Lies about True the Vote exposed

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
I read lies today told about Dinesh D'Souza and True the Vote.

This is from True the Vote

Hi Friend-

This week, a series of negative articles were published about True the Vote, with headlines like ‘True the Vote Tells Court It Has No Records To Back Up Georgia Fraud Claims, from the Atlanta Journal Constitution, ‘The Final Repudiation of 2000 Mules’, from the Washington Post, ‘Conservative Group Tells Judge It Has No Evidence To Back Its Claims of GA Ballot Stuffing’ from the Associated Press …. the list goes on and on.

What you are seeing is an organized hit. Propagandist media outlets synchronized for the strike took a single court document filed by TTV in December of 2023, found a useful angle, twisted it entirely out of context, and spun it into an explosively negative narrative. With no outreach to True the Vote for comment, they published their prewritten parroting in a massive coordinated drop.

But that’s only the press. They’re just one tactic used in an orchestrated strike. Other tactics, which we are very accustomed to but don’t often talk about, involve obscene, threatening emails, texts, and calls to True the Vote and directly to me, a barrage of negative social media, attacks on our websites, and attacks on my homestead that I’ll not describe here at this time.

Why? There are various reasons: to distract from the spectacle of Fani Willis’ testimony, and this week’s ethics committee hearing in Georgia on the abysmal state of their voter rolls, and GA Sec of State Raffensberger’s professional failures and newfound alignment with the Left, and the Georgia 2020- 2023 timeline we published on Open.Ink, and our recent victory over Fair Fight, and because we are continuing to expose election subversion and continuing to fight in defense of election integrity, and because of our 2024 plans, and because our work supports voters’ rights and helps We the People, not the machine. So be it.

True the Vote stands firmly behind our assertions regarding mail-in ballot exploitation in Georgia and nationwide. And that makes us dangerous to the authoritarian architects who want no challenges, no free speech, no honest debate.

Click here to read our complete statement on this matter.
Explanation by True the Vote

The AJC writer, Mr. Niesse, did reach out to our attorney for comment. Here is the quote that was provided but not used:

“Mr. Niesse -

The claim that there is insufficient support for True the Vote’s allegation of widespread abuse of then-nascent ballot drop box voting during the 2020 General Election stems from a fundamental misunderstanding amongst members of the media.

The evidence True the Vote made available to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation shortly after the 2020 General Election cannot be understood to be like records stored somewhere. It consisted of massive quantities of electronic data that could only be appreciated and understood when you had multiple servers processing it and visually displaying how the information intersected in real-time. This is called geospatial analysis.

True the Vote provided this information to the FBI, which rendered it available to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation at the time. The GBI consequently has ready access to the summaries and underlying data, and could reconstruct it, but it declines to do that. It is in that sense that there is nothing more for True the Vote to provide that it has not already provided to the GBI.”

In addition to what was originally provided to the FBI and GBI in 2021, we provided three written complaints, with documentation, to the Secretary of State, and over 6,000 documents to the SEB.

The state was unwilling to provide whistleblower protection in 2021, unwillingly to examine our data while it was still set up in active databases, and unwilling to act on the summary data which it could easily have done. Now, three years later, after the statute of limitations has expired on any election crimes, its apparent that the SEB’s interest is not in investigating. Rather, it is in silencing citizens from speaking out, lest they get the same treatment our group is now enduring. It is outrageous.

Mind you, at any point in this odyssey, the GBI could have gotten an administrative warrant to have the summarized cell phone data deanonymized and begin their investigation. There is nothing stopping them from taking that action even now. They have all the information they need. We are not law enforcement. It is up to them to do their jobs. As civilians, we cannot do more than what we have done.

We stand by everything we have ever said about our work product and ballot trafficking in Georgia. We reached out to the Georgia Governor, AG, GBI, Sec of State, and SEB in good faith. Time and again, they have shirked their responsibilities and broken their promises. This is their failure. And the orchestrated attack against us is just one more effort to cover up the truth of Georgia’s failed election processes.

*** It is also important to understand that in the geospatial analysis of cell phone data, researchers are working with unique device identifiers, typically International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), not cellphone numbers or personal information. When True the Vote was asked for name and contact information of the 242 identified devices, the SEB knew that was not the type of information we had. The device identifiers we do have had been provided to the GBI in 2021. That information has never changed. Only law enforcement can deanonymize this data. They have the authority to do so. Civilians do not.

(Note: to find your own IMEI number, type #06# on your dial-pad. In most phones this will trigger the exposure of your device identifiers. Those numbers are used to track cell phone behaviors) ***

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