Do Americans care about Romney's tax returns? Yes they do...


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By DYLAN BYERS | 7/17/12 11:09 AM EDT

From a new Public Policy Polling survey:

Q12. Do you think Mitt Romney should release his tax returns for the last 12 years, or not?

He should......................................................56%

He should not................................................34%

Not sure........................................................10%​

Among independents, it's a 61-27 split in favor of releasing the returns.

And here you thought this was just part of a "media distraction."

Do Americans care about Romney's tax returns? -
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I see the mods are still allowing threads about romney not releasing his tax returns but threads about obozo not releasing his college records get moved to the conspiracy dungeon!
I see the mods are still allowing threads about romney not releasing his tax returns but threads about obozo not releasing his college records get moved to the conspiracy dungeon!

Do you know anyone who won't vote for Obama because of not seeing his transcripts?

I don't...
I see the mods are still allowing threads about romney not releasing his tax returns but threads about obozo not releasing his college records get moved to the conspiracy dungeon!

Do you know anyone who won't vote for Obama because of not seeing his transcripts?

I don't...

that's not the point. There are lots of people who would vote against obozo if they saw the transcript and it showed obozo claimed he was born in kenya.


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