Zone1 Does America's black population really want a race war?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Sure looks like it. Not sure what they're thinking though. Even if it took 3 whites to eliminate one black ( a totally disgusting thought in and of itself) the numbers are just not there.
What is it exactly that they do want? Most of the black people I know are peaceful and industrious and just want to live their lives....
The Black populace is constantly being re-charged with race hatred by their white masters...when will they break their chains?

The average black guy in the streets doesn't want a race war.

OTOH, the so-called "leaders" of the black race like Al Fucking Sharpton have a different view.

Keeping the black man down is their key to continued success. If the black man rises to middle class status, they lose the need for Sharpton's "advocacy".
Sure looks like it. Not sure what they're thinking though. Even if it took 3 whites to eliminate one black ( a totally disgusting thought in and of itself) the numbers are just not there.
What is it exactly that they do want? Most of the black people I know are peaceful and industrious and just want to live their lives....
The Black populace is constantly being re-charged with race hatred by their white masters...when will they break their chains?

Nah, they don't want one. A race war is more of a white trash wet dream.
Sure looks like it. Not sure what they're thinking though. Even if it took 3 whites to eliminate one black ( a totally disgusting thought in and of itself) the numbers are just not there.
What is it exactly that they do want? Most of the black people I know are peaceful and industrious and just want to live their lives....
The Black populace is constantly being re-charged with race hatred by their white masters...when will they break their chains?

What makes you think that's what Black Americans want?

Who's the only people on this board, and elsewhere, that's constantly talking about a "race war?"

Hint: It's not Black Americans.
Sure looks like it. Not sure what they're thinking though. Even if it took 3 whites to eliminate one black ( a totally disgusting thought in and of itself) the numbers are just not there.
What is it exactly that they do want? Most of the black people I know are peaceful and industrious and just want to live their lives....
The Black populace is constantly being re-charged with race hatred by their white masters...when will they break their chains?

The Left, which controls the minds of most blacks, just want violence and death in the streets, any way they can get it

Currently, they have only had success with Black on Black violence but are working on race wars as well.
I see a lot of violence from blacks toward whites

And a lot of hate being preached by black race baiters
Huh, yeah, right. We both see a lot more violence from black toward blacks, and you know it.
Somehow that does not encourage me
He wasn't trying to. Just reflecting philosophies to live by, in dealing with people of other cultures, nationalities, ancient cultures, people of different races or people of unknown intent of the same race and nationality. The man is an equal opportunity supporter.
He wasn't trying to. Just reflecting philosophies to live by, in dealing with people of other cultures, nationalities, ancient cultures, people of different races or people of unknown intent of the same race and nationality. The man is an equal opportunity supporter.
To me thats what we pay foreign service officers for

If libs would stop infesting America with these unwanted and unneeded foreigners it would be better for everyone
I see a lot of violence from blacks toward whites

And a lot of hate being preached by black race baiters
Since 90 percent of the violence by blacks is against blacks and 85 percent of the violence against whites is by whites, you aren't seeing anything but what the white controlled media wants you to see.
Seems that the only people here who want a race war are right wing whites. True conservative whites don't want one and neither do blacks.
Sure looks like it. Not sure what they're thinking though. Even if it took 3 whites to eliminate one black ( a totally disgusting thought in and of itself) the numbers are just not there.
What is it exactly that they do want? Most of the black people I know are peaceful and industrious and just want to live their lives....
The Black populace is constantly being re-charged with race hatred by their white masters...when will they break their chains?


Just remind them of Kyle Rittenhouse and show em this video.......
Just remind them of Kyle Rittenhouse and show em this video.......

You guys really think that your litle 2-3,000 white supremacists are going to win a race war. Most whites don't want that, so who's going to help you try beating 48 million blacks?
You guys really think that your litle 2-3,000 white supremacists are going to win a race war. Most whites don't want that, so who's going to help you try beating 48 million blacks?

the Asians ( Orientals) & LatinX Types ?😆
You guys really think that your litle 2-3,000 white supremacists are going to win a race war. Most whites don't want that, so who's going to help you try beating 48 million blacks?

The guy telling you the truth of the matter was a black dude just in case you didnt notice.
And your number is way to high. You can cut it in half right off the bat,and you can probably take another 50% because a lot of blacks aren't going to participate.

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