Does anyone believe for one second Trump will change his mind after briefing?

Does anyone believe for one second Trump will change his mind after briefing?

Not unless the Intel Agencies actually, finally show definitive evidence. If they do that I have no doubt he will.

So that's a no, because no matter what the evidence, Trump can't acknowledge Russia helped him, so he won't change his mind by simply pulling the old "who knows" routine like he's been doing.

I agree...and I doubt anyone will take me up on this because they know I'm right.
Oh, by change his mind you meant change his mind about helping him win the election.

The Chairman of the Intel Committee has already stated there is no evidence to support such a claim. They haven't even definitively proven Russia did much of anything yet.

No matter what is briefed I am 100% confident snowflakes will cling to the fantasy that Russia 'hacked the election' to ensure Trump won.
I don't know what bolded is, but considering the OP's rant, I would like to take this bet: Does any retard out there want to bet against the prediction Trump will have the same Doubting Thomas act AFTER he gets briefed as he has now?
If the agencies have nothing more than what snowflakes have offered up on this board Trump will be right to reject their briefing.
The false illegitimacy snowflakes are trying to create... :p

Hillary lost - get over it.



Gee, what a surprise...
You know, he might have heard about this a few weeks back if he'd been willing to get daily intel briefings, rather than saying he was too smart to hear the same thing over and over.
Trump thinks he's smarter than intelligence agencies. He's on record saying he doesn't hire people that are smarter than him. Trump has crafted his own reality, and it's never been a problem because he inherited money and a network that enabled his behavior. Now the stakes are way higher, but nobody is going to change his mind and break through his reality. The only thing that can shatter his worldview will be the bullets and missiles that will be flying his way over the next few years.
lol You should expect a visit from the Secret Service after that post.
Why? You saying that Trump is going to start sending the secret service to arrest dissenters?

Arrest would get headlines.

I can see Trump calling your office and talking to your boss. That has deniability.

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