be just as happy with dry dog food and an occasional "bath" as with expensive grooming, people food etc. People just have too much money on their hands - and throw it away...

Am I wrong to infer from this ^^^ post that your church requires payment for prayer requests?

No I just went off on a tangent (referring to dog hotels etc.) the praying for pets is just stupid. pets don't have souls.

How does one know people have soles? Do all people have soles, even mass murderers? In fact dogs have empathy and some people do not.

God created humans for His companionship, and, as such, we have souls as created by God. That's my belief, anyway...

If dogs don't have souls then neither do people.

As far as your argument goes about God creating people you are forgetting that he also created animals and he did that before he created man.

Oh, and there is no mention that he created souls at all.

So either everything that he created has souls, including viruses and parasites and all the nasty things under rocks or nothing has them.
Hello!? They aren't! If I hear a prayer request for another dog at church I will lose it!

Methinks you may have lost "it" already. Most dog owners believe the family dog is a member of the family and in fact it is. Why do you care what makes someone feel better? Are you a callous conservative?

Because, as someone said, they are "easier" to love. It's a DOG! An animal, and it will be just as happy with dry dog food and an occasional "bath" as with expensive grooming, people food etc. People just have too much money on their hands - and throw it away...

Am I wrong to infer from this ^^^ post that your church requires payment for prayer requests?

No I just went off on a tangent (referring to dog hotels etc.) the praying for pets is just stupid. pets don't have souls.

How does one know people have soles? Do all people have soles, even mass murderers? In fact dogs have empathy and some people do not.
They have shoes on...
Because, as someone said, they are "easier" to love. It's a DOG! An animal, and it will be just as happy with dry dog food and an occasional "bath" as with expensive grooming, people food etc. People just have too much money on their hands - and throw it away...

Am I wrong to infer from this ^^^ post that your church requires payment for prayer requests?

No I just went off on a tangent (referring to dog hotels etc.) the praying for pets is just stupid. pets don't have souls.

How does one know people have soles? Do all people have soles, even mass murderers? In fact dogs have empathy and some people do not.

God created humans for His companionship, and, as such, we have souls as created by God. That's my belief, anyway...

If dogs don't have souls then neither do people.

As far as your argument goes about God creating people you are forgetting that he also created animals and he did that before he created man.

Oh, and there is no mention that he created souls at all.

So either everything that he created has souls, including viruses and parasites and all the nasty things under rocks or nothing has them.

The only beings that have souls are Humans. Not any other animals or even angels.
We are the only creation (Humans) that were created in God's likeness. We (only we/humans) were created for his companionship. He didn't create animals for His (God's) companionship. They were just for the use of man here on Earth.

Also, the Earth was perfect when God created it. Adam & Eve's sin introduced sin into the world and all the other problems came along with it (natural disasters, disease, etc etc.)
How would you feel if someone put a dog before you? Do you honestly think a dog (any dog) is more valuable than YOU are as a person/human being? What about your child?
My child is not the same to me as someone elses animals are to them....

I'm just saying don't make a blanket statement "Dogs are Better Than People" - most people would not put a dog above their own child (and most would not put them above someone else's child (I hope) for that matter...
The only beings that have souls are Humans. Not any other animals or even angels.
We are the only creation (Humans) that were created in God's likeness. We (only we/humans) were created for his companionship. He didn't create animals for His (God's) companionship. They were just for the use of man here on Earth.

Also, the Earth was perfect when God created it. Adam & Eve's sin introduced sin into the world and all the other problems came along with it (natural disasters, disease, etc etc.)

I suspect that someone sold Bonzi a pup at some stage in her life.
I'm not sure how many ways to say I like dogs and pets in general - but I just don't believe they are equal to or more important than people/human beings.

But everyone here wants to say I'm a "hater" - really? Just for saying people are more valuable and important?
I'm not sure how many ways to say I like dogs and pets in general - but I just don't believe they are equal to or more important than people/human beings.

But everyone here wants to say I'm a "hater" - really? Just for saying people are more valuable and important?

Consider dogs trained to prevent explosives being carried onto trains or planes; dogs trained to alert their owner of high or low blood sugar; or dogs which give unabated love to seniors stuck in wheel chairs and nearly forgotten by their relatives.

Dogs and human beings have a connection rare in the animal world, as I write this our dog is seated behind me on a futon happily chewing on an antler. In a few hours she will compete on an agility course, and then come home and find her Frisbee, hoping to play catch with one of her family.

If it's really hot today - it was 104 here on Thursday - we will fill her kiddie pool and she can frolic in the water between Frisbee acrobatics. Then I'll grill dinner, and she'll sit by me and watch everything I do, knowing that when we finish dinner, it will be her turn.

After dinner she will do her business on the side yard, and happily nap as we watch Jeopardy and then the Giants or Warriors on the tube - at 9:00 PM (give or take 15 minutes) she will go to her crate and sit down, waiting paitently for one of us to take her to the side yard, and then giver her two cookies in her crate where she will sleep all night.

Yeah, a dog is a member of the family, no greater beneficial symbiotic relationship exists, IMO.
Reminds me of an apocalyptic story. Guy and his dog, been together some five years in rough times. Guy got a girl friend. Sex was good but she could not stop taking and told him her or the dog. He traded her to some bad guys for a month's supply of dog biscuits.
How would you feel if someone put a dog before you? Do you honestly think a dog (any dog) is more valuable than YOU are as a person/human being? What about your child?
Amen to this. Its actually one reason why I have nothing more to do with my dad. He left my mom and me for a dog (the female he's now married to).

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, anyone who doesn't put their kids first is nothing but trash. If you are not going to stand up for them, why bring them into the world at all then?
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Ok, when you are sick and need help, talk to your dog and no one else and let's see how that works for you.

There are CERTAIN dogs that can do a lot, but most dogs as pets can't and/or are not trained to. Most people will go to PEOPLE and GOD when they are in real need... so silly...
Actually my dog was great when I was sick.

Aerial joined me and laid down next to me.

At one point I had a stomach flu where I was vomiting a bit and my dog was there to comfort me.

Also if I get a cut or something similar my dog tries to lick it. I'm not sure how sanitary that its, but she gets worried about me if there is something wrong.

Dogs give unconditional love.

They would do anything for their pack.
A dog is part of your life.

You are a dog's whole life.

They can be incredible service animals. I have seen them with children in the cancer wards.

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