Zone1 Do you get a lot of misogyny when you ditch MARY in your religion?

When you go to a place you have not been before, do you observe their customs, or do you just do you spit in the face of their customs and do as you want?

First, Jesus know you meant no ill intent. He knows the same of the priest. Catholics believe on is receiving and consuming the Body and Blood of Christ. Therefore, the Eucharist is valued for Black Masses with demonic intent. We cannot allow Christ to fall into such hands, which is why the Catholic faithful always consumes immediately.

I am almost sure the priest meant his statement to you as a teaching moment with no intent to embarrass.

I am sorry you had a bad experience when everyone, yourself included, acted with the best intentions.
Firstly, I grew up going to Catholic Church, so I am fully aware of Catholic customs. Secondly, how can you say that it’s “spitting on“ Catholic customs which implies bad intent, then in your next breath say that Jesus knew I had no ill intent?

My intent was not to “spit on“ any one’s customs, I sincerely didn’t think that it would be a problem, do you think that I would knowingly do something that would end up embarrassing me in front of the whole church?

And most importantly, and this is one of the biggest problems I have with the Catholic Church… I care about TRUTH, not man-made traditions! My devotion is to GOD, not to any human fallible priest, pope or unbiblical doctrines. THAT is why I said I will never go to a Catholic Church again, because if they’re going to place man-made rules and customs over people then I want no part of that.
Most non-Catholic denominations believe they are sharing a meal in remembrance of Christ. There is nothing wrong with that. When many denominations separated from the Catholic faith over fifteen hundred years ago, they dropped the belief in Transubstantiation. The Catholic and Orthodox faiths retained it.
like hell there's nothing wrong w/ it.

sorry to be so vehement here but it is NOT a meal, not in the Catholic Church and there is only ONE Church established by Christ and it is the Catholic Faith.

The anti-Catholics of the past wanted to change this whole notion that the Host actually IS Jesus Christ as per John 27-72 and other psgs in Scripture (which the protestants reject because it sounds Catholic) and then the anti-Christs at Vatican II wanted the same thing so as to destroy Catholicism (which all liberals want to do).

If it is just a communal meal, then yeh.. everyone should share. But it is JESUS CHRIST himself in the Host and if people do not believe that, do not believe this CORE teaching of the One True Church, then why should they, as you say, pretend that they do (or however u put it).. No, they would be receiving Christ UNWORTHILY. And again, there is a "curse" to that mentioned in 1 Corinthians 11:23 or thereabouts

so yeh.. it is a big deal when they reduce the Eucharist to a "meal"

Maybe you were saying there is nothing wrong with them calling THEIR service a meal.. so maybe I misunderstood? sorry if that happened.. but maybe i made this mistake bc I was "meant to" say the above.. to Protestants and other antiCatholics (not that all protestants are anticatholic but a lot of them are)
But she isn't divine. Christ is, however.
anyone who is in Heaven is divine or wouldn't be there. It is why very few make it to Heaven.. Most people love earthly things and despise or at least do not love divine "things"
anyone who is in Heaven is divine or wouldn't be there. It is why very few make it to Heaven.. Most people love earthly things and despise or at least do not love divine "things"

Unless you’re defining ‘divine’ in a different way, that is simply not true. We don’t become deities when we go to heaven. There is only one God.
Is your wife a Methodist? Most Non-Catholic denominations hold no belief in Transubstantiation and therefore do not believe Communion is the true Body and Blood of Christ. Also, we 'receive' Communion (Christ's Body and Blood), we do not 'take' it.

Should your wife receive the Catholic Eucharist, she is proclaiming that she is receive the actual body and blood of Christ. Does your wife hold this belief? Or does she believe she in commemorating the Last Supper?

Paul notes no one should receive Communion unworthily. If your wife receives Communion in the Catholic Church without this belief, she is receiving under false pretenses which falls under unworthily. She is best served by receiving communion with those who do it in memory, as this is their shared belief.
And therein lies a tradition. When Communion was instituted, it was in the context of a shared meal, not a line of people waiting for a priest to give them a token of bread and wine.
Quick story. I can’t remember the reason why, but I went to a Catholic church some years ago for a family event. You know how in nondenominational churches you can take the communion where you’re sitting, and you don’t have to take it right away, because first the pastor speaks about what it means and then you have a bit of time to pray before you take the communion?
good for the priest. I am glad there are still truly Catholic priests.. I have wondered many times..

