Mail-In Voting, Revisited?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, where I reside, is rolling out new instructions for mail-in voting in order to reduce the number of rejected ballots due to people's failure to follow simple instructions, or just plain stupidity.

But why do we still have mail-in voting? The reason for it was the Pandemic, which is no longer a factor. Almost no other civilized country allows mail-in voting because it is manifestly an invitation to fraud.

Recall the pictures of voters in Iraq after "we" first liberated it: they had to vote in person, and one of their fingers was dipped in indelible ink to signify unambiguously that this person had voted, and to prevent the fraud of multiple votes by a single person. Do you think they could have had a fair and legitimate election if they allowed mail-in's? Hell no. Mail-in is like asking people to commit fraud.

Much of the turmoil surrounding the 2020 election was the widespread belief that mail-in voting along with its incidental practices (insecure lock-boxes, mandatory outer envelopes with mandatory markings, etc.) resulted in massive, UNPROVABLE fraud, and resulted in a zombie being elected President of the United States. Indeed, few people with three-digit IQ's doubt that if the same procedures had existed in 2020 that did in 2016, Trump would have won in a landslide.

Mail-in voting invites manipulation such as was documented in the film, "2000 Mules," and facilitates the votes of people who lack the intelligence and capacity to show up at the Polls on Election Day and cast their fucking votes (legitimate Absentee voters aside). Are these additional voters the ones whom we want to control the outcome of elections? Clearly, the Democrats want the votes of these incompetents, because virtually all of them vote Democrat, for one reason or another (manipulation).

Seriously, it's about time that the nation's REAL voters spoke up and demanded that we go back to the rules of 2016 because there is no legitimate reason to deviate from them, and because frankly speaking, mail-in voting is recognized the world over as an invitation to fraud.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, where I reside, is rolling out new instructions for mail-in voting in order to reduce the number of rejected ballots due to people's failure to follow simple instructions, or just plain stupidity.

But why do we still have mail-in voting? The reason for it was the Pandemic, which is no longer a factor. Almost no other civilized country allows mail-in voting because it is manifestly an invitation to fraud.

Recall the pictures of voters in Iraq after "we" first liberated it: they had to vote in person, and one of their fingers was dipped in indelible ink to signify unambiguously that this person had voted, and to prevent the fraud of multiple votes by a single person. Do you think they could have had a fair and legitimate election if they allowed mail-in's? Hell no. Mail-in is like asking people to commit fraud.

Much of the turmoil surrounding the 2020 election was the widespread belief that mail-in voting along with its incidental practices (insecure lock-boxes, mandatory outer envelopes with mandatory markings, etc.) resulted in massive, UNPROVABLE fraud, and resulted in a zombie being elected President of the United States. Indeed, few people with three-digit IQ's doubt that if the same procedures had existed in 2020 that did in 2016, Trump would have won in a landslide.

Mail-in voting invites manipulation such as was documented in the film, "2000 Mules," and facilitates the votes of people who lack the intelligence and capacity to show up at the Polls on Election Day and cast their fucking votes (legitimate Absentee voters aside). Are these additional voters the ones whom we want to control the outcome of elections? Clearly, the Democrats want the votes of these incompetents, because virtually all of them vote Democrat, for one reason or another (manipulation).

Seriously, it's about time that the nation's REAL voters spoke up and demanded that we go back to the rules of 2016 because there is no legitimate reason to deviate from them, and because frankly speaking, mail-in voting is recognized the world over as an invitation to fraud.
For the 30th time.

About 10% of the states--red states, blue states, etc... have had mail in voting for many election cycles. Never, not once, has anyone questioned the validity of the elections they held. The only loser from an election that was held 3 years ago questioning the validity of mail in voting is the blob. Zero evidence of massive voter fraud has ever been presented.

If anything, we need more mail in voting, same day voting for registration, and after hours voting,
Much of the turmoil surrounding the 2020 election was the widespread belief that mail-in voting along with its incidental practices (insecure lock-boxes, mandatory outer envelopes with mandatory markings, etc.) resulted in massive, UNPROVABLE fraud

It is easy to prove fraud with mail in votes

Ballot not linked to a registered voter
Ballot signature doesn’t match
More mail in votes than registered voters
A person showing up to vote and finding someone had already voted for them

Doesn’t happen

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, where I reside, is rolling out new instructions for mail-in voting in order to reduce the number of rejected ballots due to people's failure to follow simple instructions, or just plain stupidity.

But why do we still have mail-in voting? The reason for it was the Pandemic, which is no longer a factor. Almost no other civilized country allows mail-in voting because it is manifestly an invitation to fraud.

Recall the pictures of voters in Iraq after "we" first liberated it: they had to vote in person, and one of their fingers was dipped in indelible ink to signify unambiguously that this person had voted, and to prevent the fraud of multiple votes by a single person. Do you think they could have had a fair and legitimate election if they allowed mail-in's? Hell no. Mail-in is like asking people to commit fraud.

