Disney admits it has suffered for its culture war


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

As Disney tries to convert as many children into their woke cult, it appears they have suffered financially for it. This just shows that they are more interested in indoctrination than they are making money.

Disney suffered a 14% decrease in domestic advertising revenue due to fewer impressions.

Disney revealed that ESPN subscribers decreased by 7% from the previous year.

The company noted that costs of products have increased by 11% – in part due to inflation.

Walt Disney Company admitted that engaging in culture wars has inflicted major impacts across the board.

"We face risks relating to misalignment with public and consumer tastes and preferences for entertainment, travel and consumer products, which impact demand for our entertainment offerings and products and the profitability of any of our businesses," the SEC filing stated. "Our businesses create entertainment, travel and consumer products whose success depends substantially on consumer tastes and preferences that change in often unpredictable ways."

Disney said the "misalignment" with its consumers has impacted "broadcast, cable, theaters, internet or mobile technology, and used in theme park attractions, hotels and other resort facilities and travel experiences and consumer products."

Disney said its products are sometimes "introduced into a significantly different market or economic or social climate from the one we anticipated at the time of the investment decisions."

The entertainment conglomerate confessed that its environmental and social goals present "risks."

"Further, consumers’ perceptions of our position on matters of public interest, including our efforts to achieve certain of our environmental and social goals, often differ widely and present risks to our reputation and brands," Disney admitted. "Consumer tastes and preferences impact, among other items, revenue from advertising sales (which are based in part on ratings for the programs in which advertisements air), affiliate fees, subscription fees, theatrical film receipts, the license of rights to other distributors, theme park admissions, hotel room charges and merchandise, food and beverage sales, sales of licensed consumer products or sales of our other consumer products and services."

Disney said its leisure business is affected by various factors, including health concerns and the political environment.

As Disney tries to convert as many children into their woke cult, it appears they have suffered financially for it. This just shows that they are more interested in indoctrination than they are making money.

Disney suffered a 14% decrease in domestic advertising revenue due to fewer impressions.

Disney revealed that ESPN subscribers decreased by 7% from the previous year.

The company noted that costs of products have increased by 11% – in part due to inflation.

Walt Disney Company admitted that engaging in culture wars has inflicted major impacts across the board.

"We face risks relating to misalignment with public and consumer tastes and preferences for entertainment, travel and consumer products, which impact demand for our entertainment offerings and products and the profitability of any of our businesses," the SEC filing stated. "Our businesses create entertainment, travel and consumer products whose success depends substantially on consumer tastes and preferences that change in often unpredictable ways."

Disney said the "misalignment" with its consumers has impacted "broadcast, cable, theaters, internet or mobile technology, and used in theme park attractions, hotels and other resort facilities and travel experiences and consumer products."

Disney said its products are sometimes "introduced into a significantly different market or economic or social climate from the one we anticipated at the time of the investment decisions."

The entertainment conglomerate confessed that its environmental and social goals present "risks."

"Further, consumers’ perceptions of our position on matters of public interest, including our efforts to achieve certain of our environmental and social goals, often differ widely and present risks to our reputation and brands," Disney admitted. "Consumer tastes and preferences impact, among other items, revenue from advertising sales (which are based in part on ratings for the programs in which advertisements air), affiliate fees, subscription fees, theatrical film receipts, the license of rights to other distributors, theme park admissions, hotel room charges and merchandise, food and beverage sales, sales of licensed consumer products or sales of our other consumer products and services."

Disney said its leisure business is affected by various factors, including health concerns and the political environment.
Cultural changes don’t come easy. Takes brave people choosing what right over profits. Same happened during integration and civil rights.

Thanks for pointing that out

As Disney tries to convert as many children into their woke cult, it appears they have suffered financially for it. This just shows that they are more interested in indoctrination than they are making money.

Disney suffered a 14% decrease in domestic advertising revenue due to fewer impressions.

Disney revealed that ESPN subscribers decreased by 7% from the previous year.

The company noted that costs of products have increased by 11% – in part due to inflation.

Walt Disney Company admitted that engaging in culture wars has inflicted major impacts across the board.

