Does everyone besides me have amnesia?

I think it started when Reagan told Gorbachov, of whatever his name was, to "tear down those wall", and by golly darn it!, well send Capitalism your way".
Then we sent Capitalism to Asia and China.

Good going, Republican Party!

(Yes, yes, the Democrats also sold out the former Soviet Union.
But I don't recall which Democrat told the USSR how much business we were going to send them).
I've said it many times. Amnesia most certainly exists among many of the posters here. Either that or they were in a coma and did not wake up until January 20, 2009. It is the only explanation for their shock and anger at Bush's police state activities being continued into the present administration.

I have been calling those people goldfish.


Actually G5000 I mostly hear it the other way!

People complain why AREN'T the same Democrats and liberals complaining about Obama
after they jumped on Bush for all this? Was that all for political points and not for the content?

I heard Occupy complaining about Obama, but they were ignored by liberals towing the party line and not willing to speak out. Well except for John Cusack.

Also, why doesn't the "liberal media/Democrat Bloc" report these things:
* that the intelligence used to get Bin Laden was obtained by waterboarding under Bush's policies,
which the Democrats and liberals protested, yet was the key to information that led to Bin Laden
* that the chemical weapons used in Syria are most likely assumed to be the
weapons smuggled in from Iraq that supposedly didn't exist and got Bush blamed for lying

is that amnesia on the LEFT SIDE of the brain?

Now NSA isn't secret and has oversight, dingbat, and the rest is BS too.
All I remember is "Mission Accomplished"

Does that help?

We all knew where he kept his spare socks.

When you think about the damage caused by the Republicans to this country since 2000, obviously the problem isn't "amnesia", it's "brain damage".
George Bush was strengthening ties with the former Soviet Union break-away States, even to the point of including them under the Anti-Missile Defense System. Obama cancelled that initiative to "reset' relations with Russia. Now we see the results, Russia reclaiming the 'break-away' States. Obama's foreign policy has been a dismal failure and has damaged U.S. Foreign relations dangerously and beyond repair. The Obama Regime is our biggest foreign threat.
Obama intervened to help the murderous, anti American, Muslim Brotherhood take power in Libya, Egypt, and Syria, but is silent when Pro-Americans are cut down in the streets while demonstrating for basic freedoms in Ukraine and Venezuela.

I notice he intervenes in muslim countries to support the anti-Israel, anti U.S.A. murderers.

Could you say that again and try to include something out of a fact-based reality?

Translation: I can't handle the truth.
I've said it many times. Amnesia most certainly exists among many of the posters here. Either that or they were in a coma and did not wake up until January 20, 2009. It is the only explanation for their shock and anger at Bush's police state activities being continued into the present administration.

I have been calling those people goldfish.

In your case amnesia cannot explain your posts. Abject stupidity comes closer.
George W. Bush: Still the worst -

A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history, due to delusional wars, reckless spending and inflexibility

Well worth reading the rest.

Mindlessly supported by the GOP base.

Both wars were openly supported by the main democrats also, they voted for and openly supported the war at first. In fact Iraq could not have happened if the Democrats opposed it as the vote to allow the use of force happened while the Democrats ran the Senate. And the Democrats had one more vote in the Senate then the Republicans did at the time.

Further the intel used against Saddam Hussein all agreed with what Clinton had stated was the facts and his intel. Clintons whole administration believed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Add to that the fact that captured documents after the war clearly establish that Saddam Hussein intended to return to his nuclear program and jump start his chemical and biological programs as soon as France and China managed to lift the sanctions.

Mindlessly supported by the GOP base.

Both wars were openly supported by the main democrats also, they voted for and openly supported the war at first. In fact Iraq could not have happened if the Democrats opposed it as the vote to allow the use of force happened while the Democrats ran the Senate. And the Democrats had one more vote in the Senate then the Republicans did at the time.

Further the intel used against Saddam Hussein all agreed with what Clinton had stated was the facts and his intel. Clintons whole administration believed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Add to that the fact that captured documents after the war clearly establish that Saddam Hussein intended to return to his nuclear program and jump start his chemical and biological programs as soon as France and China managed to lift the sanctions.