Much of the turmoil surrounding the 2020 election was the widespread belief that mail-in voting along with its incidental practices (insecure lock-boxes, mandatory outer envelopes with mandatory markings, etc.) resulted in massive, UNPROVABLE fraud, and resulted in a zombie being elected President of the United States. Indeed, few people with three-digit IQ's doubt that if the same procedures had existed in 2020 that did in 2016, Trump would have won in a landslide.

Mail-in voting invites manipulation such as was documented in the film, "2000 Mules," and facilitates the votes of people who lack the intelligence and capacity to show up at the Polls on Election Day and cast their fucking votes (legitimate Absentee voters aside). Are these additional voters the ones whom we want to control the outcome of elections? Clearly, the Democrats want the votes of these incompetents, because virtually all of them vote Democrat, for one reason or another (manipulation).

Seriously, it's about time that the nation's REAL voters spoke up and demanded that we go back to the rules of 2016 because there is no legitimate reason to deviate from them, and because frankly speaking, mail-in voting is recognized the world over as an invitation to fraud.
We had mail in voting before Covid. Just people didn't use it. Why? People don't like doing new things. Even if the new way would make their lives easier. So we continue to go stand in line. Some of us like going to vote in person. Feels good. But damn that was an hour out of my busy day. I could have just mailed in my vote?

So anyone who mail in voted in 2020, wants to do it again in 2024.

And there is still a pandemic btw. My boss has covid. And there will always be sickness and maybe a lot of people don't want to go stand in line and get sick.

OR, get shot by a Trumpster. Ever think of that? We are afraid to go stand in line because of MAGA Nazi's.
Will it be okay if I throw a Trump mail in voter party? Everyone that shows up with their mail in ballet completed for Trump (preferably republican steak ticket) will get a steak dinner and drinks at my party. The ballets will be collected at the party to be delivered to the post office.

Is this legal?

Somehow, I don't think so.
It is easy to prove fraud with mail in votes

Ballot not linked to a registered voter
Ballot signature doesn’t match
More mail in votes than registered voters
A person showing up to vote and finding someone had already voted for them

Doesn’t happen
Wonder why we don't want to go stand in line and vote. Can I bring my gun? Then no thanks.

It would be easy to audit mail-in results. Choose a thousand cast ballots at random; get in touch with the purported voters who cast them, and confirm that they actually filled them out and mailed them.

Such an audit has never been done, because Democrats (who are in a position to do this audit) know what the results would be.

Re-counting the same fucking ballots over and over again is not an "audit."
Will it be okay if I throw a Trump mail in voter party? Everyone that shows up with their mail in ballet completed for Trump (preferably republican steak ticket) will get a steak dinner and drinks at my party. The ballets will be collected at the party to be delivered to the post office.

Is this legal?

Somehow, I don't think so.
Why not? If my dad fills out his ballot and gives it to someone else to go drop in the mail, is that illegal?
It would be easy to audit mail-in results. Choose a thousand cast ballots at random; get in touch with the purported voters who cast them, and confirm that they actually filled them out and mailed them.

Such an audit has never been done, because Democrats (who are in a position to do this audit) know what the results would be.

Re-counting the same fucking ballots over and over again is not an "audit."
Trump tried to do that and found nothing

The way to verify the ballot was legitimate is verify the signature. Just like they do for inperson voting
2000 Mules did not identify a single fraudulent vote
For months, the conservative provocateur Dinesh D'Souza teased that the book version of his widely debunked film "2,000 Mules" would provide compelling new evidence that the 2020 election was "stolen." The film has been repeatedly promoted by former President Donald Trump, who even hosted a screening at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

Then, just before the book's scheduled release - and after copies had already arrived in stores - D'Souza's publisher, Regnery, abruptly pulled the book from shelves and delayed the e-book release, citing an unspecified "publishing error."

The book does, however, regurgitate the content of the film "2,000 Mules" including misleading claims, which have been thoroughly debunked by fact-checkers and critics across the political spectrum. Former Attorney General Bill Barr called the film's underlying premise "indefensible."

Despite those flaws, "2,000 Mules" has emerged as a leading theory for supporters of Trump's baseless claim that he actually won the 2020 election. For Trump and some of his most diehard fans - among them candidates for public office - the project has served as "proof" of the stolen election.

The film's allegations were often vague, and largely based on data that have not been made public. As a result, some elements of the film were difficult, if not impossible, to fully fact-check. The book adds new details, however, which NPR has been able to scrutinize.

Will it be okay if I throw a Trump mail in voter party? Everyone that shows up with their mail in ballet completed for Trump (preferably republican steak ticket) will get a steak dinner and drinks at my party. The ballets will be collected at the party to be delivered to the post office.