"We face risks relating to misalignment with public and consumer tastes and preferences for entertainment, travel and consumer products, which impact demand for our entertainment offerings and products and the profitability of any of our businesses," the SEC filing stated. "Our businesses create entertainment, travel and consumer products whose success depends substantially on consumer tastes and preferences that change in often unpredictable ways."

Disney said the "misalignment" with its consumers has impacted "broadcast, cable, theaters, internet or mobile technology, and used in theme park attractions, hotels and other resort facilities and travel experiences and consumer products."

Disney said its products are sometimes "introduced into a significantly different market or economic or social climate from the one we anticipated at the time of the investment decisions."

The entertainment conglomerate confessed that its environmental and social goals present "risks."

"Further, consumers’ perceptions of our position on matters of public interest, including our efforts to achieve certain of our environmental and social goals, often differ widely and present risks to our reputation and brands," Disney admitted. "Consumer tastes and preferences impact, among other items, revenue from advertising sales (which are based in part on ratings for the programs in which advertisements air), affiliate fees, subscription fees, theatrical film receipts, the license of rights to other distributors, theme park admissions, hotel room charges and merchandise, food and beverage sales, sales of licensed consumer products or sales of our other consumer products and services."

Disney said its leisure business is affected by various factors, including health concerns and the political environment.
Same thing happened during the Civil Rights period. Showing blacks in a favorable light was met with public outrage in certain sectors.

Sometimes, you have to tell the bigots to go fuk themselves
Their latest, Wish, just bombed at the box office over the weekend. Nobody expects Disney crap to be any good anymore.

As Disney tries to convert as many children into their woke cult, it appears they have suffered financially for it. This just shows that they are more interested in indoctrination than they are making money.

Disney suffered a 14% decrease in domestic advertising revenue due to fewer impressions.

Disney revealed that ESPN subscribers decreased by 7% from the previous year.

The company noted that costs of products have increased by 11% – in part due to inflation.

Walt Disney Company admitted that engaging in culture wars has inflicted major impacts across the board.

"We face risks relating to misalignment with public and consumer tastes and preferences for entertainment, travel and consumer products, which impact demand for our entertainment offerings and products and the profitability of any of our businesses," the SEC filing stated. "Our businesses create entertainment, travel and consumer products whose success depends substantially on consumer tastes and preferences that change in often unpredictable ways."

Disney said the "misalignment" with its consumers has impacted "broadcast, cable, theaters, internet or mobile technology, and used in theme park attractions, hotels and other resort facilities and travel experiences and consumer products."

Disney said its products are sometimes "introduced into a significantly different market or economic or social climate from the one we anticipated at the time of the investment decisions."

The entertainment conglomerate confessed that its environmental and social goals present "risks."

"Further, consumers’ perceptions of our position on matters of public interest, including our efforts to achieve certain of our environmental and social goals, often differ widely and present risks to our reputation and brands," Disney admitted. "Consumer tastes and preferences impact, among other items, revenue from advertising sales (which are based in part on ratings for the programs in which advertisements air), affiliate fees, subscription fees, theatrical film receipts, the license of rights to other distributors, theme park admissions, hotel room charges and merchandise, food and beverage sales, sales of licensed consumer products or sales of our other consumer products and services."

Disney said its leisure business is affected by various factors, including health concerns and the political environment.
Disney is just about dead.
Their latest movies have been too expensive for the flops in the box office and on their channel. The Marvel franchise has been doing worse and worse to the point that every latest one is still in the red ink.
Then there's the bad PR about giving Scarlett Johansson the shaft with her paycheck. (People still like her by far comparison of other female leads in the franchise)

Boys and their dogs against the wilderness was once a huge success....now it's transgender somethings and their androgynous robots beating the odds and winning against the nuclear, normal families? (Using magic and technology as a huge plot easy button)

First off stable families economically are the ONLY ones in American society that have surpluss cash...the single parent families are usually broke. The transgender families are usually one half-step away from homelessness. (if not currently homeless)

Movies are entertainment, not platforms for social agenda preaching of ideals that will never exist. It's supposed to reflect the culture that exists and they idealized...not the fantasies of a few progressives that can't figure out what a boy or girl is.
Disney is just about dead.
Their latest movies have been too expensive for the flops in the box office and on their channel. The Marvel franchise has been doing worse and worse to the point that every latest one is still in the red ink.
Then there's the bad PR about giving Scarlett Johansson the shaft with her paycheck. (People still like her by far comparison of other female leads in the franchise)

