Do Tabulation Delays Create Doubt About Election Credibility?

Is your faith in "free & fair" elections shaken?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • no

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • a little

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • not a bit

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • pineapple

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
They are happening in Dem strongholds like Philly ("lots of mail-in ballots") and Atlanta (water main break). Obviously there will be court challenges but how about the court of public opinion? Is your faith in the result diminished or destroyed?

I am concerned about the judicial activism. Now mind you, I do not agree with some of the GOP changes in laws/rules for voting, but the courts have no business changing them. They are playing politics.
They stopped counting votes in 5 states, people just ignore asking the questions. There has not been one valid answer for this, it's simply not made any sense, with the entire world watching. This isn't the America I would have seen even 20 years ago. No way this would just be accepted passively by ALL media.

They can drag me out of my home and shoot me for all I care. I can't lie. China has drastically influenced the West and imported THEIR agenda and "values", we are losing ours. Especially through media and now the heavy handed silencing by Social Media and Big Tech.

Trump at least provided a temporary buffer from the communist expansion. Also, you have far too many Brits in your media. They've been declining rapidly for decades, seems they want to drag us all down with them.
They are happening in Dem strongholds like Philly ("lots of mail-in ballots") and Atlanta (water main break). Obviously there will be court challenges but how about the court of public opinion? Is your faith in the result diminished or destroyed?

Democrats have been stuffing ballot boxes since the early 1800's and Republicans would just look the other way.

Well, now the Democrat election machine has a lock on the whole fucking country.

God help us.
I have been warning people about this for years. This is 1933. They are manufacturing a win, stealing state by state, all the states Trump had already won.

That is why they had to shut down the counting and why states that had 100%, 99.5% of the vote counted, they refused to be allowed called for The President. Never happened in US History btw, and imo is Illegal.

Pray for The Republic


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