Dissolve political parties?

Dissolve all political parties?

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Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Think some founding father suggested we don't have political parties since they only divide us. I agree.

Yay or Nay?

On a related subject, dissolve the electoral college and decide Presidents purely by popular vote? Yay.

Yay or Nay?
Think some founding father suggested we don't have political parties since they only divide us. I agree.

Yay or Nay?

On a related subject, dissolve the electoral college and decide Presidents purely by popular vote? Yay.

Yay or Nay?

Ah, that was only George Washington. Nobody cares what he thinks, unless they can find a fake quote.

I voted yea, without hesitation. Parties are bullshit.

Qualified Yea on #2 too -- unless we want to just standardize what Maine and Nebraska (?) do, apportion districts to reflect their local vote regardless what the state as a whole does. But that also brings up the problem of how districts are drawn, so without resolving that it won't work.
Absurd. It did not work in the beginning and it won't work now. Or do you want a functionless Government like Italy? They have like a thousand parties and change Government what every 6 months?

The Electoral College is the heart of the States ability to be meaningful in the election. Even small States count because of it, Unless you want New york City and California electing all our future Presidents.

Not to mention one needs an amendment to the Constitution.
Think some founding father suggested we don't have political parties since they only divide us. I agree.

Yay or Nay?

On a related subject, dissolve the electoral college and decide Presidents purely by popular vote? Yay.

Yay or Nay?

No, I don't support abolishing freedom of speech and assembly, and no I don't want to see the Union dissolved. Thanks anyway for the stupid ideas.
Think some founding father suggested we don't have political parties since they only divide us. I agree.

Yay or Nay?

Parties are as inevitable as the rising sun. Are there any countries which do not have parties?

If there were no parties, we'd all be robots.

On a related subject, dissolve the electoral college and decide Presidents purely by popular vote? Yay.

Yay or Nay?


Think World Series instead of Super Bowl. You can score less runs than the other team but still win the series.

It can happen! Just ask the 1960 Pittsburgh Pirates.
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CA and WA have done it for their states.

California assumes that democrats will always win the popular vote. What Calufornia has actually done is disenfranchise everyone. If not a single Californian voted for president the votes would automatically go to whoever won the popular vote nationally.
No. Do not dissolve political parties. It would defeat the purpose of our bicameral system of government. Don't get rid of the parties, get rid of the corrupt bureaucrats passing themselves off as politicians.
Think some founding father suggested we don't have political parties since they only divide us. I agree.

Yay or Nay?

On a related subject, dissolve the electoral college and decide Presidents purely by popular vote? Yay.

Yay or Nay?


"The Electoral College elected Washington unanimously as the first president in 1789,[Note 6] and again in the 1792 election; he remains the only president to have received 100 percent of the electoral votes"

ETA: The last President that didn't belong to a party was George Washington...........
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No. Do not dissolve political parties. It would defeat the purpose of our bicameral system of government. Don't get rid of the parties, get rid of the corrupt bureaucrats passing themselves off as politicians.

That's not what bicameral means -- it means we have the House and the Senate. There can be (and are) members of either house that belong to no party.

The downside of having political parties is (a) we have in effect a duopoly featuring two puppets identical except that one wears red and the other blue; and (b) it incites people to think and act in massive blanket statements -- see the application of the term "RINO" where some public official is expected to put party first and constituents second.

And that's where we get equally useless blanket broad-brush blather such as "Republicans are racists" and "Democrats founded the KKK". And as long as that goes on we remain mired in the mud, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, sniping cheap political points that are effectively meaningless.

And (c) it means that nobody gets elected to a major office without a huge moneyed institution behind them. Genuine people can't compete.
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No. Do not dissolve political parties. It would defeat the purpose of our bicameral system of government. Don't get rid of the parties, get rid of the corrupt bureaucrats passing themselves off as politicians.

That's not what bicameral means -- it means we have the House and the Senate. There can be (and are) members of either house that belong to no party.

The downside of having political parties is (a) we have in effect a duopoly featuring two puppets identical except that one wears red and the other blue; and (b) it incites people to think and act in massive blanket statements -- see the application of the term "RINO" where some public official is expected to put party first and constituents second.

And that's where we get equally useless blanket broad-brush blather such as "Republicans are racists" and "Democrats founded the KKK". And as long as that goes on we remain mired in the mud, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, sniping cheap political points that are effectively meaningless.

And (c) it means that nobody gets elected to a major office without a huge moneyed institution behind them. Genuine people can't compete.

and then do what to certify someone is eligible to run and qualifies under State law? Just let anyone? How would you like that book as ballot?
There can be a happy medium between a book sized ballot and laws designed to keep anyone not a R or D off the ballot.
No. Do not dissolve political parties. It would defeat the purpose of our bicameral system of government. Don't get rid of the parties, get rid of the corrupt bureaucrats passing themselves off as politicians.

That's not what bicameral means -- it means we have the House and the Senate. There can be (and are) members of either house that belong to no party.

The downside of having political parties is (a) we have in effect a duopoly featuring two puppets identical except that one wears red and the other blue; and (b) it incites people to think and act in massive blanket statements -- see the application of the term "RINO" where some public official is expected to put party first and constituents second.

And that's where we get equally useless blanket broad-brush blather such as "Republicans are racists" and "Democrats founded the KKK". And as long as that goes on we remain mired in the mud, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing, sniping cheap political points that are effectively meaningless.

And (c) it means that nobody gets elected to a major office without a huge moneyed institution behind them. Genuine people can't compete.

and then do what to certify someone is eligible to run and qualifies under State law? Just let anyone? How would you like that book as ballot?

You think you have to belong to a party to be eligible to run? Wtf kind of world would that be?
Yep. Right on schedule.

Whenever the Democrats are getting their clocks cleaned politically, we start seeing people demanding that political parties be done away with, the electoral college abolished, etc.

Now that the Democrats are being abandoned in droves by voters as their most socialistic program to date (Obamacare) inflicts higher costs, less choice, and penalties if you don't sign up; and people are distrusting their NSA searches and IRS oppression of their opponents....

...sure enough, here come the calls to get rid of political parties.

And that's where we get equally useless blanket broad-brush blather such as "Republicans are racists" and "Democrats founded the KKK". .

The former is a (ridiculous) opinion, the latter is a matter of historical fact.
Dissolving political parties violates the constitution.

Changing the way we elect the President requires a constitutional amendment.

You will not see either anytime soon, if at all.

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