Boys and their dogs against the wilderness was once a huge success....now it's transgender somethings and their androgynous robots beating the odds and winning against the nuclear, normal families? (Using magic and technology as a huge plot easy button)

First off stable families economically are the ONLY ones in American society that have surpluss cash...the single parent families are usually broke. The transgender families are usually one half-step away from homelessness. (if not currently homeless)

Movies are entertainment, not platforms for social agenda preaching of ideals that will never exist. It's supposed to reflect the culture that exists and they idealized...not the fantasies of a few progressives that can't figure out what a boy or girl is.
Once your focus is to sell a message, it becomes exponentially harder to entertain people, because that is no longer your primary focus.
Cultural changes don’t come easy. Takes brave people choosing what right over profits. Same happened during integration and civil rights.

Thanks for pointing that out
It comes easy for the Left. After convincing people that men can have babies and convince people they no longer know what a woman actually is,, I'm convinced there is nothing the Left and their army of propagandists cannot force you to believe.

That is, people who cannot think for themselves.
First off stable families economically are the ONLY ones in American society that have surpluss cash...the single parent families are usually broke. The transgender families are usually one half-step away from homelessness. (if not currently homeless)
Great post John

This part in particular:

First off stable families economically are the ONLY ones in American society that have surpluss cash...the single parent families are usually broke. The transgender families are usually one half-step away from homelessness. (if not currently homeless)

Libs kill their children in the woman so they have to go after other people’s children instead if they want to grow their tribe
Once your focus is to sell a message, it becomes exponentially harder to entertain people, because that is no longer your primary focus.


It is Maoist in principle. During the cultural revolution all aspects of popular culture served the state, and no other was allowed. All forms of art of any sort were subjugated to the revolution as the revolution was all that mattered.

This current cultural revolution really isn't about one country, though, as it is globalist in nature.

It is Maoist in principle. During the cultural revolution all aspects of popular culture served the state, and no other was allowed. All forms of art of any sort were subjugated to the revolution as the revolution was all that mattered.

This current cultural revolution really isn't about one country, though, as it is globalist in nature.
Everything we do and say should elevate the Democrat party, otherwise, it needs to be censored and destroyed.
From the Bee

10 ways Disney hopes to raise revenue

  1. Raise movie ticket prices to $300 each: It's still one-third of the price of one ticket to Disneyland.
  2. Do an animated remake of a live-action remake of an animated original hit: Focus groups indicate people love these.
  3. Add a couple of zeroes to the earnings of every movie and hope nobody notices: Cooking the books works for every other industry.
  4. Thaw Walt Disney out of his deep freeze and put him in charge again: He'll know what to do!
  5. Digitally add Baby Yoda to every film and TV series: Baby Yoda makes everything better.
  6. Release Frozen in theaters again: See it for the 1,000th time, but on the BIG SCREEN!
  7. Call George Lucas back and try to sell Star Wars back to him for a profit: C'mon, George, you know you want it back.
  8. Sell raffle tickets to let one lucky fan slap Rian Johnson: You'll sell millions of them.
  9. All executives must now bring their own snacks to their weekly satanic rituals: With as often as the company has these shindigs, they'll make their money back in no time.
  10. Go back to actually making original, entertaining, wholesome movies that are great for the entire family: Nah, just kidding.
It comes easy for the Left. After convincing people that men can have babies and convince people they no longer know what a woman actually is,, I'm convinced there is nothing the Left and their army of propagandists cannot force you to believe.

That is, people who cannot think for themselves.
It's not even that (which is also problematic) it's the poor scripts.
Writing good stories involves things like plot, character development and struggling.
Every movie lately has huge plot holes, cardboard cutouts for characters, and the struggles have been reduced to mild disappointments. Nothing that can be related to in anyone's personal life.

These elements of stories have been proven over the years with every successful story over the centuries. Whether written in books or whatever....
Nobody identifies with the characters or their "struggles ". Why would I take a child to a movie to see about side subjects that I find objectionable to begin with?

They might have bought the Star Wars franchise but they have basically destroyed it too with Mandalorian.

Wandavision was another disaster to the Marvel's story line that they keep repeating to the point that it's an ecological Armageddon.

