Ukraine Don't Lose The Moral High Ground In This War!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Ukrainian government is making a King Kong size mistake in prosecuting this war in Russia in their acquiescence in the bombing of civilian targets in Russia; their clever defense that we aren't responsible isn't smart one iota they are risking world and most importantly their military and non-military benefactors support and without this vital help Ukraine doesn't win this war. The technicality that it is actually Russian rebels behind these bombings doesn't make a damned bit of difference they are allied with Ukraine and they use Ukrainian territory as their base of operations and the Ukrainian government helps and coordinates with them. Really Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky is dropping the ball and dramatically failing in the duties of his office in allowing this Russian civilian targeting to continue. This past Tuesday's wave of drone strikes on a Moscow's residential neighborhood is an example of the problem, President Zelensky's government officials statements like well now the Russian people know what the Ukrainian people have been experiencing over the past sixteen months and how do they like it! These officials viewpoint is understandable it is the natural human response but it is not prudent this course of action by the Ukrainian government could cost them this war!

Currently, Ukraine has the moral high ground in this war Russia's deliberate and reckless killing of Ukrainian civilians has been alarmingly immoral and unwelcome beyond words the Free World does not want this to become the new normal! If the Ukraine government embarks on this same path of killing civilians, they fall into the same category of the Russian government so why should the Free World make extraordinary efforts and sacrifices to save Ukraine? Ukraine should acknowledge to themselves and always remember that Donald Trump is highly likely to win the next U.S. presidential election and he is not a friend of Ukraine he is not a principled man he is an unbelievably selfish man, once Mr. Trump is sworn in again as President it is absolutely certain that Ukraine will be on the top of his agenda to bolster his reputation he will want to be known as the U.S. President that ended the Russian/Ukrainian War. It is absolutely certain that President Trump will coerce the Ukrainian government to enter into a peace agreement with Russia where Ukraine permanently gives up a significant amount of the land Russia at the time occupies for peace and he will do this by turning off the spigot of arms, ammunition and financial aid America gives to Ukraine. Ukraine will only be able to mitigate this coercion by their behavior in this war if the American people's sympathies lie with the Ukrainian people because they appear the innocent victims President Trump will be pressured to continue providing a supply lifeline to Ukraine; if Ukraine is culpable in intentionally or recklessly killing significant numbers of Russian civilians the American people will have mixed feelings toward Ukraine! Ukraine's image as holding the high moral ground is very relevant today the Republican Party now holds the House of Representatives and many Republicans are authoritarians they like governments like Putin's that suppress the rights of their people these Republicans wish America was like that these Republicans sway over the next aid bill to Ukraine is unclear Ukraine needs to keep its morality record clean to help their allies in Washington get them the aid they need!

The Ukraine government needs to stop with their indulgence for justice and having a hand in the killing of Russian civilians because the Chinese government factor in this war stands as a game changer in the outcome of the war. Currently, the Chinese government has not intervened and that is because Ukraine has the world's sympathy and the Chinese government doesn't want to incur the wrath of the world practically meaning the world stop importing from China. Ukraine loses the moral high ground in this war by engaging in the killing of Russian civilians and the support for Ukraine will dramatically wane and China will likely intervene in this war and when they do Ukraine's hope for winning the war and getting all their internationally recognized land back will be obliterated, it will have no chance of happening. Ukraine must remember and the Chinese government knows this if Ukraine wins this war it means Taiwan will get dramatic help from the United States in their defense of an invasion from China it means American planes and missiles will come to the aid of Taiwan to repel and defeat the invasion, if Ukraine loses this war the American people will lose heart for fighting for good after America's loss in Afghanistan after expending so much and a loss in Ukraine after a great effort the American people will see a defense of Taiwan as a futile effort and pressure Washington to just make a good show of it don't get American heavily involved in this military conflict. Make no mistake Chinese President Chi is hell bent on taking control of China during his regime and the only thing that will stop him is if he believes there is a high chance the military invasion will fail and America's intervention is the determining factor on this issue so President Chi has a big motivation to intervene in the Ukrainian War and rescue Putin it all but guarantees his big dream of putting Taiwan in the Chinese empire.

If China intervenes in the Ukrainian War like they're readily capable of it is a game changer in the war. Chinese missile supplies would overwhelm and deplete Ukraine's anti-air missile systems. Chinese tanks, howitzer guns and rocket systems could make an impenetrable defensive wall system for Russia's front lines. China doesn't even have to contribute one combat soldier to the war effort to protect Putin from losing the war. Ukraine needs to start using its brains it has many friends in the Free World but these friends are not saints they won't give all for Ukraine. In many areas Ukraine has tapped the maximum help from its friends, for instance, their friends don't have the production lines to supply significantly more 155 mm howitzer shells; what is the Ukrainian military to do if China builds a Russian counter attacking force to break through along Ukraine's south and cut off Ukraine's access to the Black Sea? Ukraine needs to grab the leaders of the Russian rebels by the chest and tell them to stop selecting civilian targets or they will take their heavy weapons and drones away from them!

