Disney Lost The Magic


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
What a disgusting propaganda cartoon.

Lincoln didn't free the slaves? Really?

Disney slammed for 'anti-White propaganda' new The Proud Family reboot


because the country 'still has not atoned for' its systemic prejudice, racism and white supremacy.​

In other words, HUMAN NATURE. The Loonie Left want us to change human nature, to apologize for it, so that they can do the all the same things all over again to others too, because, its HUMAN NATURE.

Had Blacks discovered sailing and global exploration centuries ago building up western civilization, they would have done all the same things they now want us to atone for, because, it's HUMAN NATURE.

What a disgusting propaganda cartoon.
This is what you get Sass when you get a bunch of radical stupid progs together, let them amass enough wealth to gain influence and control in a big media company! And guess what? No matter how much whites or whomever "atone" for being HUMAN, their demands will never go away, you will never repay your debts, there will never be peace with them, they just want to control more and more until it is THEY who control and run things, then they will practice prejudice, racism and supremacy on you! Like you have never seen! They are already trying to do it. Why? Because that is HUMAN NATURE.
In other words, HUMAN NATURE. The Loonie Left want us to change human nature, to apologize for it, so that they can do the all the same things all over again to others, too, because, its HUMAN NATURE.

Had Blacks discovered sailing and global exploration building up western civilization, they would have done all the same things they now want us to atone for, because, it's HUMAN NATURE.

This is what you get Sass when you get a bunch of radical stupid progs together, let them amass enough wealth to gain influence and control in a big media company! And guess what? No matter how much whites or whomever "atone" for being HUMAN, their demands will never go away, you will never repay your debts, there will never be peace with them, they just want to more and more until it is THEY who control and run things, then they will practice prejudice, racism and supremacy on you! They are already doing it. Why? Because that is HUMAN NATURE.

Racial preference is hard wired into the human.

I think someone has to twist their mind pretty hard to convince themselves otherwise.

Maybe that's what makes the leftist automatons so hateful.

Racial preference is hard wired into the human.
It is part of the inherent survival mechanism. People prefer what they know: the familiar. So whites will prefer whites, blacks prefer blacks, just as you tend to hang out with people with similar tastes in food, movies, hobbies and interests. It is all very basic. And HUMAN. It is what Nature intended.

I think someone has to twist their mind pretty hard to convince themselves otherwise.
It begins with sedition of a few others by someone looking to disrupt society, probably a soviet or Chinese operative. They get a few on board with their ideology by appealing to weak and troubled minds using HUMAN psychology, and then like a cancer, it spreads.

And who are most susceptible? The YOUNG. Because they just don't know any better. Look at who most of the leftwing activists are! So naturally now they are going after the children, programming them before they are old enough and have a chance to develop their own attitudes and ideas.

I'd love to go into a classroom with a groomer trying to program little kids. I could open those kid's eyes to the malarkey and have them realize it is all HOGWASH in 5 minutes! Why? Because even little kids have an inherent bullshit-rejection system built into them given half the chance to use it. That's why beyond a certain age, you can no longer convince kids that there really is a Santa who comes down the chimney delivering toys.

So now you basically have the two parties:
  1. Normal people who tend to be conservative who want to contribute to a healthy working system.
  2. Malcontents who gavitate to the democrat party because of the promise of change and upheaval.
It is part of the inherent survival mechanism. People prefer what they know: the familiar. So whites will prefer whites, blacks prefer blacks, just as you tend to hang out with people with similar tastes in food, movies, hobbies and interests. It is all very basic. And HUMAN. It is what Nature intended.

It begins with sedition of a few others by someone looking to disrupt society, probably a soviet or Chinese operative. They get a few on board with their ideology by appealing to weak and troubled minds using HUMAN psychology, and then like a cancer, it spreads.

And who are most susceptible? The YOUNG. Because they just don't know any better. Look at who most of the leftwing activists are! So naturally now they are going after the children, programming them before they are old enough and have a chance to develop their own attitudes and ideas.

