Does anyone believe for one second Trump will change his mind after briefing?

Well, you barking moonbats haven't changed your "minds (?)" , after the source of the information has stated numerous times that Russia wasn't involved in his email dump.

He said Russia wasn't his source. Not that Russia didn't hack the US. I know you think any denial applies to all things but I'm not as stupid as you are.
lol You should expect a visit from the Secret Service after that post.
Why? You saying that Trump is going to start sending the secret service to arrest dissenters?
People who seem to threaten "bullets and missiles" will be heading his way. On the upside, I have heard conditions at Gitmo have been upgraded.
Threaten? Lol no just common sense. Trump is going into office with probably more enemies than any other President in history. Add all the wars he's going to start on top of that and nobody should be surprised if he doesn't make it through his first term. Especially if impeachment is introduced.
One has to wonder why you are fantasizing about killing the President.
Yeah right. You don't have the mental capacity to wonder about anything
I'm not fantasizing about killing the President, but you are.
TRUMP has people that advise him , i trust them more than i trust mrobama people . Guess that we will see what the Trump thinks shortly .

No he doesnt...and if he does that still has shit to do with the hacking.
Change his mind on what? Putin and the Russians did not hack our Election. Wikileaks has repeatedly said the Russians

Will Donald Trump believe Wikileaks before our own intelligence agencies?


You sure do.

I watched the hearings today, and no one presented evidence proving Russia was involved with the Wikileaks info. All they did was assert that Russia is involved with hacking against the US and other nations. But that isn't news. We already knew that. Russia did not hack our Election. That's a Democrat lie.
Why? You saying that Trump is going to start sending the secret service to arrest dissenters?
People who seem to threaten "bullets and missiles" will be heading his way. On the upside, I have heard conditions at Gitmo have been upgraded.
Threaten? Lol no just common sense. Trump is going into office with probably more enemies than any other President in history. Add all the wars he's going to start on top of that and nobody should be surprised if he doesn't make it through his first term. Especially if impeachment is introduced.
One has to wonder why you are fantasizing about killing the President.
Yeah right. You don't have the mental capacity to wonder about anything
I'm not fantasizing about killing the President, but you are.
You're fantasizing about riding the President instead
TRUMP has people that advise him , i trust them more than i trust mrobama people . Guess that we will see what the Trump thinks shortly .

No he doesnt...and if he does that still has shit to do with the hacking.
Alleged hacking.

You think that SAYING it's alledged means that it is. But you say a lot of stupid shit.
Until it's been proved, it is alleged.
Testimony before the Senate Armed Services committee doesn't allege that the Russians penetrated U.S. Security. The testimony by Hussein representatives indicated that "Russian operatives attempted to penetrate U.S. security" just like hundreds of foreign and domestic maniacs attempt to penetrate U.S. security every freaking day. Why didn't the chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee alert Americans back in October and early November to the alleged Russian cyber attacks? The short answer is that they didn't happen. The only conclusion is that the strange relationship between republican McCain and the Hussein radicals and the liberal media did not expect a Trump victory and now they are trying to convince the typical low information left that the Trump victory isn't legitimate. The sooner McCain retires gracefully the better off America will be.
TRUMP has people that advise him , i trust them more than i trust mrobama people . Guess that we will see what the Trump thinks shortly .

No he doesnt...and if he does that still has shit to do with the hacking.
Alleged hacking.

You think that SAYING it's alledged means that it is. But you say a lot of stupid shit.
Until it's been proved, it is alleged.

No one needs your stamp of approval for reality.
How did NBC get "an exclusive look into the top secret report he (Obama) was presented?" Who gave them this report and why? Politics!

The DNC would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia...So how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? What is going on?
Trump thinks he's smarter than intelligence agencies. He's on record saying he doesn't hire people that are smarter than him. Trump has crafted his own reality, and it's never been a problem because he inherited money and a network that enabled his behavior. Now the stakes are way higher, but nobody is going to change his mind and break through his reality. The only thing that can shatter his worldview will be the bullets and missiles that will be flying his way over the next few years.
Yes, and President Obama said he'd end the wars and close GITMO. Are you claiming that Trump is the first Presidential candidate to make campaign promises he can't keep?
I watched the hearings today, and no one presented evidence proving Russia was involved with the Wikileaks info. All they did was assert that Russia is involved with hacking against the US and other nations. But that isn't news. We already knew that. Russia did not hack our Election. That's a Democrat lie.
My understanding is that they want to release the classified information on how they know it was the Russians. Frankly, I think that's silly. All they need to do is convince those in Congress with the proper clearances and, of course, POTUS.
You know the only people who question this fact? Only the people who haven't been briefed. Not one other person lol
Does anyone believe for one second Trump will change his mind after briefing?

Not unless the Intel Agencies actually, finally show definitive evidence. If they do that I have no doubt he will.
Does anyone believe for one second Trump will change his mind after briefing?

Not unless the Intel Agencies actually, finally show definitive evidence. If they do that I have no doubt he will.

So that's a no, because no matter what the evidence, Trump can't acknowledge Russia helped him, so he won't change his mind by simply pulling the old "who knows" routine like he's been doing.

I agree...and I doubt anyone will take me up on this because they know I'm right.
I don't know what bolded is, but considering the OP's rant, I would like to take this bet: Does any retard out there want to bet against the prediction Trump will have the same Doubting Thomas act AFTER he gets briefed as he has now?

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