Nothing here should be misunderstood to be calling for the Ukrainian military and its allies to stop the bombing of military targets in Russia. Weapons depots and military bases in Russia are fair game. Ukraine bombing refineries along the border is fair game, the diesel fuel from these refineries fuels tanks, heavy weapons and supply trucks. Also supply trains would be fair game and if Russia attaches passenger cars to supply trains such trains would be fair game. Since Russia is prosecuting an unjust invasion war against Ukraine all these targets fall under the auspices of legitimate self-defense by the Ukraine government!
The Russian people will never stand up and take their nation back from Putin as long as we keep giving them reasons to hate us... whatever Putin has done his people are not necessarily responsible for what he has done... It sickens me to watch the USA become the worlds pariah... Once Putin asked Hillary and Obama to their faces how can they sleep at night for what they have done....
Since Obama we have sunk to a new low and because the dems made their freak voters hate Trump so much they can't see it....
The Ukrainian government is making a King Kong size mistake in prosecuting this war in Russia in their acquiescence in the bombing of civilian targets in Russia; their clever defense that we aren't responsible isn't smart one iota they are risking world and most importantly their military and non-military benefactors support and without this vital help Ukraine doesn't win this war. The technicality that it is actually Russian rebels behind these bombings doesn't make a damned bit of difference they are allied with Ukraine and they use Ukrainian territory as their base of operations and the Ukrainian government helps and coordinates with them. Really Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky is dropping the ball and dramatically failing in the duties of his office in allowing this Russian civilian targeting to continue. This past Tuesday's wave of drone strikes on a Moscow's residential neighborhood is an example of the problem, President Zelensky's government officials statements like well now the Russian people know what the Ukrainian people have been experiencing over the past sixteen months and how do they like it! These officials viewpoint is understandable it is the natural human response but it is not prudent this course of action by the Ukrainian government could cost them this war!

Currently, Ukraine has the moral high ground in this war Russia's deliberate and reckless killing of Ukrainian civilians has been alarmingly immoral and unwelcome beyond words the Free World does not want this to become the new normal! If the Ukraine government embarks on this same path of killing civilians, they fall into the same category of the Russian government so why should the Free World make extraordinary efforts and sacrifices to save Ukraine? Ukraine should acknowledge to themselves and always remember that Donald Trump is highly likely to win the next U.S. presidential election and he is not a friend of Ukraine he is not a principled man he is an unbelievably selfish man, once Mr. Trump is sworn in again as President it is absolutely certain that Ukraine will be on the top of his agenda to bolster his reputation he will want to be known as the U.S. President that ended the Russian/Ukrainian War. It is absolutely certain that President Trump will coerce the Ukrainian government to enter into a peace agreement with Russia where Ukraine permanently gives up a significant amount of the land Russia at the time occupies for peace and he will do this by turning off the spigot of arms, ammunition and financial aid America gives to Ukraine. Ukraine will only be able to mitigate this coercion by their behavior in this war if the American people's sympathies lie with the Ukrainian people because they appear the innocent victims President Trump will be pressured to continue providing a supply lifeline to Ukraine; if Ukraine is culpable in intentionally or recklessly killing significant numbers of Russian civilians the American people will have mixed feelings toward Ukraine! Ukraine's image as holding the high moral ground is very relevant today the Republican Party now holds the House of Representatives and many Republicans are authoritarians they like governments like Putin's that suppress the rights of their people these Republicans wish America was like that these Republicans sway over the next aid bill to Ukraine is unclear Ukraine needs to keep its morality record clean to help their allies in Washington get them the aid they need!

The Ukraine government needs to stop with their indulgence for justice and having a hand in the killing of Russian civilians because the Chinese government factor in this war stands as a game changer in the outcome of the war. Currently, the Chinese government has not intervened and that is because Ukraine has the world's sympathy and the Chinese government doesn't want to incur the wrath of the world practically meaning the world stop importing from China. Ukraine loses the moral high ground in this war by engaging in the killing of Russian civilians and the support for Ukraine will dramatically wane and China will likely intervene in this war and when they do Ukraine's hope for winning the war and getting all their internationally recognized land back will be obliterated, it will have no chance of happening. Ukraine must remember and the Chinese government knows this if Ukraine wins this war it means Taiwan will get dramatic help from the United States in their defense of an invasion from China it means American planes and missiles will come to the aid of Taiwan to repel and defeat the invasion, if Ukraine loses this war the American people will lose heart for fighting for good after America's loss in Afghanistan after expending so much and a loss in Ukraine after a great effort the American people will see a defense of Taiwan as a futile effort and pressure Washington to just make a good show of it don't get American heavily involved in this military conflict. Make no mistake Chinese President Chi is hell bent on taking control of China during his regime and the only thing that will stop him is if he believes there is a high chance the military invasion will fail and America's intervention is the determining factor on this issue so President Chi has a big motivation to intervene in the Ukrainian War and rescue Putin it all but guarantees his big dream of putting Taiwan in the Chinese empire.