I'd love to go into a classroom with a groomer trying to program little kids. I could open those kid's eyes to the malarkey and have them realize it is all HOGWASH in 5 minutes! Why? Because even little kids have an inherent bullshit-rejection system built into them given half the chance to use it. That's why beyond a certain age, you can no longer convince kids that there really is a Santa who comes down the chimney delivering toys.

So now you basically have the two parties:
  1. Normal people who tend to be conservative who want to contribute to a healthy working system.
  2. Malcontents who gavitate to the democrat party because of the promise of change and upheaval.

I just wonder why the blacks are never coerced out of the normal pattern of tending to prefer the company of one's own kind. I lived in integrated neighborhoods for several years, and the blacks made it clear that they never felt the desire to step out of their self-segregating social patterns.

What a disgusting propaganda cartoon.

Lincoln didn't free the slaves? Really?

Disney slammed for 'anti-White propaganda' new The Proud Family reboot


Our daughter loved this show back in the day....it was mostly about a black family. Not THIS.

But of course Woke ruined everything.

When they teach the young these inflammatory lies, do they also teach them about the resistance that they will inevitably run into? I really doubt it.

Because they will. And they will not like the result. This is like handing children matches and gas and expecting them to not get burned. They will fuck with someone tougher and get hurt.

This is child abuse.

I just wonder why the blacks are never coerced out of the normal pattern of tending to prefer the company of one's own kind. I lived in integrated neighborhoods for several years, and the blacks made it clear that they never felt the desire to step out of their self-segregating social patterns.

That is the Big Lie of the Left: Racism.
  • You have BET Black Entertainment Television, you have the Black Caucus, you have Black Studies in every university, and a hundred other racially-driven things.
  • Meantime you have NOTHING White now. White is BAD. All they give you, the people who created the western civilization that everyone wants and comes to, they've given you White Supremacism, White Privilege, and Making America Great Again (all negative to them).
Meantime, look at what the Latinos have created. Look at what the African nations have created. Even look at what much (most?) of the Middles East and Eastern nations have created? Where are most of the impoverished, starving people?

You can bet none of them are working to be making America great again! To them, a great America now is an America of minorities hostile to white people--- not for anything they have done but JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE BORN WHITE. And history shows that to be a recipe for disaster.

That is everything MLK Jr. actually stood AGAINST.

There, THAT is your real racism: whites, having carved a path to the top of the mountain for themselves first now trying to now help others up to the top as well, and then you have the vicious minority activist groups hellbent on blaming whites for their success trying to dismantle everything good and pull them down for a world that will simply crumble and fail to exist under their plan to now lead a world THEY DID NOT CREATE.
What a disgusting propaganda cartoon.

Lincoln didn't free the slaves? Really?

Disney slammed for 'anti-White propaganda' new The Proud Family reboot

Protesters should surround the place while Desantis picks them apart piece by piece.
Woke companies like Disney are being trained by esg scores via the world economic forum to rewrite American history in order to change western countries. Politicians that are part of them also push this like al gore. And the super rich that are a part of them use their money and power to do it also like claus schaub and bill gates.


I just wonder why the blacks are never coerced out of the normal pattern of tending to prefer the company of one's own kind. I lived in integrated neighborhoods for several years, and the blacks made it clear that they never felt the desire to step out of their self-segregating social patterns.


Blacks on the whole tend to be basic creatures. That's why you always seeing them doing criminal shit, why they are loud and emotional and quick to get mad, why they always have such such trashy and attention getting clothes and hairstyles because they peacock all the time, why throughout the history of the world they never had their own civilized and 1st world country, why they throughout mankind's history they have contributed very very little in engineering or medicine or technology or aerospace or electrical, it's why most blacks that have been famous for achieving something have done so in a white founded country, and so on. They are for lack of a better world savages. Not all are, but most of them are.

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