Cars, A Bugs Life, Lion King, and Toy Story were originally entertaining and somewhat relatable characters....but they destroyed those franchises as well. Frozen was not the start of a downhill slide....it was the death knell of it. It demonstrated perfectly their issues with creating human characters that people (especially children) could identify with or that with hard work and perseverance a person could actually succeed. Instead it's all magic or a technology "easy button" that the characters find which solves all their problems (which nobody understood to begin with)

"Ready Player One" was a decent story line that with a little help could have been a great Disney movie. But no, they passed on it because it had too normal of people in it that could be relatable to your average person. (And by "help " I mean help like Hunger Games received...the books were trash and the movies better than the books)

Disney is too big and bloated and the entrenched "special snowflakes " are going to destroy the giant.
Same thing happened during the Civil Rights period. Showing blacks in a favorable light was met with public outrage in certain sectors.

Sometimes, you have to tell the bigots to go fuk themselves
At the same time, we are in real decline. Just saying. That is more and more people depending on government for checks and benefits and to survive as taxes march on higher and higher. Thank gaia for all of the foreign slaves making those products for us that Progs never talk about.
It comes easy for the Left. After convincing people that men can have babies and convince people they no longer know what a woman actually is,, I'm convinced there is nothing the Left and their army of propagandists cannot force you to believe.

That is, people who cannot think for themselves.
Beliefs aren’t forced. Sorry you don’t get it. I can tell by the way you inaccurately regurgitate these things that you are very confused
It's not even that (which is also problematic) it's the poor scripts.
Writing good stories involves things like plot, character development and struggling.
Every movie lately has huge plot holes, cardboard cutouts for characters, and the struggles have been reduced to mild disappointments. Nothing that can be related to in anyone's personal life.

These elements of stories have been proven over the years with every successful story over the centuries. Whether written in books or whatever....
Nobody identifies with the characters or their "struggles ". Why would I take a child to a movie to see about side subjects that I find objectionable to begin with?

They might have bought the Star Wars franchise but they have basically destroyed it too with Mandalorian.

Wandavision was another disaster to the Marvel's story line that they keep repeating to the point that it's an ecological Armageddon.

Cars, A Bugs Life, Lion King, and Toy Story were originally entertaining and somewhat relatable characters....but they destroyed those franchises as well. Frozen was not the start of a downhill slide....it was the death knell of it. It demonstrated perfectly their issues with creating human characters that people (especially children) could identify with or that with hard work and perseverance a person could actually succeed. Instead it's all magic or a technology "easy button" that the characters find which solves all their problems (which nobody understood to begin with)

"Ready Player One" was a decent story line that with a little help could have been a great Disney movie. But no, they passed on it because it had too normal of people in it that could be relatable to your average person. (And by "help " I mean help like Hunger Games received...the books were trash and the movies better than the books)

Disney is too big and bloated and the entrenched "special snowflakes " are going to destroy the giant.
Agree…..the problem with Disney is too many sequels and reboots.
They have beat the Marvel Universe to death
Star Wars has played out and they keep trying to revive it with side stories and knock offs
Disney cartoons/computer animations are just reboots of old classics with live action.
Whenever they try a new story line, it just flops.

I think the market is saturated
We all know the real reason Disney is failing. 18 dollars for a mix drink at Magic Kingdom? Hey Mickey, suck my cock.
Agree…..the problem with Disney is too many sequels and reboots.
They have beat the Marvel Universe to death
Star Wars has played out and they keep trying to revive it with side stories and knock offs
Disney cartoons/computer animations are just reboots of old classics with live action.
Whenever they try a new story line, it just flops.

I think the market is saturated
It's the sound, fresh new ideas that are being rejected. It's not a lack of them....and then the producers are the other half of the problem. JJ Abrams is the only successful producer...the others destroy the plots and characters. Focusing on the scenery in a movie for a third of it destroys the ability for character development, plot, and engaging the audience in the storyline. (I'll give you 3 guesses on which one did that) Which bloated the already oversized budget and made the movie a net loss.
We all know the real reason Disney is failing. 18 dollars for a mix drink at Magic Kingdom? Hey Mickey, suck my cock.
When was the last time Mickey was actually in a new movie?
How about Goofy or Donald Duck?

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