Do you believe Cohen or Trump?

Who do you believe?

  • Cohen

  • Trump

  • Neither, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

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Cohen. Anyone who has served on a jury, or sat in the gallery on the first day, knows that one part of the orientation to each possible member of the jury is to understand that testimony needs to be evaluated as true or not by using common sense.

Commen sense tells me Cohen was mostly truthful, and Trump is mostly mendacious.
Cohen has nothing left to gain or prove. He's already been sentenced. No reason to hide or lie any more.


Cohen was sentenced based on a plea deal. He MUST maintain the same positions publicly or risk having the deal revoked and a REAL prison sentence imposed.
But he could accomplish this better by staying off the TV. He has nothing to gain by broadcasting it. He is more credible just because of his current position.
That is an absurd conclusion.

His release date will be dictated by his behavior from the date of conviction to his ultimate release. He knows this VERY WELL as a lawyer and will continue to do everything in his power to manipulate the way he is perceived in order to achieve the earliest release possible.

You seem very naive
Cohen has nothing left to gain or prove. He's already been sentenced. No reason to hide or lie any more.


Cohen was sentenced based on a plea deal. He MUST maintain the same positions publicly or risk having the deal revoked and a REAL prison sentence imposed.
But he could accomplish this better by staying off the TV. He has nothing to gain by broadcasting it. He is more credible just because of his current position.
That is an absurd conclusion.

His release date will be dictated by his behavior from the date of conviction to his ultimate release. He knows this VERY WELL as a lawyer and will continue to do everything in his power to manipulate the way he is perceived in order to achieve the earliest release possible.

You seem very naive
Anyone who believes Her Muller will EVER put Cohen on the witness stand is fucking delusional!
It's a good thing Cohen is not a witness against Hillary. He'd commit suicide by shooting himself in the back of his head five times.
Cohen will be disbarred and end up working at a 'Cinnabon' somewhere in Nevada when he gets out.
Cohen has nothing left to gain or prove. He's already been sentenced. No reason to hide or lie any more.


Cohen was sentenced based on a plea deal. He MUST maintain the same positions publicly or risk having the deal revoked and a REAL prison sentence imposed.
But he could accomplish this better by staying off the TV. He has nothing to gain by broadcasting it. He is more credible just because of his current position.
That is an absurd conclusion.

His release date will be dictated by his behavior from the date of conviction to his ultimate release. He knows this VERY WELL as a lawyer and will continue to do everything in his power to manipulate the way he is perceived in order to achieve the earliest release possible.

You seem very naive
Anyone who believes Her Muller will EVER put Cohen on the witness stand is fucking delusional!
It's a good thing Cohen is not a witness against Hillary. He'd commit suicide by shooting himself in the back of his head five times.
Cohen will be disbarred and end up working at a 'Cinnabon' somewhere in Nevada when he gets out.
Love Breaking Bad & Saul lol
Both have told different stories to different people. Neither are trustworthy imo.
Cohen imo is not a credible witness.

Neither is his old boss. Trump was caught on video, in case you forgot, lying about Stormy Daniels.

Cohen is a credible witness. You would be telling the truth too if you thought it would spare you 10 years in jail instead of just three.

Cohen's statements are self-serving nonsense, but even if they were not, they have no bearing on any potential criminality on the part of Our Exalted President.

Cohen has claimed that Trump "knew that the payoffs were wrong."

What the fuck does that even mean? It is clear that such payoffs are entirely legal, and that even if they were politically motivated, they do not constitute campaign finance violations FOR THE CANDIDATE. In the worst, case President Trump would have to revise a finance disclosure and pay a fine. Big deal.

As for Trump's apparent denial of any advance knowledge of the payoffs (which were entirely different from one another), who cares? It was his own money, spent for his own benefit. So what?
Cohen's statements are self-serving nonsense, but even if they were not, they have no bearing on any potential criminality on the part of Our Exalted President.

Cohen has claimed that Trump "knew that the payoffs were wrong."

What the fuck does that even mean? It is clear that such payoffs are entirely legal, and that even if they were politically motivated, they do not constitute campaign finance violations FOR THE CANDIDATE. In the worst, case President Trump would have to revise a finance disclosure and pay a fine. Big deal.

As for Trump's apparent denial of any advance knowledge of the payoffs (which were entirely different from one another), who cares? It was his own money, spent for his own benefit. So what?
Not nonsense. Not when there is multiple people in the room including Trump. And they’ve got Trump on tape lying about knowing anything about it and another tape recorded from a phone of him helping set it up.
Trump has lost the national Inquirer. They’re not going to be printing his conspiracy stories anymore. Now all he has left is fox. And it looks like some of them are starting to dissent.
Cohen's statements are self-serving nonsense, but even if they were not, they have no bearing on any potential criminality on the part of Our Exalted President.

Cohen has claimed that Trump "knew that the payoffs were wrong."

What the fuck does that even mean? It is clear that such payoffs are entirely legal, and that even if they were politically motivated, they do not constitute campaign finance violations FOR THE CANDIDATE. In the worst, case President Trump would have to revise a finance disclosure and pay a fine. Big deal.

As for Trump's apparent denial of any advance knowledge of the payoffs (which were entirely different from one another), who cares? It was his own money, spent for his own benefit. So what?
Obama got hit for fines on 2 million or so for FEC violations.........did they prosecute him........Nope......he paid a fine and that was the end of it.

Double Standards.......
Its actually a moot point since there really wasn't any crime committed regarding the hush money payments to the bimbos.

