Do you support jobs for Americans, or jobs for refugees?


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Choose..............................and help your neighbor first
Choose..............................and help your neighbor first

What if your neighbor refuses to take the job because they prefer to be lazy and slurp off the government tit!?!

Can't leave those job openings open and must be filled and don't kid yourself that you can force the snowflakes to take those jobs because they would rather sit in jail than work for a honest living...
Choose..............................and help your neighbor first
I'm a big fan of jobs for Americans...which are marked for being taking advantage of our labor force by being both high wage and demanding high skill.

Unfortunately, Trump and his anti-American Trumpers are looking to call back low-skill low-wage jobs that immigrants and refugees can easily step into and fill. Sad.
Kiddo, I prefer hiring American poor folks before illegal aliens. But, we had this big a bing bang "pro immigrant day" thing. Equates to "Give us break, Lets exploit Hispanics by rich white wealthy elitist day". It is what that amounts to.
Choose..............................and help your neighbor first
I'm a big fan of jobs for Americans...which are marked for being taking advantage of our labor force by being both high wage and demanding high skill.

Unfortunately, Trump and his anti-American Trumpers are looking to call back low-skill low-wage jobs that immigrants and refugees can easily step into and fill. Sad.

Holy shit you're stupid!!!
Choose..............................and help your neighbor first
I'm a big fan of jobs for Americans...which are marked for being taking advantage of our labor force by being both high wage and demanding high skill.

Unfortunately, Trump and his anti-American Trumpers are looking to call back low-skill low-wage jobs that immigrants and refugees can easily step into and fill. Sad.

Holy shit you're stupid!!!
Hey, maybe I'm missing something. I kept hearing that Trump is trying to get more low-skill low wage manufacturing jobs back here instead of encouraging our growing sectors of tech or science...where we absolutely dominate the global marketplace. Maybe I've just been getting the bum scoop though. Good to hear that he is trying to help ship those low skill jobs out of America and give room for people to educate themselves and attain those high skill, high wage positions.
Choose..............................and help your neighbor first
I'm a big fan of jobs for Americans...which are marked for being taking advantage of our labor force by being both high wage and demanding high skill.

Unfortunately, Trump and his anti-American Trumpers are looking to call back low-skill low-wage jobs that immigrants and refugees can easily step into and fill. Sad.

Holy shit you're stupid!!!
Hey, maybe I'm missing something. I kept hearing that Trump is trying to get more low-skill low wage manufacturing jobs back here instead of encouraging our growing sectors of tech or science...where we absolutely dominate the global marketplace. Maybe I've just been getting the bum scoop though. Good to hear that he is trying to help ship those low skill jobs out of America and give room for people to educate themselves and attain those high skill, high wage positions.

I watched the results of immigration in real time.
Take the condensation elsewhere.
Choose..............................and help your neighbor first
I'm a big fan of jobs for Americans...which are marked for being taking advantage of our labor force by being both high wage and demanding high skill.

Unfortunately, Trump and his anti-American Trumpers are looking to call back low-skill low-wage jobs that immigrants and refugees can easily step into and fill. Sad.

Holy shit you're stupid!!!
Hey, maybe I'm missing something. I kept hearing that Trump is trying to get more low-skill low wage manufacturing jobs back here instead of encouraging our growing sectors of tech or science...where we absolutely dominate the global marketplace. Maybe I've just been getting the bum scoop though. Good to hear that he is trying to help ship those low skill jobs out of America and give room for people to educate themselves and attain those high skill, high wage positions.

I watched the results of immigration in real time.
Take the condensation elsewhere.
I don't have much ice or cold products to chill the air...sorry no condensation will be given.
Choose..............................and help your neighbor first
I'm a big fan of jobs for Americans...which are marked for being taking advantage of our labor force by being both high wage and demanding high skill.

Unfortunately, Trump and his anti-American Trumpers are looking to call back low-skill low-wage jobs that immigrants and refugees can easily step into and fill. Sad.

Holy shit you're stupid!!!
Hey, maybe I'm missing something. I kept hearing that Trump is trying to get more low-skill low wage manufacturing jobs back here instead of encouraging our growing sectors of tech or science...where we absolutely dominate the global marketplace. Maybe I've just been getting the bum scoop though. Good to hear that he is trying to help ship those low skill jobs out of America and give room for people to educate themselves and attain those high skill, high wage positions.

I watched the results of immigration in real time.
Take the condensation elsewhere.
I don't have much ice or cold products to chill the air...sorry no condensation will be given.

Yeah...i'll be the first to admit I brutalized the term.
Choose..............................and help your neighbor first
I'm a big fan of jobs for Americans...which are marked for being taking advantage of our labor force by being both high wage and demanding high skill.

Unfortunately, Trump and his anti-American Trumpers are looking to call back low-skill low-wage jobs that immigrants and refugees can easily step into and fill. Sad.

Holy shit you're stupid!!!
Hey, maybe I'm missing something. I kept hearing that Trump is trying to get more low-skill low wage manufacturing jobs back here instead of encouraging our growing sectors of tech or science...where we absolutely dominate the global marketplace. Maybe I've just been getting the bum scoop though. Good to hear that he is trying to help ship those low skill jobs out of America and give room for people to educate themselves and attain those high skill, high wage positions.

Keep thinking that way and contribute to liberal causes Your position is why the Ds have been losing seats at the state, local and now federal level.
I'm a big fan of jobs for Americans...which are marked for being taking advantage of our labor force by being both high wage and demanding high skill.

