Do most Americans still believe in the Constitution anymore?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
New Poll Shows Half of Americans Believe First Amendment ‘Goes Too Far’ and Free Speech Should be Censored | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

We all know the sentiment out there to repeal the Second Amendment on the Left, but do any of you realize the sentiment to at least partially do away with the First Amendment as well? Many in the poll provided thinks that hate speech should be banned, but what is hate speech? Moreover, who will decide what it is? For example, is calling Trump a "Cheeto" hate speech? Is calling Trump a Dotard hate speech? Is pretending to hold his severed bloody head in your hand hate speech? Is Madonna saying she wants to burn Trump alive in the White House hate speech and should that be banned? If asked this same question, I'm sure most left leaning people would say no, it is OK, but if the same were done to Obama, my guess is the sentiment would swing the other way as it would be viewed as racist. You see, the kind of hate is what is important. Is it a good hate or a bad hate?

When asked if they think hate speech should be against the law, 48 percent said they think it should be against the law, while 31 percent said they think it should “be allowed.” Twenty-one percent of respondents answered with “did not know.” Decades of Left wing influence in education and the media have brought us to this point.

Add to this fact that mass media corporations like Google and Facebook have been accused of censoring speech simply because they may offend other politically on some level.

And then there are "safe zones" at universities across the US that don't allow political speech or ideas that may offend since they run contrary to Left wing ideology

Safe Spaces On College Campuses Are Creating Intolerant Students | HuffPost

Of all people, Obama's Van Jones in the article is attacking these Left wing fascists on censoring free speech merely to silence political opposition. But Jones was rebuffed by many as they refused to heed his warnings.

What is the US becoming?
New Poll Shows Half of Americans Believe First Amendment ‘Goes Too Far’ and Free Speech Should be Censored | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

We all know the sentiment out there to repeal the Second Amendment on the Left, but do any of you realize the sentiment to at least partially do away with the First Amendment as well? Many in the poll provided thinks that hate speech should be banned, but what is hate speech? Moreover, who will decide what it is? For example, is calling Trump a "Cheeto" hate speech? Is calling Trump a Dotard hate speech? Is pretending to hold his severed bloody head in your hand hate speech? Is Madonna saying she wants to burn Trump alive in the White House hate speech and should that be banned? If asked this same question, I'm sure most left leaning people would say no, it is OK, but if the same were done to Obama, my guess is the sentiment would swing the other way as it would be viewed as racist. You see, the kind of hate is what is important. Is it a good hate or a bad hate?

When asked if they think hate speech should be against the law, 48 percent said they think it should be against the law, while 31 percent said they think it should “be allowed.” Twenty-one percent of respondents answered with “did not know.” Decades of Left wing influence in education and the media have brought us to this point.

Add to this fact that mass media corporations like Google and Facebook have been accused of censoring speech simply because they may offend other politically on some level.

And then there are "safe zones" at universities across the US that don't allow political speech or ideas that may offend since they run contrary to Left wing ideology

Safe Spaces On College Campuses Are Creating Intolerant Students | HuffPost

Of all people, Obama's Van Jones in the article is attacking these Left wing fascists on censoring free speech merely to silence political opposition. But Jones was rebuffed by many as they refused to heed his warnings.

What is the US becoming?
I know conservatives like myself STILL believe in it. It's worked mighty fine for well over 200 years.
New Poll Shows Half of Americans Believe First Amendment ‘Goes Too Far’ and Free Speech Should be Censored | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

We all know the sentiment out there to repeal the Second Amendment on the Left, but do any of you realize the sentiment to at least partially do away with the First Amendment as well? Many in the poll provided thinks that hate speech should be banned, but what is hate speech? Moreover, who will decide what it is? For example, is calling Trump a "Cheeto" hate speech? Is calling Trump a Dotard hate speech? Is pretending to hold his severed bloody head in your hand hate speech? Is Madonna saying she wants to burn Trump alive in the White House hate speech and should that be banned? If asked this same question, I'm sure most left leaning people would say no, it is OK, but if the same were done to Obama, my guess is the sentiment would swing the other way as it would be viewed as racist. You see, the kind of hate is what is important. Is it a good hate or a bad hate?

When asked if they think hate speech should be against the law, 48 percent said they think it should be against the law, while 31 percent said they think it should “be allowed.” Twenty-one percent of respondents answered with “did not know.” Decades of Left wing influence in education and the media have brought us to this point.

Add to this fact that mass media corporations like Google and Facebook have been accused of censoring speech simply because they may offend other politically on some level.

And then there are "safe zones" at universities across the US that don't allow political speech or ideas that may offend since they run contrary to Left wing ideology

Safe Spaces On College Campuses Are Creating Intolerant Students | HuffPost

Of all people, Obama's Van Jones in the article is attacking these Left wing fascists on censoring free speech merely to silence political opposition. But Jones was rebuffed by many as they refused to heed his warnings.

What is the US becoming?
I know conservatives like myself STILL believe in it. It's worked mighty fine for well over 200 years.

One of the major abuses of the Constitution by Progressives has been the subversion of the General Welfare clause, written by James Madison. It is used by the Modern Liberal as an excuse to empower government in any way they choose so long as it can be tied to some perceivable benefit to the general population.