Is this legal?

Somehow, I don't think so.
I don’t see why it would be illegal. I think you are confusing “steak” and “straight” and “ballet” with “ballot”. Perhaps they will have a referendum for remedial English classes on the ballot as well. You may benefit from it. LOL. Just pulling your leg.

But no. I don’t see why it would be illegal.
Why not? If my dad fills out his ballot and gives it to someone else to go drop in the mail, is that illegal?
It provides an opportunity to "Buy votes" as I described in my example. There are lots of ways allowing mass mail in ballots can be abused for which there are no checks and balances. Considering the billions of dollars spent on election campaigns, if there is a weakness that can be abused with little to zero probability of being caught by the system, it will be abused.
For the 30th time.

About 10% of the states--red states, blue states, etc... have had mail in voting for many election cycles. Never, not once, has anyone questioned the validity of the elections they held. The only loser from an election that was held 3 years ago questioning the validity of mail in voting is the blob. Zero evidence of massive voter fraud has ever been presented.

If anything, we need more mail in voting, same day voting for registration, and after hours voting,
There was massive voter fraud, but that's not why I called.

Sponge Brains Shits Pant is in Office. Period. Nothing we can do.

But the damage another dimocrap scumbag can, and will, do to our Country is nothing compared to the damage already occurring due to the lack of faith in our government.

Americans no longer trust Federal Law Enforcement. Especially the FBI. We don't trust the Judicial Branch anymore. We no longer trust our Intelligence-Gathering Services. We no longer trust FISA Courts. Our Military can't fill its ranks with new recruits. And faith in our 1st Amendment Protected Media is completely and totally GONE.

It doesn't matter WHETHER there was massive Voter/Ballot fraud or not. It just doesn't matter.

What matters is that so many Millions of Americans think there was.

I hope you think your shallow, one-off, victory was worth it.
It would be easy to audit mail-in results. Choose a thousand cast ballots at random; get in touch with the purported voters who cast them, and confirm that they actually filled them out and mailed them.

Such an audit has never been done, because Democrats (who are in a position to do this audit) know what the results would be.

Re-counting the same fucking ballots over and over again is not an "audit."
So no GOP state has ever done this? You said “it has never been done” because of democrats.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, where I reside, is rolling out new instructions for mail-in voting in order to reduce the number of rejected ballots due to people's failure to follow simple instructions, or just plain stupidity.

But why do we still have mail-in voting? The reason for it was the Pandemic, which is no longer a factor. Almost no other civilized country allows mail-in voting because it is manifestly an invitation to fraud.

Recall the pictures of voters in Iraq after "we" first liberated it: they had to vote in person, and one of their fingers was dipped in indelible ink to signify unambiguously that this person had voted, and to prevent the fraud of multiple votes by a single person. Do you think they could have had a fair and legitimate election if they allowed mail-in's? Hell no. Mail-in is like asking people to commit fraud.

Much of the turmoil surrounding the 2020 election was the widespread belief that mail-in voting along with its incidental practices (insecure lock-boxes, mandatory outer envelopes with mandatory markings, etc.) resulted in massive, UNPROVABLE fraud, and resulted in a zombie being elected President of the United States. Indeed, few people with three-digit IQ's doubt that if the same procedures had existed in 2020 that did in 2016, Trump would have won in a landslide.

Mail-in voting invites manipulation such as was documented in the film, "2000 Mules," and facilitates the votes of people who lack the intelligence and capacity to show up at the Polls on Election Day and cast their fucking votes (legitimate Absentee voters aside). Are these additional voters the ones whom we want to control the outcome of elections? Clearly, the Democrats want the votes of these incompetents, because virtually all of them vote Democrat, for one reason or another (manipulation).

Seriously, it's about time that the nation's REAL voters spoke up and demanded that we go back to the rules of 2016 because there is no legitimate reason to deviate from them, and because frankly speaking, mail-in voting is recognized the world over as an invitation to fraud.
Ah you mean the 2000 mules that was produced by the guy that literally was convicted of felony fraud? Using the data of a company that had 2 people go to jail for contempt when asked in court to provide sources when they were sued for defamation by the people accused in that "documentary."

It always strikes me as odd, when people keep on repeating and take as gospel the word of fraudsters and people who simply make allegations that they can't back up in the slightest. No matter how many times they "revisit" the issue.

I know it's a weird concept but repetition doesn't make something previously wrong all of a sudden true.
The changes announced Wednesday will be implemented starting with mail ballots for the 2024 primary election. They include efforts to more clearly differentiate mailing envelopes from the inner “secrecy envelopes” in which completed ballots are supposed to be placed. Ballots returned without such secrecy envelopes are known as “naked ballots” and cannot be counted.

Why would conservatives be outraged by making the mail in vote process more understandable?
Why would someone start a thread on it?

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