DO NOT mess with AOC... that is all.

AOC regularly smashes her righty wing challengers on Twitter. Why they keep messing with her I’ll never understand. She has nothing to lose and has game. Halley looks like an idiot.

Funny how AOC doesn’t bash corporate America for putting Biden in office. Wait, she has never had a job in corporate America. Yet, she is an expert on it. She can’t even spell EBITDA.

That makes no sense. She’s a young idealist. Educated and has initiative. Five years updating spreadsheets as a financial analyst in corporate America would help her how? Anyway she was a business owner launching a publishing company but she was elected for her ideals not for 47 years of experience. I bet she’s way more qualified than your social security receiving ass. Again, she doesn’t represent all my viewpoints as she’s a bit too left for me but I outlined:

The free market doesn’t work for healthcare, education, or as a safety net for the needy. That is where we need public options. Sacrifice by all. Something the right is unwilling to do to make the entire county better. Pussies.

So I just turned 40. She is a failed bartender who basically cost NY 1000s of jobs with her Amazon stunt. Doing spreadsheets sounds boring but that is how entry level finance professionals learn. My kids are idealists too. Easy to be an idealist when daddy pays all your bills and you have a nice cushy life. Free market certainly does. Free market forces people to perform a service or provide a good in return for money or other goods and services. You want to eat? Learn a marketable skill and or work really hard. Those who rely on the Govt while vilifying the rich(you) are the real pussies. Tax the rich she says! While getting free healthcare. Let’s tax success! She is a moron and Nikki Haley would wipe the floor with her in a debate. Just like I always do with you. Loser.
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She was bartending in a white collar business area shooting her mouth off about social justice. The media has hidden just exactly how many places she was fired from
More name calling. Not a brain cell between the lot of you guys. I alrww we add addressed her comments enumerated in a post. Now I’m on to how generally dumb she is - I’d think you could relate. ;)
When everybody tells you you're wrong maybe it's best to listen.
More name calling. Not a brain cell between the lot of you guys. I alrww we add addressed her comments enumerated in a post. Now I’m on to how generally dumb she is - I’d think you could relate. ;)
When everybody tells you you're wrong maybe it's best to listen.
Please. This place is a cesspool of name calling and conspiracy theories. I only come here for the intelligent left wing posters. :)
More name calling. Not a brain cell between the lot of you guys. I alrww we add addressed her comments enumerated in a post. Now I’m on to how generally dumb she is - I’d think you could relate. ;)
When everybody tells you you're wrong maybe it's best to listen.
Please. This place is a cesspool of name calling and conspiracy theories. I only come here for the intelligent left wing posters. :)
I only come here for the intelligent left wing posters.

Sorry for your constant disappointment.

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