Ted Cruz says Grammys are evil in response to performance

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Apparently one bloke dressed up as the devil and did a dance in a cage or something.

The artists are delighted at the extra attention that he has brought them. Kerching !!

The fake christians have never understood art or rock and roll have th.ey ? Cruz would gave been condemning Elvis and Little Richard back in the day.

Until one of them said something mean about Mrs Cruz. Then Ted would have rolled over so that they could rub his belly..

I wonder what Ted would have made of Paradise Lost ? Beelzebub is the hero of that poem and he gets all .the best lines..

The loony right makes an ass of itself again.

Apparently one bloke dressed up as the devil and did a dance in a cage or something.

The artists are delighted at the extra attention that he has brought them. Kerching !!

The fake christians have never understood art or rock and roll have th.ey ? Cruz would gave been condemning Elvis and Little Richard back in the day.

Until one of them said something mean about Mrs Cruz. Then Ted would have rolled over so that they could rub his belly..

I wonder what Ted would have made of Paradise Lost ? Beelzebub is the hero of that poem and he gets all .the best lines..

The loony right makes an ass of itself again.
Elvis and Little Richard were artists.
Flopping around like a demon isn't art. It's IN YOUR FACE perversion.
Anyone with half a brain can tell the difference.


The music industry is going into the sewer and The Grammys pretty much put a stake in the heart of the show and turned off anyone wanting to watch it in the future.
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Elvis and Little Richard were artists.
Flopping around like a demon isn't art. It's IN YOUR FACE perversion.
Anyone with half a brain can tell the difference.

The music industry is going into the sewer and The Grammys pretty much put a stake in the heart of the show and turned off anyone wanting to watch it in the future.
You sound like an old conservative. Why dont you ban it ?
The Grammys are trash,

The whole shebaz is all about the industry patting itself on the back and celebrating the most insipid aspects of the culture surrounding the music.
I'm in the younger generation but hate the music of this era.
If you haven't seen the offensive performance, don't comment on it. It was utterly grotesque. A homely fat man dancing around in a demonic-themed, quasi-sexual orgy.

If one is not already brain-dead, things like this compel one to ponder what is the purpose of music.

This ain't it.

It has been reported that about 12 million American residents viewed it...out of a population of 335 million souls, more or less. I suppose that's a good thing; rejected by 96% of the target audience.
I miss the days when Alison Krauss would clean house. She had two nominations the other night, but the wins went to the less talented which is how it has been for over a decade now. Alison's last Grammy award triumph was in early 2012 for her album named Paper Airplane.

God bless you and the angel always!!!

Holly (a fan of her since 1994)
The establishment doing satanic shit on TV ...oh I'm shocked


No one watched the Grammies besides hepatitis fags,dopey white girls and maybe some brown people...normies don't even tune in anymore
You sound like an old conservative. Why dont you ban it ?
Maybe so....but I don't believe in acting like you Democrats and banning what I don't like.
The more you leftists sink into the sewer the less people are going to want to see it and reckognize it for what it is.
Ugly-degenerate entertainment has a way of cancelling itself out.
Nobody wants to see a bunch of fat, sickening people flopping around on stage.

Elvis and Little Richard were artists.
Flopping around like a demon isn't art. It's IN YOUR FACE perversion.
Anyone with half a brain can tell the difference.

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The music industry is going into the sewer and The Grammys pretty much put a stake in the heart of the show and turned off anyone wanting to watch it in the future.
Conservatives hated Little Richard back then....Conservatives even attacked Elvis in his early days..

"When the 'establishment' accused Elvis Presley of being vulgar, of being deliberately sexual, they did not mean this. This was the cover for what was really meant, what was really feared, and that was that Elvis would lead to equal rights and racial integration. And not just Elvis any white person singing rock 'n' roll."

now today's Conservatives have to pretend that the artists of the past were always great and well liked....history says otherwise....no wonder you folks are so triggered by people learning it...
Conservatives hated Little Richard back then....Conservatives even attacked Elvis in his early days..

"When the 'establishment' accused Elvis Presley of being vulgar, of being deliberately sexual, they did not mean this. This was the cover for what was really meant, what was really feared, and that was that Elvis would lead to equal rights and racial integration. And not just Elvis any white person singing rock 'n' roll."

now today's Conservatives have to pretend that the artists of the past were always great and well liked....history says otherwise....no wonder you folks are so triggered by people learning it...
Conservatives in the 60s were Democrats.
Democrats have always hated anything that offends them or they find problematic.
Now what offends them is America and white people.

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