If China intervenes in the Ukrainian War like they're readily capable of it is a game changer in the war. Chinese missile supplies would overwhelm and deplete Ukraine's anti-air missile systems. Chinese tanks, howitzer guns and rocket systems could make an impenetrable defensive wall system for Russia's front lines. China doesn't even have to contribute one combat soldier to the war effort to protect Putin from losing the war. Ukraine needs to start using its brains it has many friends in the Free World but these friends are not saints they won't give all for Ukraine. In many areas Ukraine has tapped the maximum help from its friends, for instance, their friends don't have the production lines to supply significantly more 155 mm howitzer shells; what is the Ukrainian military to do if China builds a Russian counter attacking force to break through along Ukraine's south and cut off Ukraine's access to the Black Sea? Ukraine needs to grab the leaders of the Russian rebels by the chest and tell them to stop selecting civilian targets or they will take their heavy weapons and drones away from them!

Nothing here should be misunderstood to be calling for the Ukrainian military and its allies to stop the bombing of military targets in Russia. Weapons depots and military bases in Russia are fair game. Ukraine bombing refineries along the border is fair game, the diesel fuel from these refineries fuels tanks, heavy weapons and supply trucks. Also supply trains would be fair game and if Russia attaches passenger cars to supply trains such trains would be fair game. Since Russia is prosecuting an unjust invasion war against Ukraine all these targets fall under the auspices of legitimate self-defense by the Ukraine government!
First, there is no evidence civilians or civilian infrastructure. was targeted in Russia. There are plenty of military targets in both Belgorod and Moscow. Second, these attacks were carried out by Russian citizens who opposed Putin's rule, not by the AFU.

Ukraine has denied having any direct involvement in these attacks by anti Putin Russians, but since these attacks will require Russia to divert resources from its illegal invasion of Ukraine to protect Russia's border, Ukrainians are happy to see this fighting among Russians.
The Ukrainian government is making a King Kong size mistake in prosecuting this war in Russia in their acquiescence in the bombing of civilian targets in Russia; their clever defense that we aren't responsible isn't smart one iota they are risking world and most importantly their military and non-military benefactors support and without this vital help Ukraine doesn't win this war. The technicality that it is actually Russian rebels behind these bombings doesn't make a damned bit of difference they are allied with Ukraine and they use Ukrainian territory as their base of operations and the Ukrainian government helps and coordinates with them. Really Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky is dropping the ball and dramatically failing in the duties of his office in allowing this Russian civilian targeting to continue. This past Tuesday's wave of drone strikes on a Moscow's residential neighborhood is an example of the problem, President Zelensky's government officials statements like well now the Russian people know what the Ukrainian people have been experiencing over the past sixteen months and how do they like it! These officials viewpoint is understandable it is the natural human response but it is not prudent this course of action by the Ukrainian government could cost them this war!

Currently, Ukraine has the moral high ground in this war Russia's deliberate and reckless killing of Ukrainian civilians has been alarmingly immoral and unwelcome beyond words the Free World does not want this to become the new normal! If the Ukraine government embarks on this same path of killing civilians, they fall into the same category of the Russian government so why should the Free World make extraordinary efforts and sacrifices to save Ukraine? Ukraine should acknowledge to themselves and always remember that Donald Trump is highly likely to win the next U.S. presidential election and he is not a friend of Ukraine he is not a principled man he is an unbelievably selfish man, once Mr. Trump is sworn in again as President it is absolutely certain that Ukraine will be on the top of his agenda to bolster his reputation he will want to be known as the U.S. President that ended the Russian/Ukrainian War. It is absolutely certain that President Trump will coerce the Ukrainian government to enter into a peace agreement with Russia where Ukraine permanently gives up a significant amount of the land Russia at the time occupies for peace and he will do this by turning off the spigot of arms, ammunition and financial aid America gives to Ukraine. Ukraine will only be able to mitigate this coercion by their behavior in this war if the American people's sympathies lie with the Ukrainian people because they appear the innocent victims President Trump will be pressured to continue providing a supply lifeline to Ukraine; if Ukraine is culpable in intentionally or recklessly killing significant numbers of Russian civilians the American people will have mixed feelings toward Ukraine! Ukraine's image as holding the high moral ground is very relevant today the Republican Party now holds the House of Representatives and many Republicans are authoritarians they like governments like Putin's that suppress the rights of their people these Republicans wish America was like that these Republicans sway over the next aid bill to Ukraine is unclear Ukraine needs to keep its morality record clean to help their allies in Washington get them the aid they need!