You know, this has been about the 10,000th time these facts were posted on this board. Just in the time I've been here. And yet the Leftists here trot out these same whoppers over and over again. So do they think we are making these things up? It is public record, and has been linked over and over. Do they think it doesnt matter? I dont know. Or do they think it is an inconvenient truth and steadfastly ignore the evidence in favor of some version of history they find more appealing? I suspect that's it.
George Bush was strengthening ties with the former Soviet Union break-away States, even to the point of including them under the Anti-Missile Defense System. Obama cancelled that initiative to "reset' relations with Russia. Now we see the results, Russia reclaiming the 'break-away' States. Obama's foreign policy has been a dismal failure and has damaged U.S. Foreign relations dangerously and beyond repair. The Obama Regime is our biggest foreign threat.
Obama intervened to help the murderous, anti American, Muslim Brotherhood take power in Libya, Egypt, and Syria, but is silent when Pro-Americans are cut down in the streets while demonstrating for basic freedoms in Ukraine and Venezuela.

I notice he intervenes in muslim countries to support the anti-Israel, anti U.S.A. murderers.

It seems like everything Obama has focused on with foreign policy has been designed to help the radical Muslims. So many other things get ignored.

Here's Why President Obama Is MIA on Ukraine and Shouldn't Be
Here's Why President Obama is MIA on Ukraine and Shouldn't Be
I've said it many times. Amnesia most certainly exists among many of the posters here. Either that or they were in a coma and did not wake up until January 20, 2009. It is the only explanation for their shock and anger at Bush's police state activities being continued into the present administration.

I have been calling those people goldfish.


Actually G5000 I mostly hear it the other way!

People complain why AREN'T the same Democrats and liberals complaining about Obama
after they jumped on Bush for all this? Was that all for political points and not for the content?

I heard Occupy complaining about Obama, but they were ignored by liberals towing the party line and not willing to speak out. Well except for John Cusack.

Also, why doesn't the "liberal media/Democrat Bloc" report these things:
* that the intelligence used to get Bin Laden was obtained by waterboarding under Bush's policies,
which the Democrats and liberals protested, yet was the key to information that led to Bin Laden
* that the chemical weapons used in Syria are most likely assumed to be the
weapons smuggled in from Iraq that supposedly didn't exist and got Bush blamed for lying

is that amnesia on the LEFT SIDE of the brain?

Because it wasn't.

Sheik Khalid Mohammed dismissed the "Courier" as anyone who was involved in Al Qaeda. Maybe he lied, maybe he really didn't know, but he told his interrogators that the "Courier" who eventually led them to Bin Laden had left the organization and was no one important.
To be fair to the Democrat Party, and I have witnessed this myself, most of the members know they are sold out by the Democrat leaders that play these games to get elected.
I will continue doing my best to help fellow Democrats QUIT letting leaders run amok,
and HOLD them to fulfilling principles directly, taking responsibility, and not just ABUSING the voters for political points and then backtracking and playing games. The GOP has this same problem; and I have trouble faulting their members for voting for the crap and then the whole GOP getting blamed for that. That isn't fair to keep punishing people by party.

What we need is for people in both parties to start assessing how much was WASTED of taxpayers' money on all this crap they protest; and raise capital to PAY THAT BACK.

NOT just bitch and blame the other party for POLITICAL POINTS.

The Democrats protested war and corrupt contracts but did nothing to collect back on behalf of taxpayers 'IF THEY WERE SO OPPOSED'. However, the Democrat MEMBERS I share this idea with LOVE it and AGREE we'd rather see campaign funds go directly into restitution and correction for bad govt decisions and waste.

Instead the Democrat leaders keep raising millions and millions to get elected.
And keep playing the same games. Cornell West openly and harshly criticized Obama for spending 6 billion on re-election while leaving constituents facing the same conditions.
(similar to the video from the Chicago community posted on here and Allen West website)

It's hard to blame the Democrat members who are pimped for votes by our own politicians.
The whole party would have to be held accountable for not enforcing the Constitution
but selling out for partisan politics to bully legislation through bypassing procedures.

Given the push to establish in Court that the ACA mandates are unconstitutional and must be voluntary, I am already preparing to urge Democrat leaders especially women and minority candidates to organize teams to pay back the cost of this ACA experiment
and invest resources directly into a sustainable system through the Democrat and Green Party that is run and funded voluntarily. If the insurance must be mandatory for party members to participate, they can agree to do so within that system; but NOT impose it on people of other parties and beliefs. I even think the prolife and prochoice women might unite on a system for helping all women with health care, especially helping victims of rape, abuse and trafficking, if that's how they want to set it up.

This can be done voluntarily, but since ACA was mostly pushed by Democrats, I believe it has become MANDATORY for Democrats to clean up this mess. If Republicans want to clean up the cost to taxpayers of corrupt war contracts under Bush, that is a bigger source of funding that could be used to pay for health care, with taxmoney already paid into govt.