However, Madison wrote about the General Welfare clause he created and said this about it.

“If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America.”
Fake news fake polls! Do you remember "hillary will win in a landslide"?

People who don't believe in the US constitution maybe number in the 10-20 percent range. And I would love to take away their constitutional rights for a day and slap some sense into them!
The majority is always wrong. Always. True story.

Whenever a team of people hit a brick wall, they do one of two things. They either do more of what they were doing. Or they do less of what they were doing. In other words, the majority can only think inside the box.

They hardly ever consider doing things differently. Maybe one guy will say, wait, hode up, hode up, what if we do this instead. Then the rest of em look at him like he's stupid and override him. It's a hell of a thing.
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LOL @ hode up hode up...

I think each year, fewer people even know what the constitution truly is or what it says.

When I was young, we were taught history and with that, we weren't allowed to pass 8th grade without a test on the constitution, listing all presidents and spelling their names correctly, the bill of rights etc. By the time my kids got there, the california schools had stopped all that. Half the history they DID teach was watered and distorted with half-truths and omissions.

How can you believe in something you don't know or understand?
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I do. Very much so. Without it we become a third world country

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In California, citizens will sign a petition to do away with the Bill of Rights.

All you have to do is say you are helping democrats.

They have become Left wing drones. Unfortunately, do to population levels, this often means California, along with New York, represent the majority in elections.
This is why dims want to do away with the Electoral college. They want these drones to mindlessly elect democrats to the Oval Office every single election, just like they do in the homeless tax crazy capitals of the world. They don't ever change their votes, they just end up moving because taxes are too high or the homeless/drug/immigration problem is out of hand, so they move to a red state and start voting the same there.

Leftism is like a metastasis.
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New Poll Shows Half of Americans Believe First Amendment ‘Goes Too Far’ and Free Speech Should be Censored | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

We all know the sentiment out there to repeal the Second Amendment on the Left, but do any of you realize the sentiment to at least partially do away with the First Amendment as well? Many in the poll provided thinks that hate speech should be banned, but what is hate speech? Moreover, who will decide what it is? For example, is calling Trump a "Cheeto" hate speech? Is calling Trump a Dotard hate speech? Is pretending to hold his severed bloody head in your hand hate speech? Is Madonna saying she wants to burn Trump alive in the White House hate speech and should that be banned? If asked this same question, I'm sure most left leaning people would say no, it is OK, but if the same were done to Obama, my guess is the sentiment would swing the other way as it would be viewed as racist. You see, the kind of hate is what is important. Is it a good hate or a bad hate?

When asked if they think hate speech should be against the law, 48 percent said they think it should be against the law, while 31 percent said they think it should “be allowed.” Twenty-one percent of respondents answered with “did not know.” Decades of Left wing influence in education and the media have brought us to this point.

Add to this fact that mass media corporations like Google and Facebook have been accused of censoring speech simply because they may offend other politically on some level.

And then there are "safe zones" at universities across the US that don't allow political speech or ideas that may offend since they run contrary to Left wing ideology

Safe Spaces On College Campuses Are Creating Intolerant Students | HuffPost

Of all people, Obama's Van Jones in the article is attacking these Left wing fascists on censoring free speech merely to silence political opposition. But Jones was rebuffed by many as they refused to heed his warnings.

What is the US becoming?
I know conservatives like myself STILL believe in it. It's worked mighty fine for well over 200 years.
Liberals under 30 barely know what the Constitution is

and what they think they know is often wrong
New Poll Shows Half of Americans Believe First Amendment ‘Goes Too Far’ and Free Speech Should be Censored | BCNN1 - Black Christian News Network

We all know the sentiment out there to repeal the Second Amendment on the Left, but do any of you realize the sentiment to at least partially do away with the First Amendment as well? Many in the poll provided thinks that hate speech should be banned, but what is hate speech? Moreover, who will decide what it is? For example, is calling Trump a "Cheeto" hate speech? Is calling Trump a Dotard hate speech? Is pretending to hold his severed bloody head in your hand hate speech? Is Madonna saying she wants to burn Trump alive in the White House hate speech and should that be banned? If asked this same question, I'm sure most left leaning people would say no, it is OK, but if the same were done to Obama, my guess is the sentiment would swing the other way as it would be viewed as racist. You see, the kind of hate is what is important. Is it a good hate or a bad hate?

When asked if they think hate speech should be against the law, 48 percent said they think it should be against the law, while 31 percent said they think it should “be allowed.” Twenty-one percent of respondents answered with “did not know.” Decades of Left wing influence in education and the media have brought us to this point.

Add to this fact that mass media corporations like Google and Facebook have been accused of censoring speech simply because they may offend other politically on some level.

And then there are "safe zones" at universities across the US that don't allow political speech or ideas that may offend since they run contrary to Left wing ideology

Safe Spaces On College Campuses Are Creating Intolerant Students | HuffPost

Of all people, Obama's Van Jones in the article is attacking these Left wing fascists on censoring free speech merely to silence political opposition. But Jones was rebuffed by many as they refused to heed his warnings.

What is the US becoming?
I know conservatives like myself STILL believe in it. It's worked mighty fine for well over 200 years.
Liberals under 30 barely know what the Constitution is

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