Bingo. Long gone is the original justification for all of this, a counterintelligence probe to determine what and how much Russia was influencing our elections, and SECONDARILY, whether Trump had any hand in it, gone is the investigation of any crime for Mueller has no crime, for two years now this has morphed into an investigation of the man Trump himself in SEARCH of a crime. Now we are down to investigating his personal businesses back into the 1980s to see if he has any unpaid parking tickets.

Flynn, charged with a process crime that had nothing to do with the mandate of the investigation itself or Trump, merely uncovered along the way.

Now Cohen for doing something that at best cannot be proven Trump ordered or sanctioned, and even if he did, is a minor offense which will never rise to the level of impeachable even if the ragtag idiots on the Left try to go for it.
Anyone who believes Her Muller will EVER put Cohen on the witness stand is fucking delusional!.

That's also why the liberal desire that President Trump be indicted on this will never be realized.

Even if Mueller didn't call Cohen, the defense would and the man is a joke
Anyone who believes Her Muller will EVER put Cohen on the witness stand is fucking delusional!.

That's also why the liberal desire that President Trump be indicted on this will never be realized.

Even if Mueller didn't call Cohen, the defense would and the man is a joke

Reconcile "joke" with Executive VP of the Trump Org and Trump's personal attorney for more than a decade.
Cohen's statements are self-serving nonsense, but even if they were not, they have no bearing on any potential criminality on the part of Our Exalted President.

Cohen has claimed that Trump "knew that the payoffs were wrong."

What the fuck does that even mean? It is clear that such payoffs are entirely legal, and that even if they were politically motivated, they do not constitute campaign finance violations FOR THE CANDIDATE. In the worst, case President Trump would have to revise a finance disclosure and pay a fine. Big deal.

As for Trump's apparent denial of any advance knowledge of the payoffs (which were entirely different from one another), who cares? It was his own money, spent for his own benefit. So what?
Obama got hit for fines on 2 million or so for FEC violations.........did they prosecute him........Nope......he paid a fine and that was the end of it.

Double Standards.......
Obama turned in a report a day or two late... :rolleyes:

it was not a conspiracy to defraud and break finance laws, with coverups and fake corporations and lawless corporation in kind doantions all covered up as well.....

Please STOP with this ignorant bull shat.... you have no idea what you are talking about, and act like you don't give a hoot either, that you are promoting right wing propaganda and lies, to try to skirt around what actually Trump and his conspirators have illegally and intentionally done....

Felonious, mob like, activities...

And this is just the side show of what Trump wants us to focus on...

meanwhile we have collusion with the Russians to get sanctions removed so Donald T can get a Trump Tower in Moscow and the financing for it through a bank that is sanctioned....the Trump Tower Moscow could not happen without the removal of sanctions on this bank....
If Cohen has tapes or documentation to support his claim, then I will tend to believe his version

Obviously, but absent this type of undeniable proof I don't see how anyone can believe either of them.

And for the record unless it was campaign money I dont see what the big deal is.
and paying off those who might throw a monkey wrench into trumps election hopes is no big deal?
Whether it's a "big deal" isn't the issue. It was legal, and that's all that matters.

Hillary paid off a dozen bimbos to smear Trump.
Cohen's statements are self-serving nonsense, but even if they were not, they have no bearing on any potential criminality on the part of Our Exalted President.

Cohen has claimed that Trump "knew that the payoffs were wrong."

What the fuck does that even mean? It is clear that such payoffs are entirely legal, and that even if they were politically motivated, they do not constitute campaign finance violations FOR THE CANDIDATE. In the worst, case President Trump would have to revise a finance disclosure and pay a fine. Big deal.

As for Trump's apparent denial of any advance knowledge of the payoffs (which were entirely different from one another), who cares? It was his own money, spent for his own benefit. So what?
Obama got hit for fines on 2 million or so for FEC violations.........did they prosecute him........Nope......he paid a fine and that was the end of it.

Double Standards.......
Obama turned in a report a day or two late... :rolleyes:

it was not a conspiracy to defraud and break finance laws, with coverups and fake corporations and lawless corporation in kind doantions all covered up as well.....

Please STOP with this ignorant bull shat.... you have no idea what you are talking about, and act like you don't give a hoot either, that you are promoting right wing propaganda and lies, to try to skirt around what actually Trump and his conspirators have illegally and intentionally done....

Felonious, mob like, activities...

And this is just the side show of what Trump wants us to focus on...

meanwhile we have collusion with the Russians to get sanctions removed so Donald T can get a Trump Tower in Moscow and the financing for it through a bank that is sanctioned....the Trump Tower Moscow could not happen without the removal of sanctions on this bank....
Was Trump trying to do a real estate deal in Russia before becoming President..........why yes he was.............Did it happen..........Why no it didn't.

Not against the law to try and make money in Real Estate when that is the business you are in..............

In regards to the bank there aren't other banks that could loan the money for it than in Russia...........maybe he could just Ask permission from Hillary and their foundation's bank HSBC that backed her and hired Comey on the board of directors...........

Then Trump can look the other way as they launder money to Drug Cartels as they did back then........Oh Comey left that bank to be the Big Dog at the FBI ............

Not a single person went to jail from that bank...even though the drug cartel they laundered money for is known to have killed over 10,000 people in a 10 year period in the drug wars south of the border.......

Should HSBC have had it's Charter removed and execs thrown in jail for what they did..................hmmm

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