Unfortunately, Trump and his anti-American Trumpers are looking to call back low-skill low-wage jobs that immigrants and refugees can easily step into and fill. Sad.

Holy shit you're stupid!!!
Hey, maybe I'm missing something. I kept hearing that Trump is trying to get more low-skill low wage manufacturing jobs back here instead of encouraging our growing sectors of tech or science...where we absolutely dominate the global marketplace. Maybe I've just been getting the bum scoop though. Good to hear that he is trying to help ship those low skill jobs out of America and give room for people to educate themselves and attain those high skill, high wage positions.

I watched the results of immigration in real time.
Take the condensation elsewhere.
I don't have much ice or cold products to chill the air...sorry no condensation will be given.

Yeah...i'll be the first to admit I brutalized the term.
My point is largely that if we promote high-skill high-wage jobs...which is what America is known for and good doesn't really matter what refugees or immigrants do, because Americans wouldn't (and should not) be competing for any remaining low-skill low-wage jobs in the economy...which is all that those groups of people compete for.

We have some of the largest and most well known corporations in the world...Apple, Google, Exxon, Microsoft, Boeing, etc. These corporations are not great because of low skilled labor production...they are great because of their innovation and high-skilled technological advancements. We have the best university educational system in the globe, we need to use this to further America...because the way into the future is through our advancement and isn't through setting us back 50 years and trying to compete with Thailand or Africa for low-skilled low-wage positions.
There is a difference between an illegal alien and "Immigrant". Don't let the popular media confuse you. Pejoratives and descriptive nouns aside. Don't confuse the two.
Holy shit you're stupid!!!
Hey, maybe I'm missing something. I kept hearing that Trump is trying to get more low-skill low wage manufacturing jobs back here instead of encouraging our growing sectors of tech or science...where we absolutely dominate the global marketplace. Maybe I've just been getting the bum scoop though. Good to hear that he is trying to help ship those low skill jobs out of America and give room for people to educate themselves and attain those high skill, high wage positions.

I watched the results of immigration in real time.
Take the condensation elsewhere.
I don't have much ice or cold products to chill the air...sorry no condensation will be given.

Yeah...i'll be the first to admit I brutalized the term.
My point is largely that if we promote high-skill high-wage jobs...which is what America is known for and good doesn't really matter what refugees or immigrants do, because Americans wouldn't (and should not) be competing for any remaining low-skill low-wage jobs in the economy...which is all that those groups of people compete for.

We have some of the largest and most well known corporations in the world...Apple, Google, Exxon, Microsoft, Boeing, etc. These corporations are not great because of low skilled labor production...they are great because of their innovation and high-skilled technological advancements. We have the best university educational system in the globe, we need to use this to further America...because the way into the future is through our advancement and isn't through setting us back 50 years and trying to compete with Thailand or Africa for low-skilled low-wage positions.
Your point is wrong. Low wage jobs are part of the economy - that is a reality. You cannot cut those out and think that other wages are not effected nor assume that moving Americans out of them somehow is better.
Hey, maybe I'm missing something. I kept hearing that Trump is trying to get more low-skill low wage manufacturing jobs back here instead of encouraging our growing sectors of tech or science...where we absolutely dominate the global marketplace. Maybe I've just been getting the bum scoop though. Good to hear that he is trying to help ship those low skill jobs out of America and give room for people to educate themselves and attain those high skill, high wage positions.

I watched the results of immigration in real time.
Take the condensation elsewhere.
I don't have much ice or cold products to chill the air...sorry no condensation will be given.

Yeah...i'll be the first to admit I brutalized the term.
My point is largely that if we promote high-skill high-wage jobs...which is what America is known for and good doesn't really matter what refugees or immigrants do, because Americans wouldn't (and should not) be competing for any remaining low-skill low-wage jobs in the economy...which is all that those groups of people compete for.

We have some of the largest and most well known corporations in the world...Apple, Google, Exxon, Microsoft, Boeing, etc. These corporations are not great because of low skilled labor production...they are great because of their innovation and high-skilled technological advancements. We have the best university educational system in the globe, we need to use this to further America...because the way into the future is through our advancement and isn't through setting us back 50 years and trying to compete with Thailand or Africa for low-skilled low-wage positions.
Your point is wrong. Low wage jobs are part of the economy - that is a reality. You cannot cut those out and think that other wages are not effected nor assume that moving Americans out of them somehow is better.
There are low wage jobs in America, so, yes, they are a part of the economy. I apologize if my post made you believe that I was trying to assert that we have zero low wage positions...I felt that saying that we should allow for immigrants and refugees to come in and fill those positions (since they are not a threat to real Americans) acknowledged that fact. There will always be room for landscapers, burger flippers, and construction personnel.

However, the core of what America produces as an economy does not come from those low wage positions. Our technological advancement, business ingenuity, and innovation is what we are known for and is what have made America a consistently strong economy. If you look back at Ford producing automobiles and revolutionizing production through innovating the assembly line, to Microsoft's domination of home computing, to Apple producing the iPod and becoming a smart phone leader, to Facebook becoming a social media powerhouse or Google being a worldwide brand...these are built off of great ideas capitalized by a labor force with a growing skill set to allow for its development.

If you want to make the argument that our core economical production does come from the low skilled low wage jobs in America, however, I'd be fully amused to see you bumble through that attempt.
Since half the citizen population, probably more, considering the popular vote election results are not bright enough to get anything out of the kind of education and training you are promoting as a panacea what do you have planned for them?

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