We can do better, and find ways to use the party system to organize instead of throw blame back and forth without any accountability, correction or reimbursement to taxpayers.

Mindlessly supported by the GOP base.

Both wars were openly supported by the main democrats also, they voted for and openly supported the war at first. In fact Iraq could not have happened if the Democrats opposed it as the vote to allow the use of force happened while the Democrats ran the Senate. And the Democrats had one more vote in the Senate then the Republicans did at the time.

Further the intel used against Saddam Hussein all agreed with what Clinton had stated was the facts and his intel. Clintons whole administration believed Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Add to that the fact that captured documents after the war clearly establish that Saddam Hussein intended to return to his nuclear program and jump start his chemical and biological programs as soon as France and China managed to lift the sanctions.

You know, this has been about the 10,000th time these facts were posted on this board. Just in the time I've been here. And yet the Leftists here trot out these same whoppers over and over again. So do they think we are making these things up? It is public record, and has been linked over and over. Do they think it doesnt matter? I dont know. Or do they think it is an inconvenient truth and steadfastly ignore the evidence in favor of some version of history they find more appealing? I suspect that's it.
George Bush was strengthening ties with the former Soviet Union break-away States, even to the point of including them under the Anti-Missile Defense System. Obama cancelled that initiative to "reset' relations with Russia. Now we see the results, Russia reclaiming the 'break-away' States. Obama's foreign policy has been a dismal failure and has damaged U.S. Foreign relations dangerously and beyond repair. The Obama Regime is our biggest foreign threat.
Obama intervened to help the murderous, anti American, Muslim Brotherhood take power in Libya, Egypt, and Syria, but is silent when Pro-Americans are cut down in the streets while demonstrating for basic freedoms in Ukraine and Venezuela.

I notice he intervenes in muslim countries to support the anti-Israel, anti U.S.A. murderers.

Bush's policy on the Anti-Missle Defense System drove the Russians away. (He didn't include them, he included former satellites like Georgia and even promoted the idea of Georgia joining NATO.) The Russians were not amused and U.S. - Russia relations were in the toilet. They wouldn't even let us use Russian airspace to supply our troops in Afghanistan. Obama managed to re-set the relations enough to get the Russians to allow us to use their airspace for operations in Afghanistan.

But Obama managed to piss away the goodwill that was building.

Amnesia isn't the problem. Selective memory seems to be your problem. Or are you just really unaware of what has been happening?
I've said it many times. Amnesia most certainly exists among many of the posters here. Either that or they were in a coma and did not wake up until January 20, 2009. It is the only explanation for their shock and anger at Bush's police state activities being continued into the present administration.

I have been calling those people goldfish.


Actually G5000 I mostly hear it the other way!

People complain why AREN'T the same Democrats and liberals complaining about Obama
after they jumped on Bush for all this? Was that all for political points and not for the content?

I heard Occupy complaining about Obama, but they were ignored by liberals towing the party line and not willing to speak out. Well except for John Cusack.

Also, why doesn't the "liberal media/Democrat Bloc" report these things:
* that the intelligence used to get Bin Laden was obtained by waterboarding under Bush's policies,
which the Democrats and liberals protested, yet was the key to information that led to Bin Laden
* that the chemical weapons used in Syria are most likely assumed to be the
weapons smuggled in from Iraq that supposedly didn't exist and got Bush blamed for lying

is that amnesia on the LEFT SIDE of the brain?

Because it wasn't.

Sheik Khalid Mohammed dismissed the "Courier" as anyone who was involved in Al Qaeda. Maybe he lied, maybe he really didn't know, but he told his interrogators that the "Courier" who eventually led them to Bin Laden had left the organization and was no one important.

Thanks Joe! I will send this correction to Chris X, who was the source of this information.

If he acknowledges he was repeating hype that wasn't verified, and what you say is correct, may I send you a Constitutional baseball for getting a hit! He of course claims to check out all his sources and NOT make the same mistakes of liberal media. We'll see!

We could make a game of this. to promote USMB online and on air.

If anyone from USMB calls into his show and admits he corrected them, I can give out books on the Origin of the Bill of Rights. But if anyone calls in; and he admits it is a good question, idea, or correction, I will sponsor giving out Constitutional baseballs, for each hit he acknowledges was a good baseline drive or homerun out of the park. or books if people prefer. Maybe I should start a book list and people can win gift cards to order what they like online.

I want to encourage intellectual honesty in debate, and get away from the cheap shots trying to bean each other. We need to reward good sportsmanship and team players.

Thanks for the tip, Joe. I'll see if it makes a hit, and how well it rates.

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