Actually, he should have first asked if you were Catholic.

If it makes you feel better, I went thorugh the same thing and the priest KNEW I was a devout Catholic.. I can't recall why I didn't consume the Host immediately.. I don't normally hesitate.. it was a one time thing many many moons ago.. but the priest was not happy with me.. I was going to consume "it" at Mass.. but anyway, you can u/stand priests not wanting the Host being used for nefarious purposes as mentioned by Meriweather.
Are you saying we cannot pray and worship Christ with Mary? She has to be isolated from us all? What about my grandmothers who have passed on? Is it your belief I should never, under any circumstances, ask them to join me in prayer? Or, since they are not named Mary, do you believe they get a pass?
I believe they are so enamored with Christ that they're not listening.
Unless you’re defining ‘divine’ in a different way, that is simply not true. We don’t become deities when we go to heaven. There is only one God.
I said that a being in heaven is divine.. purified

I did not say the person was God and you know it
I believe they are so enamored with Christ that they're not listening.
as if those in Heaven can not do supernatural things like pay attention to what is going on on Earth and something else at the same time?

God can do all things.. and those in Heaven do His will
Firstly, I grew up going to Catholic Church
If you grew up Catholic then you were instructed to immediately consume the Eucharist while in front of the priest. You saw everyone doing that. I was thinking you had no knowledge of Catholic customs. If you had and decided to do your own thing...shrug. It was the wrong thing to do. If it was an innocent misunderstanding, Christ knows. If it was deliberate, Christ knows. I had assumed it was an innocent misunderstanding.
I believe they are so enamored with Christ that they're not listening.
Oh, my grandmothers were listening...ask my mom. Once again, Catholic belief is that we are a community. It is not just one person enamored by another.
If you grew up Catholic then you were instructed to immediately consume the Eucharist while in front of the priest. You saw everyone doing that. I was thinking you had no knowledge of Catholic customs. If you had and decided to do your own thing...shrug. It was the wrong thing to do. If it was an innocent misunderstanding, Christ knows. If it was deliberate, Christ knows. I had assumed it was an innocent misunderstanding.

Actually, the priest was wrong for assuming that I was either ignorant or being careless, or had bad intent…because the truth was the exact opposite. I didn’t want it to be a meaningless thing, I wanted to have a bit of time to reflect and pray instead of doing things in such a robotic religious way. So for him to assume the worst and then embarrass me on top of that was very wrong. But enough about that, we obviously disagree on all of this stuff, so we’ll have to agree to disagree.
Roman Catholicism has one major is the first DENOMINATION that strayed from the teachings found in the Word of God....the Gospel Truth. History points out the documented truth of the RCC, Catholicism as its known today gradually developed its current doctrine over "centuries", with its roots being traced back to "Digressions" (turning from one doctrine to new doctrines not found in scripture) of the orgianl church that Christ constructed being the chief cornerston thereof (Matthew 16)

"I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel (truthful doctrine): which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ........BUT THOUGH WE (an apostle of Christ) OR AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, PREACH ANY OTHER GOSPEL UNTO YOU THAN THAT WHICH WE HAVE PREACHED UNTO YOU.......LET HIM BE ACCURSED." -- Gal. 1:6-8

We as Christians are commanded to not go BEYOND THAT WHICH IS WRITTEN (the espistles that make up the N.T. Canon)NO MAN......not a POPE (VICAR), not Peter, not any Apostle is above another (puffed up, proud..etc.) -- 1 Cor. 4:6

The church claims to have its origns dated to the A.D. 30's .......however history actually projects a much later origin of the RCC roots. One date is the codified N.T. founded with the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325......other historians date the RCC's orginal doctrine not being codified until the advent/arrival of the 1st Pope in A.D. 606....claiming to have roots to Peter as the 1st Pope in a long line of Popes.

With the scriptures declaring that Peter had no more or no less authority than the other Apostles of Christ, with Peters only distinction being that Peter had been given the keys to the founding of the New Church Covenant, the keys to the kingdom of God........Peter used those keys to open the kingdom of God on earth...i.e, the church when he revealed how entrance into that kingdom was to be obtained, "Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for Remission of Sin....." -- Acts 2:38

Other than than using those keys to bind on earth that which is bound in heaven (Matthew 16).......Peter stood among the 11....equally. (Acts 2:14) There is no Mention of a Pope........God's Vicar (mouth) on there is only 1 head of Christ's High Priest..........Jesus Christ Himself......all other members are members of a Royal Preisthood (1 Peter 2:9, the very words of the RCC's supposed 1st Pope rejects the idea of a high VICAR on earth, there is no distinction made between laity and clergy all are equal hiers to the promises of God (Gal. 3:28-29) There is only 1 path to salvation......and it does not involve confessing to some man on earth......but approaching the Throne of God personally as being a member of a Royal Priesthood.