The Ukraine government needs to stop with their indulgence for justice and having a hand in the killing of Russian civilians because the Chinese government factor in this war stands as a game changer in the outcome of the war. Currently, the Chinese government has not intervened and that is because Ukraine has the world's sympathy and the Chinese government doesn't want to incur the wrath of the world practically meaning the world stop importing from China. Ukraine loses the moral high ground in this war by engaging in the killing of Russian civilians and the support for Ukraine will dramatically wane and China will likely intervene in this war and when they do Ukraine's hope for winning the war and getting all their internationally recognized land back will be obliterated, it will have no chance of happening. Ukraine must remember and the Chinese government knows this if Ukraine wins this war it means Taiwan will get dramatic help from the United States in their defense of an invasion from China it means American planes and missiles will come to the aid of Taiwan to repel and defeat the invasion, if Ukraine loses this war the American people will lose heart for fighting for good after America's loss in Afghanistan after expending so much and a loss in Ukraine after a great effort the American people will see a defense of Taiwan as a futile effort and pressure Washington to just make a good show of it don't get American heavily involved in this military conflict. Make no mistake Chinese President Chi is hell bent on taking control of China during his regime and the only thing that will stop him is if he believes there is a high chance the military invasion will fail and America's intervention is the determining factor on this issue so President Chi has a big motivation to intervene in the Ukrainian War and rescue Putin it all but guarantees his big dream of putting Taiwan in the Chinese empire.

If China intervenes in the Ukrainian War like they're readily capable of it is a game changer in the war. Chinese missile supplies would overwhelm and deplete Ukraine's anti-air missile systems. Chinese tanks, howitzer guns and rocket systems could make an impenetrable defensive wall system for Russia's front lines. China doesn't even have to contribute one combat soldier to the war effort to protect Putin from losing the war. Ukraine needs to start using its brains it has many friends in the Free World but these friends are not saints they won't give all for Ukraine. In many areas Ukraine has tapped the maximum help from its friends, for instance, their friends don't have the production lines to supply significantly more 155 mm howitzer shells; what is the Ukrainian military to do if China builds a Russian counter attacking force to break through along Ukraine's south and cut off Ukraine's access to the Black Sea? Ukraine needs to grab the leaders of the Russian rebels by the chest and tell them to stop selecting civilian targets or they will take their heavy weapons and drones away from them!

Nothing here should be misunderstood to be calling for the Ukrainian military and its allies to stop the bombing of military targets in Russia. Weapons depots and military bases in Russia are fair game. Ukraine bombing refineries along the border is fair game, the diesel fuel from these refineries fuels tanks, heavy weapons and supply trucks. Also supply trains would be fair game and if Russia attaches passenger cars to supply trains such trains would be fair game. Since Russia is prosecuting an unjust invasion war against Ukraine all these targets fall under the auspices of legitimate self-defense by the Ukraine government!
Ukraine has NEVER had the "moral" high ground, and they never will. When a corporation like Ukraine is in bed with the likes of Romney, Biden, Pelosi, Graham, and the rest of the D.C. Swamp Creatures, then you can rest assured that nothing they do is "moral." You can bet your bottom dollar on that. Zelensky is a money-laundering, child-trafficking, cross-dressing freak of nature, and he likely can't spell the word "moral" ... let alone portray it.

Hell, he kills his own citizens so why on earth would he care about anyone elses?

You can pee on his leg and tell him it's raining.
Is this saying used in the US or the English speaking world for that matter? Or, is it ditched on account of she having a right to pee too and using the saying may hurt women's feelings?
Are you talking about Nazi Supremo Victoria Nuland or has Hitlery somehow got into the chat?
:DWell, actually I had a he-asshole in mind, but then I thought if he is not a he but she, god forbid. You may expect anything in this day and age and what if he gets offended, inadvertently. You wouldn't picture me being rude, would you?;)

hans wants back.png

First, there is no evidence civilians or civilian infrastructure. was targeted in Russia. There are plenty of military targets in both Belgorod and Moscow. Second, these attacks were carried out by Russian citizens who opposed Putin's rule, not by the AFU.

Ukraine has denied having any direct involvement in these attacks by anti Putin Russians, but since these attacks will require Russia to divert resources from its illegal invasion of Ukraine to protect Russia's border, Ukrainians are happy to see this fighting among Russians.
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It's simply hilarious - the way you always desperately try to bring in China, into YOUR abstruse, infantile worldview.

If China gets involved at all - did it ever occur to you that China (and it's actually possible) might be far more interested into getting their hands onto Ukraine?
Try to think Geo-strategically - as China factually does.

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