"I am the way, the truth, the life; NO MAN cometh to the Father but by Me." -- John 14:6 Thus, when you pray to God (Jesus......God incarnate) do not pray to any other. Its Jesus that stands as our advocate.......standing between God and our sins.......not some man appointed VICAR. (1 John 2:1). (1 John 1:9) states, "If we confess our sins, He (Jesus) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins......"

A list of doctrinal ideologies that did not exist in the original church that Christ constructed on earth (that which is written)........but came about by man made tradition. PERVERSION FROM THAT WHICH IS WRITTEN

1. Having water blessed before using.....a practice started by man in the 2nd century. 2. Separting the glergy from laity (members) 2nd century 3. Speical days set aside for fasting 2nd century 4. Special vestments (speical uniforms mirroring Jewish tradition) worn by Clergy, 2nd century. 5. Sprinkling in place of water baptism (which literally means to be submerged) 2nd century. 6. Special meetings/councils for the chruch leadership....regional instead of local congregational as found IN WRITTING....2nd century 7. The baptism/sprinkling of innocent children (that do not possess the congnitive capacity to comprehend right from wrong), also used for the sick and infirmed,....2nd century. 8. The sprinkling of BABIES 2nd century. 9. Making the sign of the Cross 2nd century. 10. Forbidding the clergy to marry.....3rd century. 11. Regional leaders called bishops instead having a local bishop within a local congregation....3rd century. 12. Constantine calls council at Nicaea 325

Pagan practice of EASTER started (Special Sabbaths as parroted from Jewish Traditions) A.D. 325

Confessing of sins to a Priest instead of approaching the throne of Jesus directly as a member of a royal priesthood. A.D. 329

1st Xmass CHRISTMASS (special sabbath) began in A.D. 360..............the false doctrine of original sin (not found in that which is written) along with salvation provided via prayer only (once saved always saved) A.D. 400......

The list of man made traditions continue ...........the list to date amounts to no less than 35 VICAR declared traditions that go far beyond "That which is written........" One of the last man made traditions? The "infallibility" of the POPE (claiming that the POPE is incabable doing anything wrong ...sin....judgment...etc. apprently the POPE is no longer human when appointed by man made elections to that office) A.D. 1870
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I didn’t want it to be a meaningless thing, I wanted to have a bit of time to reflect and pray instead of doing things in such a robotic religious way.
This makes no sense. We spend the entire Mass leading up to communion (45 minutes) on reflection and prayer. Yet, you wait until you actually have the Holy Eucharistic in your hand before thinking you should start reflecting and praying? There is also about another ten minutes after receiving communion for reflection and prayer.

Your story doesn't make any sense to me. You wanted a bit of time. Forty-five minutes prior and ten minutes after wasn't enough?

How insensitive to carelessly throw out "robotic religious way." I submit you were the robot this day, and one of no faith or reverence at that.
so we’ll have to agree to disagree.
I loathe that stupid phrase with everything in me.

I believe you are ignorant of everything Catholic and could not care less about educating yourself in the Catholic faith. That is fine. But don't pretend you even know enough to call it robotic or meaningless. You haven't a clue.
Are you saying we cannot pray and worship Christ with Mary? She has to be isolated from us all? What about my grandmothers who have passed on? Is it your belief I should never, under any circumstances, ask them to join me in prayer? Or, since they are not named Mary, do you believe they get a pass?
Nope. Scripture states emphatically there is only ONE mediator between G-d and man, and that is Christ Jesus. We cannot pray for nor with the dead.
anyone who is in Heaven is divine or wouldn't be there. It is why very few make it to Heaven.. Most people love earthly things and despise or at least do not love divine "things"
Wrong again on so many levels. ONLY Christ is G-d Almighty, second person in the Triune G-dhead and His name is YHWH. ONLY Christ has the power to forgive sins completely. Mary was still a sinner much in need of the Savior, just like everyone else born into this world.

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